Is this even possible?
Is this even possible?
Other urls found in this thread:
He looked pretty drunk while driving right after.
It is, but if you're able to do it you certainly wouldn't look as pretty as Denzel.
it is possible but dont try it if you aren't already a heavy alcoholic, this shit can literally instantly kill or paralyse you.
thread theme:
I've never seen this but does he chug the ENTIRE handle? Or does he just take a giant swig of it?
Is that even a handle and isn't he dead?
He used to be a heavy alcoholic for years but he's alive and doing videos to this day. Seems like he stopped drinking though.
Giant swig.
The entire thing, it goes down like water.
In that case, yeah it's very possible. I would takes swigs of handles when my alcoholism was at an all-time high.
I could take a swig of Captain without issue aty peak of drinking. The handle would be empty in about 6hrs at my buddies house. The swig I would take was nowhere near as big as that but I could do it.
he must have put his finger down his throat and puked it up after the camera was off. I think you'd die from drinking that much or at least end up in a coma.
In most cases you’d probably gurl not long after. I can take decent whiskey chugs but that’s super cheap vodka. Alcoholics on that level usually shit/piss/puke on themselves all the time.
Came here to post shoenice
Based shoenice poster
Im an alcoholic. Yes it is.
>Die from a bottle of 80 proof
Lol you must be the skinniest weakest little shithead twerp weakling
i wish i knew this song when i was drinking heavily. Woulda made for a lot more happier drunken feels
Bro, you're not cool. We're all anonymous here. You're not cool. Hope your liver gives out soon.
why is alcoholism and posting on Yea Forums a common thing?
I feel like it's a common thing on the internet as a whole. Mention alcohol anywhere and people will chime in
alcohol gives me knowledge
Get big twerp
it will put you in the hospital if you dont reflexively projectile vomit after but yeah
how obese are you?
What the fuck? You believe actors guzzle real alcohol on set? He would be incapacitated for the rest of the day. Not to mention that multiple takes are shot meaning he would die before finishing all the takes for this scene.
I just took a hydrocodene and ibuprofen and poured a triple vodka and ice. going to watch the killing season about the long island serial killer. feels good anons.
Yea Forums is full of depressed people, depressed people turn to alcohol
Yeah but I think Al Pacino and maybe some other actors were high on cocaine during Scarface.
Does shoenice have some sort of stomach condition that allows him to live through shit like this? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it explained
many actors are high on cocaine on set. you can read lines and work on coke, not so much if you're shitface drunk
>you can read lines and work on coke, not so much if you're shitface drunk
You can do both 2bh
>8 whiskey sours
The absolute madman.
the explanation is that he's a fraud and a drug addict, and nearly every single chugging video he does is staged. Water instead of vodka, colored water instead of whiskey etc. He's really not a good person, he pretends like he served in the military but he never did. He's really kind of a piece of shit, tbqh
>You believe actors guzzle real alcohol on set?
i was referring to the YouTube video where the guy appears to chug a 1.75l bottle of vodka he opens on camera. He stops the camera after drinking it instead of letting us enjoy the next 30mins with him.
Because we turned into depressed 30 year olds who can't feel anything while sober anymore
what are some songs about drinking?
This. There's a list of awful shit he's done online, but I dont remember where. Kiwi farms, I think?
is this a joke?
No why?
Get some down ya
Opioids and alcohol don't mix well. And ibuprofen will put extra strain on your liver. Not trying to tell you what to do, but there are safer combos out there.
based and drinkpilled
How does he fake it?
Fuck paralyze? Like in an accident?
Still feels good. I don't recommend doing it often but I'll drink while on pills sometimes.
Oh yeah you're right. I want to kill myself anyway, so I don't give a fuck. But I dropped a surrond sound speaker on my middle toe a couple hours ago and the pain is just starting to go away. Fuck my liver, cancer or suicide will probably get me sooner than liver failure. Thanks for the honest advice though.
woke up, don't remember going to sleep
>The following events took place between 4AM and 5 AM, TUESDAY
At least ibuprofen is better than acetaminophen
When I was in college I lost a bet and had to take a 10 second chug of cheap vodka. I was completely blacked out within about 15 minutes. It's not fun but it's definitely doable
Yeah and I drink a lot of coffee which is supposed to be good for the liver. You're cool user.
I drank a 750ml of 80 proof vodka in one swig once when I was 15. Puked ten minutes later and passed out. Pretty sure I got alcohol poisoning. Major hurricane hit my state a couple hours later. What a ride.
Acquire mass
has he died yet?
Did you survive?
years ago I dared one of my highschool friends to chug what might have been a liter of vodka or more. He was pretty egotistical and I could tell that he didn't like me much, so he accepted the challenge right away, completed it and instantly became violently ill. I regret asking him to do it.
>woke up
Sounds familiar. When I was 19 me and some friends went to the shore for a week. When we first got there we drank a bottle of Jack straight off doing shots where I ended up drinking half of it seeing as it was my bottle. Next thing I remember we were eating pizza on the boardwalk with the girls staying in our building. I ended up dating one of them for a few months.
I'm surprised I never got sick from drinking. The closest was having two Budweisers and a glass (4-5 shots worth?) of Spirytus. I had to control my breathing when I went to lay down, but I managed to not puke. Woke up around 4am, drank a lot of water, went back to bed. Morning was pretty much fine. Friend I was drinking with was basically black out drunk though. I was a little scared he had poisoning.
Post alcoholic kino
Alcoholism gets glorified but the reality is sad and awful.
of course, just put water in there
back when I drank I would drink gin from a handle with a straw
>Why do adults drink so much
>Become 30
>Start drinking
Now I understand, jesus christ fuck life
I watched this movie in rehab
yeah hes a shitty person but how is it fake if he usually pops the seal in front of the camera? I know he faked the habanero stunt but thats because hes always had way more trouble with spicy stunts than alcohol ones.
He throws it all back up the second he turns the camera off.
Syringe through the cap, slowly drain and refill it with water. The hole is so small you don't notice it on a low quality recording.
Another user in this thread is probably right. I watched one of the guy's videos where he says that he has an illness that gives him incredible alcohol tolerance. I guess he could have been lying.
does this means you guys aren't doing "sober october" with joe rogan?
pretty much this if you have the tolerance and can stomach it have at it.
Personally I would have spread that bottle out over 1-2 hours taking shots and small chasers But then again I'm not a pilot..
I't called Bender September, the thing you do before it.
Weed ruined alcohol for me. The worst high feels so much better than the best drunk.
How weak do you have to be to get addicted to fucking alcohol
Is this even possible?
I knew a guy in college who could chug vodka.
isn't it a chemistry thing
Whats everyone drinkan tonight?
i fuck on alcohol, i jerk off on weed
so no joke this guy's brother was my high school's gym teacher and wrestling coach, super tall and jacked, shoenice must be a mega embarrassment to the family
It will overload you’re kidneys liver and cause organ failure and/or blood poisoning. The risk/reward is way off.
Weed seems fun if you have a thicc black gf to smoke with
Rebel Yell bourbon. It's on sale here and I needed to dial back from the 100 proof stuff.
>flavored vodka/rum
Drinkin Godfathers. 50/50 scotch/amaretto.
Its fun to change it up every now and then. No bully.
Change up mixers if you want but the flavored stuff has a silly amount of sugar
fuckin bill w over here
True, I got so much shit buying a bottle of Malibu just to try it out one time. Ended up passing it around the circle after all the rest was gone
I'm a 25 year old khv and have never had any alcohol. Should I take the boozepill? Does it help with being a loser?
I just jump over to a bottle of tequila or sometimes a good drinking rum. I don't like to mix, it's all neat.
drinking alone its just a miserable experience, its more of social thing to have fun, look for some drugs instead
He's a girl drink drunk.
If by 'help', you mean actually make you even more of a loser than you already are, then yes, it certainly does help.
Nah. There's nothing to gain from drinking alcohol. There literally isn't a benefit beyond momentary happiness. Doesn't even fucking taste good
>make you even more of a loser than you already are,
Not possible
when had alcoholism ever been portrayed as anything but destructive. there's nothing sexy about drunkenness
No. The boozepill is only good for those stuck in the grind. Think of alcohol as lube to keep the gears spinning. It won't save you from anything.
>giant swig
It's what we in the business call a pull.
pls no i dont want to be a drunk anymore ahhhhhhh
is this where all the al/ck/ refugee come to?
Rat Pack
There's still way too many retarded tryhard "manly man" faggots that thinking sipping on bourbon and smoking a cigar is a positive status symbol.
Yes. Yea Forums and /ck/ are pretty much one in the same.
Then become an alcoholic or heroin/meth/fentanyl addict. You think the hole is dug as deep as it can gets, but you'd be surprised how much further down you can go.
that's true, guess the whole alcohol advertising industry does it as well
In the older days it was still never sexy. It has never been sexy. It used to be like more hardcore or badass, you'd have to be a faggot to be concerned about sexiness.
underrated post
nah /ck/ is way worse. Yea Forums still has the occasional kino threads, filmaking threads and appreciation for good cinemas (foreigns, arthouse, festival shits) albeit being 70% capeshit and baits. /ck/ is pure shit, nobody actually cooks, discussion never happens.
opening some Jack D a friend of mine gave as a gift. Gonna ask a cute girl in uni out and either response is worthy of a glass or ten
Funny enough alcohol saved me from opiates. I was shooting up multiple times a day. After I lost my job I got clean but started drinking again, I lost all desire for booze when using. I had the most productive time of my career while drinking. The problem with alcohol is while you can do the ride for a while you will have the flame out moment where you screw everything up. Oh well just take a vacation and drink nothing but beer on the beach for a week and you're back in the saddle.
I mostly stay on Yea Forums but ocassionaly go to /ck/ and /o/. /ck/ when i'm hungry / about to eat can be comfy.
Based New Jersey
It was OC Maryland actually.
A 40 of Mickeys, a couple of Hamms and some shots of vodka.
It's called tolerance user. I know someone who died of sclerosis, he was able to drink the cheapest vodka like it was water.
my nigger
>didn’t like me much
He fingered your boy bottom whole you sleep bro.
are we still posting drinkan music
You really can't go wrong with a $12 case. Shit tastes really good to boot
>not understanding addiction in 2019
We hung out constantly. Don't know what other word to use except for acquaintance or maybe something ghey like frienemy.
>JW Red
>neighbor literally got swatter for posting a joke pic of him driving with an open container
>now serving 1 month in county and then another 6 months probation
>celebrities literally drinking a fucking bottle of Johnny Walker in her fucking car
Holy shit.
Sounds like sexual tension
that's actually sad, I mean what level of DOOM do you have to be on to actually drink straight from a handle of liquor in the drivers seat of your car? is it because she regrets the bog and lives with it daily?
based and redpilled
jim beam
Sometimes you just really need a sipp.
Maybe on his part. We had a mutual black friend (a real friend) and he would get visibly angry with me whenever I would hang out with that guy without him or even really do anything without him.
Wake in Fright
Leaving Las Vegas
Bad Santa
Am i an alco if I only drink on weekends but often do two whole days drunk the whole time? Like drink friday night with friends but saturday when i wake up i start drinking again by myself? That night i do go out but in the day it will be solo drinking? Have a respectable life otherwise though. Also alco threads are so comfy
Probably not if you can easily bear to be sober for the 5 other days of the week. Still not a great habit though.
yeah true. oh well, five beers down now. I enjoy Yea Forums more then watching a movie when drunk. cozy.
>drinking alcohol
As a bartender, dont do this. Ive seen enough that i consider it positively satanic, devil water. There's nothing there for you.
You haven't watched Lawn Dogs, I see. I was posting the music used in that scene.
It will only makes things worse. Alcohol never improves anything beyond the moment, and even then it will just become a crutch
>Alcohol worked until it doesn't
Pretty standard story tbqh
You are small time
You don't get "high" on cocaine. The rush lasts for like 10 seconds then you're back to normal, but during the rush you're completely useless.
they usually replace vodka or any alcohol with water
Reminds me of that guy who drank some eels
Chinese Rocky getting ready to train
True, an old trick. Otherwise getting multiple takes would be pretty rough lol
did he dead?
Here ya go user:
Trying to think of others in my library. . .
You've never met a real full blown alky before have you
I found my current fiance because booze gave me the courage to ask her out. My life would be totally different otherwise.
At my old job my co-workers looked forward to the christmas party because buzzed me was apparently a lot of fun to hang out with. I wish I didn't always have this stick up my ass.
Four roses yellow label.
When I was a professional boozehound, I would take about 8 to 10 shots in the morning just to get straight.
I do not miss those days
I'll bet. I drink anywhere from a third to a half a liter of vodka every night and I already feel like enough of a piece of shit.
Yeah you can always get a little lower. It's astounding how easy it is to fuck your life up.
anyone who drinks like that is dead inside at the very least
Just wait. You'll be looking at liters and thinking to yourself, should I get some beer too in case this isn't enough?
The worlds finest bourbon
Oh, I'm far past that. I've been thinking about getting a case so that I can nurse a few and hopefully cut back.
Based, but One Bourbon, One Scotch and one beer is the superior Thorogood drinking mantra
>tfw I go to the bar
>I ring my coat
>I call the bartender
>said look man
>come down here
>he got down there
drinking vodka? yeah its possible
It's true
>be young
>observe self-destructive behavior in adults
>wonder why they don't think about the future
>get older
>think about the future
>become depressed, cynical pessimist
>engage in self-destructive behavior
>the cycle is complete
Well, yes. It's mechanically the same as chugging anything else. You just have to be metal. This guy doesn't even hold a candle to Shoenice, btw.
question: how many sleeping pills do you need to take while drinking to not wake up again?
my 18 year old self never pictured this
No no no no no no no
Nono nonno no bo no no
No bobbono no no
No no nono
Thats bad
Been in and out of rehab 3 times for alcoholism ask me anything.
How many do you have?
now you funny too
>tfw a pussy and can't take shots or drink hard alcohol without a chaser or a mix
It never gets any easier bros.
90% of a full bottle
How did you know you were an alcoholic?
were there any hot girls in rehab?
bullshit. you just arent practicing enough
don't do it fren
Took me a long fucking time to realize but it was less the quantity I was drinking and more the impact it was having on my life. I truly realized when I tried to quit multiple times and just couldn't. I was ruining friendships, asking people for money, selling my own shit, spending bill money, etc, anything to drink.
Yeah, actually. First time I went there was a really hot girl there. Rehab romance is apparently pretty common. She told me one night that she thought about me while she masturbated. Then she ghosted me when we both got out, felt bad man.
Based sketch
The human body can adapt to a hell of a fucking lot. This kind of thing would likely kill a normal, even a heavy drinker, if they didn't puke soon or get medical attention. But if you've been drinking heavily for decades, as it's implied Denzel has, you require more and more ethanol to get the desired affect of being drunk.
It'll still kill you, but it will likely be though cirrhosis, esophageal cancer, or something else.
Im tired of working 50+ hour weeks and being single. theres nothing to do but drink when Im not working
This guy could. Based chinese alcoholic
I was kidding but in case you are serious don't do it. My friend tried it and survived but had some fucked up stuff with his organs. So now he is even worse off.
Yeah, in high school we would down a pint (450 ml or so) before certain events and it would get you pretty drunk after an hour. Smaller guys definitely couldn't do it.
Once you're experienced even anything around a qaurt (26, two pints) is going to fuck you up bad. I've never tried it because getting plastered was never my thing, but I've known alcoholics who'd drink a quart in an evening.
Assuming 16 shots that's pretty much the same as 16 beer if you're mixing.
Probably only severe alcoholics could do it as others said, or other professional drinkers and russians.
Stop I get scared easily
This. You'll honestly be lucky if it kills you, and worse off when it most likely doesn't.
that's the worst way to do it.
if you really want to punish yourself just live out your life a little longer.
PS: you will surprise yourself if you put some actual effort into a turn around
This is a level Chad I've never seen before
now this guy can drink
16 shots killed John Bonham, and he wasn't even chugging or doing them necessarily in an overly tight period of time. Users beware.
You just have to force yourself until it clicks and then it makes sense. Then you develop a taste for it. For me I would get handles of cheap Scotch and then one day I started to like it. Then I turned to bourbon and then I found vodka easy to drink and then tequila. Rum and gin are still shit but gin is at least tolerable.
Based. Anyone who wants cheap girl drinks needs to try Metaxa, nice with pretty much any soda if you want a sweet drink.
Love the Pogues.
Ive never been laid without me drinking at least a few beers. If Im completely sober women cant stand me
Pretty much. I couldn't even drink beers at first, the bitterness was too much. But I'm a stupid asshole who has to be contrarian, so I would drink hard liquor without chasers or mixes so they wouldn't "ruin" the flavor, and eventually I got used to it.
Don't do it, user. My cousin killed himself shortly after his wife decided she needed a break. He went overboard and drank like two or three bottles of whisky or something in a really short period of time.
He was found in his chair passed out later, and was taken to the hospital and the doctors said he'd basically be braindead if he made it out of the situation alive. Don't risk it, friend.
The best
Try stopping for a month and you'll find you're interested in things again, movies, video games, jobs around the house, living. It all comes back when you stop drinking a while.
I know it's hard and I say this as a complete hypocrite
I think I might be drinking it wrong, but even when I've tried to get it down my throat without it filtering too much in my mouth I just can't get right. The worst part of alcohol for me is that disgusting numbness in the inside of your mouth when you take a shot. I'm definitely doing something wrong.
A quick search says 40 over the night. Any proof it was chugging?
But in any case, 16 in a short time could easily kill most people. 8 will get most people stumbling, so don't try breaking any records if you want to live.
serious question, can you do this with 1l of whiskey?
Irish whiskey, thank me later. Jameson's is one of the easiest to drink for any cheap liquor.
Metaxa or Sambuca if you're a total girl drink drunk.
It was more like 40, and he passed out and choked on his vomit.
It really is an acquired taste, but you have to love the feeling of being drunk. It sets off a feeling in your mind to the point taste stops mattering. Then you can start to drink anything. You don't want to reach that point.
Florida Man, the Early Years
Oh fuck, I was only counting his breakfast that day lmao, which was equivalent to a bottle essentially
Definitely not. It's around 20-22 shots, probably kill the biggest drinker in the world.
16 is already dangerous (750)
Rehab relationships are almost guaranteed way of wasting rehab. You ruin each other and bring each other right back to addiction
Don't take pills. That shit can end badly and it's going to be painful as hell. Just get a gun. That's how I'll most likely off myself. Just don't have it somewhere easily accessible if you plan to do it somewhere that's not your home or if you want to leave a note or something. Every time I get wasted, I can barely keep myself from blowing my brains out all over the wall. I want to do it somewhere isolated and quiet, like in the woods. Quick, efficient and without bothering anyone.
By circumstance I was around my old high school. It made me depressed to remember the time before addiction
Shoenice has done 1.75L at a time, although it's rumored he would purge immediately afterwards
What does the egg do?
I'll take 4 or 5mg of xanax and drink a few glasses of whiskey when I really need to turn the dreams off.
Yeah, I mean they tell you that there. The first time you're in rehab though you're super vulnerable, I don't think it's possible to avoid falling for people when you're that broken and depressed, if the opportunity presents itself
is it normal that I dont feel anything, not even tipsy at 7-8 shots of a 69 proof? or have I built my immunity to it? ;_;
Depends on how much time. All at once you are in danger. Over a couple of hours definitely possible
I know but the thing is you just gotta hear the same shit over and over again. If we both followed good advice the first time we wouldn't know anything about rehab
We're talking about chugging. Shots is just an easy way to compare it with beer.
I would say it's built up at that point, does it hit you later though?
The hot girl in rehab who was married tried to cheat on her spouse with the guy who wasn't me. He was strong enough to turn her down. I would've failed in a second.
covers your food for the night
Try sipping in stead of taking shots, take small sips. Very small sips, and it's hard to explain but you have to like, flex your mouth muscles if that makes any sense.
I'd insult your faggy choice of beverage, but I unironically don't mind PBR and am enjoying some right now, so I'm not really in a position to mock anyone
I can do it over the course of an evening but not all at once. Well, I've never tried at least. I'm pretty sure I don't want to.
You can get decent bourbon for cheaper than Jamesons.
>does it hit you later though?
It would def hit me if I go beyond 8.
neither do i, but I drink my whisky neats while watching a movie, so i'd take my scotch glass, do 1/4, sip that shit as much as i can, probably finish a glass in10 mins, then refill and do this for as long as the movie lasts
nothing desu
I will spend the entire day getting plastered on yuengling and watching football with a couple friends
I'm doing that right now with bourbon. Got a half a 1.75. Not really sure what I want to watch, I got a cinemax free trial but I already watched everything that seemed interesting.
craft lager
Actually the best (35:40):
its comfy kino
Craft lager is the new big thing and it's great. The Sierra Nevada sierraveza is fucking delightful.
Writing is hard.
damn straight brother
beer is beer, but its pretty good stuff
>I will spend the entire day getting plastered on yuengling and watching football with a couple friends
Unironically based, especially if it's the stillers or iggles
>beer is beer
Definitely not.
>Not drinking whatever the hell you want
vodka is fastfood whiskey. fact
yes there are genuinely great beers which are tasty and not in any way unpleasant to drink, but thats some swanky shit that most people can't drink every day (namely because most of its from europe and we don't all live there)
>when that bass line hits
Alcoholic coke addict here. I don't buy bottles cause I only drink at bars, but I can put down 30 drinks in about 4 hours, mainly rumplemintz. I snort about a gram a night. I am not frequently hungover but when i am it's like climbing out of the grave, I rack up $100+ bar tabs, get 86d from everywhere, spend my whole paycheck in like 2 days, get nosebleeds at work, one time I blacked out and got arrested on top of a moving train. But I always bounce back and get new jobs. Just have no friends and even though barfly girls think I'm cool for a bit when they realize the extent of my addictions they bail. I shake like a goddamn leaf every day, can hardly see straight while sober, and am in constant organ pain plus this burning gnawing hunger for coke and liquor. I rarely eat but when I do i binge 3000 calories in a single sitting. Drink that much in beer nightly not even mentioning the liquor. Burned every bridge I bet built, been kicked out of many apartments, fired a lot, whatever. Cash is easy to get, jobs are plentiful if you want to work, theres always somebody to grift for a crash pad, and cocaine is bountiful. Cocaine helps you drink more and the combo makes both more effective. Cigarettes are fucking expensive though and i smoke two packs a day
My father's friend went to two back-to-back Thorogood shows and he said that they were identical. The booze was fake. Everything was an act.
all of them
nice larping, bukowski. but if by any chance you're serious, please reach out and get some help; life doesn't have to be this way.
That's all you do? Pussy, I'll double that and still go to work at the local sheriff's office the next day right after I kiss my beautiful wife and kids goodbye.
I'm sure I don't need to tell you this, but just in case: Cocaethynol will kill you in no time. There's a reason you're in pain from this habit. That drug is incredibly toxic to your body.
You bother me by being a coward for your people; if you are content with leaving everything behind, then abandon the world for the path of the hero
This nigger lives in my town. I swear i saw him when I was out to lunch I almost shat myself.
I do this all the time, just not with bottles that fuckin huge. One time I got really fucked up though. My friend dared me to take a huge swig of everclear and it knocked my nuts off.
shoenice just gets lower and lower
you can feel how the vodka is already hitting this dude. Holy shit. This dude isn't loaded he's fucking DOUBLE STACKED
can confirm; I'm depressed and I turn to alcohol faster than a chinese woman in a roundabout
Not always thirty drinks but I'm capable of it. I have cleaned up my act a lot but when I have money I do terrible things with it. I used to be drunk 24/7 when I worked graveyard at an all night bar, now I stay fairly sober during the day. But I have already done half a gram tonight and only had like 8 shots so far. No friends at this bar either so I'm just sitting here staring into my beer.
Good joke but I'm always on time and do well at work. Playing up hungover gets me more tips desu, but I get by on the charming dirtbag aesthetic.
>thinking about how when I was 16 I had big plans and big hopes
>am now 22 with no future getting comfortable with a life alone thinking about trading my corn flakes for a 12 gauge
this, drank the equivalent of 2 1 liter bottles of vodka in High School in one night and nearly died of alcohol poisoning
More like 2 pints.
is it?
just get really, really drunk then crush up all the meds you have in a glass of milk, drink it, then go lie down and daydream about how life could have been great if she stuck around before drifting into the abyss.
Trust me I know the science behind my lifestyle. At my rate I'm bound for an early death but who cares. Might change my tune when it actually catches up with me. At my rate I think I've got the rockstar gene though. I am much more in control than I used to be, and I even have extra cash usually. New job pays better. But I am the worst kind of addict, because I'm not only chronic as in I need to drink or I'll get DTs and shit, so drinking all the time as a bodily need, but I'm also an uncontrollable binger and can't stop once I start unless I really really make an effort. So I'm functional but just barely and if I ever slip up I could ruin everything I've gained. Done it plenty of times before. One innocuous night at the bar can spell doom for me easily, hell usually Tuesday is the night I do shit that gets me fired or banned or losing friends. I hate Tuesdays.
If something as simple and normie as a woman got you here you don't deserve to have the problems we have
same actually, except it's after church, and it's on steel reserve, and there is no football game, and I have no friends. But basically same.
No, never drink alcohol. Alcohol gives you man boobs, makes you make poor decisions and turns you into a street beggar.
Fucking amateurs this is how its done
literally just had a beer that tasted more like corn than it did like baby vomit and that's saying something. I consider that a positive.
Then you've got ales which taste like an angel's pussy. That shit's good.
>that voice
I've met quite a few no-shit alcoholics and they all sound like this, even when "sober."
It'd put *you* in hospital maybe.
Alcohol tolerance can go up pretty quickly when you're regularly drinking spirits.
When I started brewing moonshine I pretty quickly got to the point that I was drinking in a week what most people might drink in a month or two, but there are people who drink that in a day. There's a lot of variability.
I think Andre the Giant has the record for most alcohol consumed by a single person and lived.
yes user I'm sure you're problems are far worse than mine.
Any other bros here depressed for absolutely something that you can't explain? Like I have everything I need in life, not in abundance, not in scarcity but theres this void in me that chips away a very small part of me each night. Heres to hoping having my own family changes this
If you are not a homosexual, don’t
If you are take a bunch of pills, smash them and get all the powder (dispose of the capsule shells if they are capsules), and put the powder in your mouth and wash into down with the liquor and keep going with a whole liter at least.
Honestly, suffocating yourself with a helium mask is the most painless way to go. No need to be a retard about it.
yes, I know exactly how you feel. For me I always feel guilty for what I have. I feel like I don't deserve it. I feel like I deserve to suffer. Some days are better than others, but overall my mental health is getting worse and worse. I don't even know why. I just feel like shit all the time and I can't explain it.
When I was at peak alki I was able to drink a handle of vodka and a half-liter of another vodka in a few hours after work, then wake up 6 hours later and go to work.
I also don't get headaches so I don't know what a "true" hangover feels like, probably another reason why I drank so much.
sounds like zinc and vit d3 deficiency
Shoenice has a vice documentary. His brother is a gym teacher. Who is the embarassment?
>all the alcoholets thinking this is impossible
He livestreams sometimes
I take multivitamins so it can't be that.
yes but it's a stupid idea and you'll most likely blow chunks
What's your point?
I had 5 shots of Grey Goose, drink half a fifth of Jose Cuervo, 2 full bottles of champagne, a couple of beers and my memory forgot anything else (maybe some more cheap vodka). I had a pint of sherbet ice cream though.
Already posted with aftermath
I got the cure dude, you don’t even know what you need:
Please watch the full video
21 here. Might as well throw it out there. Back when I was in high school I still had that vague sense of hope that comes with breadth of time, even if you have nothing going for you the mere possibility implicit in the future permeates the air with a feeling of wholeness, the sun is brighter, the colors more saturated, each and every moment belonging in a grand order.
But then I graduated, and as it turns out once you're an adult whatever you can't hold on to strongly enough will be forcefully and violently taken from you with no remorse. So here I am. At this point my mind is so frayed, I don't feel a single thing from masturbation, but the mere sensation of semen crawling out of my penis.
Still I do it in some parody of intimacy, I never ever knew the affection of a woman, but sometimes when I manage to focus enough on porn I can halfway trick myself into feeling the image of a woman projected on my screen as if she's really there for me, but then it's over and I feel such a deep hatred for myself it can only be satisfied by gouging my eyes and tearing my head inside out.
A few months back I almost died from alcohol poisoning, and the only thought through my mind as the nurse rythmically poked me to keep from falling asleep was "at least it's finally over".
>I smoke weed but the day I stop I start drinking
>when I was 16 I had big plans and big hopes
Everybody has big hopes when they were 16 because they didn't know about the real world. Think back to how many people you knew in high school that you thought were "going places" and look them up. Life sucks, you just adapt and deal with it.
Yes. I used to start my days like that, and drink like that to get it in quick if it's been too long and I'm starting to get sick or shake, or if I had to stealth drink I would want to make each slam really count i.e. 3+ swigs any time I can and not pussy college sloot "tehehe I'm drunk now" swigs legit alchy chugging like water.
All my friends are dead.
From turning 21 in May to sometime in early July I drank literally every night, with only two drinking with someone else (my brother). Now I'm only drinking on weekends since I have uni and work but damn do I miss those comfy days. I only day drank a few times and that never felt right though. My biggest problem now is money, I can barely afford to get drunk. I get ten dollar 1.75 liter bottles of vodka and go through half in a night. Probably going to have to just stop drinking soon if I want to save any money up.
*only drinking with someone else two times
Drinking now so I talk like a retard.
I drink hard too, but don't unless I have a shit ton of time. Can't on normal weekends because I have school work to do. Next time I actually drink will probably be Thanksgiving and it sucks.
Yeah I need a lot of free time too. I have enough online classes that I can do the big stuff during the week and just do the little online assignments on fridays so I have weekends completely free. Only problem is I fuck up my sleep schedule every time I drink because it makes me stay up so late.
Maybe I should not drink til Thanksgiving either, sucks but it'd probably be good for the both of us.
push me to the edge
The human body can take a lot of punishment
Question to fellow drinkers and substance abusers:
I've always had high tolerance to pretty much everything that takes a toil in your behaviour. The thing is, I also have depression and extreme sleeping problems (I wouldn't call it insomnia, it just takes me a couple hours awake in bed overthinking every aspect of my life until I can shut my mind off) so I started smoking weed and drinking whiskey before going to bed.
So, a couple years went like this, and right now I'm at a point where I can smoke 5 joints and a glass filled to the top with whiskey to get somewhere close to the feeling when I started doing this. A couple days ago I decided that enough and gave my weed to a friend and flushed my last bottle down the toilet.
So my question is, are/were any of you in my position, and how do you handle withdrawal. Even if the effects are reduced, I've no fucking clue how to cope with the need.
that was beautifully written. very nice. great analogies and choice of words.
I drank half a liter of vodka, took 250 mg hydrocodone, and 3000 mg acetaminophen.
Woke up completely normal and fine, although when I saw a doctor the next day admitting myself to a psychiatric hospital I had liver damage.
My advice is, do not try it, do not do it. Not only will you not die, you'll just fuck up your body permanently and make life worse. Things do get better even if it doesn't seem they will. Things pass. It just takes time, nothing else. You can't think yourself better, you can't become religious and be better, but give it enough time and you will feel much better. I wish there was better advice to make the wait not as miserable but it takes time. Just have to take care of yourself and not abuse your body.
>how do you handle withdrawal
You face the music, theres no short cut to it.
I'm the coke head boozebag from above, can never sleep. Even on my poverty induced sober nights I'm up until 7am and tortured by horrible nightmares. Just drinking i can sleep but it isnt rest. With coke I stay up until like noon and start drinking again at 6am when booze is available again. Routinely drink gennessee tallboys in the street and on the bus. I've woken up on bus stop benches hours from where I live at like 1pm after leaving the bar at 9 or 10. It's bad but I can't sleep anyway so who cares. My dreams are legit really bad and disturbing. Without booze I just toss and turn. With it i wake up sweating constantly. Coke is impossible, just wait it out. I chug Gatorade, eat salty snacks for withdrawal s but I still am a wreck until I drink or snort again
No fucking shit.
Better than cutty sark or famous grouse at least.
Cheap scotch is gross
Thanks, not the kind of answer I wanted, but it felt like a challenge and that kind off worked. For now.
I read your other posts and you went into extreme detail about your substance abuse, but not the reason why you do it. I highly doubt that it's just for fun, most people that drink or do drugs for fun do it almost exclusively in social situations. I know the kind of shit that tortures me and I'm pretty sure you know it to, so our lifestyles are mostly a placebo that's also fucking up our chances of something better. I think the solution would be to determine what would make you happy (or at least less miserable).
Just to be clear, I'm trying to work that one out, so I don't even know if it's the right path.