Old Picard Killing Woke Picard edition
before version here
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't think trekthreads should invoke modern memes like "woke". It's off-putting.
I'm awake!
Is he gonna shoot his tv?
Live long and party, anons!
He's going to shoot more alien queens.
This is too gory for Star Trek
Ya know, back when I was in the academy we would follow every toast with a song!
>Madame, let me tell you... Earl Gray was a misogynist and I've retired that outdated habit in my old years. I drink freshly pureed papaya juice and sometimes a hot onions toddy before going to sleep.
>Oh, and I'd hasten to add that we should tend to our pronouns and gender discrimination whilst I'm aboard. People have been hurt before in my rush to assume it. Dismissed.
Phasers are a hell of a thing user.
What the fuck were they thinking?
In TOS you'd shoot a dude and they'd just glow and evaporate. By the time DS9/VOY rolled around, all they did was cause minor burns.
Voyager crew really need to set their phasers on anything other than shit.
Fortunately the Jem Hadar are magic so normal phaser rules don't apply
Season we1rd is best season.
Prove me wrong lolcels.
Gotta use the phaser rifles for them.
>bottom right
Ah, a collagefag original. I see you're a man who appreciates refinement.
I'll say it again about Seasons 1 and 2; they may have had cringey dialogue and acting, but they had the most imagination and batshit ideas.
>drops phaser into the tar monster
Season 1 Geordi was such a fuckup
Voyager Elite Force game had the goddamn Infinity Modulator to kill Borg all day every day. Not to mention the ship had infinity torpedoes!
dat creepy traveller
The people who hate on season one and two probably also dislike TOS, since it's the closest you'll get to Gene's direct contribution on TNG. It also had based Ron Jones composing most of the music.
You can see the wild, unhinged creative energy in nearly every episode. And it looks both dated and modern. It's something really special, like an acid trip or a fever dream.
Meanwhile, S3-6 is the standard post-Nick Meyer Horatio Hornblower in space fare.
Shame they didn't use that in the show. They needed something that could do more than stain shirts.
>security valkyrie at 0:11
It's weird how he only has two "fingers".
Almost like his species are specifically sexual predators, perhaps?
Have sex.
I don't get it, someone's actually sticking up for the Traveller? He clearly was grooming Wesley for interstellar homo exploration.
This is a very Hmmm pic
S3-6 has better acting and writing, but most of the plots seem to become "Captain's Log: the Enterprise is ferrying some diplomats to Beta Incelus II..." instead of being out in the raw frontier.
>Beta Incelus II.
Replying to user in last thread
I watched this episode again, after many years of trying to forget it. The uncomfortable feeling didn't fade, it felt even more disturbing than before.
I like when Picard's old professor insults him by calling him a centurion patrolling the provinces, because that's exactly what he is.
Rank the series. For me:
1. TNG
2. TOS
3. Voyager
4. Enterprise
5. DS9
6. Discovery (Though it’s getting better and will easily surpass DS9 in no time.)
Was filming that episode even legal?
can never unsee it
Goddammit, user. Fuck you.
>stealth voyagerm
Would Janeway be allowed to use a cloaking device in the delta quadrant?
Yeah DS9 sucked. They didnt even move lol. DISCO has an interesting plot about exploring and the characters are likeable.
Sejanus from I Cluadius.
The Original Germ
The Animated Germ
The Next Germ
Deep Space Germ
Sexually Transmitted Disease
Biggus Dickus?
Probably not but we should work towards a world where its existence is made ILLegal.
>no wonder Alexander turned into a beta sissy
Maximus Baldus
lol epic for the win XD
>I am the n-word in the writer's room
Why are black people so insecure about their skin color?
I don't know. Probably because it was used as an excuse to enslave them?
was it used as an excuse to enslave any living black person in America?
Not for two hundred years that hasn't happened, though.
Not this time. Complete fiction. Nope. You're wrong. It never happened. This was made up by a (((writer))).
I thought Jews had the N-word pass
He looks white tho
Wh*te people like him should know better
That's he was fired
Said the ferengi who sells pay day loans, is invested in the private prison industry, and is head of his HOA.
based quads
Apparently his mother is a Russian Jew and his father is black.
only one of those is comparable to actual slavery due to the criminal justice system, pay day loans are terrible but aren't suddenly not a scam for white people
I'm tired of hearing about the plight of the prosecuted nigger.
I'm tired of hearing about the plight of the prosecuted white man.
I'm tired of hearing about the plight of the prosecuted poor man.
I'm tired of hearing you faggots talking about political trash in a Trek thread.
Do this in literally any other thread on the website, for fuck's sake.
I consider myself an outsider and think you're all pathetic.
Fair point. Things aren't fair all around. But chances are if you're black, you're poor. Precisely because of racist practices in lending and other financial services. Even a meh investment, like a paid off home 2 generations ago, changes your whole economic timeline. Inheriting that vs your grandpa's shoe shine booth is a pretty big difference.
news flash: there are more poor whites than poor blacks in America
and then our haphazard attempts to change this practice by giving everyone housing loans came back to bite us in the ass once that artificial bubble burst
sometimes things done with the best intentions blow up in your face
News flash: gross population isn't the issue. Obviously there are more whites. Less black people, but more poverty per cuckpita in that cohort. Does that make sense science officer? Or do we need to move you to lower decks security?
jesus, Quentin.
star trek
>muh programs
Anyone that knows anything about history will tell you that people go up wearing silk slippers and come down barefoot. Adversity and hardship will only sharpen an ethnic group except those that wallow in their own failure looking to blame others.
Let me upgrade you, my friend
the other one feels more internet 1.0
That's fair. I don't want to live in the past. I was happier back then.
politics and startrek are deeply interwoven user
>A pleasant-sounding young man said, 'Mr. Mosley, it has been reported that you used the n-word in the writers’ room,'" Mosley wrote in the Times. "I replied, 'I *am* the N-word in the writers’ room.'"
>It's worth noting that Discovery has a particularly inclusive writers room that includes three African American scribes, two Asian American writers, a Native American and Latinx woman, among others.
holy shit this guy
Footage of Mosley in the writer's room
I'm just gonna let this one bleed out
Yeah but when it's the same trite shit every thread it's boring as shit, especially since 99% of the time it's completely unrelated to star trek. Stop being faggots.
Nic Cage as Data
>Riker Red Alert.gif
Filename made me lose it
I'm really starting to feel this post.
Popped a stich while dilating, ay? What's your favorite ep to watch while on the ol' dilation station?
Oh, those parentheses weren't expected.
>cross-thread samefagging
I didn't think it was possible for /trek/ to get any worse
Is the new series really sjw?
That bit in Voyager where they wore a dude's face was worse
Not that user.
The Offspring
well a writer quit because he wasn't allowed to say the n word
Not that user but yes you are
Remember that episode where Voyager found dinosaur people?
>writer can't casually throw around "nigger" in a professional environment
>this somehow indicates the show has a twitter agenda
everyone in this thread has brain damage
>His mother, Ella (born Slatkin), was Jewish and worked as a personnel clerk;
Original story was better.
It was just a coup in Starfleet.
But Roddenberry threw a fit that Starfleet officers were actually human and made them change it.
Excellent choice
Would you fuck a dinogirl? Be honest.
Star Trek needs more dinosaurs.
I feel uncertain about cloacas.
alright alright, i have something genuinely interesting and startrek related to talk about with regards to politics for /trek/ to ponder, and i dare say its a pretty important discussion to have at this point in time
startrek is well known for not only sharing plenty of moral and political philosophy, but also attempts to portray an optimistic outcome of wide acceptance of these ideals. Now many of these ideals have made their way into society to the point where they are the default positions of both "the establishment" as well as most of the populace across the western world, only optimistic outcomes we see are far from reality, where instead of fostering social cohesion, improved mental and physical well being, and prosperity here on earth and beyond, we see these values interact with the human mind, body, and societies quite differently that was projeted, instead the result has been the complete wide spread degradation of healthy social norms leading to wide spread physical and mental well being, absolutely chaotic social "cohesion" if you can even use that word to describe what we have now, and i dare say it has actually served to strengthen the grip of consumerism on the minds of people who have thrown away any and all classical values in favor of ravaging themselves with consumerism driven by liberal attitudes and individualism they thought would set them free
Cloacas are like swimming in a cold pool. You don't mind after you get in.
Speaking from experience there user?
*leading to wide spread decline inphysical and mental well being
Sneed Trek
I ain't reading your essay, incel
I can't answer that.
Formerly Planet
How did you arrive at the conclusion that everyone in the thread agrees with the sentiment?
Sounds like surefire brain damage to me and classic irony.
then DS9 did it anyway, based
Mare pussy is better
Mmmm never gas.
The roofie and homosexual rape scene was a bit much in this episode
Sisko is actually a bad character and the acting is hilarious at times.
Jadzia was basic eye candy but had the voice of a stuffy soccer mom and acted like one as well.
Kira was a one note shrill feminist tier character who had good moments but it took too long to get there.
Jake was forgettable.
Julian's actor was too on the head with his delivery and then was murdered with the Data storyline in season 5.
O'Brien was pretty good and had some great moments.
Odo was good but his dynamic with Quark became really tiresome by season 3.
Quark was beyond the screen good and was one of the main glue pieces keeping the show together.
Without Quark, DS9's main cast is easily the worst, including Enterprise.
Because of Quark, and side characters Garak and Dukat, we were lucked into some of the best Trek based stories of the 90s.
N-word, wuff your Cardy bitch ass.
>It's a Bones forces a woman to go through with an unwanted pregnancy and physically batters her episode
>It's a Kirk ignores The Prime Directive episode so he can nuke a primitive tribe from orbit after he got their women pregnant
>It's an user forgot to put episode at the end episode
>and then was murdered with the Data storyline in season 5.
shit was indeed honestly pretty stupid , watching him mature and perhaps become more cold relative to his chipper season 1 self, especially when faced with warfare, would have been a much better character arc, instead we get "I wAs OnLy PrEteNdinG to bE RetarDed xD"
What do you guys think of Quark's voice work in Bioshock? For years, I had no idea he was Andrew Ryan. I didn't even realize it until a replay years down the line.
>Sisko is actually a bad character
>the acting is hilarious at times
Shakespearean you might say
>Jadzia was basic eye candy but had the voice of a stuffy soccer mom and acted like one as well.
I can't argue with this
> Kira was a one note shrill feminist tier character
What? Did you miss her arc from terrorist who hates the Federation to actively wanting to join it and admiring Sisko?
>Jake was forgettable
The Visitor?
>Julian's actor was too on the head with his delivery
well they were asking for the one guy who wasn't ready for the frontier outpost
>murdered with the Data storyline in season 5
I thought it explained a lot desu
>Odo was good but his dynamic with Quark became really tiresome by season 3.
faggot with shit taste
kill yourself
Hello NTT. You're my top poster here!
pls no meanieposting that hurts and makes tears in eyes
he's also this guy.
Fucking wacky, the dude is pretty talented.
Hi NTT. You're my favorite tranny ever.
I only use my trip when it's called for.
what made you feel desperate for validation this time?
ValleyForge is mental but is perfectly acceptable when he reins it in. He is still a net negative though.
BF derails threads often when he hasn't been brought up in a few days.
get woke
go broke
Unfortunately for your neuroses, I'm just a fat neckbeard from Tennessee. But what did you think of Armin's performance as Andrew Ryan?
I love our tripfriends!
>ValleyForge is perfectly acceptable when he reins it in.
When does that happen? All I've ever seen from her is arrogance and ignoring my replies.
>I'm just a fat neckbeard
Agreed. These threads are pretty comfy without bringing political nonsense into it.
>thread instantly derailed
all are welcome!
Wheres BF???!!
Just go with it, dude.
prolly at work
You're welcome. Derailing a thread like this is a service to the greater good. Please, call me a faggot more.
Whatever gets you retards to stop sperging out about politics works for me.
Post pics so I can see if you're telling the truth about how good they are haha
>samefagging a dead thread
>"I'm a hero!"
You're so forceful.
Which tripfag succs the hardest
so you derail the thread what, an hour after anyone brought up random politics?
These threads are the highpoint of my day.
>an hour
Maybe you just weren't paying very close attention.
We're all part of the same community.
why do you keep pretending you aren't just intentionally trying to make the thread revolve around you because you are an admitted fat neckbeard with nothing else too live for but validation from strangers?
What's your backstory?
I've been posting for years without a trip and for hours today (and every fucking day) without it. If I wanted attention, I'd trip all the time regardless. Your position is not very logical, user.
>Sisko is actually a bad character and the acting is hilarious at times.
Go fuck yourself, sisko is fucking great and the acting is amazing. He plays like a psycho and even when he is with his gf, you dont know if he is gonna kiss her or smash her head. Kino.
>Jadzia was basic eye candy but had the voice of a stuffy soccer mom and acted like one as well.
Bullshit, her character was well written and how she played with the diferent part of her life was cool.
>Kira was a one note shrill feminist tier
character who had good moments but it took too long to get there.
Waifu material, fuck off.
>Jake was forgettable.
yep, he sucked ass.
>Julian's actor was too on the head with his delivery and then was murdered with the Data storyline in season 5
i think he was fine... dont remember shit about the data storyline tho.
>O'Brien was pretty good and had some great moments.
yes, but it would be kino if he dumped the chink to go with kira during the preggo moments.
>Odo was good but his dynamic with Quark became really tiresome by season 3.
Odo was a fag.
>Quark was beyond the screen good and was one of the main glue pieces keeping the show together.
true, every time it was a Quark episode you knew it was going to be a great episode.
>Without Quark, DS9's main cast is easily the worst, including Enterprise.
No. VOY was worst.
>Because of Quark, and side characters Garak and Dukat, we were lucked into some of the best Trek based stories of the 90s.
Yes. Quark and Garak where the best form the show by far. Dukat was ok, but they really fucked him up when he transformed into a bajoran.
yea ok bro, then why did you decide to derail this thread 40 minutes after someone someone supposedly broke your personal rules?
He's just trying to start a fight to feel good
I didn't think it had been that long, to be honest. If that's the case, I probably should've left it alone. However, why don't you take a little personal responsibility? At least for the quality of your own posts. Your replies were helping to derail the thread. If you were a decent poster, you would've never replied to me and started whining about tripfagging. Instead, you'd be discussing Star Trek like other people are doing.
Anyway, seems things are alright now. I'm sorry I triggered your caustic autism, user.
You sound like you're in your 30s.
Voyager > DS9
no. dismissed
Well thanks for checking in. Let us know how your operation goes, tranny.
what replies are you refering too? i didnt start calling you out until the thread was already lost
>why don't you take a little personal responsibility?
what a bit of irony this is
>caustic autism
youre literally pretending to be trying to police a star trek thread on a klingon gahk harvesting subreddit as a coverup for your own autism, once again i think we can all appreciate the irony here
stap being a meanie!
at least it's content
Give me rare images
0 humans actually have this opinion
its always shitty bait
>literally brings all trek discussion in the /trek/ thread to a halt
this shit is becoming trekkie tier
>this shit is becoming trekkie tier
trekkie just means a fan of trek, dude
>You know back in the early 20th people used to fear phytoestrogens and their effects on the body, particularly the MALE body
>Fortunately in this enlightened age we've since made them a mandatory addition all foods and beverages
I like Star Trek
fucking based user
based dick energy
woah me too
yep that's getting a based from me
never seen a post this based before
I hate Star Trek
My province has a city called vulcan that is dedicated to star trek, I really want to visit it one day
picture related is the leader of this great nation, I feel embarrassed for drumpf and Americans just looking at him
mamma mia that's a spicy baseroni
most based post in /trek/ ever
okay now this is based
only thing I like more than Trek is based posts like yours
how do I become this based
daring and based
based af
>trying to force the thread to the bump limit so you can ruin the next one in a slightly less embarrassing manor
now this is some based content
at least it's content
why is this post getting so many replies? is it just that based?
It doesn't matter what house you post from, these threads have become undeniable cancer.
is it achievable to be this based natty?
>everyone is the same and we're all humans with the same IQ except when mentioning ethnicity of people for woke points, when really whites are the world's minority.
Why didn't they mention how many are jews?
based based based
too based for this world
looks more like user is pointing out how obvious samefagging is
came back to reread this post
yep still based
b a s e d
don't know what to say other than based
can't even comprehend how based this post is
Yeah, that's not me. I know you'd like for it to be but it wasn't. Nor would I do something as dumb as spam the thread for any reason. I took my trip off when I saw there was no need for it anymore. And whenever I do put it on, it's you faggots that spam me with replies and derail the thread. Just my existing is enough for you guys to sperg out.
could a post be any more based
so fucking based
yep I'm thinking it's based
aaah yes, that mythical reason you needed to derail the thread, some posts 40 minutes beforehand that were then being completely ignored
when will you drop this act?
changing the based game with this post
Whether or not you think I was misguided or not, my intent was my intent. Also, damn, the thread's really taken off since I stopped tripfagging. I guess I was the problem all along.
I like /trek/
the only cure for cringe is posts this based
McCoy is a dunk.
heard there was a based post in this thread and i wasn't disappointed
if I reply to this post will some of its based rub off on me
how many threads do you have to ruin before you take some responsibility for your actions?
100% based
In the episode where they're on the planet that materializes anything you want, wasn't McCoy tempted with food and drink?
Also didn't Mudd's pleasurebots do the same thing?
can't deny how based this post is
I....Based doesn't even begin to describe this
I think Chekov was the one who wanted to fuck the robots.
Holy shit, VERY based
Woah okay this is based, right?
Christ, that episode traumatized me as a kid.
Based as T'Pol's Vulcan titties
All the Jem Hadar needed was some artillery or mortars and they would have wiped out the entire base.
>Could you ever truly feel comfortable around an alien? Especially one that is physically more powerful than you to an inhuman degree? Personally, I couldn't. Sitting alone in a room with a klingon is like playing russian roulette. When's he going to sneeze too hard and accidentally snap your neck? When is a vulcan going to determine it's logical to snuff your life out? These are aliens, Jim. They don't think like us. They don't have feelings like us. They don't have human morality and they never will. You can't truly understand them and they can't truly understand us. I say separate but equal is the best solution for alien cultures. Stick to your own.
This thread absolutely proves that image is true, though.
Based as T'Pol's bum
Are you retarded?
>intentionally starts a fire no one asked for for no reason and blames everyone else when it burns out of control
what was that you said earlier about taking personal responsibility?
a post so based it has 39 replies I've never seen anything like this
Based Trek
don't know if I'll ever see something this based again
based EPIC style
Fire burns because of a chemical reaction. It's irresistible. The 'fire' you're talking about is the result of neckbeard autism run amok. You didn't have to acknowledge my post, or reply to it. Your posts have all been voluntary. Spammer-user's posts have all been voluntary. You weren't forced, or coerced. Do you know what personal responsibility means?
This is the internet. If you don't want to see something, all you have to do is not look at it. You can filter tripfag names, tripfag codes, certain phrases. You can control what you see without fail on Yea Forums. But you don't want to do that.
You just want to cry. I'm here for you, user.
blinded by the based
have you ever laid your eyes on something so based?
can we all just admit how based this is?
you've already said this and Ive already pointed out that i never posted until it was too late and the thread was already lost
anyway, if ruining the thread wasn't your intention then what was?
they said this was based but I couldn't have imagined how based
I didn't believe them, but here it is, a VERY based post
When I tell my children about how based this post was they won't believe me
>i never posted until it was too late
I'm not convinced that you ever post in these threads if it isn't about tripfags.
And you can't ruin a dilapidated shithouse. It's already ruined.
why aren't you answering the question?
hot tip: star trek has been progressive AF since the goddamned 60s and you'd have to be literally actually retarded to not notice.
Will there ever be another post this based?
is this why the tripfag is ruining the threads, because he showed up and found they aren't progressive enough for his taste?
>Star Trek is conservative
>Star Trek seems conservative to today's liberals
imagine crafting a post this based
You starve a fire by depriving it of oxygen. If enough people post about hating me, hopefully it means the political posters will get less replies. If they don't get replies, they'll leave. My intention was absolutely to derail the thread, or at least derail it enough so that that kind of posting would stop, or lessen.
And it did. I just didn't count on one man's unbridled autism.
Hello again. You can keep all of your questions in one post if you like instead of posting again.
And I've been here for years. I know how these threads are. There are always a few people who make thinly veiled political posts but they rarely get enough replies to ruin a thread.
Pretty sure it's just a based post, user.
Why can't I be this based?
so why were you denying that your intention was not to destroy /trek/ to serve your interests?
This might have already been said, but this is BASED
If destroying /trek/ was as simple as one shit thread, it wouldn't be the longest surviving general on this board. My interests are having fun threads where we meme and discuss Star Trek. If those aren't your interests and you post here? Well, you can fuck off. I feel no pity for making these threads less hospitable for folks like that.
now we're getting based up in here
Data does whippets
What are you wearing right now, /trek/? I'm in my plaid boxers.
I'm wearing a very BASED pair of Star Trek pajama pants and a very BASED oversized t-shirt.
he can't keep getting away with posts this based
so if i am reading this right, your intention was to completely ruin /trek/ because there was a few posts here and there that you didn't like? And you wonder why you are so hated here lmao
can we talk about how BASED this post is?
so your interests are having fun startrek threads so you just absolutely shit up literally every single thread you can until you're all alone and every single person is tired of your shit
your story doesn't add up user, whats the real reason?
You aren't reading it right at all. I just explained how derailing a thread won't destroy /trek/. Not to mention that I took my trip off after what, two posts? You're the only person still talking about it which means that you've contributed to derailing the thread just as much as I have -- probably more, considering you're keeping the conversation going.
But our contributions pale in comparison to the spammer. It's okay if reading comprehension isn't your strong suit but you might find it difficult to engage in productive conversations on here.
That sounds cute. Want to hug with our hips touching? No homo
I want this based poster to father my babies
just wanna say how based this post is before we hit the bump limit
so ruining one thread after another day after day after day for everyone isnt ruining /trek/ but a few posts that make you uncomfortable are absolutely the worst thing and totally justify your actions?
>so your interests are having fun startrek threads
>so you just absolutely shit up literally every single thread
Incorrect. I haven't even used my trip in the past like, four threads I think. You're delusional, possibly.
>because there was a few posts here and there that you didn't like
There were a hell of a lot of posts. Just scroll up and read, based retard. Or wait, could it be that /you/ are the political poster? That would make your obsession with this a little more sensible, I guess.
>until you're all alone and every single person is tired of your shit
You're not 'every single person', user, and we all know that a new thread will appear as soon as this one hits the bump limit. Don't be dumb.
can't contain the BASED
mfw I haven't even read an entire post of this back and forth argument between these faggots
Nor should you. You're doing the right thing, user.
and what will you do if you see posts you dont like and people having fun that you cant allow in the next thread, ruin that one too?
Based. Simply based.
>a few posts that make you uncomfortable are absolutely the worst thing
Once again, there were more than a few. And they don't make me 'uncomfortable.' They're just low quality, off-topic baitposts like ones that shit up the rest of this website. Uncomfortable? No. They do make me a little sad, though, when I think of what kind of lives these people must be living.
I'll do my damnedest and with your help, we might make it happen.
Based check 1, 2, 3
Based check 1, 2, 3
and yet you still deny that your intentions are not to make these threads all about you?
posts this based make me believe in god
it's a /trek/ miracle
Absolutely. The only reason I replied to you at all was because the thread was being spammed to the bump limit so I figured I'd just help it along.
You don't think that I'd normally engage with someone like you, do you? Why, user, that's insane.
so basically you are an attention whore and your goal is to mold trek into what you want at the expense of what literally everyone else clearly wants
That's neither here nor there, fag.
>you are an attention whore
>your goal is to mold trek into what you want at the expense of what literally everyone else clearly wants
Under certain circumstances? Yes, absolutely. If that's what it takes. We could use some hard-nosed autocracy around here.
you engage with me almost every day user, it doesn't seem so insane at all
I might hit you with a single reply, two at the most. But only because I derive perverse pleasure in humiliating you and exposing your single-digit IQ.
That's hardly a sin, user. This is Yea Forums after all.
now he's starting to understand
>brags about being able to derail a thread when one post literally dived the thread to bump limit
>bitches about spam
dumb motherfucker
you're understating by a wide margin, why is that?
I came into this world as a trekkie
Look into the eyes
And you'll see the signs of autism
Dwellin on series
It's burning up my brain
Everyone that burns has to learn from the pain
I did it all for /trek/
Come on
The /trek/
Come on
So you can take this thread
And stick it up your
Stick it up your
Stick it up your
Stick it up your
based as based gets
I'm not. And we both know that, based retard.
But the bump limit has been reached and I can now safely abandon this thread. Goodnight, faggot. Seethe into oblivion.
bye felicia
see you in the next thread
okay one last BASED to play this thread off
There's more than two settings by TNG. Some aliens could take stun like it was a moistened towelette
see here
kys faggot