>kubrick is a good filmmake-
defend this, kubrickfags
Kubrick is a good filmmake-
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a true kinographer will construct everything to his vision.
Ever heard of mise en scène?
Pretty genius if you ask me
he never wanted to leave his home cause he was scared of flying.
it's his worst movie but it still looks good
What's really weird about everyone parading this epic movie trivia is how fucking shitty it looks on the actual film.
Kubrick was always kinda funny about filming on location. Eyes Wide Shut has some shots that just scream 'backlot'. Doesn't mean he's shit, though.
why didnt he just use skype
kubrick was ahead of his time, he invented the capeshit green-screen genre without realizing it
a) did the audience notice it?
b) was it done for logistics issues with filming on location?
c) if the effect was noticeable, could it not be a stylistic choice to show he's disconnected from reality?
Kino scene, adds to the dreamlike quality of it
Never even noticed it my first time watching it
It was deliberate, as to invoke a subconscious “something not quite right here” feeling in the viewer. You can tell something’s a little “off” about the footage but you didn’t know what at the time.
Similar to how David Lynch dubbed over sections of Mulholland Drive and the dialogue was mistimed. It’s creepy as fuck.
Solid bait tho user
Everything in the projected footage is just so. No matter how many takes they do with Tom, the background footage will be exactly as intended. There's no room for error.
Yeah I watch nerdwriter1 too.
amazing work
moon landing still looks pretty good to this day
Is it true? It's ironic that he died of a heart attack. What did he do that made him so afraid of death?
What's the point of that? They clearly filmed some sidewalks, but that particular scene seems to be the only one. Why didn't they film it on the sidewalks as well?
I tink it was some reshoots and Tom is a busy actor.
It was a stylistic choice. If he wanted to make it look realistic, he could have shot it at the fake New York street set at Pinewood Studios just outside of London.
makes it more dreamlike
Kubrick autistically wanted to shoot nearly everything in England.
they would have murdered him in the states
Who gives a shit what a movie looks like, paintings exist, nature exists. I watch movies for the plot
No thanks, I only read non-fiction so there is no plot. You call me a brainlet yet you read fiction. Ironic
>audiovisual medium
Dr.Strangelove is worse than EWS
EWS is his 4th best film
No, that's Lars von Trier.
what's the #1 best?
Paths of Glory
Clockwork Orange
I'm not this guy Paths of Glory is far away from being hist best
Then read novels, movies are meant to be experienced visually, the look is very important. That's why all indie movies are crap. They think only the message matters.
interesting choices
I have no opinion because I have only watched 2 Kubrick movies: Clockwork Orance and 2001. I'm only about to start EWS now.
incorrect. he just never wanted to step foot in USA again.
EWS is pure kino that'll scare you and make you think
Kubrick himself said it was the best film he had ever made
>anything not done with actual props is bad
shut your
Watching movies for the plot is more brainlet than reading fiction for the plot.
The Shining is kubrick's best filmé, prove me wrong
Paths of Glory, 2001 and Barry Lyndon are the holy trilogy of Kurbrickino.
Clockwork Orange and 2001 are better
>look better than the shining
>have better music than the shining
>themes that are more interesting than the themes of the shining
But The Shining is my 3rd favourite kubrick film
Clockwork is #1 and 2001 is #2
Also my reasons are pretty subjective
Oh, look. It's some moron who can't even be bothered to read a Wikipedia article.
Eyes Wide Shut is better than PoG and Barry Lyndon
2001 is probably his best film (but Clockwork is my favourite of his)
have you heard of art user?
The Lau*ra of Wet Blanke^ts e|nters the thre/\d.
Inste/\d of p-articipating in thr|ead discussio`n, thi`s L/\ura just w/*
ts to p|oint out th|at you|'re current~ly at the edg-e of the boa|rd and /\|bout to die^. =`^_^=
Jew mafia.
When I first saw it I didn't even notice until I saw people like you shitposting about it. I don't know why he made this choice, but it felt very eerie and kino at the time, when I rewatch I'll have to see how I feel, but it seems pretty cool to me.
How bizarre that I saw this movie at 10 and knew this didn't look like New York yet had never been there or seen much of it at all on TV. Yet I also knew while it might be an artistic choice, might not, that it benefitted the film, and sorta fucked with my head for years afterward, sorta like Christmas light vertigo.
>I'm a retarded faggot who doesn't know what I'm talking about
Why do you assholes continually seem to think Kubrick only made 8-10 films?
That's so obviously intentional. He had access to closed sets for months and could have filmed that any time, plus it happens directly after his fight with his wife IIRC and is the beginning of his odyssey.
realised America is a shithole and became British citizen
Same for Gilliam
What's it look like in the finished product, got a webm?
No, he was definitely afraid of traveling. Even Full Metal Jacket was shot in England despite the second half of the movie is set in Vietnam. For 2001, he sent his second unit director to Africa to make some specific establishing shots, but other than that, the Dawn of Man was shot in England as well.
noticeable, but only now that you know
>What did he do that made him so afraid of death?
Exposing elite pedophile cults and then getting heart attack gun'd so the studio can take out a third of your movie might have something to do with it
Are you implying there's no way somebody actually saw all 13 of his films? Or what are you implying?
Staging moon landing probably has more to do with this. No need to leave witnesses.
This set up would be pretty cool if you had plans to drastically change the background throughout. would be pretty trippy.
the wife was really bad at acting, and the beginning party scene was boring, but the scenes from him walking around to meeting with the pianist and then going to the mansion and the scene inside was very top notch. ending was bad and cringe because bad actress.
Kubrick just wanted to get the Pink Cat Boutique sign in the shot as a tribute to his old buddy Peter Sellers
I'm saying that only someone who has seen all of them can have a valid opinion of what his "best" and worst" films are, and anybody who has seen all of them would know that Fear and Desire is his worst one. Saying his worst film is EWS means you either haven't watched all of them (meaning your opinion is completely worthless) or you have watched all of them and have the worst taste anyone could ever have.
there was only twenty minutes of footage cut and it was just some flashback of the family rowing a boat or something.
If Kubrick was alive he'd probably cut more out of it in fact, like the worthless scene where Cruise talks to the waitress or the long ass scene with Pollack at the end. A Clockwork Orange had 60~ of film cut out of it that nobody will ever see and nobody cries about that.
Fear and Desire isn't a feature film, its only 60 minutes.
>A feature film, feature-length film, or theatrical film is a film with a running time long enough to be considered the principal or sole film to fill a program. The term feature film originally referred to the main, full-length film in a cinema program that also included a short film and often a newsreel.
When people say EWS is Kubrick's worst, they're clearly talking about feature films, ie, everything from The Killing.
Most people aren't pedantic enough to include films even Kubrick tried to disown and destroy in the discussion of his canon. It's a waste of time.
All those 13 are feature films, including Fear and Desire. Only his three short films (The Seafarers, Day of the Fight and Flying Padre) are not features. A 60 minute film can be considered a feature film.
Since you used wikipedia, so will I:
>Early feature work (1953–1955)
>After raising $1000 showing his short films to friends and family, Kubrick found the finances to begin making his first feature film, Fear and Desire (1953)
>it's his worst movie but it still looks good
>discussion of his canon
come on
Read the page you're quoting from
>According to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the American Film Institute and the British Film Institute,[1] a feature film runs for more than 40 minutes
>the wife was really bad at acting
>no plot
Maybe if you're a brainlet.
I've watched it 3 times and never even noticed, so what's the issue?
>Ever heard of mise en scène?
Excuse me, but Yea Forums is an American board. We speak English here, Paco. I don't care about some fruity Spanish term.
>I saw this movie at 10
Shit. Seeing this at ten? This came out just before I was in college. Eventually I saw a copy off file sharing becauze I was too embarrased to rent it from Blockbuster and I don't think they had the uncut Euro version.
yeah lol at the 'fear of flying' comment. irrelevant- it's excellent at making a dreamlike feel, as are the indoor street sets. it's from fucking *Traumnovelle* you plebs
Traum! you even know what traum means?
Kek tell me what you think mise en scene is.
A Clockwork Orange has a reputation of being for edgy teens, but it is objectively kunricks best film and easily in my top ten of all time
Kek tell me what you think mise en scene is.
Kek tell me what you think mise en scene is.
I'm pretty sure that's German, fucking dipshit.
Honestly they were probably dodging taxes or something like that.
>Ever heard of mise en scène?
don't you fucking french me, you motherfucker
It's actually a Japanese term. Ozu pioneered mise en scéne.
Eyes wide shut was released in Apollo 11 launch date.
Kubrick used front screen projection to fake moon landing footage.
Same tech in 2001 and same tech in eyes wide shut for night scenes.
The Moon Landing.
retarded mutt
Neck yourself, cringy newfag zoomer
Early Lars Von Trier uses this trick a lot
Watch Europa or The Element of Crime.
>there was only twenty minutes of footage cut and it was just some flashback of the family rowing a boat or something.
That's not what I heard.
Then again, what I heard I heard on here so it's as likely to be utter bs along with what you say.
Kubrick was like 70 and afraid of flying and off like 3 or 4 unrealized projects. I think he just wanted to get Eyes Shut done but from the comfort of his ow couch. The one thing I hate about EWS is how everything is so obviously London
Sounds like mise en please, which is French for having your ingredients set out and prepared before you start cooking,
So, make your own connections there
mise en place
Maybe stick to your own language
Well, I typed a c. Take it up with autocomplete
Kubrick literally slapping the cinema screen with his giant flopping cock here. Just fucking around and making it work because his craftsmanship ethic was limitless.
kubrick made some place near his house look like vietnam
>Just plant some palm trees
same shit here. He didnt give a fuck.
you cant just film a movie in manhattan. just shutting down a street there costs millions of dollars a minute.