Children's fantasy/sci-fi movies

they don't make 'em like they used to

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>they don't make 'em like they used to

You mean traumatizing?

you werent even born when it came out you faggot cock sucker

Yes. Childhood can be terrifying sometimes. Old movies didn't pander to kids as if it's not. They tapped into some scary feelings but ultimately resolved them, making these kinds of movies extremely valuable/good

I'm 38

cute :3
is that superman's gf?

youre a liar, i dont like that.

Isn't this the ultimate 30-something boomer type shit to reminisce about???

holy shit what happened?

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It's true.

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Great film, I think it might be better than the original Oz. Felt much more sincere with Dorothy being a younger girl; her personality makes more sense that way. Judy Garland was too old to play someone so pure-hearted.

Also, wheelers. And based Tik-Tok.

I've probably been more scared of kids movies where scary shit happens than I have horror movies. At least with horror movies you're expecting it, but with kids movies the scary shit takes you by surprise and it's usually a lot more surreal when it happens.

>30-something boomer
kill yourself zoom zoom

Done and done

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no, they don't.

This is something I was thinking about the other day.
Ghostbusters 2 is straight up a "kids movie". Think about it. People judge it as a comparison to the first movie.

This is wrong. It needs to be judged in comparison to the cartoon. when looked at from this perspective, it's a very charming movie with awesome special effects that has a similar feel to Honey I Shrunk the Kids or the first Ninja Turtles film.

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They're remaking this.

That scene with Ozma at the end was always like this huge cathartic relief. And then she wakes up from a dream and it really does feel like a dream. Kind of makes everything okay again. I really got it as a kid.

This is another great one. They all operate on the premise that to children, adults/parents are scary and can transform from loving kind people to absolutely terrifying horrible monsters/witches that could easily kill them. Kids get it on a unconscious level I think.

One of those movies that would probably be fondly remembered if they'd just not tried to make it a Ghostbusters sequel

this movie was about jews right?

Indeed. I remember this shit scaring the ever-loving fuck out of me as a kid.

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total kid kino

Yeah it was about the goyim are terrifying monsters hiding behind congenial masks, and that the jews must band together to destroy them.

Plus kids movies are character driven and the narrative / set design / etc are meant to draw you in mentally and emotionally, so your response is much deeper than "sudden bad thing happen to strangers"

It's one of the things that makes Alien such an effective horror movie, most of the movie is making you character about or at least know something about the characters and the setting

hahaha lol hahaha

Talk about subverting expectations.
There's that classic heebish wit!

Literally yes. Dahl was outspoken about not liking Jews. I thought the book made it obvious

>During a vacation with his grandmother Helga in Norway, eight year old American boy Luke Eveshim is warned about the witches, female demons with a boundless hatred for children and various methods of destroying or transforming them.
>They stay at a seaside hotel, where Luke meets and befriends a gluttonous but friendly boy, Bruno Jenkins, while getting on the bad side of the hotel manager, Mr. Stringer, after his pet mice frighten a maid who is having an affair with the manager. Also staying at the hotel are a convention of witches, masquerading as the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, with the Grand High Witch, the all-powerful leader of the world's witches, attending their annual meeting under the name Eva Ernst.
>Inside the ballroom where the witches hold their meeting, Luke spies upon them as the Grand High Witch unveils her latest creation: a magic potion to turn children into mice, which they will use on confectionery products in sweet shops and candy stores to be opened using money provided by her.

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yeah, i rewatched it recently and i couldn't help but notice some parallels

Come to think of it BFG was about sneaky giants with huge ears and noses that stole children from orphanages and ate them. I’m curious if his other books hold those parallels too.

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Fuck this movie.

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Check out the new Dark Crystal series, does a good job of capturing that old school creepy/terrifying vibe

I got so tired of S OYS in recent years going

Fairuza Balk

I always wanted to take down her bloomers and eat her ass, the same way Colin Firth did in Valmont.

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I don't think I've ever seen this one posted but it's a wild fucking ride.

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When the dwarf makes the princess ugly she looks like any 21st century woman - died hair, painted on face.