Would we be better off with more men like this teaching the young?
Would we be better off with more men like this teaching the young?
Isn't he like, crazy?
If so then no.
that's not quite my tempo
nobody actually acts like that guy though
He'd be a 10/10 teacher but he goes to 14/10 where the extra 4 points are pointless abuse that nearly killed his student.
This coddled society could use a bit more pressing. I think we'd be better off and there wouldn't be so many people offended by stupid shit. Parents must be willing to allow a bit of adversity in their children's lives or society will be burdened with unchallenged and mediocre citizens...kinda like we have now.
They cost him one student already. He went way too far in his search for perfection.
He's closet homo right
>he types from his room, lit only by the glow of his monitor
>"user! get down here! clean the dishes!" his mother yells from down stairs
>another friday night, alone in his room. no job to give him steady income. no friends to spend time with.
>"it's all the jew's fault" he says to himself, aloud.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
No, the entire point of his system is to try and break people as much as possible. Don't really want young people being broken.
Whiplash in the real world
> Teacher throws cymbal at student
> student sues music school
> teacher fired
Jazz is fucking stupid
He wouldn't be able to stay employed acting like that irl. Dickhead professors are usually able to keep teaching but if you drove someone to suicide, even in 2014, the college would probably just kick you right out, no questions.
Either that, or he'd get zeroes on ratemyprofessor and everyone would avoid his class.
Bobby Knight had similar methods. His 1976 Indiana Hoosiers team was the last men's NCAA basketball team to have an undefeated season.
>going out every Friday night
no thanks
>music autists
My gf was incredibly offended by this guy. Said his teaching methods were deplorable and batshit insane.
Should I dump her?
you say this but 99% of Yea Forums and Yea Forums in general is coddled as fuck and we know for a fact none of us would actually survive if things got harder
While I agree with the sentiment of "coddling students does more harm than good", his methods tend to veer into the extreme
you know they're right
I was homeschooled from 7th to 10th grade. My dad taught me like in Whiplash except replace music for math. I'm 20 now and have depression and anxiety.
I wouldn't hold it against her. Women are literally incapable of understanding the Fletcher character.
probably no, but I've had lots of cunts as teachers that try to pull of something similar and it just becomes hell. They just can't pull of the 'tough love' approach and instead just come off as power hungry cat ladies. Instead of making me want to work hard to impress them, I end up half-assing everything, cause fuck em.
Some kid would have killed this motherfucker. People can only handle so much.
the only context where that "method" makes sense is the military
applying such a hardass attitude to music is pants on head retarded to the point where i think the movie was actually about people missing the point of music
Same as everyone else that wasn’t homeschooled. Are you good at math?
unironically yes
I had a band teacher that was a dick to me when I was in middle school and it convinced me to get better at reading music and taking bass more seriously.
he eventually saw me play with a jazz quartet at a party and apologized to me for being an asshole. he even wrote me an apology letter and gave me a Stanley Clarke cd.
*gets raped*
It's just fucking music and not even good music but garbage jazz. He overcompensated dedicating his life to something nobody else took seriously. Huge insecurity problems.
nobody mentioned the jews m8.
they were talking about the “good times make soft men” phase we’re currently in.
No i absolutely hated that guys teaching style. I could only watch the first 20 minutes though. I mean if the guy was not out of tune he shouldnt have claimed he was. That is gaslighting bullshit. Its not appropriate to argue with the authority figure even if you are really in tune and you know it. I would have done exactly the same thing and left that retards class.
I had a few teachers like this in high school, and my dad was like this to a lesser degree.
In isolation, with the right student, strict teaching can work. But when everyone is doing it 24/7 and with the entire class, you just look like a power tripping idiot. Jazz music isnt *that* important
I should make a slight correction.
teachers shouldn't go as far as Schillinger did in Whiplash, my band teacher didnt. he was just rude to me and to be fair I was a little asshole who probably deserved it 50% of the time.
but teachers going hard on certain students is a good way of motivating them. especially a contrarian who operates out of spite most of the time.
heroin makes it so you don’t cum, you can fuck for hours.
and yes, pretty quality schizoposting
Last boss taught like this guy. Quit after 6 weeks. Now they have to spend 3k in costs to hire a new guy and likely will need to pay him much more than I was willing to take.
So no, nobody is better off for dickheads
I was a friend to a would be rockstar but there's this big phase between discovering rock music is about selling heroine and churning the pedophilia culture and my motivation to pressure my friend to push through it has lapsed from my attention. Now she's "dating" a guy with Tom Cruises nose and a name that sounds like the Matrix got bored naming people. So... I'm just going to let her rock. I don't know what heroine addict jizz feels like inside a vagina (high nerve density bloody hole) but I imagine if a vagina enjoys infectious dollups of bacterial ammonia it's probably going to enjoy infectious dollups of bacterial ammonia with a little heroine mixed in more. How's that, does that read like schizo -posting?
you ever think there are high school band students right now that are bragging to people like how band class is just like full metal jacket and shows off clips of whiplash to show off how hard it is, while nodding to themselves thinking "band is totally like this"
because thats my biggest complaint of the whole movie. its even worse than the horrible message about just taking abuse for the greater good and throwing away every aspect of your life to the point of almost dying and having no one, just to pass a music class. what makes me cringe more are the band memes about this movie
A teacher that actually challenges his students? Sure.
A teacher that pointlessly abuses his students using flimsy justifications and exploiting a huge power imbalance? Probably not.
He succeeded in killing one of his prodigies and likely ruined another through his abuse.
Then you have John Wooden, one of the most successful coaches of all time, who never yelled.
it reads like a mde monologue honestly, not bad
I think the point here is that both methods yield results. It just depends on the person receiving the instruction. In a life or death situation like the military during war time, Fletcher or Bob Knight would thrive because men would need someone like that over top of them in a combat situation. In jazz band it's ridiculous. Entertaining as a movie but pretty much fantasy.
Is she a teacher? If so it makes perfect sense she would hate this guy
You should dump her for talking like that of a fictional character.
This movie was just a sports movie but dolled up
You see the result of Fletcher in boot camp in Full Metal jacket. Completely breaking people leaves them broken. The Fletchers of the world are good for breaking people, but they cannot put people back together. Abuse with a purpose is very easy to separate from just straight forward over the top abuse, and people like Fletcher engage in the latter too much to be productive.
He's not a teacher, just an angry dude. All he does is scream at people and never gives constructive criticism. It's a movie and nothing more. Teachers can't afford to act like that, they'd either get litigated or shot by an enraged father.
I had an extremely strict professor in Thermodynamics class. His idea of a simple quiz was brutal, board level problems. But he taught so well and made sure we were prepared before any major exams, he'd use drills and exercises if he figured weren't. Strict dude but taught us math tricks to breeze or simplify equations.
Well to be honest it kinda is, yeah
he should help his mother tho
If it yields the same results, why go with the one that can mentally destroy people and lead them to suicide.
This is why I think this movie needed a rewrite because in the end they ultimately validate Fletcher by having him and Nieman share a moment of clarity before the credits. Simmons was great but the writing needed to be toned down to some semblance of believability. I was willing to accept that these kids would stay on board because they were desperate to be accepted to this program, which explains the lack of lawsuits. Things get out of whack with the slapping scene and Nieman showing up to a concert bloody from a car wreck. Cartoonish
Mine as well, it's a woman thing I guess.
He is kinda cool in my book
When you take into account the sheer volume of people a man like Fletcher has taught in his life--decades of teaching--the handful that lose their minds it outweighed by the successes. In the case of Bob Knight, he had one of the highest graduation rates at Indiana in NCAA history and many of the players still speak highly of him. Like Fletcher, its always that ONE kid that goes Full Metal Jacket and cracks.
I fucking wish, never had a authoritative/father figure in my life, it may sounds weak but I needed someone to instill a sense of purpose in me, someone who would motivate me, someone who would push and push and push so I can make something of myself. Now I just drift around, having no clue what I'm doing or why I'm doing it.
But that is the whole point of his teaching style. To evoke perfection you need to go OVER the line, not stay behind it, not stay on it. He created an environment were the people that had perfection in them could find it and use it. But this environment is extremely dangerous to the people that could never reach his standard of perfection.
Yeah the rent a car in a day then suffer a car crash thing was comical. Way too much.
>Great the guy who lied and psychologically tortured me is now proud of me for...ignoring his bullshit and playing on. Like all great teachers he only was proud of me when I ignored him
You don't need to go over the line to get perfection though.
Never trust a bald guy that shaves his head and prefers it that way.
- DJ Born, How To Get A Girlfriend
I need to read this
Absolutely no one had mentioned the jew until this post. Makes me think
Is he supposed to be redeemed by the end of the movie?
His methods were validated because Miles Teller had the perfect performance and Fletcher was ecstatic.
you tell me
The dad was an asshole too.
Movies only white people can relate to
On a side note I’d be in favor of a more stern approach to corporal punishment in public school. Teachers and principals have sat with their hands tied for too long and the fruits are evident in unruly classes and punks that run the show. I’d be in favor of seeing a guy like Fletcher hurl a chair at the heads of some of the backtalking pricks in my high school days
The guy being incredibly spiteful and wanting to humiliate his protege in the end ruined it for me.
I don't think so. Miles Teller's character simply achieved the success he had been striving for, which also happened to get Fletcher's approval at the same time.
Well at that point Andrew wasnt his protege anymore, just the kid who cost him his job. A job that gave Fletcher his means for creating a new 'great'. Not saying what he did wasn't stupidly spiteful
Fletcher describes the concert at the end as being able to make or break careers, what with the fatcats watching in the audience and all.
So how is it seen as a win for Teller when he flubs the first song, walks off and then back on stage, and then proceeds to completely disobey the conductor by not starting or stopping at the correct moments?
Nobody but Teller and Fletcher knew what the fuck was going on. To everyone watching it, it was a complete shitshow and everyone in the audience is going to remember Teller as a complete maniac.
I understand his reasoning for it. It's just brain dead to do it.
He should have known he was lucky his career wasn't ruined before.
Him being so spiteful ruined the character for me. I can understand him wanting to make the next "great" but Him being so spiteful makes me think that wasn't his goal.
Literally any normal person would beat the shit out of him the moment that he throws a chair at you. You are all fucking retarded
>Would we be better off if we had caricature people in caricature situations doing caricature things?
This is like going to biz and asking if the Parable of the Talents is appropriate economic advice. The jannies should throw OP into the outer darkness, where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.
instead of holding a grudge like that you should just be relieved that kids like that either end up in prison or as burnout losers
No, he's way way way too intense and out of his wits. Any student he gets improvement or 'the best' out of is done so in the wrong way and for the wrong reasons, and thus his performers ended up with technical proficiency but no soul, or personality, not to mention mental problems from the psychological deception. Another example of the extreme gone too far in something. Anyone who has had a good teacher in any art could tell you this.
You don't have gf.
and never will
At that point in transcended getting into the orchestra or whatever.
No, he was a power tripping faggot. If he was any more pathetic he would have been an internet janitor.
if we want more kids to kill themselves then sure
Is that such a bad thing?
Look at this place.
>t.hasn't been to music school
There are definitely dudes like him out there, though 9 times out of 10 they're just ego tripping more than being legit good to back it up. That style also only works with a certain subset of turbo-autists, too, most of whom would be inclined to push themselves super hard regardless.