more like shIT
why did this movie feel like it had to have the pacing and "comedy" of a marvel movie?
more like shIT
why did this movie feel like it had to have the pacing and "comedy" of a marvel movie?
I thought the "comedy" aspects were reminiscent of Sam Raimi. People wouldn't be bitching about it if he was the director.
Things are less scarier when you grow up.
This is coming from somebody who enjoyed Part 1 and is a HUGE fan of the novel.
Part 2 was hot garbage. It had no idea what it wanted to be.
They also completely ruined the Ritual of Chüd and the vision quest parts.
It's in the fucking book and the director talked about putting it into Chapter 2 right after the sequel was greenlit. How is it a fucking surprise?
really? first one was very atmospheric, and had that cute jailbait
should i watch the sequel?
Everything is a surprise when your asshole is blown out
Did this person not get past page 16 of the book? Because that is when that scene happens. Literally the very next scene after Georgie is killed.
Also the literally murder of a child doesn't get them disgusted but the murder of a grown man does?
God, that scene played out like a fucking comedy. And that whole scene with Bev being abused by her husband. I'm sure it happened in the book but goddamn, it's so over-the-top to the point of hilarity.
How in the fuck did Sofia Lillis end up acting and portraying Bev better than goddamn Chastain?
Most people don't read
Did the spider look okay this time, at least?
how embarrassing
Bev being abused by her husband is even more over the top on the book, they get on a huge fight that goes on forever
>How in the fuck did Sofia Lillis end up acting
You got me there
This can't be real
Should have just done porn
this queer probly walks around with a giant blinking neon arrow pointing at him that says LOOK AT ME
maybe the studio wanted to make money
is chastain supposed to be a good actress
Don't lie, if a movie called "Shit" went in theaters, would you go see it?
I enjoyed part 1, but honestly enjoyed 2 more. Shit like that kid with the spider head was honestly more creepy to me than anything in the original.
This guy is a dumbass. The scene dehumanizes the people that were beating up the gays. It's disturbing but not anti-homosexual. I don't understand people like him. Sure it's unpleasant to watch, but it's necessary if you want your message to be taken more seriously by people. It shows the reality of it, not some ideal world where nothing bad ever happens to gay people.
Shut the fuck up. Don't make fun of her.
I can't even make out what I'm seeing here.
They want a QUEEN SLAYYYY type of scene.
Twitter homosexuals lack the ability to introspect.
They took the spider-like form of IT and merged it with the Pennywise form.
>Bev being abused by her husband.
In the book it like 20 pages as they have a fight of the century.
It works much better in motion and actual quality image.
You'll be happy to know that they kill pennywise by calling him bad names, turn him into a baby, and then rip his heart out.
I remember people claiming pennywise was some kind of gay icon a while back lol people are more upset over "homophobia" than child murder.
Did they keep the underage gangbang of Bev and the fag handjob scene of the villian dude?
Yes, user, of course they did.
I think the real question is why was Adrian such a faggot?
The baby head on the bug body in the fortune cookie scene was actually pretty creepy, I wish the movie had stuck more with that kind of visceral weirdness.
after credits scene
and yet she still survives
looked pretty final to me
It fucking sucked
That part was also really fucked up. To be honest I find that in the new movies, what IT does is actually more scary than the actual form of the beast itself. The fears it creates are disturbing, rather than the clown. The clown itself is just, well, silly.
Was that a subtle reference to Patrick Hocksetter (his baby brother merged with the winged leeches that attack him)?
Don't watch reddit movies fuckwit
cuz he was gay
If anything the scene only made the later reveal in the movie more effective. But whatever homo
>He doesn't know that every movie is Reddit
Pennywise was based
>I can poof it away if you want
>it’s a....what’s the word, gazebo?
The clown works best as a lure. The scene where he’s talking to the girl with the burn mark had good tension and allowed him to do some creepy acting, but when he’s going ooga booga not so much.