Defend this movie
Defend this movie
Its comfy
space pyramid exploration scenes. they should go full indiana jones in space mode, screw engineers and shit.
Noomi is pretty cute.
It has a very intriguing intro scene and sets up the initial mystery nicely.
After that it's over relatively quickly.
It looks incredible.
its anti christian luciferian stuff
The mutation scenes are great.
I still think about it today
So that's something 95% of the movies I've seen since don't really evoke.
It was glorious to see in IMAX.
3/10 80s slasher 30 years too late
>80s slasher
yeah you're right all the tits and general campiness was straight out of that era
o wait
classic movie. methodical movies like this is never made anymore and certainly not in the scifi genre. characters do stuff and actually relate to the enviroment that they are in!!???
I would dare to say that pic related did that better than Prometheus and it's not that great of a movie neither.
The Prometheus expedition crew were comically dumb. Almost like a generic slasher movie
yes that pyramid was cool too but too 'earthly' while prometheus had eerie feeling
Everyone was professional and done nothing wrong
It has a lot of good looking scenes and isolated moments from the movie make it look kino.
it was too subtle for its own sake and because of it retards can't get past
The only problem was it didn't have the alien license and that fucking pissed me off because it was so good
>it didn't have the alien license
It has a great setting, I'll give you that. It's characters that just ruin everything. As soon as they indicate how dumb they are in crucial situations it's a big turn off for me.
it's just fun. shut off your brain and enjoy it
No, it's a movie with a grand vision but unfortunately neither Ridley Scott nor Damon Lindelof have any self-control. They're both hardcore hacks.
Put Lindelof with a Tom Perotta to manage his worst instincts as a writer and you get kino like The Leftovers.
The movie was fine though. Too many things were implied, but if you got it, the movie is actually pretty good. Damon is a hack though, I don't get how he keeps getting work.
I really love this poster. Such a shame the movie doesn't evoque those same feels of mystery.
I think one of the biggest issues with this movie is that it shows too much too eary
>Guy Pearce was in the cast
so, it's comfy for me ... at least the first act
It was not an alien movie when it came out
There is nothing to get. The movie is just super hackey and stupid. Like someone said it is rather like a slasher and there is no greater message or meaning. The entire concept of the Engineers is culled from concept art and ancient alien paperback sellers. It's about as low-concept as you can get with a film. Pure pulp.
lol, are you retarded?
if you say so.
When someone says the movie is actually deep then they’ve outed themselves as a christfag.
Prometheus is a dumb movie for dumb kike-worshippers.
Are the Prometheus defenders the same people that defend BvS
I defend BvS but I think Prometheus is warmed-over dogshit.
It’s hard to say.
They use the same kind of Jewish non-arguments and reddit-tier vocabulary but they could also just be that autistic that they only defend the one movie.
I defend both. Although I enjoyed BvS just for being distinct from other capeshit while Alien prequels are genuinely among my favorite movies.
The music is cool. The trailer is cool.
David is an interesting character even in the abominable second movie
I liked this movie because I enjoy spending 2 hours having the idea of something cool telephoned to me as I sit 29 people down from the start
This is bait.
Reminder charlize was an android
I don't remember that well the movie, didn't she had sex with Idris character?
The scientists were retarded because the whole mission was a cover-up for Weyland's true intentions, so he just hired the cheapest idiots out there
Vickers had no good direction to run in because huge debris was falling everywhere and the ship was breaking apart over her head. She died because the script said so, not because she didn't run sideways