Respectfully, why don't you go back to where you came from, fish-guts!
fuck you james deen
i wonder if he rubs his penis against lobsters heads haha
is Deep posting becoming a thing?
It wasn't on porpoise.
sarcastically, I'm in charge
nah. forced as fuck
Listen, right, how about I take your orange fucking friend here and shove him up your fairy ass.
Oh I'm sorry sweetheart, why don't you come sit down with me and we can talk about it.
t. amazon overworked employees
shut the FUCK up
the british say arse and also oi mate not "listen"
It's a new animal cruelty law. Too many people were taking live lobsters home to molest them... sexually. so now they are required to humanly put the animals down before giving them to customers
i wonder how many dolphins seaboy has abused through his career
Good show. Please put money into my account Amazon
being Deep is suffering
eh tricks starlight and fucks blowholes and doesnt afraid of anything except homelander
>eh tricks starlight
so one forced shitty blow job is worth getting sent to Sandusky over?
He shud rly hit the breaks on that
it's 2019 bro, we're a post-metoo society and shit bro
why does everyone give the deep so much shit? he's supposedly one of the strongest superheroes in america, he looks weak compared to homolander but he's still stronger than 99% of all superheroes
t. the deep
I'm stronger than all of the women in my office but they still make fun of me
perhaps you should kick their asses to drive the point home, user
They use the coffeemaker I have access to after they go home
It could be worse
Unironically if someone orders a lobster you shouldn’t just kill it. I worked in seafood and customers generally want it alive so they can have it as fresh as possible.
I'll kill whatever the fuck I want, fishfag.
*snaps fingers*
*half of all lobsters in the tank die*
retard should have just said I want that lobster ALIVE
you'll accept what i give you
Because I am the god of these lobsters. I feed them. I give them a home. I raise them until they are ready for their final purpose. My gloved hand is the grim reaper.
You ask why I killed that lobster? It's simple. To put fear in their tiny crustacean hearts. To keep them in line.
They shall see that this is the faith that awaits all of them and they shall know once my hand reaches for them, their fate is sealed.
You wanna know something else? I don't even sell all of these lobsters. Usually one or two are left, I always make sure of that, so the next day they can tell the newcomers what awaits them.
Now you want some homemade sauce with that?
>Homelander is bulletproof and can punch a guy and knock him a block away
>Maeve can stop a speeding semi truck by standing in front of it
>Noir can fight the female hand to hand
>Translucent laughs off a 50 Cal
>A train can backhand a girl through a concrete wall
>Starlight can lift the back end of a car and punch holes in walls as a warm-up, and 50 Cal bullets can't even break her skin
>The Deep? He can beat up unpowered humans
Dude's a fucking joke
>can communicate with cetaceans
>can breathe underwater and swim really well
>powerful enough to deal with underwater animal threats
His powers let him be just a dude in the underwater realm and I envy him. I bet he just wants to fuck off from human society and chill with orcas and smash thicc blowholes.
what do you think his arc in season 2 will be? Because he didn't really accomplish much in s1, apart from being completely humilated every step of the way. I feel all this embarrasment will be setting him up for some redemption eventually.
Everything goes wrong, shit keeps getting piled on him, and he dies, and he deserves it because he talked a girl into blowing him and that's super problematic
daily reminder that if you think Butcher is a cool character you're literally and unironically a cuck sympathizer L O L
In the comics he bashed an infants head in with a lamp because it wasn't his
Wow comics must be cool