Wow they look so much alike. Perfect casting
Wow they look so much alike. Perfect casting
Other urls found in this thread:
That pic is edited right? No way does a kid look that ugly
>The picture that destroyed Finnshills
>16 and already getting JUSTed this hard
he's gonna end up looking like Howard Stern
He already does based on this pic, but Stern is a chad
oh no no no no no this has to be shopped
what a fucking kike image
Is that the guy all the homos were fisting their asses to?
Where's his brain fit? There's not enough room for a human brain in there.
>hey, didn't we used to go to the same school?
Puberty hit him hard huh
holy fuck
ah looks like the jew genes just kicked in...
oh fuck
Oy vey that kid looks like he got slapped with a yarmulke
how does that creature even have a fucking career?
And Finn doesn't look too good either
Shut it down, Chaim. Yea Forums knows!
lmao he looks like a young Howard Stern
did you edit his nose or is that out of control already?
Ugly jewboy
Reminder people were so convinced this kid was going to age into some God.
This is what peak judaism looks like
imagine being the teen hearthrob of the moment at 14 and at 16 being lucky if you end up looking like Bill Hader
>tfw you see a fraggle irl
This is depressing
I've met Finn irl and he's a really cool kid, his band played with my cousin's band, but I seriously kept looking at his head and wondering how weird he would look bald the entire time we were hanging out. I kept picturing that bald guy from Despicable Me, Groot I think his name is. His head is really weird and I hope for his sake he keeps the hair.
Can we talk about how kino Ray Person was in this movie?
Went from frog to rat.
Finn looks like a skeksis
is his nose shopped?
Oh, Jesus. Is that the kid from Stranger Things?
he's a disgusting kike faggot
I'm still betting he's gonna come out as "trans" in a few years.
Oh yeah I can totally see right growing up to become left lmao
faggots arent people
Rich and Eddie were the best parts of the movie.
His arcade moment, and Bill Hader breaking down made me want to cry.
Also, pennywise calling Ben a fat fatty fat mc fat fuck.
I was a fat kid then became /fit/ and it stung a bit.
Stop being mean, Finn is a cute!!!
Oy Vey!
He's not.
you mean Ziggy Sobotka?
>no Lillis posters in this thread
how do we bury hollywood and end their fucking nepotism. that beaks father probably some banker or producer
jews have until they're 20, if they're lucky
then they rapidly turn into goblins
it' like the satanic magic that's keeping their bodies together starts to unravel after the initial aryan infant blood infusion
fucking puberty
Finn in 30 years
You misspelled gay really badly
Thank god.
at least they both have a full head of hair unlike me
>one of the few jews to not look like a jew
>looks like an ape
Thankfully I'm only 1/4 Jewish so I'm aging well.
I'm a finnfag but I knew he was going to age weirdly from the first time I saw him, his nose always stood out as a disaster waiting to happen.
>it's an entire planet of ron pearlmans!
>I walked Bill Hader up on stage!
I've lost a lot of weight, but having been fat for the majority of my life, that whole bit about how no matter what he does, deep down he will always be a fat kid afraid of dying alone was painfully true.
>always Sophia Lillis threads
>a new movie with her in it comes out
>no threads to be seen
What happened?
We're gonna make it bro.
Mods cracked down on pedo threads
finn is turning into a jewish dyke
Literally Quentin Tarantino and angry trumpet goblin
He should have fucked that 25 year old model or whatever when he had a chance. I bet she'd reject him now.
Umm guys, I think I've been cured of pedophilia. Praise the Lord
>the cgi finn when they reshot the scenes as kid
it was so distracting
>seething jealous cunts
He’s gonna look like Cher in 2 years
damn st.vincent looks like that
He's ugly, time to move on user
Can’t tell if the kike fujoshits are obsessed or just shills.
He needs a flight to skorea for a procedure
So this is the power of ashkenazi genes
le creture
Why doesn't he fix his teeth?
>picking apart the look of a kid during his awkward phase
Remember when people used to call Bran Stark ugly and his nose was also huge, then the rest of his face grown in and it doesn't even look big anymore
It's both, but they shill for free and just have god awful shit taste.
So that's why Bill referred to Finn as "Bran" in the interview
>getting plastic teeth
hes a faggot, no need to be a fake faggot
Poor kid man, also lmao
He's a 10/10 from the front
Literally Elliot Rodger but Jewish.
Bran was cute as a kid and looks like a retard now
A poor poor man's Timothée Chalamet
Also an ugly kike.
He's ugly too
Fukken saved
Only I'm allowed to say that you thief
hardest I've laughed in a while
Bill looks good compared to him.
Is there even such a thing as a good-looking or handsome Jew?
pic related
We already established he's ugly, see:
God damnit user, my sides
The Warrior and the Potion Seller
Jesus Christ
>Yea Forums obsesses over hideous kikes like this fucker and Finn
Why does this board have the worst fucking taste in men?
Reported to Semitic Pinnochio Law Center
>Yea Forums
it's literally femcels only
Netflix's Semitic Things
Just give him GH as soon as possible.
This basically. Guys on Yea Forums like chads like Henry Cavill.
Poor kid.
He's even worse than Haley Joel Osment.
Pretty predictable how this plays out: >looks are becoming an awkward redpill
>kids beginning to comment online including girls.
>need to shut it down
>launch him as serious actor
>need iconic role with Jewish bent
>Bob Dylan has 1-5 years left
>And the Best Actor in Hit Biopic is...
Jesus Christ learn English first
I know for a fact they're infested with roasties.
>Henry Cavill
twinks are superior
He will get nose plastic surgery
Attractive twinks maybe, but not these rat-faced ones like Finn or Chalamet.
What about Danny Sexbang?
Lets see his thumbs.
It's in English and it'll be accurate. He'll play Bob Dylan in an Oscar bait biopic. Then his bad looks will be contextualized.
Jews will never not be ugly will they
He needs to take the bogpill
Yeah this kid's descent into ugliness was foretold. He's not a Bran case where he was a qt3.14 shota who grew into an absolute gremlin
bill hader isnt a jew you fucking retard
kinda cute tbo
so are you
What do you mean? He's still ugly as fuck.
Zac Efron
Mixed ones can look ok.
He does the best job out of all of the adults
He’s 5’4.
Fucking hell put me and every one else laughing at this kike child in the screencap
Someone please repost that drawing op did please i wanna use it
Thanks you beautiful being
Damn dis nigga gay as hell
>Literally Elliot Rodger but Jewish.
Eliot Rodger was half Asian half Jewish!
Fucking kikes man, fuckers are creepy ugly
I know this faggot's pain. I used to be a cute as fuck kid up until the age of 12 and then puberty hit me so hard, I'm fucking hideous now. I'm 25 and still stuck in the awkward looking teen phase. My face and body are all out of proportion.
checked and this
why was this deleted?
Id probably kill myself if I found out I was Jewish.
Fucking ugly with a shit frame too
What’s with the samefagging ITT?
And has plowed way more 10/10s than you ever will
The poster probably made a shitpost elsewhere that mad him get banned from all boards. When that happens, all your posts get deleted instantly.
I would Jizz all over that face desu senpai no homo
ITT: /pol/
he's a chosen one so there's a chance
See the replies, also Greg Sulkin. He has a nice butt too.
I mean he's nearly 17. I wouldn't expect much to change now.
>waaaaa waaaa waaaa
God, I wish I was a Jew
>le everyone le but le me is le baby XDDD
oy vey the wailing wall is real
that makes you a jew
depends on where his Jewish blood is and who you ask. If his mother's Jewish then he's ethnically Jewish.
for obvious reasons lol
one drop
You take that back! Hader is a top qt with all his wonky eyes and funny teeth
not true.
t. ethnically Jewish
aren't they wanting for the new messiah? he could be the one
>one drop
Stern is a cuck
Of which if you are of European ancestry you probably have. Or does 1/64th disqualify you as one of the goys?
dubs don't lie
i have 0% jewish ancestry
any amount is too much
i will die on this hill
>trust me im a jew
neck yourself
My mom is literally Jewish and her mother spoke Yiddish as a first language.
i believe you're a jew
i just don't believe you BECAUSE you're a jew
*tips Stahlhelm*
It's a pity he didn't show more. I love a glimpse of ass crack though.
Finn qt
>all these jews
>everyone who doesn't want to fuck my ugly Jewish god is a cunt
And happily so
האַב געשלעכט
>literally being a jew
>lonely virgins attacking the look of a literal child for hours
Nobody chooses their birth
why was it deleted?
>tfw you see a jew irl
It's a shitpost
>th-th-think about the children!!
Pfft you don't care about that roastie, you're upset that your internet crush is an ugly jew and is becoming fair game for teasing.
Cope harder
it was reported by seething jewboys
Zac Efron is like 85% Irish/English and looks it too. He has very distant Jewish ancestry
"Efron" is a Hebrew name.
Stern is a cuckold.
he just likes to watch women, not actually fuck them with his micropenis.
So? He is still 90% goyim, and an atheist.
Well it looks like this kid’s 15 minutes of fame is over. As soon as his herd of shills realise how hideous and plain he is he’ll be forgotten like everyone else
>implying you wouldn't his boipussi
i would, but not for much longer
I wonder if he'll develop a happy trail or some chest hair. Ashkenazi Jews tend to be hairy.
Well sure, if the lights are off
I'd rather that mouth, those cheekbones would look good with my cum too
Gretel and Hansel is not looking great so far.
that doesn't mean anything
I think he misspelled it. It looks like an attempt to say "have sex" in Yiddish.
מוות זה הדבר היחידי שמגיע לך יהודי מטונף
He's most likely gay.
people who speak Yiddish don't use the Internet
Finn needs to get a decent haircut
good taste man
focusing on the real shit
think he has good collar bones?
only thing he needs is zyklon b
That is super fucking gay and he's ugly. So it's doubly offensive.
>all those seething Mohamads, Salims and Allha's in this thread
kek post your Islam beards
this nigga looks like Elliot Rodger but even gayer
I don't have a particular thing for his collar bones, man
But I'm sure they're nice since he's skinny
they do look nice
i have a... thing for nice, sharp collar bones
especially when the cum starts to pool in them
You must be jewish
i just like fucking jewboys before they become gremlins
I wonder who could be behind... haha no of course I don't.
Don't feel bad. At least Jewish women are kino
Just like Bran Stark. Had boipucci looks and became a demonic avatar
Some do. Not many though.
achievable natty?
>16 year old boy makes Yea Forums seething for the whole night
Yeha I’m think he’s based
why are male kikes so fucking ugly? what is it about the semitic genes that fuck up men this bad?
Yes 10/10 dudes
A lot of these are just bad photos.
pic is like 3 years old Lmao his nose is 4x that size
The Nuremberg Laws defend anyone 1/4 or less as a full Reich citizen with rights to marry full-blooded Germans.
But then the Nazis were cucks.
Your cousin's band must suck ass if they played with Calpurnia
I wonder who could be behind... haha no of course I don't.
hell yeah
defend = defined
based nazi
>making fun of his Jew nose is "seething"
Not pure enough
>But then the Nazis were cucks
same as /pol/
most of those are super mixed and look pretty germanic
based natsoc you mean
It's from last year
jew genes work quickly man
>/pol/ is one person
>/pol/ is your identity haha gotcha
What a fuck up that was.
This is from a month ago, still would
There are three jewish phenotypes, he's a troll
the average height has been going up for a long time and still is
manlets are discriminated, they're not having kids
men arent getting shorter
He'd be just skin and bones without clothes on
turn that profile to the side...
no, he's a goblin
stern is a goblin
In no situations where I'd be looking at his side when he's giving me head or eating his boipuci
>tfw fucking jewish
>eating ass
you're supposed to push his face into the pillow and make him beg for your superior seed, idiot
real men eat ass
>stern is a chad
la creatura...
>uses heavily photoshopped image for a magazine
Of course you would
oh boy thats not real right?
I’d love to cum all over his hair
god damn it his hair is hideous, yet he is allowed to pull out this hairstyle without criticisms because he is famous i guess
Is that Michael Jackson?
Yuck yuck hnng yuck
Get a haircut, you fucking zoomer
He has to keep that hair because of continuity of the show
he looks like he's just spent all night on /pol/
is he the wrangler for the tard ?
of course not, I ment most of them
That kid grew a forehead.
I think he only browses Yea Forums Yea Forums and /fa/ now but don’t quote me on that!
Did he swallow the glass wtf
He has the bad tard genes
nobody 'just' browses the hobbyist boards anymore
Stern is a childish egomaniac.
Childhood was laughing at the Wack Pack. Adulthood is laughing at Stern.
>when the jewnetics hit you this hard
fucking yikes
>Yea Forums wouldn’t want to do that mouth
Jesus I know you lads are always gay
And now that reply got deleted. How interesting.
these guys have it pretty well
Thanks user, I forgot about him. Now I have the perfect casting for my dream script MC.
Need a new deuteragonist casting tho LMAO RIP Rutger Hauer.
Kinda looks the retarded lead singer of The Ramones.
>dude what if your childhood insecurities were represented on screen as a demonic clown??
Dang, I guess that would be pretty crazy.
eh you could be a based jew like bobby fischer
He was probably on Yea Forums but he got creeped out by the people posting him
Not really "seething" but it's no surprise that you finncucks can't handle reality
because when i say i would fuck his boipucci
i mean it
Well shit he actually looks handsome now. would make for a fine jon snow
Fuck you, Bill a CUTE
He’s /ourguy/, newfags
Damn, stop embarrassing yourself Millie, Finn’s reserved for us lads
Why was my post deleted? I posted this near the top of the thread.
>The idea of this jewish goblin ever being /ourguy/
You can piss right off with that
He's gonna remember situations like this in another couple of years when his transformation is complete and no woman will want to bang him anymore.
The jannies get awfully defensive about Finn hate
They look relatively good compared to other ethnicites tho
Wait til you see that
>my shit looks better than your shit!
It's all still shit user
Tbf he’ll probably still end up better than all the other kids on Stranger Things and be a decent actor/filmmaker in the future
but only if he hits a big doomer phase and starts shitposting here
Of course, just pointing out there are much stinkier shits out there
Big nose could look good if you have a decent lower jaw to go with it.
Nah, because of his face he'll only be type cast into villain roles.
Well as long as his looks keep up sure. But besides that he has nothing else to offer, he can barely act and his nose is beginning to outshine his cheekbones.
He'll either fade into obscurity or will sell his body to dirty old Hollywood kikes in order to keep his career alive.
He has said harmony korine and Dolan Xavier are his inspiration. Maybe he’ll be making kinos one day
I do love his jaw! Probably my 3rd favourite but equally important facial feature of his
Maybe he will be a very good Joker one day
Lmao that fuckin beak
He’s very good in IT and the Goldfinch looks promising so I think he’s heading to a good direction
This boy looks like dreams
He needs to fix that immediately or he'll look like Adrian Brody by 16.
Kek remember when the pedophiles here were obsessed with that ugly little kid and now he's an ugly little hook-nosed kike goblin teen EHEHEHEHEHEHEing his way through hollywood looking for rubies and diamonds? Haha yeah I remember.
Usually U.S. sitcoms white Gen-X parents with strange and swarthy millennial mutts. But this kid's a thoroughbred alright!
Based finnposter
Those lips are unreal
I've always been so jealous of his hair
a what?
He’s perfectly adorable there’s nothing that needs to be fixed
>million dollar photoshoot and the guy still looks like a fucking hobo
>there’s nothing that needs to be fixed
You may feel that way but everyone who isn't kissing Jew ass won't
Fugg I’ve got a kike looking head
Tell that to his 17 million followers on Instagram, I’m sure he’d be hurt to hear that
>then 14
>then 8
>then 3
>then... he is forgotten
count the years
yikes, that's not the only thing that's wrong
>thinks follower count matters
How was school today?
Unless he’d done some controversial shit or turned out to be a massive racist that people were “cancelling” him, there’s no way he’s losing all his followers
No one cares about IG followers, but i'm sure he's happy about being rich and not some poorfag (and probably ugly too) posting in a godforsaken imageboard
OR people just become bored with him and his follower count starts to slowly drop off. Keep in mind this happens to a lot of teen heartthrobs
>Finn will never look at you like this
It hurts, bros