>I want George back! He treated the films with so much more respe
I want George back! He treated the films with so much more respe
George did a lot of shit, but I have no fucking clue what he was thinking with this scene.
>I need to prepare people for the cgi abominations every part of the upcoming prequels will be
It sounded cool in his head.
Is this the new sniper posti-
lips biologically evolved to suck dick
Return of the Jedi was the weakest of the OT. It was where "Lucas-humor" really started to seep through. C-3PO and R2D2 were a form of comic relief in SW and ESB, but they were never really distracting. RotJ on the other hand has some really jarring scenes, especially early on. This shit just made it even worse.
He was tired & depressed & just wanted it to be over already. I can see why Lynch got a pounding headache just talking to him about it & fucked off.
He should've just turned it over to someone else. I can't imagine there wasn't anyone with talent who wouldn't have taken up the mantle of it, just not with him backseat directing everything, especially not after losing the "it" factor he had.
> they were never really distracting
They were pretty fucking obnoxious and distracting. Like jar-jar but with even more screen time.
Imagine the deepthroats
>I can't imagine there wasn't anyone with talent who wouldn't have taken up the mantle of it
I dunno, seeing the sequels, I kinda "can" imagine...
There's weird shit all around. RotJ was where all the problems started seeping in, particularly things George would later do.
>lots of scenes cut/rushed, especially in terms of lighting
>goofy and very lazily+hastily choreographed fight at the sarlaac pit
>75% of the space battle is reused footage and copy-pasted ships, general laziness and lots of jarring edits
>multiple subplots going on that really could be condensed into one
>that then get rushed through at lightning speed
>unfunny and annoying comic relief, even worse in some deleted scenes including one where han shoots a stormtrooper then 10 more run out of a doorway and keep falling over said stormtrooper
>wookiees to ewoks for budget cuts and to sell toys
>wookiee script unchanged so midget monkeybears beat the shit out of professional spacetroopers
>revenge to return to save print ink (seriously)
>endor village scenes scrapped to coincide with ewok downgrade
>han was supposed to get killed but lives for the purpose of selling toys (seriously)
>interesting opening scene for its location, absolutely forgettable and dull middle section, mediocre climax but big visuals to make it memorable
I wouldn't say it's quite as bad as TLJ but it's definitely the worst of the original trilogy to me.
This is speaking pre-special edition also, not even including the assrape Jabba's Palace received. It's one of the worst scenes of any major scifi movie I've ever seen. Then Vader's "nooooooooooooooooooo", the nonsense ending fireworks, and "polished" space battle CGI that somehow looks worse than before.
You have to admit tho, the song is catchy as fuck
It's weird how "shitty comic relief" is a problem Star Wars still has, even now that Lucas isn't working on it anymore.
>audience is a bunch of parents and little kids
>not only did this band learn this song but this fucking faggot MEMORIZED THE ALIEN GIBBERISH
Oh my god my fucking sides.
I just want someone to know when I was younger I fapped to that exact frame and thought getting a bj from that thing would be pretty nice
Yea Forums sings, when?
The only Star Wars material worth existing is the original trilogy, original version only
Fuck, reminds me of drunkenly watching this at 1/2 speed & trying to learn the transliterated japanese.
Also, never, ever try to bop your head in time with this anime bitch at full speed while drunk, only misery can follow.
>Chimichanga cula ni