Hayley Atwell Joins MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 7


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>for your next mission, should you chose to accept it, obtain the fabled nectar of life right from the source. We supplied you with pumps, bottles, and massagers. As always you can select your team.
This message will self-engorge in 5 seconds
thats the best I got

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But also good for Hayley; she's a good actress and in the last couple of years hasn't been in anything too prominent other than cameos for Marvel.

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I'm pretty certain of the plot:

In a interview Vanessa Kirby stated her character The White Widow, an arms dealer, was the daughter of Max, Vanessa Redgrave's arms dealer character from the first MI film. Widow makes a speech about her mother's beliefs, beliefs which sound similar to those of Solomon lane, the villain of the last 2 movies. Clearly she's Lane's daughter.

In the Rogue Nation Ilsa Faust was a double agent infiltrating Lane's organisation on behalf of the UK government . I assume she's also Lane's daughter explaining why he didn't kill her despite her uncertain loyalty.

I expect sibling rivalry and for Widow to kill Lane, usurping him as the main villain.


Testing if your IP is banned is a great way to get your IP banned.

I’m happy /ourgirl/ is getting the recognition she deserves

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especially when you can just easily check if your banned without posting

Post Hayleys.

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what a goddess

>Hayley Atwell Joins MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 7

B A S E D.

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God bless her, and her tits.

It's IMPOSSIBLE for me to not get hard while looking at her.

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They're already working on Mission Impossible 8. Plot details:
Starring Ted Danson as Brian as Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt

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she's so smol... :3

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Post the cookie eating webm user, please

No, because it's a muffin, not a cookie.

Just post it so I can pretend my dick is whatever baked good she is consuming


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who is watching these damn things?

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Yea Forums, now that our waifu is in the next movie, obviously

and that may be your mission

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Who even watches shit like this

le happy merchant face

she's nothing compared to miss Feetguson.

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Do you think she and Atwell will make out or press their breast together in any way
God I hope so

>Directed by Christopher Mcquarrie
Talentless HACK

>Brain De Palma
>John Woo
>JJ Abrahams
You can pinpoint the exact moment the series died. Fincher was supposed to direct #3 but Toms Insane levels of control freak scared him off. Woo got shafted by the studio/Tom and had to cut 1.5 hours off footage and spend months doing reshoots, that’s why 2 is so random FYI

Fuck off, McQuarrie won the Oscar for screenwriting when he was twenty fucking seven what the hell have you done with your life?
Don't even respond if you haven't seen Way of the Gun

yeah, but based Cruise loves working with him

Oh come on Solomon Lane again? Also isn't Vanessa Kirby's character a CIA agent or something?

He's 6'7

>what the hell have you done with your life?
Represented my country at the Jr World Cup as a teen
So go fuck yourself

hngggggggghhhhhhhhhhh im readddyyy for some titttty kino oohhhhhhhh i am coooooooominnnnnnnnn fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

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Please please please put her in tight and/or low-cut outfits. It has been far, far too long since we’ve seen this semen demon in appropriately revealing clothing.

did you win?

>user! Kick the ball into the goal, WIN IT!!

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She seems to have started hitting the wall in the past couple of years. She’s also dyed her hair some stupid pink colour.

Has anyone got any recent (past few months) images of her to prove she’s still got “it”?

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The shitty blonde and pink dye jobs were for separate movie/tv roles. I saw her on stage recently and can confirm she’s still hot as fuck. Only downside is she’s slightly skinnier than a couple of years ago, but it does help to accentuate her kino sharp features (and her tits are still unbelievably huge ofc).

At a loss for what settings and transportational mayhem this franchise has left. Doesn't matter as much for Bond (Craig's films are lesser, agree) but M:I marketing appeal is 70% stunt/setting centric.

I'd like these new entries to increase the darkness + plot investment + mortal stakes a few respective degrees, as Fallout did to Ghost Protocol. Rogue Nation has aged poorly because it's too slapstick, McQuarrie's debut not withstanding. I'm cool with Tom going to space in 8. Also a pitstop in the American South would be kino, a nod to American Made or Days of Thunder.

>hayley atwell
>rebecca ferguson
>vanessa kirby
>paula patton
I tell you, if Tom crams all these cuties into the next installment I don't think my libido could take it.

How did Tom become the lone hero who casts leading women that dare to be aged over 25?


You forgot Michelle Monaghan

Is Cruise gonna climb her tits for his next big stunt?

>Ol'right guv'nh? You checkin' out moiye funbags?

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I didn't think she was an active member of the MI harem any more since she divorced him.

Yeah because Cruise is a control freak and needs a pushover Director who’s nothing but a yes man
Cruise owns the MI franchise since day one, he’s executive producer and owns the IP to boot.
He used to trust directors to deliver but after Woo wanted to cut back on Toms retarded ideas and use his own instead Tom got all butthurt and hired pushovers ever since. Apart from Brad Bird who coincidentally gave us the only decent Mission Impossible after the first two.

few franchise have this level talent

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Tom Cruise movies always have kino shoots with the girl.

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Mcquarrie being back legitimately scares me because Fallout was good completely by accident

Like the guy basically openly bragged that they just came up with set pieces and threw all the shit around them together as best they could. That can work once, but three times in a row?

Her getting the vapors over shirtless Cruise was some high level unintentional comedy

yeah sure post your body big mouth

>Hayley Atwell Joins MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE
will getting pregnant with her barren womb be her assignment in the movie?

it already has worked three times in a row. McQ was brought on halfway through Ghost Protocol to save the movie and completely rewrote a lot of it on the spot.

She is freaking gorgeous, not just because of her glorious boobies but because she has a fun and wicked personality, that counts a lot towards sexiness for me.

>Series is like Bond except not total shit the way Bond is
>Even gets kino English women

How did they do it?

>sport vs intellect
so you're a nigger

My nigga

I can't stand ferguson

she was a middleman or something

me. 4 and 6 were great. almost as good as the first one. the rest are fine spy movies

but is cavill back

>who is watching the only good action franchise

Mission Impossible with Hayley FATWELL? What are they gonna call that one?

>Mission: Impossible – Hamhock
>Mission: Impossible – Hog Nation
>Mission: Impossible – Bacon Protocol
>Mission: Impossible – Deadly Swine
>Mission: Impossible – Fall Snout

I can see it now.

>Ethan! The pig pen has been compromised. Get to the farm and save Hayley FATWELL at all costs.

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Nah, Cruise and Dwayne Johnson always have only skeletons in their movies
And I was already tired of seeing only skeletons with no tits or ass in Tom Cruise movies

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Johnson makes Cruise seem like a believable sexual dynamo in comparison, dude is gayer than a plate of strawberry pancakes

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He's dead, bro.

> McQ was brought on halfway through Ghost Protocol to save the movie and completely rewrote a lot of it on the spot.

she needs to lactate on me before those milkers burst

>On Ghost Protocol I came in on the middle of the shoot to do a rewrite of the screenplay, though they had already started the movie. I had to communicate with the entire staff to determine what I could and couldn't change, what sets had been built or struck, what scenes I could or couldn't reshoot. I learned so much about production being right there. ... The script had these fantastic sequences in it but there was a mystery in it that was very complicated. What I did was about clarity. The mystery had to be made simpler. It's like reaching into a sock and pulling it inside out. It's still a sock, still all the same pieces, but all put together in a different order.

>coomer thread


