Hobbs & Shaw’ Crosses $700 Mil. Tyrese on SUICIDE WATCH

>Tyrese BTFO
>Deadline reported break even was around 600 mil
>will probably end its LITTY run aroun 750-760
>for a spin off of a mega franchise
>sequels guaranteed



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oh come the fuck on
they must be counting viewings on airplanes or something
Have these "grosses" just become money laundering?

>become money laundering
>implying they ever weren't

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First off, these numbers are bullshit but imagine how much begging Tyrese is doing in the rock's messages.
Also, can't imagine Ludacris and the others are fine with this roided asshole yoinking their franchise.

Lmao, anyone check on Ty yet? Someone call his Ex and ask if she got her check this month

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Tyrese responded!


What did he mean by this??

>break even is 600 mil
>ends run at 760 mil
>profit of 160 mil

wow im sure the jews are thrilled.

SEETHING! best get on this #litty train while you can

I can't do it, I can't watch the whole video, his jumper creeps me out

i'm not seething. i'm just genuinely confused
what's reported in news no longer gibes with my personal experience at any level

Honestly, they probably are. It's a common misunderstanding of the movie industry to think that they make or expect outsized profits on movies. That's a completely normal profit margin for a movie like this and ensures a sequel.
Outside of horror, where even a moderate hit garners a heavy multiplier, this would be considdered a fine, if less than the best hopes, profit.

Me on the right.

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>The Muslims, the Jews.
>Long pause.
>The Christians.

What did he mean by this?

true, small profit on the first, increasing profits as the franchise moves forward.

manufacture a Vin vs Rock feud for the net 5 years. Everybody wins.

Luda and tyrese barely have bit parts anyway. Its not even really theirs lol

I legit didn't even know it was already out, it hardly got shilled here at all

To be honest I expected this movie to easily break a billion. You've got 2 super popular actors in a successful franchise.

Now that I think about it though, FF7 got extra dosh because it's the one Paul died during and FF8 got extra dosh because people wanted to see the first film without him in it at all.

The series will probably have a steep decline of popularity now.

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you guys laugh but this is what would happen to The Rock and his new wife if he wasn't a full fag and all

Exactly. Release the next main-franchise film and let this play on cable for a couple of years. Then do a sequal and it will make at least double the profit.


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>over half a billion to just break even
i see the crash is coming soon.

Based dwayne