You're either in or you're out.
Ross from Friends is a scumbag piece of shit.
You're either in or you're out.
Ross from Friends is a scumbag piece of shit.
only semivirgins and women care about breaks, relationship ettiquete and all that shit
women are dogs
just be handsome and fuck her
Not even handsome, literally just appear smart and funny to them in some autistic woman way and they'll tether their soul to your whim.
i dropped my standards so hard though
im fucking a lot of ugly/semidecent girls
i suggest every incel user to do that.
every girl want experience even the shy ones
List these questions faggot.
They're better than 10/10s anyway because they're actual virgins or decent to spend time with.
Better looking women usually are worn out holes after college and know they don't have to try as hard. 7/10 is the sweetspot.
Nah. My job requires me to befriend underclassmen engineers so I get a lot of different dorky relationships.
>Cutie girl dates guy long distance and loves him although he's shorter than her and will make less money.
>Breaks up with her *over phone* *during exam week*
I swear I want to kill this Manlet. As a turbomanlet myself, I don't understand. The girl sent HIM GIFTS and she was BFFs with his mom.
>Guy and girl start dating first day of college. Both short, but the dude is a noodle
>I catch them fucking in the lounge at 4am
Good times, she had great tits. Lucky dude.
In my language you use the same word for these two things.
Women initiate most divorces and break ups, and they'll almost always have a guy lined up.
Everyone forgets that despite the whole thing being him being jealous of Mark, Rachel still had Mark around that night in her apartment of which Ross knew because he called her. Why this is never brought up in the show I understand, because the break thing is just simplified and memeified coz we can't just keep going over the complexities in the event. But overall, I eat cocks
>they'll almost always have a guy lined up.
heard my ex is happily married now
>you can have as much sex as you want with absolutely anyone at any time except when you enter a relationship because that's when it becomes an issue
What a moronic mentality.
thanks user
No u
Tried that, still didn't get messaged back
>there's no such thing as a break
I agree, which is why Ross correctly assumed the relatinship had ended and thus he could fuck any woman he wanted as he was no longer in a relationship.
>tfw you understand the nature of women, but you're ugly and can't take advantage of it
stings fellas
>not making peace with the fact you'll always be alone and instead appreciating the things you already have and try to find other joys in life
Which language?
my first question I ask on the first date
So femanon how many men have you been with.
I don't care about the number. I watch her reaction to my question.
Also stay away from sluts.
Based autist
I'm not ugly but I'm a retard
Easier said than done
>woman fucks around all the time with diffrent good looking men
>man fucks around all the time with diffrent good looking women
How can you preach for higher values among women when you worship degeneracy in men?
>I absolutely understand how women work
>I stilll can't get a woman because uh.........
Good job retard, now ugly girls expect an above average guy to fuck them.
>men and women are the same!
shut your whore mouth
This. Incels need to stop being socially and mentally retarded
Easier said than done
>just change your entire mental state bro its easy
Fuck off
This, it's like asking fags to stop being fags and trannies to stop being trannies. I'll do it when they do it.
incels are a mistake
>>but you're ugly
so asshurt you couldn't even finish the first sentence?
What's illogical about that?
Someone can think that celebritism is nepotistic without being capable of acquiring celebrity themselves...
It's called having the long end of the stick. .women have it too but in different situations .,divorce for example. You don't care about equity you're either a hive minded retarded guy who goes along wi th what meme , social media and reddit all say or a jew trying to ruin America even more by dividing its men and women. TISK TISK
Believe me, if there was a tiny chance i could get pregnant, or if i was as defenseless as women are, i would not be fucking around too much.
>every girl want experience even the shy ones
my sister married a guy who had never had a girlfriend before by age 23, I don't think it's that important actually.
Those questions seem ripped straight out of some lame rom-com
not an argument incel, again how can you preach for higher values while worshiping degeneracy at the same time?
>just be a loveable person and stupid women will love you
Correct, but that just makes Ross innocent because he wasn't seeing Rachel at the time when he slept with that woman.
>Not even handsome, literally just appear smart and funny to them in some autistic woman way and they'll tether their soul to your whim.
It's the other way around, if they find you attractive they'll laugh at your jokes, no matter how lame they are. Women don't actually understand humour.
lol not my problem
escorts are too expensive for me
just have the right facial structure bro
this, if you are handsome or rich or famous you can have the luxury of being boring in a relationship
tbqh i dont blame them, if i could date a boring version of isabela moner i would be extremely happy
>just have the right facial structure bro
yeah, for example the guy in your pic has one of the ugliest haircuts and it doesnt make a difference, he cant lose
If they were just on a break, Ross's behaviour would be inexcusable
when he called Rachel he became aware that Mark was at the apartment with her. This is inexcusable on Rachel's part. Mark is the source of the strife in their relationship and admits to having feelings for Rachel. It's entirely inappropriate for him to be alone in her apartment with her. Ross has every reason to believe they have already fucked
holy cope
gunther was an incel
>are you an alt-right member?
Explain poor ugly guys with good wives.
Extremely uncommon outliers
How many of those couples do you know in person?
>I respect all the beliefs
They're much more common than not. Simply go to any trailer park.
I can think of 17 just in the area.
Once you know their true nature, nothing can surprise you anymore
german, probably? geschieden und getrennt
>im fucking a lot of ugly girls
are you so bad at masturbating
>as a turbomanlet myself
>can't go five words without mentioning height
Yeah that checks out
Imagine living the cope life
What the fuck is wrong with your typing?
what a great idea for a conversation on a first date!
Politics! Stellar!
Well fuck, its pretty good to filter roasties. If it sparks her interest and she starts giving opinions like a /pol/ack when asked about the jews, you know its a red flag
depends what sort of woman. if you're white you can bag a pretty decent black or asian chick even if you look like shit and are autistic
What's wrong with talking about work?
There's a difference between being separated and being legally divorced.
>Where do you work?
>Oh, I don't work yet, But I finished my master degree a couple of years ago
>Oh excellent, what career?
>Gender Politics
Ask Ross
>and they'll almost always have a guy lined up
This one's actually true.
>Are you married?
>Questions to be asked on a first date
>Are you married?
What the fuck is this nonsense?
They even tried it with a hot guy who said he's a convicted sex criminal for raping children and they didn't give a fuck.
You can still get rejected by "ugly" girls user. I hate when people have me this advice because they assume I'm drooling over some super model when I just want someone to love me.
Perfectly reasonable question to ask, if someone feels uncomfortable answering it then that's a massive red flag.
Based and antithotpilled.
Best post in this thread, desu.
A lot of stuff to navigate in romantic relations, I'm glad I don't have a desperate desire to be with someone.
If they ask for a "short break" it means they have a guy lined up but aren't 100% secure in dumping your ass just yet. Maybe you're a good breadwinner or paying for her college.
Ask about their number. By far the most important question, since sluts can't pairbond anymore.
>implying that you shouldn't screen for leftist roasties when you're dating
I don't understand dating. I just stay mute and the girl gets bored. Why should I care about her dumb life. Fuck prostitutes instead.
Lock and key nigger
Why can't incels from /pol/ stay in their echo chamber?
sure but
dont make the mistake of thinking
"huh if this uggo rejected me that means i have no chance with an attractive girl"
wahhhh this is sexist and problematic, nazis!
Fragrance retardsex listed as major competitor to Soyuz
If i was a woman, id chose you. And id blow your mind
This pic makes me laugh my ass off
rent free
It's not degenerate when men do it because men and women are different
Incels look like this. Be weary of incels that look like this when you go see Joker in theatres because they might shoot up the room
Nah, it’s degenerate on both sides
But the pic isn’t a difference of questions, it’s a difference of answers.
I'll have to wait for some shitty korean camrip cos Im scared of some incel shooting the theater.
This is a new level of retard. They're evolving.
>cos Im scared
lol get a grip u little bitch
Asian boys are scared of everything.
to actually go through with something like that takes balls which girls like which attracts a potential gf
You sound absolutely autistic
it's easier for a woman to fuck lots of dudes than it is for a guy to fuck lots of women you fucking retard
but thats literally how it works
stop giving false hope
Trailer parks have a completely different set of rules and standards
How many of you have actually had sex or been in relationships?
Didn't Ross also drag out ending their accidental marriage and kept trying to get it annulled solely because he didn't want ANOTHER divorce on his conscience, completely disregarding Rachel's wants and feelings? He's a total scumbag piece of shit and them getting together in the finale ruined the whole fucking show.
Do you have a cleaner picture of the spaghetti explosion on the right?
Almost any woman can get laid any time she likes. There are a few rare exceptions of absolute abominations, but even the most greasy fatty can get dick at a moment's notice. Most men can't. Again there are exceptions, but the average guy can't get laid whenever he wants. A guy fucking lots of chicks, especially hot chicks, is a much greater achievement than a woman spreading her legs. It's still degenerate though