This is the best Western animated show of all time

This is the best Western animated show of all time.
Here's a comprehensive list of shows Steven Universe is better than:

>Avatar the Last Airbender
>Samurai Jack
>Batman TAS
>Gravity Falls
>Invader Zim
>Over the Garden Wall
>Teen Titans
>The Venture Bros
>Literally any other Western animated show

If you post sneed you agree with me

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Fuck off faggot



How about no

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Kill yourself tranny. Also sage

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It's still only "best" in terms of being entertainment for small retards. If you're not a child and like this, congratulations, you're clinically retarded.

dumb zoomer

Steven Universe?
Enjoying this show means you're retarded.
Entertainment-wise it's nothing compared to those shows.
Do yourself a favor and kys op.

Fuck off tranny.

hmm... but incellular... how could I possibly be clinicalyly retarded? for I like this show... nay, love it... and my IQ has been tested to be in the lie in the superior range... elucidate me, perchance, inceullulr?

Why are you so fucking based all the time? Seriously every fucking thread I see you in

*puffs cigarillo dappishly* much obliged, my good sir, much obliged.... all in a days work...


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>namefag on Yea Forums
That's proof enough that you are retarded.

well well, "Anonymous", my... dear, incullular friend... it apperas you have a name to, no?

You forgot X-Men The Animated Series but yeah Steven is the champ.

Evangelion is better tho. Gurren Lagann and FLCL are maybe equal.

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Spinel's design was made by a tranny

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:O !!!

>He sneedposts

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I don't get it

only seen clips spammed by spergs here, so

1.Is it meant to be a musical?, they are always singing in clips posted
2.If it is, they do not have good writers or voice talent to pull it off and its painful to listen too everytime
3.If you enjoy it an think its great how old are you

The movie? Yeah it's a musical
>They don't have good writers or voice talent

Yeah okay user

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>He doesn't like Other Friends or Let us Adore You (Reprise)

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This one too.
Absolute fucking gold

>Chance the rapper


The tranny invasion is real.

Only thing gayer than SU is jojo.

Seriously, you're on the wrong board. Take your baby cartoon elsewhere, please.

This show might have been decent if it was directed by somebody who wasn't a hack.

Steven Universe is Becky's passion project. Without her there IS no show

Chuck and fuck

Probably made the worst songs too based on his newest album.

and her passion project was pretty shit for the most part, you can pour your heart into anything you love but at the end of the day it will likely be shit

Daily reminder the diamonds committed extreme counts of genocide for thousands of years, destroyed countless planets and species, and literally destroyed their own. But that’s A-okay in Rebecca Sugars Universe cause LOVE conquers all! :)

Right now, at this very moment, you finna get ding-dong diddly dabbed on by EMPEROR'S NEW SCHOOL

Yeah we get it the end of season 5 was rushed. They were obviously supposed to have more complicated backstories and motives than what we got, but blame CN for leading the team to believe they weren't going to get another season only to greenlight one more after the finale was already written

>mfw there's actually people who believe this

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Steven universe is better than Daria by a fucking mile

Good luck with that

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Ha, I almost thought you were serious!

Good one, fren

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Dude...the fuck
Look, both of those shows are shit.'s two grown women arguing over gay shows created for teen girls.

The only nu-CN show I could ever watch was Regular Show

Shows like this are just "it's okay to be gay" bullshit written by CalArts future baristas

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Wow, you sure showed me.

Do you know what comprehensive means?

Hey, is that your art? I see a lot of potential there. Message me back if you're interested in producing your own show with a major TV animation network.

And worse than MLP

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>Autistically screeching about reddit and Yea Forums
>page 1
You retards even know how to sage?

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Or you know just stop replying to the thread.

consider suicide

Ok hard to argue against that

Take this bullshit back to your containment board

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I need a hero
This shit is fucking hilarious

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Lel this fucking Pepe

It looks like fucking shit

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Just wanted to say thanks to all the Rarity posters earlier. Came hard to the last one.


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>Pretends to not know the meanings of words for the sake of argument
Intellectually Dishonest.

100% it was just me lol
You're welcome
Just came as well

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I have a feeling you'll suicide before he does 40percenter

dumbass lmao

Royally based

Not Rarity, not fapping. She is Yea Forums‘s new underground semen demon.

Why watch western cartoons when anime is superior in every way?

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Western cartoons have superior writing. For one, they're in English

Notice how even memes from "good" animes make fun of the dialogue. The dialogue in anime is awful for the most part, and it's like an entire aspect of rating TV shows (how good the script is) just disappears when it comes to anime.


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don't be another one of those "dur dey don make it leik dis anymore" people.

Those 90s shows set a new benchmark for mature storytelling in animated cartoons. Something that the tradition has greatly lived on through equally mature and well-written subject matter like Adventure Time post season 5 and it's philosophy and intellectualism, Gravity Falls's amazing characterization, plotting and mature mystery-based character growth, action and depth. Steven Universe's incredibly progressive and emotionally nuanced beauty and dramatic storytelling. Star vs The Forces of Evil's cinematic writing, tightly woven lore that matches that of AT's before it, and gripping character depth and drama, and Avatar: The Last Airbender's... well... everything.

But it's not fair to say that those shows aren't in many cases just as good or even BETTER than Batman: The Animated Series.

It is MORE than enough to still respect and love it today for all of that, and to continue to think it still holds up today in an era where it has many series AROUND it, that still HOLD that standard quite steadily, but can't exactly be held up as a vast general example when there's so may other contemporaries, some still airing on television RIGHT NOW that ALSO do it proud... if you even bothered to LOOK for them.

DO NOT fall into that self-righteous, condescending, "looking down on everything else like an ignorant blowhard" hipster trap of thinking you NEED to do that to look important or that you need to senselessly put down everything else to make your non-point, even though you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

Batman: TAS is still pretty good, was a work of brilliance at one point in time, but youre lying to yourself if you think it isnt outdated.

Its at the level of those old fleisher superman cartoons at this point.
Nobody points to the racist bugs bumny cartoons as great anymore, instead we remember that which improved upon looney tunes foundation, animaniacs.

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Not funny enough to be a copypasta.
Try again.

>”animated cartoons”
>”philosophy and intellectualism”
>”incredibly progressive”
>”racist bugs bunny cartoons”
>that wall of text

Welp. Ive finally done it.

After all these years ive found the gayest post of all time. Congratulations, OP!

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What happened to Yea Forums? It was good back then

That’s where you’re wrong, Original Poster aka a HOMOSEXUAL.
I watched the E;R videos
He BTFO this show about rapey lesbians
You lose this one, PAL!

It’s literally diet adventure time with no charm

But anime is drawn as white and have eng dubs

>Yea Forumsmblr shit stays up
>jazz generals deleted on sight
I dab on tranny janny's fucking grave.

I hope this is bait


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Animated capeshit will never be capable of any greatness. And beneath the trans glittering exterior, that's all Steven Universe is too.

E;R secretly loves the show

I thought that was pretty obvious. No one would make that many videos on a show they didn't enjoy watching on some level.

>go to Yea Forums
>every third thread is about tranny-gay propaganda cartoon
>go to Yea Forums
>Yea Forums spills it's tranny shit here too

Cqn you spergs stop and keep your tranny shit to your containment board?

E;R video is funny, but I actually tried to watch it - it's really fucking bad.