>coming up on 15 years since it's debut
I want to go back bros... I miss it so much... the last show to truly captivate a nationwide audience. God it was so good. And the fucking live threads here... just pure unfiltered top shelf kino.
>coming up on 15 years since it's debut
I want to go back bros... I miss it so much... the last show to truly captivate a nationwide audience. God it was so good. And the fucking live threads here... just pure unfiltered top shelf kino.
Other urls found in this thread:
Agreed. But the memes tell me to hate it
too bad the ending was such a colossal pile of shit that no one cares about it anymore
Shut the fuck up pleb
It was utter shit.
Eight years later and you're still in denial? Time to cope.
fucking KYS
you have to be 18 to post on this website
>spend six years building up to a satisfying conclusion that you told the media over and over again was "based in science"
>uhhhhh demonic genies and purgatory
Sterilize yourself
It’s the only show in the medium that ever touched on truly important matters like Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Buddhism, and other mysteries. It’s the only show you can really call “esoteric”. You really just have to be spiritually and mentally advanced to understand it.
I love it when brainlets watch Lost and say shit like this, completely ignorant of the fact that it's basically just a Twin Peaks ripoff set on an island
>I fucking love science
Lol shut the fuck up already pleb
>I fucking love nonsense
You first, faggot
You’ve never watched LOST. It’s nothing like Twin Peaks and Twin Peaks was much less structured and finished then LOST. LOST explores way more ideas as well. It’s a love letter to many sci fi and adventure books dealing with grand philosophical themes. It also has many subtle references to much more esoteric subject matter. This is a fact. Sorry you’re too brainlet to see it. Try reading up some Guenon and Evola to get started and maybe you’ll be brave enough to actually start reading the ancients.
> It’s the only show in the medium that ever touched on truly important matters like Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Buddhism, and other mysteries. It’s the only show you can really call “esoteric”. You really just have to be spiritually and mentally advanced to understand it.
Shut the fuck up Jimmy Kimmel
The LOST live threads were some of the best times on Yea Forums. Nothing has come close since then.
Seething zoomers who missed the golden age of TV
You are completely and utterly full of shit and you're not fooling anyone, just so you know.
Stay mad. Just because you’re dumb doesn’t mean everyone else is
I watched it while it was airing you fucking idiot, you're the only zoomer here
Sure kid
>brainlet has to overcompensate and gets called out, doubles down
I'm not mad. I just want you to know that no one is taking you seriously or believes your shit. Have a great day.
You can really tell LOST pisses off the zoomers at how quickly they seethe in every LOST thread
You’re just mad because you didn’t get the ending
I miss the neckbeard atheists who hated the show as well.
There's nothing not to get about it. A child could understand it. And what the fuck does atheism have to do with anything? You're a nutjob.
>but mommy I want my answers why is everything this way mommy tell me the meaning of life I want to know everything right now!!!!
t. retard that can’t into metaphysics
The end was only bad because they felt they had to pull a "twist".
Everyone and their mother had guessed the island was purgatory. The entire series was initially founded on a black/white yin/yang thing of science (Jack) vs faith (John).
So when everyone guessed their ending, they felt they needed to change it all up. So rather than the kino ending where it really was "purgatory", they made it so that it was actually real all along but here's an entire season where they in fact ARE in purgatory
>haha we sure got you there!
Big shame actually.
Please, explain the ending. I'll wait.
You’re too brainlet for the show
The ending is exactly what you were show. They all met together in the afterlife after accepting their death and went to other side together. The island was real.
It was also hot garbage.
He isn't wrong. There is a reason people were saying GoTs pulled a Lost.
They died at their normal times. Jack and others died on the island while Sawyer, Hurley and others lived their lives until they died. They all realized the importance their connections in their lives gave them and the various scenes in the flashsideways represent that. The final scene in the church represents all the characters returning to the source which is the fundamental reality of the world-pure bliss and happiness (this is something that exists in Buddhism but also in many other religions and cultures).
Man I remember how we would discuss this in school. This was pefectly spread out to give us enough time to savor and enjoy.
What a time for TV and what a pleasent time in my life.
>you're too sane and reasonable to augment a lackluster ending with fruity headcanon to make it less shit
got me there
Thanks for not providing any counterargument or evidence to the contrary.
If you watched the show while it was airing and actively discussed it you would know. EVERYONE "knew" the island was purgatory and that the show revolved around the theme of science vs faith. Surprise surprise the ending involved all the characters in purgatory waiting to pass on together and had heavy themes of having faith.
But that totally wasnt the ending everyone already knew it was cause see the island was actually real all along it was just everyone in purgatory AFYER the island hehe we are smart what a twist.
Atheists hated the show?
I thought that all dogs go to heaven ending was just for them.
>the ending was deep & symbolic
how does a nuclear explosion send people forward in time to the present without vaporizing them?
>because of muh mysterious island light magic
wow brabo such great storytelling 10/10
That is beyond retarded. I also love how you just assume I didn't like it because I didn't understand that only the flashback sections in the final season were purgatory. I understood that perfectly fine, it was obvious, it was also embarrassingly awful.
That’s a retarded statement not only because GoT is obviously worse, but because LOST’s ending is good if you’re not retarded.
All your same fag rage posting is giving you away, chubby.
Lost's ending is only good if you ARE retarded and you're mistaken about your own level of intelligence
Watching LOST for the second time with my girlfriend (it's her first time). She fucking loves it.
First time was weekly with Yea Forums during the golden age, and I loved the memes and threads. Show was great. Binging it is really fun.
You know when I durn to ya
Stay mad. Not my fault you don’t read enough and can’t see the good themes and allusions the show had
Pretty much this.
I never claimed to be more than one person, dumbass, and I absolutely guarantee you are heavier than I am by at least a hundred pounds.
I do think Losts ending was good too. I wouldnt call it a masterful ending and it was subpar for the writing, but it was still good.
That doesnt mean it was some huge secret club only megaminds understood though. It was exactly what was presented and had absolutely no deeper meaning past that. The only revelation it gave was that everyone and thing in the island truly happened.
I don't miss it, I miss smoking hash at my old friends apartment while his gf watched it and kept telling us to shut the fuck up and stop laughing.
Unless your a midget or a very small child I highly doubt it.
Anyone remember/LOST/ and verticals? That was truly the end of golden age Yea Forums. Right before bane posting.
There must be some really butthurt anglos in this thread. All I’m hearing is comparisons to GoT like the bunch of normie fags they are. Probably pissed that no one cares about their bong actors anymore
It's completely unrelated to any occultist writers from the 18th century except in the most surface level ways unless you're a weirdo who's into headcanon. You just are assblasted that people don't like your favorite show and have to raid every thread about it with bullshit strikes. You are so transparent, you are a complete pseudo-intellectual.
Lost was a normie show so it's applicable
That is a masterful ending and the more you watch and the more you read the more you realize how well crafted it is. That’s why you can make the definite statement that brainlets really don’t get it. At worst they hate it and at best they just think it’s ok.
Based. Same here. Watched it the first time with Yea Forums then rewatched it a couple years ago with the wife. She loved it as well.
>I miss being an annoying pothead asshole
interesting life goals
Beat years of my life
It’s always the brainlets saying pseudo-intellectual because they’re afraid of higher concepts. All I did was state that LOST is best appreciated through a cultured lense. Stay fuming, retard.
Did you even READ the post you replied to?
>That doesnt mean it was some huge secret club only megaminds understood though. It was exactly what was presented and had absolutely no deeper meaning past that.
t.didnt actually watch the finale
H-hey guys, remember me. I was that other show that was supposed to be as much of a cultural phenomenon as Lost. R-remember?
The worst feeling in the world was waiting a week only for it to be a kate episode
I think the ending is a perfect bookend. Moving On is the best version of life and death
Yes and I just explained to you why you think that
>All I did was state that LOST is best appreciated through a cultured lense.
Which is completely transparent pseudo drivel. Lost is best appreciated if you're a normie who is so uncultured that you think it fucking invented surrealism.
I will paypal someone good money if they have a large collection of Lost verts.
If I want to convince someone why tv is inferior to film. I'll point them to this show.
Stay mad. Go to another thread if you don’t like it
While at the same time providing nothing to back up your claims and thereby proving user is absolutely right and you're completely full of shit.
Alright bro.
I fucking wish. My older hard drive had gigs of Yea Forums lost memes on it. Got stolen when I was in the Navy.
>Lost (2004)-(2010)
Those were my late high school and mid university years son.
lol fine by me. Keep seething then. Might as well keep thread bumped
Great, glad we cleared that up.
Glad I could help you with your issues.
>y-you're seething
>physically incapable of not continuing to reply
just shows I struck a nerve
My favourite part of LOST is that it’s not for brainlets
Yeah, I'm constantly having to argue with retards who think they're intelligent.
Yes I did. The whole season. Please explain to me what i missed if i am so ignorant of the ending.
It's specifically tailored to brainlets to make them feel smarter than they are.
>So when everyone guessed their ending, they felt they needed to change it all up.
Purgatory and everything being a dream are literally the first things every dumbass comes up with for stuff like this, and you think writers are somehow not aware of these cliché theories?
lmao you're fucking dumb as a brick m8
It was never purgatory, if anything they got the idea for the purgatory sideshow in the last season from the brainlets nonstop screeching about purgatory
Seething brainlet
>get cultured bro, you need to read more obscure occultist novels to understand this normie show that aired on ABC
You are so embarrassing
It’s great that LOST can’t be enjoyed by most people. Pearls before the swine and all that. The lips of wisdom are only open to the ears of understanding.
It literally WAS enjoyed by most people. It was a huge hit. You're so disingenuous and misguided and not nearly as cultured or intelligent as you think you are.
seething zoom zoom
>retard caught in a loop
Happens every time, we're done here.
LOST is the greatest show ever made or that ever will be made for the audiovisual kinographic medium.
>this thread
>the zoomer feels angered when he sees this
>the audiovisual kinographic medium
>not recognizing pasta
>please explain your arguments
never fails
lol y is dis dood so mad?
why are you so triggered that you can't stop replying, not to mention you are taking the effort to quote all the posts, just the pot calling the kettle black
What's the exact moment I should watch to and drop the show?
Till the end, duh. Also make sure to rewatch at least three times.
yeah fuck that i'd rather watch anime
*closes thread*
you sound like that brainlet anglo
Guess this board has always been a joke.
GOAT show
Based devil trips of demonic truth
Based rational poster. I actually like LOST but it's he's the only one making arguments and everyone else is just memeing and getting angry. This board needs a better class of shitposters.
>The Leftovers
What will be the next Lindelof KINO