I love Yea Forums I really do.
People say this place ruins you but it doesn't, I have a great life and I enjoy coming to this place.
Thank you for making me laugh.
I love Yea Forums I really do.
People say this place ruins you but it doesn't, I have a great life and I enjoy coming to this place.
Thank you for making me laugh.
what a wholesome and blessed post
>of course bro. its a fun and games and i enjoy your company
Fuck Niggers
Imagine if we could actually speak freely anywhere else.
K, keep us posted
I have a shit life and I come here because I'm so fucking close to killing myself
fuck off /tg/ tourist
The world would be a better place
All these good feels, my cock is rock fucking hard right now.
Literal diamonds.
At least you rolled based quads. Some people can’t even do that.
Mind if I get a little whiff? Maybe a lick?
Me too op. I love you guys.
Fuck you all I'm gonna kill you all and kill myself
Relax fuckhead jeez
The trick is not to take anything posted here seriously
No fuck you you pro life alt right idealist incel shithead I fucking hate you
I'm pro choice bro
also no incel have gf just relax bro
have sex false flagger
Sounds like you need a hug bro
Yea Forums is the funniest board.
>People say this place ruins you
Lmao how can a imageboard ruin you? Nigga, just close the page.
We keep coming back for the good memes, posts, and occasional shitstorm. Love you guys
Based, I too like this racially diverse board.
More like the other way round, we go to /tg/.
I'm sad today because I didn't get the promotion I wanted and I've been drinking.
Why am I never good enough?
Maybe a blessing in disguise. Perhaps a better position will open up.
Aw fuck man
Im in the same boat dont have too much high of an expectation man just kind of be cool with the fact youre a dirtbag
Was it a competition? Did your seniors know you wanted a promotion? Most of this stuff is always political in my experience. Qualifications have nothing to do with it. Fuck them, do what your doing while searching for a better place to work.
Yeah it was a competition and they ended up going with the external hire. I just feel like shit because I wear myself to the bone every day for this company
This place is always good for a laugh, but if I ever met any of you IRL I'd smash your skull in with my bare hands.
Its not worth it. I can relate, I feel bad if Im not giving something my best. But people will take advantage. You deserve better.
A psychologist near my apartment uses this image is their logo and it scares me every time. Please stop posting it, I've asked them to remove it and they won't.
god thats awful. kinda image that makes the practice seem bullshit