Only 8 more hours until cofe time

>only 8 more hours until cofe time

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cofe drinnk


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Taking the caffeine pill I see

you're goddamn right cofefren

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Why not drink cofe now?


you can drink coffee whenever you want

cofe time can be anytime if you don't value your cardiovascular or brain health fren!

cofe not bad for brain

Tell that to my anxiety

sleep for anxiety, user, it helps

good goy,make sure you drink it every day so you can keep working like cattle

This, drink coffee for years and you'll be tired without it

>too anxious to fall asleep at night
>drink cofe to calm down

Coffee is a large part of what is wrong with western culture. It is the revenge of the ancient american gods. You are enslaved by a plant that wants you dead

Isn’t coffee the Muslim drink.

>coffee originates in South America
>somehow a Muslim drink when they never got there
Yeah nah

look up the history again, friend

Greta Thunberg told me that global warming will kill South America with forest fires and then there will be no more coffee.

nice, about 10 for me (west coast)

>ah ah ahhhh
>not yet
>tap tap tap

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At any rate I'm having tea right now, chaps. Coffee doesn't agree with the ol' gut.