Overrated as duck. Why the fuck do people think this is good...

Overrated as duck. Why the fuck do people think this is good? Walt and Jessie are unlikable idiots that have no clue what they're doing, and then out of nowhere do do something really smart and badass even though it goes completely against their characters. Not to mention that Walt, THE MAIN FUCKING CHARACTER, turns inyo a total asshole sociopath. What a terrible piece of shit character, in a terrible piece of shit shit show

Attached: MV5BMTJiMzgwZTktYzZhZC00YzhhLWEzZDUtMGM2NTE4MzQ4NGFmXkEyXkFqcGdeQWpybA@@._V1_UX477_CR0,0,477,268_AL_ (477x268, 25K)



Wow, nice argument. Fucking sup 90 Iq idiot

Quack Quack

Die phoneposter


What the fuck? How did you know I was using my phone?

Captain Feathersword Fell asleep on His Pirate Ship.

Phoneposters are completely retarded

Then he woke up on a farm
Oh My Goodness me


Well OP is certainly retarded.

I phone post on the bus, but I'm not retarded.

fuck phoneposters

>Bumps his own threads because he's literally plebbit
Saged. Faggot.


user, i have some bad news...

Half this thread are bots, I guarantee it

You cant bump your own thread retard


>Not to mention that Walt, THE MAIN FUCKING CHARACTER, turns inyo a total asshole sociopath.
No he doesn't. I admit I completely missed it on the first viewing, but the greatest testament to Cranston's acting is that watching it a second time it's extremely clear that from episode 1 he's the same petty pathetic little man that shot Mike for bruising his ego and then instantly tried to hide behind "I just wanted the list dude wow you should have just given it to me" like a fucking child.

I just went back and watched season 1 and it was great. Honestly I only think it started getting bad in season 3 was Gus and the ludicrous cartel garbage plotlines.


That wasn't me, dumbasses

That's what was good about the show, Walt was always a total bastard, getting cancer just gave him the excuse to unleash his sociopathy on everyone else.

>Oh, he had something happen to him so it means he can just switch in and out or character whenever he wants


>Cranston's acting
Isn't nearly as good as people make it out to be. He's solid enough but he also really hams it up, mostly for our entertainment. It was great for BB but it's clear he doesn't have much range, having seen him in a few films now.

Who are you quoting?

This man or woman

I'm afraid you should consider redoing some of your middle school English classes because what he said wasn't anywhere remotely close to what you quoted. Or perhaps you know he didn't say that and just want to argue with an imaginary person who did?

Ok dumnass

He doesn't "switch", he's just less constrained in his behavior.

Yeah, he's just less constrained, which means he just does random shit for no reason

>NOOOO you can't have the main character be a bad guy!!!! how do you expect me to root for him and clap in excitement?!!!!

Attached: 1565194469961.png (785x1000, 261K)

Name one good show or film without a main character that you root for

There's nothing random to his actions, he's consistent in being a greedy, petty bastard.

Like when he constantly saves Jesse over the course of the series, until he just stops for no reason

off the top of my head
breaking bad
the sopranos
the young pope
olive kitteridge
clockwork orange
barry lyndon
all great shows/films. You're just a massive pleb

>breaking bad
I've already proven this was bad
>the sopranos
Haven't seen it
>the young pope
He's literally a Pope
>olive kitteridge
Haven't seen it
>clockwork orange
He's made sympathetic by the end, plus it's a bad movie
>barry lyndon
Haven't seen it

Accident, meant for

>I've already proven this was bad
you haven't proven anything other than the fact that you're a phoneposting pleb faggot.
>Haven't seen it
thanks for re-confirming your ultrapleb status
>He's literally a Pope
looks like you haven't even seen this one either
>He's made sympathetic by the end
no he isn't you fucking retard, the film made its point so obvious and it STILL went over your head

Dumbass, you don't remember the part at the end with all the reporters talking about how he's reformed? Pay attention next time, kid

you think that makes him a good person overall and someone to root for? did you see the very end? you fucking idiot


well...that’s just like...your opinion man...

>42 replies
>17 IPs

How can you tell he is posting from a phone?

Name 20 shows in 20 seconds that have 20 year old main characters

They just shit on anybody they don't agree with

You’re right in that it’s highly overrated but your reasoning is wacky. You need to understand that TV fans are incredibly easy to impress and so their tastes never develop beyond shit like Breaking Bad. First two seasons are good though

You're a fucking idiot. I made this thread to bait retards and you actually agreed with my stupid made up opinion. Kill yourself

Yea Forums Gold account

It starts off so good, then season 2 starts focusing exclusively on Skyler being an insufferable bitch and Jesse's life imploding


Attached: e0e.jpg (642x756, 57K)

the typos and clearly automatically capitalized words
kek, I knew it was bait but still replied due to retards like him

>I knew it was bait
Congratulations. How does it feel to be the only person in this thread that isn't a gullible retard?

shit opinion you fucking newfag

It was trash. I think it was forgotten as quickly as GoT but without the same fanfare because the finale was forgettably terrible.

I post from my phone, I am typing on the phone screen, the characters of my post.

Phonechads assemble

The more people who realize BB is mediocre the better. The only retard is you

>I've already proven this was bad
If you're trying to fool people into arguing with you this was too obvious. I realize you got results anyway but still. If you're trying to be funny good job I smiled.

Yea barely any of the side characters were enjoyable, most of them were straight annoyances and killed my interest. Definitely Skylar and Jessie.

>this was too obvious
He says after I say this is a bait thread

Based. Fuck pcels

le contrarian xdxdxdxd

I want sympathize with Skylar for living with such an impossible partner who constantly lies and abuses your trust, but she acts like an absolute child right from the beginning, as if she's the queen and deserves nothing but apologies and bows

Attached: The Queen!.png (689x436, 523K)