>judge rules against you because the disparity between how perfect and righteous your case is compared to how poorly crafted and retarded the defendants case is seems suspicious
what are some cartoonish movies where the objectively defined good guy loses
Judge rules against you because the disparity between how perfect and righteous your case is compared to how poorly...
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rundown me mang
(on this specifically, I have the rundown on everything preceding it)
The judge ruled against him because Ty Beard is a JOKE of a lawyer. That faggot should get drop-kicked and raped by the South African Vibrant Youth. Lawyer my ass. I hope his family gets raped and shot.
he can still win, his retarded lawyer just needs to stop fucking around
The majority of vic's case was dismissed by the judge, in divine ignorance of all evidences submitted to the court.
i would call for a mistrial.
I feel the judge did it because he actually did find it suspicious that such a clear-cut open and shut case of good vs evil, right vs wrong would be presented to him. He bet on "too good to be true" and ended up making a mockery of pretty much everyone involved, himself included.
pretty much
>judge decided there was not enough evidence to support Vic's side of things because his lawyer fucked around during today's trial
however the judge is still suspicious of the idea that Vic is in the right so he's giving them another month before he makes a decision
Recusal of the judge is pretty much required at this point. I think it could easily be proven the judge did jackshit to hold up his own responsibilities. Dude literally ignored evidence that was filed months ago.
I don't get why marchi was dismissed on all counts as the first result from this case. She was the only one who didn't comply with any of the legal precedings. She never even got deposed. She of anyone involved should hold the highest suspicion, and the longest stay of decisions made for or against her vis her failure to engage and play the game with everyone else. Marchi's dismissal is akin to being arrested, dodging court, then the court just says "well theres no criminal here in front of us, so no crimes could have been committed seeing as theres no criminal". What the fuck lol.
Vic fags are STILL mad
the problem is that despite being difficult and a pain in the ass she didn't do anything "illegal" she did exactly what her lawyers said to do and actually listened to what they said to do and didn't make more of a fuss than there was needed
meanwhile the judge is still suspicious of Monica and Ron because they're retards that don't shut the fuck up even when instructed to