>How bout a girl that's got a brain. That always speaks her mind?
How bout a girl that's got a brain. That always speaks her mind?
Based chinks
i want a woman that can kick my ass
but wouldn't because she genuinely likes me as a person
i want to see mulans asian boobs
>I want a girl
That's it that's all
sung this in mulan song melody
I had that mein fuherer
To lose her is the worst feeling
in the world
you know what they say
it is better to have loved and to have lost
than to have never loved at all
i know it probably doesn't feel like that user, but just because you lost her doesn't mean you lost the memories you made
Please tell me she beat you up when she left
No fuck its over my life is over
you just gotta hold on
the pain will get more dull with time
it always does
Butters is too good for this world.
i felt the same way brother listen to seems like it’s over now but one day you’ll wake up and realize you’re over her
does it matter what she looks like?
I gotta fuck something similar in her league but its hard to pull off, bitches are so fucking dumb
bitches are a dime a dozen, but actually properly strong women are hard AF to find, especially these days
your best bet is to push yourself to be someone that kind of girl would find worth dating
have sex
no you don't
she'd have gross brown nipples
I know man its tough
Just never good enough, you nomsayin
brown > pink > purple
i've totally had sex and am capable of judging it as not good enough
>giving roast beef this much power over you