The more negative reviews this board shows me the more I get hyped

The more negative reviews this board shows me the more I get hyped

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It's because is literally fucking garbage

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I think it looks great. Bitching and moaning isn't gonna stop me from seeing it, and it's a welcome change from all the other Hollywood shit to come out all year. Even the leaked script seemed like it could be great if the performances were stellar, and Phoenix hasn't failed me yet.

keep telling yourself that, chudcel

This really isn't convincing me that it won't be incelkino.

Looks kino to me. Stay seething you stupid roastie cunt

Looks to be more tryhardkino

thats where acting and direction and the entire movie process comes in retard. Its not abook so why show it as one and tell us its garbage? You are Garbage * Clap *

>chudcel calling me, a guy who fucks almost daily a roastie

(X) Doubt

What guns are you planning to bring?

>using the c-word on Yea Forums unironically
lmao bro thats just cringe, one fuckin yike

sounds fake, or written by some 12yo kid

Shut up cunt

>kino confirmation
holy based

The whole movie is entirely up to Joaquin's delivery.

>chud said it again

sadly the more i read about it and how anti-white it is the more i've lost interest for it
hopefully uncut gems, frankie and ford v ferrari end up being good

The script is confirmed legitimate by everyone. This is how Todd Phillips writes

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>anti white
besides Murray franklin and the wall street guys almost every character joker is bullied by are people of color.

We're still waiting for the far-right white incel inspired enough by that movie to cause a massacre.

Based Incel poster.

sounds pretty good

Hello r*ddit

it's actually the based incel meme filled society kino we wanted it to be. look at the most recent panel with the director

>calling me, a guy who fucks almost daily

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>how anti-white it is
Amerimutts, ladies and gentlemens

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kill yourself


>feeling the need to defend himself to such an extent that he resorts to claims that can't be proved
Surely you realize this doesn't make you look any better.

joker is literally a try hard

It's a collaborative process retard, a shit script is still shit no matter if you hire fucking DDL for it.

>how anti-white it is

you do understand scripts aren't novels right? next thing you'll complain that treatments have no exposition.
script rule 1 cut the fat/black its not a novel

I"m so fucking hype. My body armour and kevlar is arriving next week