What makes Rey a Mary Sue but doesn't make Anakin a Gary Stu?
Aren't they essentially the same overpowered edgy characters?
What makes Rey a Mary Sue but doesn't make Anakin a Gary Stu?
Aren't they essentially the same overpowered edgy characters?
Other urls found in this thread:
Anakin had 10+ years of training with some of the best Jedi masters the universe.
He also got his ass kicked a lot
weren't the sequel movies supposed to be better than the prequels?
anakin fails many times, is defeated too
Anakin was also a Gary Stu in the Phantom Menace.
But the movie sucks and it was hated for years, at least until the even worse Disney sequels came out.
In the other two parts of his trilogy he actually gets beaten really bad by the end of the movie so hi's Garystuness is toned down.
Because the ONLY reason they wrote rey the way they did is cos lefties are too fragile to see a women in any role other than "the best and most greatest, and fuck guys especially white ones, also I'm hot but not super hot because that would be objectifying women-est of them all"
he eventually becomes vader who is the biggest bitch boy in all of star wars
>I haven't seen the new movies and haven't seen how utterly worthless and pathetic Kylo-Ren is
prepare for kino escalation
he isn't a cripple, is actually in charge, and survived killing his master
Villains can work with god powers, and Anakin's above average abilities lead to arrogance which lead to his flirtation with the dark side. Rey has no character.
Anakin failed constantly and was hated by most everyone. Rey is just this tourist who tags along with everyone else who is actually doing something. She just picks up a lightsaber and instantly can face trained soldiers and people who have practiced for years. Characters treat her like they've known her for years when they just met a day ago. There is nothing organic about it.
How many lightsaber fights does Luke get in A New Hope?
maybe everyone does know her but she has revan amnesia
he had an intense fight with that remote while covering his eyes
Anikin murdered kids and is evil lol, pretty sure those are flaws
He acts crippled cause hes clearly got mental problems about mommy and daddy not loving him. In charge cause the some literal no body that was his master is just as pathetic as him.
Hes a shit character in a shit movie
>Hes a shit character in a shit movie
does anybody actually deny this?
Anakin pays the price for his hubris
Rey won't
cope more Anakincuck, your fave went Dark because Obi-Wan fucked his wife lmaooooo
Anakin isn't perfect, he is an angsty little shit suffering from mental issues.
Kylo has already surpassed Anakin in many ways and they can't stand it!
Rey is a Mary Sue because she never fails, and when she does "fail" there are never any big or lasting consequences for her failures. She also makes everyone she meets love her instantly. She's a blackhole.
>wait a minute, that nose...
>it's another powerful=Mary Sue episode
Anakin was obnoxious and poorly written, but he wasn't a Gary Stu. Anakin had personal hardships that changed him, a goal beyond generic "I do good, I must save the day", a personal set of beliefs and ideologies, his peers and higher ups didn't hand him everything on a platter, and in the end he got duped and he destroyed his life out of a genuine good desire that got twisted by his personal failings and by an evil space wizard. It was all really poorly written and executed, but it was there. The idea is good. He's not a Gary Stu. Meanwhile Rey is good at everything she needs to do instantly and everyone likes her upon meeting her and she's the center of attention every time she's on screen. I don't even know why I replied to this thread because it's a bait thread and I'm just pissing in the ocean, but here we are.
Anakin Lost his hand, Rey didnt.
Anakin is evil and Rey would never be
Anakin lost a lot, he even lost the high ground and became a mechanical monster
Anakin was a slave, got his arm cut off, failed to save his mom, failed to save his wife, failed to obtain the high ground and defeat his old master, got the rest of his limbs cut off, got his dick and balls burned off, failed his own apprentice, failed to secure the sith super weapon on malachor, failed to decisively defeat the Ghost crew, failed to stop the death star plans from being stolen, failed to save the death star, failed to capture Luke, failed to convert Luke and fucked up the special editions by being his younger self as a force ghost. How is any of that a Gary Stu?
Everyone openly mocks how creepy and weird he is throughout AotC, despite being the chosen one and being trained for 10 years under Yoda and Obi-Wan, he still gets his ass beat in the final confrontations of AotC and RotS and pays for it hard with the need of massive cybernetic enhancements, and in his first appearance he gets defeated by a surprise shot from Han/Chewie. He's powerful, but he's far from infallible.
>failed to obtain the high ground and defeat his old master
this is why in their rematch on the Death Star he decides to confront him in a perfectly level hallway, where being taller gives him a persistent high ground bonus
but Obi-wan tricked him once again by taking the moral high ground
Didn't she already beat the main bad guy like twice?
She's not even hot she's just average looking.
Hiring hot actresses is sexist
Especially the one with big boobs.
Anakin loses most of his fights.
Anakin is overpowered but he was manipulated like a bitch, Jedi Council didn't trust him and Obi-Wan rekt him.
It's amazing how most people don't get what a Mary Sue is. The average IQ is getting lower I swear
Rey is fucking the white guy alright.
Most people on the internet now were born after 9/11, and the rest only found out about the internet after buying smartphones. It's even funnier when you hear sexism accusations about the Mary Sue term, when it was invented by a woman to mock women who were writing shitty star trek fanfiction in the 70's.
Because Anakin, with years and years of training still gets his ass beaten by Count Dooku. He's manipulated by Palpatine throughout the trilogy. He loses to Obi-Wan and becomes a cripple. He isn't trusted by the council. Compare that to Rey who wins her first lightsaber fight. Resists Kylo's mindrape without prior training. Joins the fight because she's just a good person. Beats up 4 people with her staff. Can understand Droid and wookie. Can fly the millennium falcon without prior flight traning. Outmaneuvers trained pilots. Is loved by everyone instantly, even the goddamn villain wants her to join him.
Mary Sue is a blanket term. There are many different kinds and Rey absolutely qualifies as a blackhole Mary Sue among others.
The reasons for that are demographical.
When I originally watched the OT back in the day I thought him turning to the dark side was simply related to PTSD from the clone wars. It turned out that most things that got under his skin weren't war-related.
*umbrella term
heheh blankets
>Anakin is a good pilot because he was a pro racer.
>Anakin is a good fighter because ObiWan trained him for years
>Rey is a good pilot and fighter because?
A guy who failed at every turn to live up to the expectations placed on him vs some junk trader fixing the Falcon better than the old owner, beating a trained martial artist with one hand behind his back, and taking on a room full of specially trained soldiers trained in beating force users to a pulp after a few weeks of waving her glow stick at a rock for training.
They're exactly the same!
Thanks for writing a more compelling and relevant Darth Vader story in that paragraph than Lucas did in three movies.
I don't understand why people want Palpatine to be interested or connected to Rey. That would just make her an even bigger Mary Sue than she already is.
>oh of course the guy pulling all the strings is SOOO INTERESTED in Rey because she's so special more specialer than every Skywalker who ever lived
fuck that sandy cunt, keep her a nobody from nowhere
that tweet is semi-true but there's a huge war going on
In Phantom Menace Anakin definitely was Gary Stu, as kid characters often are. but at least between it and the Attack of the Clones, there was the time gap that was used as his training period.
Explain to me why is she in the story, what motivates her, a reason why she goes on the journey, and you'll have your answer
You'll have the answer by the end of TROS! Supposedly.
She'll be related to Skywalkers. There's no reason for Disney not to reach for any straws left.
When I watched Star Wars originally, before Empire, I thought he turned evil out of a desire to gain more power and become a master jedi/force user, kind of like the ambitious pupil who seeks forbidden knowledge archetype.
Anakin gets captured by some droid goons in a factory, turned into a puppet by Palpatine, gets rekt by Dooku and Obi-wan... meanwhile Rey learns jedi mind tricks in 2 minutes and with zero training defeats Kylo Ren.
>kind of like the ambitious pupil who seeks forbidden knowledge archetype
That’s literally what he is.
How did she even know the mind trick was possible?
She didn't even know what the force was, or if Jedi were real or not, just a few hours earlier.
Who taught her the fucking mind trick?
Anakin is lesser degree well hidden gary stue, while Rey is literally going from "Im a hilbilly" to "Im better Jedi than Luke Skywalker" in 2days.
If you can't answer me what drives her to do what she does in the first movie than she is a Mary Sue
Droid rights. Cool. Identity politics for hypothetically sapient conscious general artificial intelligence in a galaxy far far away. That's way more important than homeless vets or a secure power grid infrastructure or wages matching cost of living. Such a bold stance. So woke.
Hmmm... what could it be?
trains at the Jedi temple for a decade at least
still loses to Obi-wan because he still has less training than a real master
Beats Kylo who has been trained by both Luke and Snoke
Can fly the millenium falcon better than han because she has ridden speeder
The first time she uses the force she easily lifts loads of massive boulders
Just going by feats, Rey has big sue energy more so than Anaikin
What went wrong, bros?
that's basically what it waa but that explains palpatine even more. despite the prequel's flaws I'd say they handled anakin and palpatine's interactions well. anakin felt awkward with everyone else imo.
She wants to find her parents, which is why she wants to go back to Jakku. It doesn't support her joining the Resistance so it just makes her decision that much more retarded.
>because im good guy!
She wants to find her "belonging" and "place in all this" but that is such an incredibly weak and vague "motivation" for a supposed heroine to have considering the stakes. You get the sense that she's not even sure what she really wants, so why is she fighting so hard? Retarded af and makes it that much harder to relate to her.
Um, the tfa novelization clearly says that when Kylo Dren mind raped her she taped into his force knowledge and learned all of it instantly, sweety, okay?
this is why I initially suspected an amnesia plot and that she was previously an expert
They are pushing Reylo angle hard, so they are not going to make her related to Kylo. She probably will have some connection to Palpatine and everyone will clap because this fandom is filled with easily appeased brainlets. Throw a little fanservice at them and they are content.
Rey hasn’t gotten a single piece of training of the force or even wielding a lightsaber, yet she is running around like a Jedi Master.
Even in Last Jedi, the movie where she finds Luke specifically to receive training, she doesn’t actually get any. Yet for some reason she gets even stronger. It’s so dumb.
I know, but he did it for a different reason than I originally thought. I thought he was based on the spurned student kind of archetype of japanese samurai/martial arts stories, who had a falling out with his teacher and sought to achieve the pinnacle of his craft at all costs, even through evil or unorthodox ways. In the prequels, he wants to do the same thing but for different, more complicated reasons (one might say muddier).
Have sex, incel.
She supposedly learns everything from Kylo through their connection. Still makes no sense.
What I've heard is that they bullshit their way around it like this
>Kylo was right that her PARENTS were nobodies
>but her GRANDFATHER was important, Palpatine himself!
Nigga, I don't see Rey with a goddamn robot hand, do I? Also, Anakin literally had years of professional training in an academy specifically for jedi. If someone has a reason to be OP, it's Anakin. It's like wondering why someone is a good shot when they in fact got recruited to the navy seals at 8 or 9 years old
dude Anakin is the opposite of a mary sue (other than maybe in ep1), he's a terrible person and fails miserably at almost everything
I'm a woman.
Yeah and Snoke was from the 'place outside of time' which is why nobody knew about him before he appeared.
I don’t remember Palpi going around dicking girls and not taking responsibility afterwards.
>Dad was the greatest space Nazi of all time
>Yep lemme just dick around with my gf with his inheritance money
Extremely plausible
palpy would probably shank his own kids the moment he feels threatened by them
>gary stu in PM
Because of him flying that spaceship? He was having pod races for years. They even implied that he was better than everyone else due to his connection with the force, as was proven by Luke in the originals. Pay attention, goddamn. The movies are made for kids
Post timestamped ass, tits and vagina.
Being powerful =/= Being a Mary Sue
Learn the definitions of words before using them.
No, post a real argument for once to my well-formulated posts and maybe I won't just assume you area threatened brainlet.
Stfu nerd.
Mister Plinket made fun of that in his reviews and that’s final!
Doesn't anakin pretty much always lose aside from against red shirts?
>I'm a woman
>well-formulated posts
tits plox
It’s not well formulated at all and you are just filling in the gaps with your buyers remorse and headcanon.
There is no story, character motivations or developments on the sequels at all unlike the based prequels.
Now show me those fucking tits.
Palpatine usually had spare apprentices in the prequels. He had both Maul and Dooku while courting Anakin. But both of those Sith Lords were killed before Anakin turned. They should've had Snoke be the spare apprentice he had before Anakin.
>well formulated posts
>ugly fat triggered virgin
I can smell you from here.
I bet you fuck apes exclusively.
>well formulated posts
I love how OP completely ignored this. FPBP.
male is Marty Stu you dumb motherfucker
>TRIGGERED fat ugly coping virgin
Because Anakin became the villain
If you don't post tits the next time you reply to me, I'll accept it as your concession
This. Plus he was disrespected by practically everyone along the way his entire life. Even after decades of being one of the strongest force users, and right hand man of the Emperor, his "religion" and abilities were openly derided by some fucking nobody at a meeting. No respect.
So the novelisation has to be read to understand the movie, fucking hell. I suppose Disney can't get anything right nowadays. If you don't show or even imply something in a movie, it's just not there. Simple as that
>fat ugly you best believe he's TRIGGERED virgin concedes to based superior IQ femanon
as always
I don't watch that shit. What did he say? That it's not the same thing?
Just turn your brain off bro and listen to the funny voice man dunking on a 9 year old child actor in a family friendly movie for kids that he already went in with a massive boomer hate boner because it’s not a 1:1 copy of the ot.
Are you implying that explanation is acceptable either way? Because it's not. Her not having to work for her abilities and stealing from someone who did is a horrible message to send. She's supposed to be the "good guy". Not to mention the logistics of how that would even work. Even if she stole the stuff from his head, it wouldn't give her the muscle memory or his physicality. She's still a scrawny girl who hasn't practiced any of this stuff.
She does do alot of physical work scavenging, and she has experience fighting as well. So the physicality issue isn't too huge
no he fucking wasn't. he was only good at one thing in tpm. two tops: driving and fixing shit (his two literal jobs that he'd been doing for years). he wasn't a master force user, or lightsaber fighter, or a warrior at all, he had zero melee battles, and he certainly didn't defeat any sithlords or darkside jedi on his first fucking try, AND he wasn't just immediately liked by fucking everyone.
>droid rights
And they say the slippery slope isn't a thing.
I lift a lot and have physical activity, do you think i could murderstomp Tyson in his prime three times in a row?
Maybe Americans, I vote lefter than any American could ever hope to and think the sequels are hot garbage.
So do most people here.
Bad films are just bad films.
>picking up trash
>fighting emaciated nobodies like herself
lmao fuck off
Kylo is way fucking bigger than her and stronger even without the Force and he's trained with the Force and has trained physically for years.
Rey's random scraps on Jakku with a shitty stick don't measure up at all. It's laughable to suggest such.
Same thing with New Hope. Everyone was all like 'this doesn't make sense' and then Lucas said 'just wait for the book to explain it.' And thus a Blockbuster film franchise was born. Sweety.
If he had a bowcaster bolt through his side
It is rather silly. R2 is a troll but (he?) does it on the sly and doesn't advocate rights. I suspect R2 is force sensitive.
JJ already said Kylo was beating Rey until she had her power up, so there goes that argument.
At the end of Lucas ep 9 it was supposed to be revealed that everything sw related were vidcons from his memory viewed by an alien race far into the future.
But you don't understand he was wounded that's why he couldn't fight a perfectly choreographed woman who just picked up a lightsaber for the first time and used it better than old Ben Kenobi and Vader
No, Rey is way better
modern earthlings? would've tied the galaxy long time ago far away thing well
When did he say that?
That argument is so dumb. There is no way he couldn't have bodied her ass with his physical strength alone, bowcaster or no. The only way that fight could have realistically gone was Rey dodging a lot because you would think she would use her lightness for speed. But she would never, ever be able to overpower him.
I am more inclined to believe the arguments that he just didn't want to hurt her and was so unbalanced that he essentially defeated himself. It's when people legitimately try to argue she could ever overpower him under any circumstance that I have to laugh.
>She wants to find her "belonging" and "place in all this" but that is such an incredibly weak and vague "motivation" for a supposed heroine to have considering the stakes.
It's as if the writers don't know either. Like she's some kind of self insert, maybe? A mary sue?
He was also holding back quite a bit. Just like the battle at the end of Empire where Vader could instantly annihilate Luke but pulls back because he wants to recruit him instead of kill him. Kylo is such a Vader fanboy it makes sense. Also, uh, the planet is collapsing around them? Rey mostly gets lucky. She also runs away like a coward the first time she has a vision? I think they took actual care to NOT make her overpowered but you're just too triggered by ZOMG A WOMAN DOING THINGS??
Some commentary or other. I mean, it's in the movie. He has her backed up against the cliff and tries to get her to join him and she does her gay Mary Sue powerup and then starts kicking his ass.
Dilate your hatchet wound.
Have sex with a woman who is not inflatable or imaginary
Kylo holding back explains why he didn't chop her fucking head off, but her overpowering him and slashing his face open is pure Mary Sue asspull powerup bullshit.
>Rey defeats a few TIE fighters by flying around in a ship
>Mary sue omg shit movie
>anakin defeats entire droid fleet as a 3 year old by spinning
>based prequel pottery
uh oh dobson is gonna freak
>actively downplays the competency and power level of Rey
Probably. The writers want her to be some boring, feminazi Mary Sue, so they can't give her real defining characteristics or much of a character at all aside from "powerful, infallible and can do no wrong".
They'll pull some shit out of their ass for her in TROS, but it's too little too late.
Sure, Kylo held back, but they're still both wielding extremely dangerous weapons that can severely wound you even if they just get close to your skin, and she uses it like a master even if she just picked up. Her gender is irrelevant here, I think it's more about how fucking stupid the whole premise is, stupid enough that it bothered me even if I don't usually care about those kinds of things.
the droid army was intentionally retarded as palpatine's controlled opposition
Are you the guy from that other thread who was talking about how you could fight 10 women single handedly because they're so inferior to men? Because you really need to dial it back a few notches.
I don't really think she used it like a master though? She just used it competently. I think they were trying to give the impression that she's had lots of experience with other hand to hand type combat/weapons with her backstory too, and that staff she carries around. I get that a laser sword and a staff are not the same but it's plausible she learned to parry, footwork, that kind of thing. Also doesn't she like kick Kylo and that's how she overpowers him? As I recall she fought kinda dirty because she isn't very experienced.
I'm a woman and this is my first thread posting in today, so no.
And a scrawny girl could not overpower a big ass trained man like Kylo even if he was wounded.
that's literally Anakin's exact motivation for going with the Jedi, you just played yourself. Escapist fantasies by definition are supposed to have self-insert characters anyway so your argument is retarded to begin with.
He's literally gut shot though. That's incredibly painful. It's not just a scratch. I don't see how it's that much of a stretch.
She was emaciated and getting into random scraps that were not life or death, it does not translate at all to the type of specific training and battles that Kylo did or would have fought. Apples and fucking oranges.
>they didn't want you to think she was a master
Uhh no. they have her standing over him and expect the audience to cheer and clap at her undisputed victory, you are reaching here sweaty.
gay thread by a gay faggot
I think Rey is a shit character but lightsaber fights are more about the force than physical strength. If she was trained it would've been fine.
You're right, fighting with a staff and a sword are two completely different. When I was a kid, me and my cousins used to make swords out of planks and "swordfight" with them, and we tried to be careful because a hit from them hurt like a motherfucker (I would know, since I nearly broke my thumb when my friend's sword slid down and hit my hand). What I'm saying is that they were being awfully animated and choreographed for people who 1. were holding back and 2. didn't have any experience with it. I would think you'd try to do it very slowly and methodically, because of how dangerous they are.
And he was still kicking her ass and Finn's (a man who is bigger and stronger phsyically than Rey) until she got her Mary Sue powerup.
Like I said, if you want to argue that he was unbalanced and didn't want to hurt her, you should probably stick with that. Arguing that she could ever overpower him when there is such a huge gap in their physicality, experience, and skill level is just yikes.
The audience cheers more if the stakes are high and things look grim for her, she's clearly outclassed, and then she turns the tables at the last minute, which is clearly what they were going for. It's even a recurring Star Wars trope and as you fanboys have pointed out, TFA is basically a nonstop barrage of Star Wars tropes. I think you just got triggered by it because you can't stop thinking about politics for five seconds, even when you're watching a movie about space wizards.
She wasn't trained and she is still a Mary Sue that got an asspull power up that the writers expect the audience to applaud her for.
That is what I have been arguing the entire time. Although it is worth mentioning that I don't give a shit nearly as much about what you're so upset about as you do.
Anakin gets his ass kicked in every movie, how the hell is he a gary stu
The whole brilliant with tech thing was always irony because of his fate
>this goalpost switching and mental gymnastics
I'm a woman, sweaty.
>the stakes are high
Yeah so high after she resisted Kylo's mind probe, freed herself all by herself and then the saber magically called to her because she's just so special and always has been apparently.
It also doesn't change the fact that she got an asspull Mary Sue powerup. I'm not going to clap for her when she doesn't have to work for anything. It's not empowering, just obnoxious and borderline insulting.
I never really got the sense that Jedi training was about the physical stuff. Yoda does very little of that with Luke on Dagobah. It's mostly philosophical lessons, honing mental acuity, warnings about the dark side. I think learning to swing a sword around isn't really as difficult as you're making out to be and it's not a Jedi exclusive trait. What's significant about the Jedi is all the other stuff.
Thanks to endless amounts of 3rd world uneducated migrants in a constantly automating labor world, the general iq of the western countries are lowering.
>I don't care
then shut the fuck up
agreed but rey was a neglected urchin thay had no good influences in her life
Why do you keep calling me sweaty? My level of perspiration is no business of yours. As I said, this is all par for the course in an escapist fantasy. If you don't like it, maybe you're not the biggest fan of escapist fantasy, and honestly I'm not either. But it's weird to me that people argue that TFA was both too much and not enough like the OT at the same time.
>Reyshits spend entire thread arguing that she would totally beat Kylo because she fought with a stick while emaciated for 19 years
>get btfo
>it's not even about the physical stuff, it's all in your head bro just BEE yourself
Rey never got any training whatsoever and still got a Mary Sue powerup, keep reaching.
hence why Luke is like "nah fuck this you went for the dark side immediately"
I'm not responsible for what was going on in the thread before I even got here you weirdo.
>escapist fantasy
The term is "Mary Sue" sweaty. Kylo Ren exists in the same universe as your boring fave and had to train and go through trials for his power, so she should have to as well. Stay mad.
Why Anakin? Anakin is the one who despite having a natural talent still fucked up everything, lost all of his friends and loved ones and ended up as cripple evil magic cyborg. If you look at the prequels then Obi-Wan is the most closest you have to the Mary Sue title.
You're still wrong and a cuck, loser.
There is really no need for you to be so upset.
oh I didn't realize I was arguing with a child or I wouldn't have bothered, my apologies
and she came out perfectly unscathed and firmly on the Light Side of things and suffered zero consequences, fuck off Mary Sue lover
It's spelled SWEETY you fucking illiterate fuck
>your boring fave
>no arguments
as expected, go back to tumblr pls
so did Luke, until TLJ made him into an actual character. Mary Sues are completely appropriate and acceptable in an escapist fantasy anyway.
there is no need for you to be so upset
What kind of person do you think argues on Yea Forums, bruv.
you have none either since a strawman and a bunch of autistic screeching doesn't qualify as an argument, please seek help for your anger issues
Post better fan art at least if you have to be a reylo nigger.
>Luke wasn't an actual character until TLJ
>Mary Sues are perfectly acceptable
Reyshits don't read books. More news at 11.
not him, but sweaty is used a lot in Yea Forums as a variation of the meme
I don't know, what kind of person are you?
>t. triggered tumblrwhale with no argument but plenty of anger issues
I'll post it again for you since you have trouble reading.
>The term is "Mary Sue" sweaty. Kylo Ren exists in the same universe as your boring fave and had to train and go through trials for his power, so she should have to as well. Stay mad.
>so did Luke, until TLJ made him into an actual character.
Star Wars novelizations don't count as books.
Rey is even worse in the novelizations.
Imagine being such a retarded newfag
Rey is a Mary Sue because she knew how to swim even though she came from a desert planet where she lived her whole life just a few days before.
I'll post it again for you since you have trouble reading.
>you have none either since a strawman and a bunch of autistic screeching doesn't qualify as an argument, please seek help for your anger issues
How so?
>she thinks her opinion is an argument
Maybe that's how it works on tumblr, but...
I'm the shitposter. I start the arguments and observe, you are merely my pawns.
That's called a non-argument, sweaty. Might want to inform yourself before you post. It's embarrassing to watch you struggle like this. Or just fuck off back to tumblr forever where you belong.
You don't need to read the EU to see Luke's flaws in the OT.
an opinion literally is an argument when you're discussing a subjective medium, brainlet
Um, have sex sweaty?
How new are you?
she's just more obnoxious about her infallibility
hmm I'm scanning this post and I'm not finding any arguments in it, stay triggered by kid's fantasies
>an opinion is an argument
never ever, read a book brainlet
>a subjective medium
still requires an actual argument to support your shitty opinion that no one care about
But I don't want to have sex.
>more non-argument
>muh kids fantasy
still stuck spinning that wheel, huh? You're better off just flat out defaulting to calling anyone who disagrees with you an incel, since you can't argue for shit and are embarrassing to watch.
>never ever, read a book brainlet
I don't need to read a book to know that you can't argue objectivity when you're discussing something that is subjective. Perhaps you've been reading the wrong books.
>still requires an actual argument to support your shitty opinion that no one care about
you first
I never said Luke didn't have flaws. He clearly does. That retard was arguing that he wasn't a character and that is perfectly acceptable for Rey to be a Mary Sue even though Luke and Anakin and Kylo aren't.
What's really amusing about this is that you just keep posting and nothing you're saying has any substance and yet you are being so salty at me for not being able to "argue for shit", it's like you're literally just taking shots at yourself and using me as an intermediary
>Yeah and Snoke was from the 'place outside of time'
Source for this? It makes some sense in how he avoided gettin' slept on by Palpy.
>told palpatine to suck a dick and tossed his saber
>proceeded to get barbecued
>another character had to intervene and die
>What makes Rey a Mary Sue but doesn't make Anakin a Gary Stu?
Anakin develops his powers over the course of a decade not a week. He's also mentally weak, easily manipulated, and ultimately destroyed by his own fear and hatred.
>admits to not being able to read
>y-you first
This whole thread is filled with my arguments, you've yet to respond to any of them properly and without ad hominen. You and your ilk just gave up at some point and resorted to name-calling, it's hilarious.
Okay, you apparently don't even know what a Mary Sue is, because by definition a Mary Sue has to be a protagonist, so Kylo doesn't qualify. AS for Luke and Anakin, they are absolutely as Mary Sue as Rey, in fact Anakin is even moreso because he's literally space jesus
He's older than you. You should also mature a bit now
Anakin is a Gery Stu. That's the whole point.
It's also why he's a masssive fuck up.
>like you are literally just like omg like wow
kek cry more triggered whale
It's not my fault you are too dumb to argue properly.
Summer is over newfag
>Okay, so like Anikin and Look are ABSOLUTELY mary sue tew
I can smell the fucking tuna melt roastbeef on this post. Yuck.
>admits to not being able to read
That's not what I said at all, so clearly you're the one who struggles with reading comprehension.
>if I disagree with your arguments they don't count
Lets go over the checklist
>no personality flaws acknowledged as such
Anakin has plenty (anger issues, denial, stubbornness, pride, etc).
Rey has none. Her arrogance, ego and hubris aren’t recognised by the plot, and are often treated as positive traits.
>every action or character trait is designed to make them look good
Anakin fucks up plenty
Rey’s only failures in the throne room are designed to highlight her virtue
>makes any character or plot thread they get near become about themselves
Anakin is very heavily impactful on the plot, but he doesn’t constantly steal spotlight when involved in it
The second Rey becomes involved in a plot line, it instantly becomes about her
>character reactions to them
Anakin often annoys people he’s around, including his best friend, and people are often wary around him. Only his wife and the man trying to mindfuck him are completely tolerant and understanding of him
Rey is treated with respect, friendship, obsession and reverence wherever she goes, with the only character holding out initially (Luke) succumbing eventually
>skills and abilities
Anakin has the one natural gift of flying and racing. Everything else he earned with over a decade of training, and even then its often not enough.
Rey pulls a new skill out of her ass with egregious rapidity, with barely any of it relating to her upbringing.
Looks like Rey takes it.
Clearly you are a triggered landwhale who got lost and can't argue for shit.
I used the word 'like' exactly once. You're also a hypocrite since you keep hurling inapplicable insults at me while whining about ad hominem like a faggot.
You're not my mom.
Kylo is a protagonist, both directors have said so. Luke and Anakin are not Mary Sues, you are the one who has no idea what it is.
non-argument discarded
I already posted my arguments, I did my part. You have not done yours, you just keep spraying your tunamelt juice everywhere like it counts as an argument and I'm enjoying watching you embarrass yourself.
saying something over and over again doesn't make it true, it just indicates you have autism and anger issues
The Jedi Council rejects Anakin initially, he's met with non-stop doubt from other jedi.
like, okay sweaty? Just calm down. It's only a children's show pumpkin.
>nuh uh
great job, really compelling stuff.
>t. fat ugly autistic triggered landwhale with anger issues and 0(ZERO) arguments
>doesn't want a legally recognised robot gf
get a load of this guy.jpg
>I keep posting because I am making fun of you and not because I'm clearly triggered and pissed off as fuck
keep telling yourself that, I can practically see the cloud of cheeto dust around you like an aura as you vibrate with rage. I have made counter-arguments for every argument you've provided ITT and your only recourse was to start flinging poo at the walls.
I'll post it again, since you can't read.
>Kylo is a protagonist, both directors have said so
There are plenty of arguments why Rey is a Mary Sue in this very thread, you're welcome to give them a once over as soon as you learn how to read sweaty.
just buy a twi'lek from a hutt bro
you should unironically take your own advice
Rey failed to save the rebellion so Luke and danger hair purple had to sacrifice themselves to actually save the rebels.
What is your point, you retard?
>u are like so mad cheeto dust and rage vibrations!
kek fucking embarrassing desu
Your opinions aren't arguments, I already told you that only works on tumblr with the rest of your brainletwhale ilk. You have to actual have two braincells to rub together to argue for real. There are numerous arguments in this thread and I have yet to receive a real response from you.
Sure, I'll get on that as soon as you learn how to spell.
Rey was an abandoned child, failed to save Leia, Luke, and Han, barely stopped a wounded Kylo Ren who wasn't trying to kill her, and then couldn't save the rebellion so the chick from Jurassic Park had to sacrifice herself to save the rebellion.
not him but there's a big difference in making a mistake and murdering in cold blood
You should unironcally fuck off back to dumblr.
that's another check in the "definitely has autism and anger issues" column for you
>another non-argument
YAWN. You know you don't get any virtue points on anonymous websites, right? You're better off attentionwhoring on your brainlet circlejerk websites.
>cos lefties are too fragile to see a women in any role other than "the best and most greatest, and fuck guys especially white ones,
Rey barely did anything in TLA and a woman had to literally kill herself to save the rebellion when white men never did that in Star Wars, you absolute mongoloid.
>There are numerous arguments in this thread and I have yet to receive a real response from you.
[citation needed]
go ahead, post that one sentence of nonsense you keep clinging to again
>t. autistic triggered fat ugly whale from tumblr with zero arguments who also can't read
I would have a much easier time grasping your brilliant insights if you knew how to spell words.
>Rey is a good pilot because she trained flying the junk ships in Not Tattooine
>Rey is a good mechanic because of her experience with junk ships like The Millennium Falcon in Not Tattooine
Pay attention to the movies you watch, retard.
shhhhhh no tears...
only dreams now
>other people suffered for Rey's mistakes and she gets a big heroic scene of lifting rocks and every one claps for her anyway
Mary Sue.
>m-murdering in cold blood
Luke didn't murder in cold blood does that make him a Mary Sue?
Moron. Don't reply to me unless you want to contribute something logical to the discussion.
Mary Sues don't make mistakes. You just played yourself.
>but it doesn't really count as a mistake because I say so!
aw shit I thought that pertained to the anakin child murders my bad
>Rey didn't suffer from seeing all her friends die
>Rey is supposed to be a Mary Sue but somehow she didn't do dick
Everyone keeps saying she's powerful and perfect but when you judge her by her feats it's plain to see that Anakin and Luke have done bigger feats than her, so claiming she's a Mary Sue is basically a LIE.
>an abandoned child
boo hoo, didn't hurt her much seeing as she's just infallible anyway
>failed to save Leia, Luke, and Han
she wasn't trying to save any of them, what are you on about?
>barely stopped a wounded kylo
She beat him so hard it became a meme and is still a point of a contention. The writers expect you to cheer and clap for her for earning absolutely nothing.
>couldn't save the rebellion
Did you miss the part where she lifted a ton of rocks like it was nothing and everyone stared at her like she was Jesus?
it's a manbaby coping mechanism
You're right, Rey barely does anything but she still gets everything handed to you and the writers expect the audience to clap and cheer for her anyway.
>I-I'll downplay all her traits and backstory, that will show 'em and prove she's a Mary Sue
lol no try again.
>You're right
I accept your concession.
>she still gets everything handed to you
Try that again but this time in a way that doesn't imply I'm Rey all of a sudden lmao.
They aren't her mistakes, because she doesn't suffer for them and instead gets praised for lifting rocks anyway. Back to tumblr.
Yeah yeah Rey doesn't do anything but watch everyone praise her for being such a perfect badass, you have no arguments fuck off. Hypocritical scum.
>there is no cheering or applause allowed in this crowd pleaser
what the fuck? go to pretentious arthouse movies if you want it to be like a funeral in the theater
>no twileks in sight
>i can't argue properly
You'll be literate someday. But not if you only read fanfics and tumblr essays.
If they set her up to become a villain like Vader it's ok for her to be a mary sue. The best choice at this point is really for Rey to betray all her friends and the rebels, get most of them killed off for shock value in order to become Sith Empress with Kylo and setting up a new trilogy where they are the main antagonist that hopefully has a more likeable cast. You see if you set up a marye sue/gary stu to become the villain, that means you are now making the viewer very keenly aware of how strong that character is and the threat she poses to the protagonist. We've seen her strength with the force, imagine a new young protagonist with early Luke tier powers? You'd be wondering how he could possibly win against her. Its makes the insurmountable odds thing really hit home.
>Did you miss the part where she lifted a ton of rocks like it was nothing and everyone stared at her like she was Jesus?
Did you miss the part where that feat didn't save the rebellion and other characters had to sacrifice their lives to actually save it (Luke and Purple Hair)?
>Yeah yeah Rey doesn't do anything but watch everyone praise her
You're waving off the part that would've made her a Mary Sue but didn't happen in favor of a part that is irrelevant. Bravo.
Try learning how to comprehend a post and actually argue instead of being an insincere brainlet.
Only brainlets cheer for a Mary Sue who hasn't earned anything or suffered any real or lasting consequences for her "mistakes".
they're clearly desperate by bringing palpatine back. imagine a pointless ending to tbis disaster with tons of mcdiarmid and hot twi'lelks.
>her mistakes don't count because things work out okay in the end
it's called narrative arc 101 you fucking idiot
>everyone praise her for being such a perfect badass
when does this supposedly happen? Finn immediately falls in love with her because she's the first woman he's ever seen who wasn't a Stormtrooper. She has to win over Han, Luke is immediately put off by her. Where are all the people worshiping at her feet that you keep alluding to?
It’s almost like the force just gives people super powers.
>arguments I don't like don't count as arguments!
cognitive dissonance is a bitch
Rey failed to get Kylo's cock.
You claimed she wasn't trying to save Luke, Han, and Leia, so why is she exactly a Mary Sue and why is she in the rebellion if she doesn't do any feats that would make her "perfect" and "flawless" then?
You're arguing she's a Mary Sue but she doesn't do anything impressive but lift a couple of rocks lmao.
Rey lifting rocks happens after that, completely invalidating her "mistakes" and they are taking the fall for her mistakes, so they aren't actually her mistakes anyway are they?
You're failing to argue and just continue to reach, bravo.
You are a top-tier hypocrite and you know it. You try so hard to say Rey has it so bad and she's such a useless nobody but then turn around and praise her for being such a powerful badass. The writing does this too an it's hyprocritical. Sorry sweaty, but you can't have your cake and eat it too. That's now how it works.
>everything gets handed to her
>she doesn't do anything to move the plot, other character move the plot instead
I guess she's not a Mary Sue then. Your bad.
>Rey lifting rocks happens after that, completely invalidating her "mistakes" and they are taking the fall for her mistakes,
Answer me this. Did the rocks save the rebellion the same way Purple Hair's sacrifice did? Or the same way Luke did?
If the answer is no, then no, those rocks don't mean shit and doesn't prove her to be a Mary Sue in anyone's minds but yours.
>her mistakes count even though she suffers no consequences for them and instead gets fucking REWARDED
Not how it works, tumblr.
>where are all the people worshipping her
The writers and the audience. Whether you hate her or love her, people are calling her a powerful badass who has suffered so much when it suits your narrative or an overpowered Mary Sue. You are just being disingenuous if you try and argue otherwise. Fucking no one thinks she's an underdog, because she's not.
>but then turn around and praise her for being such a powerful badass
When did I do that? Aren't people arguing all over the thread that being powerful doesn't make you a Mary Sue loooool?
You're doing the exact same shit. First you say Rey has no flaws. Then you say the flaws she has don't count. You argue she accomplishes all these great feats and then argue she never accomplished anything because she's a Mary Sue and none of it counts.
>The writers and the audience.
Ah, so not the people in universe shilling for her, thus making her not a Mary Sue.
>the characters all worship her
>where? when in the film does that happen?
>uhmmm actually I was talking about the audience
top kek
According to him, lifting rocks saved the rebellion lol. Even as he also argues that being powerful doesn't necessarily make you a Mary Sue.
The writing portrays Rey as the ultimate savior with everyone looking at her in awe as she lifts the rocks effortlessly with zero training I might add, and then she is even shown making sure everyone is on board the ship and safe. She is absolutely portrayed as "saving the rebellion' even though in reality she didn't actually do much and only made things worse.
What you are missing is that even if Rey fucks up, it's never her fautl and she is never called out by the writing or punished for her mistakes. Often she's actually rewarded for it while every one else has to take responsibility for why things are so fucked up. Luke, Kylo, and purple hair are actually prime examples of this, not things that support your arguments at all.
She has two father figures in the course of the two films, both of whom die. One dies right in front of her eyes. Viola, consequences.
She doesn't do anything, but still reaps the benefits of others who are actually doing the heavy lifting plot wise. Therefore she is Mary Sue self-insert. Thanks for understanding.
A self insert character would be doing all the heavy lifting, though. Your argument makes no sense.
tumblr brain damage is embarrassing
Because she still gets everything handed to her and the writers expect the audience to clap and praise her for being perfect no matter what.
why are you so obsessed with tumblr?
Everyone in-universe instantly loves or trusts her and if they don't, they are portrayed as wrong in the end. try again, whale.
read above, and the writers want you to praise her for being infallible, watch a commentary sometime or read and interview dumb ugly whale
Han is Kylo's father and he's the one who is suffering the consequences of his mistake killing him as it still haunts him and causes him to lose Snoke's approval. Rey gets over it in TLJ fairly quickly and nothing bad happens to her because of it, so no she's not suffering consequences at all.
TROS isn't out yet, so we've yet to see if she's suffered any consequences for his death but seeing as she's shown to be training herself like the Mary Sue she is (don't need no teacher!) she probably wont' suffer for that either.
She's a Mary Sue who does nothing but reaps the benefits of other people, thanks for understanding. And she's still a Mary Sue for pathetic fanboys and brainlets like you that's why Han and Luke and Leia immediately took to her despite her being a nobody they met once.
I never understood this argument. Aren't you supposed to insert yourself into Luke's shoes when you watch Star Wars? Isn't that the whole point? Why is it suddenly a bad thing in the new movies?
Because you're clearly female and from tumblr and not even trying to hide it and it's embarrassing to watch.
see you don't actually argue with anything anyone is saying, you just say the same thing you said before again as if nothing happened
you're the only one being embarrassing here
>Luke immediately took to Rey
nigga what
She doesn't have flaws. I'm not the one saying her flaws don't count, the writers are doing that and I'm pointing it out. They aren't real flaws if the writers don't punish her for them or call her out for them. The responsibity is placed on Luke's, Kylo's, or Holdo's shoulders while Rey heorically lifts some rocks in the background and everyone in-universe claps and hails her as space jesus, second coming of Luke.
I know you think you are being clever, but you're not. You're just being purposely obtuse for the sake of pretending you have an argument. This isn't tumblr, you don't have to pretend to be such a pathetic brainlet for woke points.
see you don't actually argue with anything anyone is saying, you just say the same thing you said before again as if nothing happened
She watches Han die, and your excuse for that is "yeah but she got over it and Kylo was sad too", how does that invalidate that as a consequence of her character?
>You're just being purposely obtuse for the sake of pretending you have an argument
Oh the irony
>embarrassed whales fro tumblr
Like I said, you'll get more virtue points there. I don't know what you're even doing here kek
>purposely obtuse
See that right there? That's what I'm talking about.
Luke didn't immediately take to her, but he's the only exception and guess what? he was proven to be wrong and unfair in the end, Rey HERSELF EVEN GAVE HIM A STERN TALKING TO
It's all so hilariously bad.
>Mechanical skills
Anakin was a slave in a junk shop for his entire childhood and had to learn how things worked in order to keep himself fed. In what little spare time he had, he entertained himself by building droids and a Pod racer.
Rey scavenged old ships and never built anything - but that said I'm fine with her having mechanical knowledge since her "job" is similar to what Anakin did. She still shouldn't have known how the Falcon worked better than Han Solo did, that's retarded.
>Flying skills
Anakin had years of pod racing experience, which is extremely high speed and extremely dangerous. It's not super far fetched to assume the controls to the Naboo fighter weren't wildly different to his pod racer - and even then it's worth noting that he was only really good at using the actual steering; when it came to everything else he had no fucking idea what buttons/switches did what.
As an adult, Anakin had years of training.
Rey had never flown before yet can outmaneuver experienced pilots and pull off ridiculous flight tricks in an unfamiliar ship she had never been inside of before.
>Combat skills
Anakin had more than a decade of training from his childhood with the best fighters in the galaxy. Despite this, in his first encounter with a Sith he is INSTANTLY knocked on his ass and needs to take time to recover. Even after gains a weapon advantage, he still not only gets his ass kicked, but loses an arm. After even more training he is finally able to beat his Sith opponent. He is still unable to beat Obi-wan.
Rey had experience defending herself against desert thugs, using a staff. This does not translate well to using a light saber, since the fighting style is incredibly different and you can grip or rest any part of the staff, while touching any part of a light saber except the hilt will result in injury.
She still defeats a highly trained Sith TWICE despite having zero training on the first time and only 1-2 days of training the second time.
Hey at least I worded it differently
Why are PTshills so cringe?
>that's why Han and Luke and Leia immediately took to her
>Luke didn't immediately take to her, but he's the only exception
top fucking kek
This is a story, not real life you dumb ugly tumblr whale.
"being sad for a scene or two" isn't a consequence. Kylo being haunted by killing his father and that conflict casing Snoke to berate him, propelling Kylo's story into killing Snoke is a FUCKING CONSEQUENCE AND A HALF
Rey forgets about Han two scenes into TLJ and her story and decisions and the way people treat her as nothing to do with watching him die.
Luke wasn’t a little kid though and he still needed his team and then Han to save his ass.
>Competent pilot from flying and shooting his T-16
This just in, flying a crop duster qualifies you to pilot a jumbo jet
Guys, take a step back and look at what you're doing here? Does any of this matter?
I'll post it again since you can't read, illiterate whale.
Luke didn't immediately take to her, but he's the only exception and guess what? he was proven to be wrong and unfair in the end, Rey HERSELF EVEN GAVE HIM A STERN TALKING TO
I stated it before in this thread. Everyone loves Rey and trusts her and if they don't, they are ultimately proven to be totally wrong about her and wrong to have ever doubted the perfect infallible being that is Rey! Rey herself giving Luke a stern talking to is fucking laughable and even more proof of her Mary Sue status.
I don't know what you're on about. This is hours of free, live entertainment.
It matters to the fat ugly, illiterate tumblrwhales crying in this thread kek
I'll post it again since you can't read
>Han and Luke and Leia immediately took to her
>Luke didn't immediately take to her, but he's the only exception
way to blatantly contradict yourself
It didn't with either luke or anakin.
And it doesn't matter to you, even though you're literally doing the exact same thing your tumblr boogeywoman is doing? You are funny.
I'll post it again since you can't read.
>Luke didn't immediately take to her, but he's the only exception and guess what? he was proven to be wrong and unfair in the end, Rey HERSELF EVEN GAVE HIM A STERN TALKING TO
I said it back here as well, illiterate whale.
>Everyone in-universe instantly loves or trusts her and if they don't, they are portrayed as wrong in the end. try again, whale.
>the force didn't give Anakin super powers
nigga what
LMAO stop trying to weasel out of the fact that you said one thing and then said the literal opposite minutes later, it's not going to work
You're ugly, fat, and illiterate. The difference is that I am right and they are wrong and can't argue properly.
They tie themselves in knots trying so hard to prove Rey is the underdog and suffers so much and is so imperfect and then turn around and say she is the most badass, perfect heroine ever who can do no wrong in the same breath on tumblr. I know these types, I see them every day. They aren't fooling anyone and you can choke if you are defending them.
More like flying a biplane kind of qualified Luke to pilot a Spitfire. Remember that he still needed Biggs to vouch for him and the Rebellion also needed as many pilots as they needed for the Death Star attack.
>so filled with rage he quoted the wrong post
Anakin trained for like a decade and still got his ass thoroughly kicked by an elderly sith. Meanwhle we're supposed to believe Rey can block a jedi mind trick from a motherfucker powerful enough to stop laser blasts?
Your brain isn't going to magically start working either. And you aren't getting any woke points here, must be embarrassing to have to pretend to be smart just to get other people to like you on the internet. You are actually embarrassing to woman kind, I say this as a woman myself.
I quoted you twice.
Oh it's a trannie. Move along, nothing to see here.
You do realize calling someone fat and ugly on an anonymous forum doesn't mean anything, right?
You tie yourself in knots saying Rey accomplishes everything she sets out to do and then turning around and saying that all the characters around her have to do everything because she's so useless. You say Luke immediately took her and then you say he didn't but he's the only exception. You can't keep your shit consistent from one post to the next.
These tumblrwhales aren't going to fuck you for white knighting them, just so you know. They'll hopefully fuck off forever after this and never come back.
must be embarrassing to get called out for literally contradicting yourself and for there to be concrete proof of it for anyone reading the thread:
What's your motivation for doing this? Who are you thinking you will impress by screeching about Star Wars on a cantonese knitting forum?
It clearly means something to you since you are triggered over it.
I am consistent, you just pretend I'm not in an effort to make it look like you have an argument or a leg to stand on. That's why you can't actually form any arguments yourself and have to resort to trying to find "mistakes" in mine that aren't really mistakes at all.
It doesn't matter if I typed that Luke took to her, because I already stated before that even if he didn't, he is portrayed as wrong in the end. You can't acknowledge that because you know I'm right.
You also can't acknowledge that it doesn't matter if Rey fucks up because the writers never punish her for it and she never suffers any consequences for it so narratively, they aren't mistakes.
You are so fucking braindead and illiterate that you think IRL rules apply to a fucking work of fiction.
Rey being said is not and will not ever be a consequence when it comes to writing. That's how I know you're from tumblr, because you think your fee-fee's count as an argument.
This is how I know you're from tumblr. You think it's an insult to be "embarrased" on an anonymous website for "making a mistake" when it isn't a mistake at all. You are just showing everyone what an embarrassing brainlet you are and how much you don't belong here.
I like being right and destroying brainlets like the tumblrwhales posting here. Deal with it, nerd.
Really, it's just fun.
>is consistent
>literally says the opposite of what "she" said two posts ago
>it doesn't matter that I blatantly contradicted myself because you know what I meant to say
top fucking kek
>the consequence of her losing people she cares about doesn't matter because she didn't seem sad enough about it to me
what was it you were saying about thinking fee fees count as an argument?
You started out good but now you just sound psychotic.
Obi-Wan didn't fuck padma cause he was a volcel.
>more brainlet crying
Did you bring some tumblrwhale friends with you or something? Is that why you are so desperate to appear right even when you are so clearly wrong? No one can see your tumblr username here, you aren't getting any virtue points for saying dumb, rehearsed, feminazi bullshit and pretending to be smart kek
>You think it's an insult to be "embarrased" on an anonymous website for "making a mistake"
You think it's insulting to make image based attacks when you have no idea what the fuck I look like so it never stopped you, contradicting yourself once again. But feel free to provide excuses as to why flip flopping like Mitt Romney doesn't make you look like a retard
>It's just fun and I'm totally not upset at all
You started out a virgin and you'll die one, too. I'm right and you're wrong and everyone knows it.. Stay mad.
not seeing any arguments, cry more
>train with obi-qui-gon-yoda since has kid to his late teen years
>get fucked up by count dooku like it's nothing for him.
fucking kek
>ranting about tumblr when you don't have any arguments
I was more pointing out how it's another wildly inconsistent thing about your hole filled arguments. Feel free to keep doing it.
Literal mental illness
This thread is full of my arguments. It's also full of your embarrassing attempts at virtue signalling on an anonymous website.
Must piss you off that you and you ilk pretend so hard that you are right on dumblr and twatter but then you meet someone like me that reminds you that no one buys your bullshit and is instead just laughing at you.
I can see it's so hard for you to argue when you can't just resort to calling somone an incel or nazi manbaby. Not everyone woman agrees with your embarrassing female power fantasy bullshit, nor should they. It's a space wizard fantasy girls, get a grip.
>ugly fat triggered whale mad she got called fat and ugly even on an anonymous basket weaving website
must be rough kek
Says the landwhale who thinks defending some ugly fictional Mary Sue counts as life or death feminism war
>then you meet someone like me
This thread is full of you contradicting yourself.
>It's a space wizard fantasy
lol and now you're borrowing my arguments
>but then you meet someone like me
An embarrassing retard?
you think denigrating her makes you super cool and badass or something which means you're a fucking lunatic, deal with it
>so hard for you to argue when you can't just resort to calling somone
Oh the irony kek. And no I'm not that guy.
>anonymous basket weaving website
lol lifting more from things I said earlier in the thread are we? Must be getting real desperate.
There's no one like me, user.
You have no arguments, sweaty. Go back to dumblr and twatter and comfort yourself in your circlejerk. I'll be here waiting to blow you the fuck out again if you ever feel like talking to someone with an actual braincell for once.
I will say it is impressive to see someone maintain larping as a woman for this long, perhaps it's because you long to become a real one some day?
and since you're dense as fuck, I'll spell it out: I'm calling you a tranny
>There's no one like me, user.
Your arguments aren't half as good as you think. Especially since half of it is calling him a tumblr whale. And I say that as someone who mostly agrees with how you see it. What a shitshow.
I'm denigrating her because I can because there is plenty to denigrate. That is all. It's not my fault I'm right. Blame the writers. I can read, that's all I'm proving. Too bad you can't, stay mad and illiterate.
You're so pathetic you think praising her is going to get you shallow approval from some nobodies on the internet. How pathetic. No wonder you are so triggered over being fat and ugly, typical insecure coper.
>no arguments
>no arguments
That's cause we aren't that guy. Just laughing at you.
Still getting more attention than you on this anonymous website. Must piss you off, tumblrina. You are small time and you have to go back.
See you next thread.
>whoring for attention
>calling others tumblrinas
Can't make this up.
I guess my posts must at least be coherent and convincing enough for a big brained book reader like yourself since you keep stealing them. Or maybe it's just because when you tried to do it on your own you kept contradicting yourself?
>tumblr whale tumblr whale you are a tumblr whale, by the way you have no arguments
>says tumblr whale approximately eight thousand times in the span of a single thread
>I call you a tranny twice
guess we know where your obsessions lie, don't we?
>t. triggered fat and ugly tumblrwhale
Maybe don't get so triggered over being called fat and ugly and namedrop Mitt Romney and it won't be so easy for me to call you out, sweaty.
It's like you're not even trying, I'm embarrassed for you.
No one is jealous of your aspergers
>>tumblr whale tumblr whale you are a tumblr whale, by the way you have no arguments
>says tumblr whale approximately eight thousand times in the span of a single thread
>calling him a tumblr whale.
Cope more triggered tumblrwhales.
Are you the same autist who larps as a braindead finncel?
>t. fat, ugly, illiterate, coping tumblrwhale with aspergers who is jealous of femanon
Mitt Romney flip flopped on what he said a lot. He's an apt comparison to you since you can't keep your story straight for more than a nanosecond. But way to clutch at those straws.
>uses buzzwords while criticizes others for using buzzwords
>criticizes people's literacy while not knowing how to spell basic words
>says Luke accepted Rey immediately one minute and then says he didn't the next
>calls others obsessed for using a buzzword twice, uses the same one constantly
Am I forgetting anything?
>t. autist
No, that's probably some triggered tumblrwhale.
why would I be jealous of a tranny with schizophrenic tendencies who never knows when to quit and borrows other people's insults?
no one cares, fat uggo. Go back to your body acceptance blog.
You're forgetting to have an actual argument. Like I stated numerous times, that only works on tumblr where opinions and feelings count as arguments. They don't in the real world. You learned today, maybe you'll accept it or keep being a brainlet. Up to you, sweaty. I'll keep making fun of you in the meantime.
>t. fat ugly triggered tumblrwhale who is jealous of femanon and doesn't know when to quit
No one would borrow anything from an ugly fatty like you, it wouldn't even fit.
>You're forgetting to have an actual argument
the irony is so overwhelmingly delicious, I can't take it, hey say tumblr six or seven more times
>No one would borrow anything
No one except you.
Oh come on, I know you still have some fight left in you. Let's reach the post limit. Whoever posts last is the winner.
Where'd my new girlfriend go?
Stay jealous because I actually have a brain and the only place you will ever get acceptance is pretending to be woke on twitter and dumblr about some boring space wizard in a children's fantasy.
I said no one would borrow anything from a fat uggo like you because it wouldn't even fit. Is that how you get through life? Pretending you can't read and hear everyone calling you fat and ugly?
You wish. Stay on tumblr ugly fat dyke.
>Gary Stu?
Can you not use that stupid term? Male characters can be mary sues too.
Hey, you're back! I missed you. Come on, give me some more of that SALT. I like when you call me names.
Unless you are Kylo Ren don't even breathe next to me, mmkay sweaty?
Give me a heaping helping. You know like all the salt on the salt planet in TLJ? I want the equivalent of that, but in tranny namecalling form.
You are taking this way too far.
Holy shit! Plot twist! This whole time you were shitting on Rey because you're mad JEALOUS of her and you're crushing on Kylo like a tumblr landwhale! Oh god, PRICELESS! Are you Rian Johnson? Because boy have my expectations been subverted. First you come back to give me some more of that sweet salt and then you drop a bombshell like this? Where is this rollercoaster headed next, babe?
fpbp unironically
Rey is a Mary Sue but if she was played by Emilia Clarke it wouldn't matter because Emilia is so cute
I actually ship Reylo, try again sweaty.
We should talk about Reylo next time.
You should have said that earlier but you continued your shit baiting.
Ah I see, one of your personalities is mad jelly of Rey and wants to steal Kylo from her, and the other one wants them to go to the bone zone? Sort of like how one of your personalities thinks Rey never accomplishes anything and has to have everything done for her and the other thinks she breezes through every challenge without help, or how one of your personalities thinks Luke immediately accepted Rey and the other thinks that he didn't but he was the one exception? Fascinating. Simply fascinating.
It's not my fault braindead Reyshitters from that hellsite invaded the thread.
It is your fault that your autism renders you incapable of not caring
>those mental gymnastics
Rey a shit kek
yeah those were some really strong mental gymnastics from you as you kept pivoting from one p
>t. autist who cares too much
I don't care about triggered Reyshitters, you are correct. No one is stopping you from ignoring me and posting about Reylo.
dumbfuck reyshit kek
ah damn, had auto on by accident. Forgive me, darling. Kept pivoting from one point of view to the exact opposite point of view and then pretending no one would notice?
>from one p
kek stupid Reyloser
no one is stopping you from ignoring me either but you can't because I get your motor running and you know it, now call me more names you filthy slut, it turns me on that you're crazy as a basket of rabid cats
like, omg, learn how to spell
Rey is a turd and a Mary Sue, never forget. Try and argue otherwise and I'll blow you the fuck out every time. COME BACK IF YOU WANT TO TUMBLRWHALE