How come there’s movies and shows about cocaine, meth, heroin weed but not this one?

How come there’s movies and shows about cocaine, meth, heroin weed but not this one?

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you already mentioned shows about meth

Limitless might as well be about it

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they prescribed me this when I was like 12 years old and I had no self awareness at all so it seemed like it did literally nothing. if I knew it was actually good shit I would have hawked it to my friends

It’s pretty nice.

yeah I know that now, but it's weird that as a kid, it seemed like it had no effect. whatever subtle behavior fix they were trying to accomplish didn't work lmao

It’s nice for awhile. Then you catch yourself staying up till six am jacking off for 17 hours

Where do I get adderall without being prescribed by a doctor if I fail another school semester parents kick me out the house I need it to concentrate

Kek this

>Then you catch yourself staying up till six am jacking off for 17 hours
That’s me OFF adderall. Haha no joke. Idk if I actually have adhd but it’s funny

meh, have fun doing math problems in your knee socks while chain smoking 100’s addled-sama

I've been down that dark road many of time

>tfw you're ripped on Adderall and have been accumulating the perfect collection of videos you want to jerk off to and you're gf comes home from work and you can't jerk it

Fucking cunt glad we're not together anymore.

>17 hours
I've been on 5 day straight binges edging; get on my level. The kind of orgasms that delete years from your life.
Hopefully I'll die soon.

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Can you ask your parents?

How do they make the balls inside that pill so small lol?

has there been a documentary about adderall in esports? theyre like PEDs. surprised no kid has overdosed yet, kek

>try it for the first time at 10am at work
>30mg XR just like OP pic
>have to work at 12pm the next day
>can’t sleep whole night, fapped 5 times
>didn’t fall asleep until 1am the NEXT day

That shit was fun

Not a movie, but Mr Robot season 2 has some kind adderall-related scenes

This shit permenantly fucks your dopamine receptors. Good luck finding joy in life after long term use
t. Adderall user for 10 years

Snakes all the way down.

This. About the same term usage.
If you're going to do this shit, fags, use that first period of a couple years where it gives you unlimited energy & creativity to nail your life goals. Don't waste it.
Because once your tolerance has gotten high as fuck, that period is done & will never return.

this looks like something I made in highschool graphic design

Look at that 633339
Anybody else seeing that 9 jump around to 633393?

Ive been off it for about 12 months and my life is so much better now overall. I was a daily 40mg -50mg user. I never realized how much of a tweaker i was. I feel normal now but my brain still struggles with dopamine, or lack thereof

Actually yes user. Only the first few times but yeah.


I've had a scrip for nearly a decade now, but was never a 24/7-365 user. 5 days was my longest binge & I only did that dumb shit twice. Now I have one "big" binge when I get the scrip, maybe 3 days at most and then will take nothing for at least a week.
Very difficult to actually focus while on it now, usually just end up aimlessly punding for what I feel is a couple hours & turns out to be fucking 2 days. Can't come down unless I edge & then pretend to sleep for a couple hours.
Have zero motivation, creativity, or energy for jack fucking shit without it though & can't stay awake for more than a couple hours at a time.

Yours is actually the first anecdotal evidence it gets any better going off it completely long term at all; everything I've read has suggested that "off" state I experience never goes away, so I've just accepted the maintenance addiction.

but to parrot as other anons said, shit wears off. i take wellbutrin these days but I'm thinking about getting back into nootropics again.

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>5 days was my longest binge
Should add I'll split the pills into 4ths & never allow myself to take more than a fourth at a time, but still end up eating like 300+mg over the course of a several day binge.
I know it's fucking stupid but once sleep dep sets in that voice telling you "DUMBFUCK STOP" gets quieter & quieter & quieter until it disappears altogether, and even when it's loud it does nothing.

There are, but they are portrayed as awesome party drugs, magical panacea, or super duper science drugs with special super powers.

user, they'll never talk honestly about the downsides of prescription drugs of any kind.
Nigga, one of the ways you can win an oscar is by playing someone crazy, fucked up, or psychologically or mentally injured in some wahy and get all MAGICALLY SAVED by the godly priesthood that are headshrinks and their mystical magical medicine called prescription drugs.
Oh you think I'm shitting?

I had to take it for grad school and work basically everyday. My biggest issue was the bad anxiety it caused. I was a bitch that couldnt interact with people or go to the store etc. So i got a perscription for xanax and then got fucked up on that everyday and took that every night blah blah blah vicious cycle. Im clean off pills for a year and i feel good (normal) for the first time i can remember. Good luck to you user, moderation is key etc.

>My biggest issue was the bad anxiety it caused
Kek, I've felt the "amphetamine psychosis" a couple times. Weed helps massively with that, but exacerbates the fuck out of the brainless punding shit.
Glad to know at least someone has had a positive experience getting off it altogether. Helpful. Stay strong fren.

What drugs should I start taking so I can feel emotions again? Is adderall a good bet?

Limitless isn’t about staying up all night jerking off to fetish porn?

Probably because they only gave you extended-release 5mg’s or some shit

Does it really have this effect on people? Adderall makes me the exact opposite of anxious. It makes me feel completely comfortable and inquisitive. I could have a conversation with a stranger for hours on it.

Haha drugs are great fellas am i right? Just about to take a "toke" of this marijuana in my possession

There is a risk that the manufacturer of Adderall, Shire PLC, would sue the producers if the movie suggested Adderall was dangerous as this could make public opinion more sympathetic to people whose health was damaged by Adderall and increase possibility of further patient litigation against the company.

sex: you should have it

>Is adderall a good bet?
No, adderall exacerbates all the shitty parts of your personality and puts you on edge, you'll end up staying up for multiple days at a time jacking off for 8 hours at a time but not cumming. It is hell.
>What drugs should I start taking so I can feel emotions again?
Mushrooms microdosing

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I thought Teva has adderall now?

Well its an amphetamine and a stimulant.

You know there’s a meth epidemic the same way there’s an opioid epidemic, I feel like people just don’t talk about it as much because it’s a lot harder to overdose on meth. It really baffles me that the manufacturers of adderall, Vyvanse, Ritalin, whatever, aren’t being scrutinized the same way the manufacturers of opioids pills are.

Wasn't the new Nightmare on Elm Street about adderall?

If you actually have ADHD I really doubt that adderall is as bad for you as opioids lmfao

Reminder that illicit drug use of heroin, prescription medications, amphetamines would fall by approximately 80% if marijuana was made legal. Alcohol use would fall by 40%.


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Speed makes the slave class both more productive and dumber.
It also makes them die faster which is good for business.

Oh Please. Adhd is a bullshit diagnosis used to justify prescriptions.

Adderall is not meth. Amphetamines is a category of drugs and different drugs in the same category act differently.

Tell us more Dr. Science!

>have qt 9/10 gf
>she takes a lot of Adderall
>tells me she has a script and she seems normal to start so I think everything is kosher
>couple years pass
>she's looking and behaving more and more like a meth addict
>becomes suicidal when she blows through her 30 days in ten and supplements by buying from dealers
>lost her job because she'd be awake for days at a time and too anxious and out of it to perform well
>is basically mooching off me at this point because she would be homeless if we hadn't been living together
>tells me she'll kill me as well as herself if I ever try to break up with her

How do I get out of this?

This is fantastic advice

>If you actually have ADHD
ADHD is caused by over exposure to media and screens, or isn't a condition at all and is simply how humans are meant to be. I like stimulants as next as the next person, but "ADHD" is just a pleasant loophole to use them legally.

I’ve done both and they’re exactly the fucking same nigga

>you'll end up staying up for multiple days at a time jacking off for 8 hours at a time but not cumming
Can confirm. Literally rubbed my dick raw to the point of scabbing over. It was not fun, but it is impossible to fight the urge.

Is she fat?

No, rail thin. Originally got prescribed vyvanse to help with an eating disorder actually and that's how she got started

Nah its real trust me, probably highly adaptive among nomadic groups but otherwise renders you dysfunctional. There is little advantage to being incapable of focusing on tedious necessary daily tasks and I can’t imagine how it would be different when the chance of severe consequences for failing to perform them is much higher.

>glad he has no gf so he can jerk in peace

Kill her first

>prescribed vyvanse to help with an eating disorder
Was she eating too much?

If you weren't using screens 24/7 and started a regular sleep cycle you would literally stop being "ADHD".

get her help. tell her family, stage an intervention. you're only making it worse by giving her a place to stay. if you don't do something, she's going to continue escalating and probably end up on meth or other hard drugs.

>t. someone who worked with drug court programs and probation officers


Even if they have a therapeutic effect, addiction can still be one of the side effects. That’s like saying nobody that gets prescribed OxyContin for a legitimate injury is going to end up on dope. At the end of the day, adderall and meth still basically effect dopamine and serotonin in the brain identically. And besides all that, there’s still the issue of overprescribing. Sure there might be some people who have a legitimate need for that kind of medication, but I certainly don’t think it should be dolled out the way that it is. There’s an enormous surplus of adderall in the country, the two easiest drugs for teenagers to get ahold of are weed and adderall.

So the doctor’s solution to her puking everything she eats up, is to just make it so that she never wants to eat? That’s a galaxy brain fix

Yea I love how everybody talks about the opiod crisis but theres no talk about how many people are addicted to prescription amphetamines

Adderall got me through some tough papers man

isn't the mom in Requiem for a Dream addicted to it?