is this the same /general/ as seen in the movie edition
The dark crystal general cont
Other urls found in this thread:
oldschool general as seen in the film for reference. I personally think it's the same character reanimated, but other anons seem to think differently
I'm only one episode in. The Garthrim General who becomes emperor in the movie is a different general I'm pretty sure. Two generals.
I think differently.
Imagine that the general was reincarnated. How the fuck does the Chamberlain get out of that shit?
desu we could never get a 2nd season and it would transition perfectly as is, the GQ (general question) aside
>"I'm Rygel the Sixteenth, dominar to over six hundred billion people, and I think the Skeksis are marvelous overseers of an otherwise uncivilized backwater. Fuck gelflings, fuck podlings, and fuck blue bitches."
I really did think they were the same character the entire series but side by side I can see they're obviously not, he's probably one of the 3 or 4 Skeksis not seen in the show that they mentioned summoning.
They literally talk about summoning SkekUng in the show. They can't be the same character.
Not to mention his personality is completely different from the General, and the show was extremely faithful to personalities otherwise.
based chambs is literally a master of getting out of shit. Also, interestingly, upon the emperor's death in the og, there are three distinct factions that form: one is the priest skek's bid for power, one is the general's bid, and the last one is Chamberlain's. The priest chad steps out and this long-running rivalry finally climaxes between C and G with the Trial by Stone. It makes perfect sense in alignment with the new series' happenings.
ok well clearly and gratefully I need to rewatch this shit with that in mind because I was 100% viewing through the lens of during my first watch. Thanks fellow crystal chads for spurning even more intellectual investment into this show out of me
skekVar is the general on the series, after his death, skekUng is the general in the movie.
they are not the same.
no he isn't same...
if skekVar (series general) was friend of skekUng (movie general) , and skekUng doubts about a gelfling killing his friend, probably he will get suspicious about the last skeksis that saw skekVar alive, and that was the chamberlain.
is it also true that we're watching a total red herring resistance because the gelfings actually win this round and the skeks aren't even a problem until a fire gelf breaks the crystal again? Loreds of the Crystal rise up
literally worried I'm retarded now thanks for clearing that up crystal chads
There's 18 Skeksis in total. 8 died during the courses of the Dark Crystal and 2 died in the film. So expect more dead Skekis in season 2.
What general question?
Reposting this from last thread because I'm vain and want (you)s and discussion
Also the Skeksis were initially good rulers.
The dichotomy between the Skeksis and the Mystics is not as simple as Evil vs Good. The Urskeks were split in a much more complicated fashion, and that's part of the tragedy.
The world of Thra is more like the wheel of the heavens or the universe cycles of the Jains than a fight between good and evil.
From an earlier state of perfect good, Thra has been falling for some thousand years into perfect darkness (the downward spiral of the wheel, from the top point of perfect good can come only a continued revolution, downwards to the bottom). What Len aimed for in the film was a return upwards, the continued revolution of the wheel towards good and the highest point. But his conception was basic and ignorant. What he got was a return to the center spoke of the wheel; the point of perfect understanding and balance, where the illusion of 2 is dispelled, and there are no longer mystics and skesis, but only Urskeks.
But make no mistake, the Skeksis are not the "evil" half of the Urskeks, and the Mystics are not the "good" half.
Rather, the Skeksis are the active, the worldly, the involved element. Action. And the Mystics are the contemplative, the spiritual, the compassionate (but detached) element. Emotion(?)
In the first age, the "perfect" age, both played splendid roles in a wonderful domain. But with time came decay into an age of darkness.
the GQ has been dismissed as per this thread
The Skeksis are active; they rule and control and kill and pillage and whatever. Their darkness is very visible.
The Mystics are completely passive, and have (for all purposes) given up on the world altogether. For the creators and maintainers of this world, that is of course unacceptable. You might say that they are fine persons in and of themselves, and disengagement is fine. But consider the difference between the Mahayana and Theravada conceptions of Buddhahood. To the Theravada, a spirit can become a buddha by attaining enlightenment. Done and done. But to the Mahayana, no spirit could possibly be worthy of enlightenment if it would go on to enlightenment but leave the rest of existence behind to suffer. It's contradictory. So how could the Mystics, given their position in the world, possibly be "good" and yet abandon the world completely? Especially when they abandon it to their more actively evil halves?
Image related: The wheel of fortune, with the king at the top and the fool at the bottom.
At the top life is grand, and all is good. But the wheel continues to revolve, and you go down to evil. (ie; 1000 years ago on Thra)
At the bottom life is shit, and all is evil. But the wheel continues to revolve, and you go up towards good. (ie; during the film)
The only stationary point is the hub. A difficult concept to describe in spiritual terms. It is a point of perfect conception and understanding. But suffice it to say that the hub is the Urskeks.
>I personally think it's the same character reanimated
how? the general skekVar literally turned to dust
So we confirmed the skeksis represent the jews?
A recent research paper done at the Castle of the Crystal reported Gelfling women have skeksis receptors all over the surface of their pussy walls. These receptors are responsible for determining arousal levels during copulation.
>Hmmmmmmmm......Gelfling cannot resist the BSC (Big Skeksis Cock) yes? Hmmmmmmm
augra hints a lot about the possible futures, possible outcomes of the story, maybe, just maybe, we are getting a precuel of a alternative timeline. where gelflings are not holocauste´d
>The Skeksis are active; they rule and control and kill and pillage and whatever...
Very astute posts my fellow crystal chad. I was just mentioning to one of my 18 ggfs (gelfling-reminiscent girlfriends) I happened to watch the Hunter episode with that it's so cool how the Skeksis were clearly the apex predators of this world at some point long ago. In their prime, they were winged raptors 5x the size of the second most intelligent being in this world (gelfling). It's no wonder why they rule the fucking planet and have unflinching hubris...
No. Go away.
lol fucking queers
time to grow up
You ever wonder the confusion the Mystics would be going through in their isolated place?
One day one just up and loses an eye. Later one explodes and another drops dead.
Based and dualpilled
this. see my latest entry for why skeks are NOTHING like the jews of our world. They were literally the strongest and hence developed a culture completely based on strength and dominance. NOTHING like the weakling long-nosed subversive goblins of our own reality can I get a HMM HMM my fellow chamberchads?
They're 100% different characters. One is called skekUng (film version) and the other is called skekVar (netflix series). After skekVars death, skekUng becomes the new General and eventually the new emperor.
The Urskeks use Thra as a plane to reascend, learning in phisical life. Because in his homeworld they could not do it.
But they are not good ones, they fucked up all of Thra, killing gelflings and creating the darkening, because they are not from Thra.
The Urskeks had to have done the journey of wisdom in his own homeworld with his own crystal, instead they traveled the stars to mess up other planet.
So according to your interpretation, would the Skeksis have overseen a second golden age if they had prevented Jen from healing the crystal during the great conjunction?
Yeah, and notice the scene where Kira gets her essence extracted. Only the Emperor, who has been afflicted by The Darknening, is laughing at her. The rest of the skeksis seem worried and confused. One shouts "What are you doing to her!?" and other skeksis are telling the scientist to stop.
Then they drink the essence and quickly become addicted.
Yessssss. Hmmmmmmm
I hope not.
Hard to say if it would have been the actual literal same Skeksis.
But yes.
The first thing that would have happened would have, of course, been the 1000 years (or however long) of perfect darkness at the bottom of the wheel. To be strictly correct, Len's life wasn't the absolute bottom of the wheel, but the still descending sufferer, near the bottom (pic related). Eventually that world of Thra, the cycling wheel, would have reached the top again. In the mythological world of the thing, I suppose it is likely it would have been the selfsame, literally same Skeksis.
This is a very interesting point which I overlooked upon viewing and which makes the whole thing so much clearer. Thank you for pointing it out.
>Addiss said, “We also have a concrete document for season two. So we are ready to go.”
The overall season has continued that message of hope, despite some of the grim times that may lie ahead. The events of the 1982 original film paint Jen and Kira as the two remaining Gelfling after the Garthim have wiped out all the others. But Grillo-Marxuach cautions viewers who assume that the story could lead to an out-and-out genocide.
“We hear what we call the G-word a lot in these interviews because of what the movie presents. But the movie is a pretty small story. And one of the recurring tropes of the show is that the story is much bigger than you imagine and much more complicated,” he said.
“Thra is very unpredictable and it follows rules that are consistent, but they may not be the rules you think thy are, so you need to be very careful about watching that movie and assuming that you know everything.”
honestly the emperor of the show already had a way more fucked up nose than this skek. I need a rewatch but a lot of small pieces don't really fit baka desu
Skeksis where not from Thra, the wheel of thra was broken ( like the crystal) and would stayed corrupted and unbalanced for ever, if Jen didnt fufill the profecy.
The wheel of the urSkeks ( aliens) was destroying the wheel of Thra.
This unbalance of the natural development of Thra disrupts the wheel of the planet, like a wheel that is off the carriage, it will go for a few but then it will hit the floor
Skeksis = Kikesss
Blood libel
Yeah, they're Jews, or at least the "bad" ones.
The idea of "of Thra" "not of Thra" is part of the illusion.
if the skesis had won, the gelflings would died, thra would end in darkness and the seksis would had rule ashes until they died of old age like the emperor.
And the first age was not a perfect age, was the start of the decay, ougra´s mind was lost into stars, the seksis started to drain the crystal in secret, the gelfling clans started to misstrust each other and the spiders lost their ancestral home. it was far for pefect
I was thinking they represent boomers.
>Old and hideous
>Only looking out for themselves
>Demanding younger generations reject their needs over boomer needs
All the prophecies etc are written from the perspective of those inside the illusion. "Thra would end in darkness" is a perfectly true appraisal from the perspective of a Gelfling. Even of a Skeksis. But it's not true.
The things you've said that you think discount the golden age are all things that happen after the end of the golden age. In the decline. Station 2.
Currently on ep 8. why is aughra so based?
dude just fucking kill yourself and stop defending skeksis in every fucking thread
More like the dark cringe
No. Go away.
leave you sad faggot
it happen after the station 2, after the resistance, it all started with the urskeks split. In the supposed "golden age", augra was lost in the stars, and wakes up at the start of Resistance, the spiders lost their home centuries after Resistance ( so long that the gelfligs living in the caves did not know about it), the misstrust of the clans started with the machinations of the skeksis, because they not wanted a united gelfling nation, even, the gelfling lost the 'old ways' -before the urkses time- of watching each others as equals. all of that happen in the "golden age" and ended in the resistance point. between the station 1 and 2.
and is a fact, not an illusion, that if the skeksis won, they would had killed the 2 remaining gelflings, the crystal, wich is Thra, would stayed broken and darked. And the remaining skeksis would had rulled a destroyed lanscape because they would have drained all of the resources and the Podlings of the planet trying to live for ever.
the wheel was unbalanced, broken and rotten.
No. Go away.
so pathetic bro
Thou knowst not
watch the series again, the crystal is the representation of the wheel of thra, and it is broken. all the movie was trying to restart the corrupted wheel, restart the natural order.
the illusion is the skeksis false order that started with the skeksis and developed in the 'golden age' that was only a 'age of lies' that ended in corruption.
accept that your wheel theory is flawed. they literally wanted the 2 remaining gelflings killed. if skeksis had won, thra would ended without gelflings ( the race of thra that was supposed to evolve and ascend ), corrupted ( as the dark energy on the crystal would never transformed into new energy) and possible destroyed ( like probably happen in the skeksis home planet)
>but my lords, I-
you gentleskeksanon...are FUCKING BASED AS FUCK
>when they gangbanged her
really didn't expect that
what’s the earth parallel of the podlings
>Skeksis were initially good rulers
That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
>there's nothing a podling loves more than dirt!
isn't hup too smart for a podling?
Does anyone else hope they re-do the movie as the last season of the show?
I thought they were the same, but after looking at the teeth, you can tell they are different
>someone promised the show had elf tits
>i spend 10 hours on this shit for nothing
Fucking cringe.
>no genocide
So, the Kikesss will make all the Goyflings homos and they'll stop having kids?
Or, they'll pull some mass sterilization thingy
yea I'm 100% in on that senpai
It's disappointing when you watch the movie after the series and see how ineffectual these things actually are. They can't even climb down a fucking wall
2bh (and after having just watched the HD remaster) it doesn't need it. But only if you watch the remaster with color correction, etc. It looks just about seemless with how the show looks.
different, the future garathim general from the movie was one of the skesis named when one of them ask if they should call all the skesis back to the castle
hes the one thats referenced as being really strong
Where and how do the non-castle skeksis even live?
I wondered about this
SkekMal is apparently the strongest, but he doesn't live in the castle and we see how weak the other skesis are getting without the crystal.
Is it that the skesis who remained and kept draining the crystal made themselves more reliant on it whilst also increasing their lifespan?
so did aughra
Based Rygel have blessed us again.
>we see how weak the other skesis are getting without the crystal.
hunter was the strongest of them all. The skeks are just addicted to the crystal as a source of pleasure. The pleasure has poisoned them.
Probably in their own mini-castles and towers.
Hey buddy, want some sugar?
Why climb walls when you can completely destroy them
Yeah they couldn't even do that right when they were trying to catch J from crawling up the crystal shaft. In fact I'm not even sure they did a single thing in the movie besides just show up to keep the plot moving.
She had a rougher than normal emo/goth phase.
>"Oh, hey. Sorry for ruining your planet for a thousand trine, draining your essence and basically genociding every species in existence, but we're back together now so...bye"
Fucking scumbags.
This film is so good when you're high
>i must now return to my home planet, farewell
Back in 1982, when the movie first came out, there was no PG-13 rating. Didn't come out until two years later, hence why a lot of old movies get PG ratings (such as Poltergeist) when it kinda seems like they should get PG-13 ratings by our standards today. So your point is invalid.
Do you think this is an alternative timeline?
I can hear this perfectly, thank you
Don't worry Season 2 will go full on Team America with the gratuitous puppet sex scenes.
The flashback shows them murdering the Goyflings. We can assume that's how it went down.
The movie shows them capturing the Podlings, so we can assume that's what their current service entails.
Just finished watching the show
Just posting the ultimate chad.
>lol, guys, you can also have the crystal, just don't drop it like we did
>have a good one
>yeah, that crystal, the thing that caused us to kill everything on your planet and shit?
>yeah, you can have it, we uh, don't need it anymore, yeah
>it's a good gift
Jesus Christ. It's like leaving a whole heap of unexploded nukes on the ruins of Hiroshima and they're ready to go if you just kick them, and then saying it's a gift to the 2 Japanese civilians that didn't get burnt away.
God I hope they don't introduce time-travel or some shit in season 2.
It was just a prank bro. Why do you have to take everything so seriously man?
>this is the Skeksis cast
Never would have believed this group could do something this good.
The only one I could tell the actor from was the Scientist, Mark Hamill put a little too much Joker in the voice.
Who is the sexy asian cutie?
He plays the General
Simon Pegg was god-tier in this.
Why isn't the General the ruler of the Skeksis? He's clearly the biggest one of them all, he should eat the lesser ones
There is a reason they were banished from their home system
>he's clearly the biggest one of them all
Cubone is my favorite pokemon
The Trial of Stone kinda has a shitty outcome if you lose
Wow, getting undressed really the harshest skesis punishment
fucking based
You forget the being an outcast deal
Which would be torture for these cosmopolitan types
She's so small those Skeksis could parade her around on their triple cocks like a...puppet.
Yeah, but there are Skeksis out there so it's not like you must live in the castle and pretend to be a ruler. Hunter clearly wanted none of that, for example.
>implying it was their fault and not the other peoples' fault
you antiskesite
What happens to any Skeksis/Mystics nowhere near the crystal when they merged at the end of the movie? Would they still be split?
I think it's assumed they're all dead by then, but it's clearly show inventing shit that wasn't in the movie.
Gurjin the Based
think he'll get that seladon pussy? she was all over him in the finale. shame the funny sister didn't make it.
What clan did this throne belong to? The design looks a bit like that sigil they keep seeing in the show. After the genocide would the remaining Gelfling create a merged superclan for the survivors using this sign?
her face spider survived, maybe part of her consciousness is still alive somehow and will return in a giant Arathim
based and cronenbergian
Good question. I'm sure the Henson people have it worked out. Perhaps they'll have it be a throne for some united, maybe underground gelfling society yet to be seen... or more appropriately, by the looks of it, I'd guess it to be a relic of an earlier gelfling society. If you read the Dark Crystal: Creation Myths, you see other, older-looking gelfling communities and kingdoms depicted.
Also, the Dark Crystal books and comics are pretty cool. They've been fleshing out a really cool and consistent lore for a while.
Ban Assault Peachberries!
>"SKEKFAG, SKEKOWITZ, SKEKBERG, YOU'RE BEING SUMMONED! Your Emperor has a task for you! You'll have to travel to the Valley of Silicon Crystals, and force the Tech Reptiloids to change the search results for "White American Family" on Google Images!"
Holy fucking based.
I wonder what title they are gong to give him in season 2. Seems weird that they already had general and conquer only to introduce yet a 3rd Skeksis who specializes in war and combat
UrMaskes, very based
Mystics are more in touch with Thra, they probably now that what ever happens to the Skesis also affects them and have come to accept this.
Archer was probably as baller as Hunter.
>The Hunt must end.
He probably wasn't that great at close range, but considering from how far away he was able to lure Aughra he could probably have sniped his enemies from miles away if he wanted to.
Is it bad to like Seladon?
Yes, unless it's purely sexually
You got to fuck the bad out of her even if she isn't willing.
In an inversion to what the Skesis do, you would put your essence into a Gelfling.
>skeksis could have just asked for gelfling cummies instead of genociding them
Jesus Christ why does Deet make my penis so hard
Why not both hmmmmm?
I can only hope that science is able to give me a genetically engineered Deet wife one day.
I was really hoping instead of jumping off of that cliff he would have just shot an arrow into the air and like an episode later it would land in the Hunter's head.
>projecting your obsession on a puppet show
Mystics are pacifists and vegetarians why do they even need an archer
Next season I want:
Treasurer Skesis
>go to watch the movie on shitflix before I watch the series
>the version of shitflix is absurdly quiet no matter how much I turn up the volume
You have been awarded two tithes for this post.
Gelfling genocide
Should I rewatch the show for the third time, bros?
They should've stay on Thra a bit longer, helping to fix the shit they caused at least.
I mean gelflings probably also died out completely, the remaining two can't revive an entire species. Fuck the aliens.
It's boring. The fight scenes are awkward and stupid. And they keep bobbing up and down when they walk.
I am also debating that. It's good but shit I have other things I should do. I may end of up watching it a third time. It's been a long time since I had genuine enjoyment from a show that made me want to rewatch it.
>And they keep bobbing up and down when they walk.
Oh my, not bobbing! The horror!
Mystics stance reminds me of the principle of non-action ( Wu-Wei ) in Chinese philosophy. Both Mystics and Skeksis represent human nature as a whole. Skeksis represent technic, logic, thoughts, culture, government that interfere with natural course, forsaking spontaneity for artifice. Therefor, cultural fall, death, decay and vanity are their mere nightmare. We can say they have an Apollonian vision of life, even though there are now terribly ugly. On the other hand, Mystics are in touch with Wu-wei, the incessant fluctuation of the universe, they don't fear death, and do embrace it, and therefor are commited to passivity. Mystics are spirituality, Skeksis are will. They took different routes, but to form Urseks back again, both way must merge. Like Nietzsche said in Birth Of Tragedy, both Appolinian and Dyonisiac stances are required for a man to be spiritualy wholesome. Sorry for the shortcuts, I'm not too good of a philosopher and I struggle at explaining what I think, maybe you are more familiar with these concepts than I am.
>our work here is done
>but you didnt do anything
Doing it right now and yes
the great bobbing will be explained in the second season
Their acting is awful and wooden. Their faces are mostly expressionless. They just open and close their eyes and mouth.
I approve of this bait
fuck this ayyys
they didnt pay the price
>It would be much better if they simply used CGI.
It's morons like you that killed traditional animation in favour of CGI.
lads you took the bait
I am the one you (you)'d and I didn't tl and did r.
If anything too short want more
to hunt evil
What is the geography of Thra like? How large are the distances between points of import? What is the population of the various races in various areas at the start of the series?
Good you asked. No idea
dont talk shit about Bobb´n
>we are the ascension
Why did Deet have two fathers?
grandfather and father
We know exceptionally little about Gelfling reproduction at current.
podlings are pretty based.
Yeah, Tavra's stuck in a spider body in the books and they seemed to be setting up to do the same in the show.
there's books? wew. are they good?
The novels are focused on Naia and Kylan's adventures and lighting the fires of resistance and while they parallel the basic arc of the show, they aren't an exact continuity match. Fantastic for worldbuilding though and besides Hunter, we also have based Mariner, the Pirate Lady Skeksis that enslaved a fucking Gamera to use as a living ship.
The spiders appear to be the only military power in existence. They appear to have been such for the past 1000 years.
How the fuck did they ever lose? How the fuck did they ever agree to work for /anyone/, much less their original betrayers, the Skeksis? How could the Skeksis have lasted for a single hour against them once they joined the Gelflings?
RE: everything looks pretty fucky in the numbers and shit.
Skeksis: like, 18 guys. They're big and tall. But there are only 18 of them. Arrows kill them, swords kill them, all the regular shit.
Gelflings: We see around 50 or so in each of the 7ish cities. Presumably the world is not quite so small as that, is it? But lets assume it is. 50*7=350. Not all of them are soldiers, but we do see a fairly large complement of warriors in the castle, in stone in the wood, at hraal, etc.. Then they also have a witch and a magic sword and animal friends and podlings.
How do the Skeksis possibly hold off the Gelflings for even the amount of time to make 1 Garthrim once the Gelflings have united? At the end of the 1st season the Skeksis nevertheless somehow made.... 1 Garthrim. That would hardly change the balance.
Okay... so those are some problems. But lets go a step further...
SPIDERS: There are, apparently, hundreds of the large ones (if not thousands) and certainly thousands of the smaller mind-controlling ones. The large ones are fast, strong, spit acid, have hard shells, etc. The small ones mind control people. And they all share a hivemind.
How the fuck are they not dominating the world all the fuck over?
Why don’t any of the other Skesis ever use their other set of arms? The UrRu all seem to use them regularly but I wasn’t even aware Skesis had them until SkekHunter went full Grievous
The second pair have atrophied and decayed.
If you watch the film closely you'll find that many of the Skesis even appear to only have 1 functioning arm left.
Maybe it was an issue of ease-of-puppetry, but the if they've decided to factor it into the lore then it's pretty cool.
SkekMal is the Skesis version of /fit/ then
This show has so much soul and passion in it. Can see everyone involved really enjoyed making it. Rare for something designed for mass market consumption to have soul these says
Hopefully this helps the JH Company make more puppet kino
It’s interesting because the director has made a lot of soulless mediocre schlock like Hulk 2008, clash of the titans remake, and Now You See Me
Jim Henson’s daughter was a huge force on insisting that “everyone who speaks is a puppet” which became a production rule
I suspect it has to do with the fact that it was the Jim Henson company making it. Netflix is willing to fund shit willy nilly, but I think that in most cases they're given to getting their fingers a little too deep into it. With this there was an outside studio with an interest in the integrity of the series.
The Hunter should have been the main antagonist for the entire season, so that Archer's line "the hunt must end" would actually have some weight. Not to mention give a reason why the Hunter was chosen as Rian's final adversary as opposed to the General. They should have taken ques from the Terminator and just had the Hunter relentlessly pursuing Rian and the others for the entire season.
His and Archer's death felt hollow and, to be frank, their inclusion to the series felt tacked on. They both suffer from an all too common symptom of that plagues the entire show's story in many forms and instances: Deus Ex Machina.
when is this hitting the piratebay
Hunter was pretty much the main antagonist, IDFK what you mean. Though I agree General got cucked hard at the end. And Gourmand's death was a little meaningless.
You mean the Collector.
I was glad to see her go though because she was basically a nobody who just sneezed on shit and seemed out of place.
Hunter only did anything of note for 2 out of the 10 episodes.
He killed Rian's dad, delivered Rian to Chamberlain, fucked off for like, 4 or 5 episodes, appeared from nowhere to kidnap worst princess, died for an episode, and then woke up just to run out and die for real.
Didn't really do anything for most of the series.
Incidentally the Japanese voice acting for this series is so fucking much better than the English.
Every single character is so much more on point, better, cooler. More emotion.
I don't care what you think.
A gelfling soldier probably got horny and raped his mother. Hence why he wants to be a Paladin. His Dad pretends he doesn’t exist so poor Hup thinks he can earn his approval if he becomes one.
>he only did about 5 central things to the plot
You realize this show has about 50 characters right? Hunter got plenty of spotlight.
The only thing that bothered me was how Hunter was fast and could leap through tree's. Where the fuck does he get his energy and athletic abilities?
>ywn watch the original movie performed in the original made-up language with subtitles.
It was one step away from being timless kino.
Does this show have any niggers ni it?
It’s all puppets dumb fuck
Yes. One of the races are black. But oyu only see her a few times.
It's about the skill
Anyone aware of any cool upcoming or existing merch for this series? All I can find is a few Pop figures :(
I would only count killing Rian's dad and kidnapping worst princess as doing something of any sort of relevance. I don't how people consider his role well utilized. The show would have benefited greatly by replacing half of Deet's aimless wandering in the woods, and half of worst princess's time getting told where to go to move the plot forward, with scenes of the Hunter pursuing Rian and silencing anyone he's encountered along the way.
There are a few figures that exist as well. See pic related and
>Smug even as a toy
Impressive, Chamberlain.
ngl I'll probably get the Deet pop figure because her eyes are big anyway
The Hunter one doesn't look bad either
No clue how the spiders lost, but the skeksis do seem to be extremely powerful even when they're not /fit/ like the Hunter. Remember that they took down almost the entire castle guard, who are presumably some of the greatest warriors among the gelfling. It's true that they were warned about it ahead of time but from the dialogue it seems like they did in fact engage them in open combat and completely kicked their asses .
Why bother though? I guarantee that there'll be better figures out there eventually, why bother with funko pops? I can at least somewhat understand it if you're a collector with 200 of the fuckers or something, but why buy individual ones when they look like shit compared to anything else?
What is user going to do with their Deet action figure?
I'm kinda looking forward to the 1/6 figurines that might be produced because of this.
Drain her essence
The Rian looks OK. The Skeksis one at $499 is too fucking expensive though. I would get a Deet if priced well.
Because there will probably never be Nendos for this show and I want a cute Deet figure. That fits the bill fine. I'll probably get this figure for the Hunter though.
I hope they make a 1:6 scale statue for Deet too, the Funko action figures seem kinda low quality.
Pay your tithe Goyfling!
I didn't realize they'd started producing any so I just had a quick search. Holy shit that's amazing, but you're right, it's so expensive.
Just wait for the Deet fleshlight senpai
[Spoiler]Drain my essence on her[\Spoiler]
1:1 Deet sex doll when?
They all sell out so quickly, it takes me a few months to gather that amount of cash and by that time they're gone.
Hard to say, though. It wouldn't be that surprising if the castle guard literally never saw any actual action
How many of the gelflings did? Other than fighting off occasional spitters there doesn't seem much that's a threat in the world.
Podlings are a threat
The entire combined race of podlings would die to a single hip-thrust from the most elderly and decrepit of grottans. Gelflings take shits more powerful than podlings.
then why are they still alive in the movie, not the gelflings? They have an insidious power Thra has never seen before
t-take that back user
You're making Hup cry again.
>Hup nay paladin
>Hup nobody
>die to a hip thrust from a Grottan
God, I wish that were me.
One of my favourite scenes. It, "NO" and "The hunt must end" are my top 3.
The skeksis need to get their slaves and essence sources from somewhere and they've already wiped out the superior gelflings because they're idiots.
Season 2, Hup shoots up the local cinema
Mother Augra is a great character. The carriage ride with Chamberlain being the voice of reason and the puppet show within a puppet show are my favorite scenes.
The chamberlain carriage ride would be up there if they hadn't completely forgotten about it 10 minutes later when Rian escapes with his friends despite not doing so when given the opportunity earlier.
They drain Podlings remember. Not as good as Gelfings but all they had left.
That's what I said. With the gelflings gone they now have to use podlings as essence sources.
Needs a costanza edit
The colors look really bad, why are there just flat blocks of color with no variation whatsoever? Aughra is the only one of these I'd get but I don't like her enough to have a figure of her.
>why are there just flat blocks of color with no variation whatsoever?
Saves money.
Wise and mighty lords of Yea Forums. I come here to beg for you to release the Gelfling of Stonewood so they may return to your service
do you think bobb'n had a 90% chance of being molested, since he had 2 gay fathers, or do gelflings not do that kind of thing?
I'll consider it if you bend over for these three dicks
>have skeks inceladon
Thank you. I was gonna do it when I got home.
>but the Yankees won the World Series...
>hmmmmMMMMmm, after six seasons, yes?
Can't wait for the eventual gelfling plush toys. Gonna fuck that Deet real good.
You impure fuckers want to stick your dick in everything, me, I just want to watch the cute and comfy blossoming friendship between Deet and Brea.
>The Heretic is proof that not all Skeksis are/were innately evil and that some of them can even be converted to the "good" side if given enough counseling, patience and acceptance
Makes me wonder if good Skeksis or Skeksis-Mystic relationships were more of a common occurrence in the past (back when their numbers were greater,) or if we'll see an evil Mystic who ends up siding with the current Skeksis rulers later down the line.
does hunter prefer dante or nero?
Hup is a moron. What was he thinking? Did he really think he was gonna get some Gelfling pussy when he's a dirty Podling. Retard.
>not innately evil
did you even watch the show? he told them how bad and terrible he was a long time ago, he literally was called the conqueror, he only got "good" later on
the emperor is an absolute madlad
He plays boomer Dante exclusively
did ya even fuckin read the post before replying
>that spike in his head
is that why he was super autistic?
Bro had to literally lobotomize himself to stop being a cunt.
do you have a tl;dr
based skekMal
A Star Wars/Dark Crystal crossover would be worth watching. Unfortunately, this netflicks prequel isn't.
I always made fun of waifuism and the neckbeards who love their waifus until now. I am a grown ass man, with a good career, a loving wife, and a healthy social life and this little fictional green gelfling is making me feel a certain way.
Fuck this show, man
They captured podlings
I want to stick my dick in the Scroll Keeper.
What does Birdo pussy feel like?
Did you even read my entire post?
>and that some of them can even be converted to the "good" side if given enough counseling, patience and acceptance
IMO, the fact that the Heretic could even be converted to the good side to begin with (to the point where he was even willing to "lobotimize" himself to further control his impulsive temper and greed) is proof that not all Skeksis are(were?) innately evil. Maybe the same applies to Mystics in that not all of them were innately good, either.
When she rescued Hup from jail is the moment I fell in love.
What's the point of all the Chamberlain's machinations if he ends up losing the Emperorship to a Chad that "can hit a rock hard"?
they have a cloaca not pussy
A fatal misstep. SkekSil forgot this was irl and not shitposting on thranet.
even better
Yes, yessss let it flow through you. Then one time you mess up and call your wife a slutty gelfling during sex
they have both vaginas and penises
I was cuddling with my wife but imagining she was Deet.
This fucking show has awakened something sad and lonely within me
During Deet's vision, is that Rian putting them missing shard back in the crystal? It doesn't look like it fits...
Can you imagine season 2 culminates in Rian putting the wrong shard in the crystal and utter failure? I don't think I could handle it desu
>the accepted!
Maybe try some roleplay to spice things up. Put on that Skeksis outfit and go to town
Well considering the fact that they're all hermaphrodites, they'd be probably force you to engage in plenty of undesirable "activities," too.
My estimation of Chamberlain as a skeksis just fucking plummeted
That's Jen from the movie.
It's not Jen. Jen has shorter hair than Rian does.
It looks like her vision shows her becoming the villain, you can hear her saying at the end, "I wouldn't, I wouldn't."
This show is fucking kino
This is what an Oddworld series would be like
Hahahaha I would love watching the skesis reaction to that
Soulstorm soon, brother.
Why does the tree sound so sarcastic
>user these ears are itchy and the contacts are irritating my eyes
>and I haven't showered in 3 weeks like you asked
>you want to paint me green too?
>ok I guess if it's for you
>oh my god that outfit is so ug- I mean you look great honey
>tied down on the chair? Oh, kinky
>needles? I mean, fine just be gentle please
>what's that purple rock you're putting in front of me, is it to set the mood or something?
>hey is it just me or do you taste metal?
>my skin feels odd
>oh my god I've got burns all over my body
>please, untie me, I have to get to the hospital!
I think it'll be like Star Wars where a bunch of Jedis die but there are some that survived and went into hiding
Imagine getting a handjob from those virgin hands that've never even touched a bar of soap. The caked on "essence" of all the other Gelflings she's given handjobs to, must feel heavenly.
Dirty Deet, done dirt cheap.
I don't think there's any Skeksis aside from Collector and Gourmand that I wouldn't fuck in a pinch.
I hope we get an explanation as to how Hunter was so strong when he seemingly was not draining power from the Crystal, the same goes for the other Skeksis who do not reside in the castle, how have they stayed alive for a thousand trine without the crystals energy?
He was strong because he was not draining power from the crystal. The crystal is like a drug, it gives you a temporary boost but makes you shit on the long term.
The movie showed that there were entire Gelfling villages still in existence when Jen and Kira were kids/infants. Jen and Kira might not have encountered other Gelflings other than each other, but for all we know, there are still plenty of Gelflings alive even in the movie's era. Albeit, probably in hiding or at least, severely isolated.
Ideal guests for the Jo'Rogan Podlingcast.
The castle skeksis are decrepit because they're lazy and indulgent, with the Emperor having the additional factor of the darkening. That's why the Heretic is in about equivalent shape to them (a bit better actually) and the Hunter who is constantly physically active is /fit/ as fuck
Well then why don't they all just stop draining power from the crystal?
Same reason why you won't stop masturbating.
are you really gonna drag your ass in here and frotopost?
I can't remember the last time I masturbated.
>That's crazy man, have you ever tried essence?
Skeksis have 3 penises and Mystics have 3 vaginas, right?
Just watched ep 7
Was lmaoing at seladon being put in her place by the skesis
No, Mystics have 1/3 of a penis
Is it a micropenis, a severed penis, or simply a urethra with nothing attached?
They probably don't. That's why we never see him hanging around the other Mystics. He was an outsider just like the Hunter.
Depends on which 1/3 they have.
>Jen, did I ever tell you about Deet? She was your father’s exotic lover, a fine piece of essence, from another time in the age of wonder. She had the tightest body and the perkiest little breasts on Thra; barely legal in most clans. Rian and I used to doubleteam her at the end of every successful campaign during the Garthim Wars, and once in a while we’d even have the entire paladin regiment run a train over her, part of official paladin “training” of course. In time, she learned how to handle a meatglaive better than anyone in Ha'Rar. She wore a miniskirt every day so we told her there were no panties aboveground, and since she was constantly doing acrobatics you’d get a glimpse of her green pussy mid fight as she’d do a flip while slicing a Garthim in half. It was surreal. We taught her to grip her weapon backwards like a dildo and she constantly got captured by Skeksis and Garthim almost every other day. It was ridiculous, like a constant porno Jen, you have no idea.
>And she was a good friend.
>What's a porno master?
Honestly I thought it was a joke of the skesis being old and decrypted rather than having 3 dicks. When you get older your protester starts to go and your pee stream splits. It being 3 separate streams was indicating how old they are
Seems way too much effort for a joke that could just be explained by skeksis having 3 dicks.
Most of the puppeteers and designers for the show are old as fuck it’s a boomer joke
>J'Mai, pull up that crazy arathim video
>go from directing Now You See Me and Brothers Grimsby to this
Who knew all he needed was a good script?
>By the crystal, would you look at the size of that thing? Must be 6 or 700 pods, it could rip you to shreds