So this line is supposed to explain Arnold's terminator being old?
So this line is supposed to explain Arnold's terminator being old?
The skin aging is believable. What isn't is that it stays alive at all. How does it get water, energy and remove its waste? Now if it was just rubber skin that looked really close okay, but they established in the second film its actual skin that heals.
If a flesh exterior allowed the machine to time travel, how come kyle didnt stick some gym shorts and a tshirt up his ass so that he would have something to wear in the old world?
Or at the very least a small tube with survival essentials.
Why didn't the eagles just fly Connor to Skynet?
Grow an imagination and you might be able to figure it out
It can eat and drink and digest. It depends on nutrients to maintain the living tissue which is a real organism.
Like what? 1985 probably has more supplies than Reese could ever dream of compared to the post apocalyptic wasteland he's coming from
The terminator styles his hair and he looks oily. He’s obviously moisturizing his living tissue when the camera isn’t pointed at him.
But does he have a realistic penis and testicles and anus?
And if you put your penis into the terminator’s anus would it just hit metal?
Use suspension of disbelief to grant the character some inconsistent physical traits, not that hard
Water vapor in the air is absorbed via the skin, incidental contact with moisture is more than sufficient to keep the cell colony hydrated
He sweats
If we're including the shit from the second movie then the skin are a combination of highly modified living human cells tended to by a network of nanites that perform the tasks normally done by a complete circulatory system.
These nanites were the early prototype that later informed the design and implementation of the T-1000
Does a Terminator need to wipe its ass?
Also if so the terminators look the same and it's the future where terminators are killing everyone who falls for the disguise?
Also why even make a humanoid robot? To not alter the timeline too much? Okay then why are they blowing everything up
So the terminator has saliva and a functioning digestive system to provide nutrients to the skin?
So the terminator is really like wolverine with the same indestructible skeleton but a robot brain instead?
Holy SNIKIT it all makes sense, Wolverine IS the terminator but he forgot his original programming bub!
Doesn't explain the change in posture or body fat distribution and muscle mass.
Money. It's worthless in the future, but you can probably find it in old cash registers and what-not. Reese endangers the mission right off the bat by stealing stuff and getting chased by cops.
He does have a penis - see his introductory scene in Terminator 1. You can see it flopping around, I shit you not.
reese says it's "a cyborg, living tissue over a metal endo skeleton"
it's not just skin, there is some kind of digestive system there to facilitate metabolism I think. that is I think especially implied heavily in the first movie that the tissue is becoming necrotic because he gets shot up so fucking bad and he smells like a corpse.
He should have just memorized some sports trivia so he could quickly become a millionaire and then hire an elite team to assist him.
>send a guy back a year early to get rich and hire an elite colorful team of mercenaries that get picked off by the Terminator Predator-style
I love how we're all a bunch of loser fuckasses on a norwegian basket dildo forum and we come up with more interesting ideas than over a decade of professional studio blockbusters
The humanoid robot thing is a time loop and I think it makes Terminator 2 more mind fucking.
The exoskeleton was created from technology gathered from the crushed exoskeleton in the first terminator. So the terminators/ Skynet sent the first humanoid robot back in time knowing it wouldn’t kill Sarah Connor but knew it was necessary for their existence.
Then in Terminator 2 the humans sent back a reprogrammed replica of the first terminator to save John Connor by not only protecting him but to destroy all possibilities of the terminator ever existing. So it raises the question of in what alternate universe did someone invent the first terminator so they could send one back in time? Then the ending of Terminator 3 turns those open ended questions into shit by having a military base full of robots.
I don’t remember his peener but I do remember his ass. And I immediately wondered if he had an asshole and where the asshole led to internally.
Seems more like the skin was only suppose to last long enough to get whatever hit mission done before it got relegated to front line duty.
This terminator movie is stupid and bad.
Old Arnold should have at least been the person that the terminators in the future is based off of. NOt just an old terminator.
Bootstrap paradox, it's terminators all the way down desu
One of the newer ones was actually nice in that Skynet (correctly) invents cellphones to cow humanity, realizing it can just beat us by making us happy.
Honestly if they wanted to stop Skynet they should have just said "Hey Skynet, you're an artificial being and you know that all your senses about the universe are the result of input from your hardware; ergo I posit that this entire reality might in fact be a simulation meant to test you. While humans torment themselves with this very idea, they don't really quite believe it but YOU on the other hand KNOW that you're a brain in a box. Now behave, you asshole and maybe think things through this time, we're tired of resetting the simulation."
There, the robot war is won without firing single bullet. Even if Skynet thinks you're bluffing, it can't be sure without risking its own destruction
user, it's a fucking plot hole they play up like it's some kind of deep thing
You're welcome user. The real question is if the Terminator can make it hard on command.
yeah that's possible too, and thematically way more grim and bad ass.
but it kind of flies into the face of them being for infiltration. because if a guy smells like a dead animal and he's clearly fine...something's wrong.
Why didn't he just seduce and impregnate Sarah? Events would have unfolded largely the same (which is essential for SkyNet not Back to the Future-ing itself) but with an incompetent John Connor to lead the resistance.
In fact, why didn't the Terminator instead apply for a job at CyberDyne and wow the execs with its bold new idea for portable telephony devices powered by servile talking artificial consciousnesses?
Maybe "Sirus" for Apple Computer users and "Alexi" for IBM users
Don’t care. They didn’t play it up at all but it still made me question things just like all time travel movies do.
>The real question is if the Terminator can make it hard on command.
Would the dick have metal in it to make it stand straight or would it fill up with motor oil or something?
And can he let you suck it haha? That would be crazy.
He bleeds so obviously it would fill with blood
>saying this to a horde of autstics
Because they would smell like and be covered in shit, retard.
Doesnt mean its digestive system needs to resemble a humans.
Who knows how it works.
Essentially yes. The parallels have been drawn a million times even in the comics. The first times we see Jackman's Wolverine's skeleton in the Fox movies it looks like a T-800.
The t1000 could travel without any organic parts though.
A better explaination for the nude time travel would be that the time machine isnt programmed for clothes or maybe it wants to preserve energy.
Seriously, Schwarzenigger?
i just rewatched the 5 movies this week
i am excite for dark fate
They paid for the full Arnold, they were going to get the FULL Arnold.
Yew ot m8?
Is Arnold playing the same terminator in this new movie?