Why do boomers like late-night talk shows so much?
Why do boomers like late-night talk shows so much?
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Because they have already gave up of their lives
As if they had options. They like what they are told to like and so do you, you fucking slave nothing.
The tv funnyman acts like their friend and keeps them up to date on what opinions are safe to have
unironically boomer version of friend simulator
That self importance. Watching famous people put on their best faces. Doing the same thing in your day to day life. Imagining yourself being interviewed by Stephen Colbert, imagining the poignant answer you'd give him if he asked you about Donald Trump's presidency.
I never realized but I would watch late-night talk shows just to see Craig Ferguson. I 'd be waiting for his show and kill time by watching the others. Once he retired I just lost all interest,
If by "boomers" you literally mean people born during that period that starts about 1946 I'd say it's got a lot to do with a continuity lasting throughout their lives. They've been exposed to it in some form or other since they were just brats.
>I would watch late-night talk shows just to see Craig Ferguson
You and quite a few others, breh. I do think there's a lot to be said for the idea that retiring from a gig too soon's the smartest approach though.
This, the Talk Show has been a staple of American TV since TV had channels, and now that we’re in an age where the Talk Show is irrelevant, they had to double down on the whacky down-to-earth nature of the thing.
>staying up way past your bed time to catch funny adult jokes
that's why
Same reason Zoomers do except its not on a phone and not shot in someones parents basement.
it's kind of jarring but the one boomer co-worker I know very well who gives a shit about late night talk shows (terminal degree, well-paid, once-leader in their field and now older and respected but not expected to churn out something groundbreaking, goes about their job with effortless mastery etc.) absolutely fits this profile just thinking about it, which is kind of sad. it's worse than the usual leftoid/rightoid bullshit or (pseudo/real) centrism because it's entirely derived from this sense of self-importance that's totally anachronistic and unrelatable to most people who don't spend all day thinking about what kind of one-liner they'd dispense. eugh
younger gens cope other ways ofc but this shit is on its way out, fast
They don't. If I my dad forgets to turn off the news before Jimmy Kimmel comes on he explodes in rage
Started out watching Conan on Late Night, eventually ended up watching Ferguson when Conan was off the air before his switch to the Tonight Show then watched both. Then just Craig. I wish I had watched him sooner, was so entertaining. And his he knew how to make a woman wet during an interview too.
they grew up with them when there was nothing else to watch that late and never stopped because they're too stupid to work a tivo or dvr
Cause they like to be told what to think and laugh at, at the same time.
It makes them feel cool for staying up later than their friends who they consider boring
That's unbelievably pathetic, but I believe it.
Boomers can't into internet
They just turn on the tv at night and let some talk show host fill them in on current events with shitty libtard humor sprinkled in
>turn on late night tv
>Either Kamala Harris or AOC as guest
>turn off tv
its just background noise, unless if they find out U2 is playing but that hasn't happened in like 10 years