Are there any shows that don't follow this?

Are there any shows that don't follow this?

Attached: almost-every-tv-show-out-there-season-1-season-3-40866867.png (500x522, 137K)

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Curb Your Enthusiasm

Season 2 is almost always the best for any TV show

Every long-running sitcom

The ones that have a set story to tell, tell it, and end. Those and some comedies.
Watching a (serious) TV show that hasn't been completely plotted from the start is like buying early access games or kickstarting things.

The Wire

The ones that are only 1-2 seasons long

The Simpsons
I'd say season 3 was better than 1
Season 9 was still good.

The Wire would like to disagree. I skip that season every rewatch and nothing is lost

game of thrones because it was always shit

Six Feet Under

Babylon 5

Breaking Bad

Buffy and Angel

It's only possible with shows that end early or have very short seasons. The only ones I can think of are Person of Interest and Spooks.

Star Trek TNG got better almost throughout the entire series. The objective order of season quality is 6>5>4>3>7>2>1

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>that don't follow this

This. Most shows don't hit their stride until S2-3. Expecting greatness right away is unreasonable. But I sort of agree if you made it to 9 seasons of at least 10 episodes per, you might be running on fumes. Depends on the show.

This is the only one I can think of.
This is because the creator Larry David was wealthy before the creation of the show. There was nothing for him to lose except his artistic merit. So as long as he stayed true to his artistic integrity / personal cynical world view then show would never get stale. This is why the show goes on hiatus, because if the writing or ideas aren't good enough there's no point in him making the show.
Every other show is constricted by the producers / networks need to make a profit. These fucking (ironically) jew fucks calculate what is going to be successful through the agreed upon political climate calculator and in tern fuck up every good show in history once it goes on for too long.
In short all Jews are fucked up, except for LD

Its for this matter that I will not watch any show that has more than 5 seasons

Top Chef

Agree but it isn't just Jews. The executives are generally super afraid someone will fire them upon realizing they're incompetent and don't do much most of the time. You've got a lot of money riding on the table. The standard move is to play it safe just as much as Joe Aryan at his shitty Office Space job. Don't make waves. Just politically correct splashes.


season 11 was the best, especially the fifth episode

Always Sunny In Philadelphia


VEEP was consistent through and through

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Most shows tend to hit their stride around season 3 with better quality than their first season.

As far as shows that outright defy the quality decline American Dad is about the only one I can think of. It was decidedly mediocre for its first 3 seasons and then started getting better and managed to stay funny while all the other animated comedies went to shit over the past 5 years.

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The Jews are the source of this mentality / entertainment business culture though...


I'm in S02 of Penny Dreadful and I'm sad to realize this pic is right
I'm gping to keep watching to see more Eva Green, tho

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Band of Brothers
Hannibal (maybe)

The Sopranos deepened in complexity with each year

Twin Peaks

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>Band of Brothers
BoB is great, but it's a miniseries that's only one "season"

Malcolm in middle


Can't become shit if you only have 1 season.

Probably the best example because Blackadder does the opposite of OP's pic

That's bullshit though. Third season is often when a thing hits it's stride.

The Shield

5 > 7 > 3 > 4 > 2 > 6 > 1

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And also correct

Seinfeld. First season is pretty much unwatchable ass compared to the later ones.

the last season of curb is fucking awful

I don't think so. There were plenty of Jew executives who were willing to take bets on weird shit back in the day. Its arrogant executives who think they know what the audience wants and don't have the guts to do anything but bet on mediocrity and repetition.

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The Expanse, season 3 was based.

This. Weak season overall.

This is correct. Absolute kino all the way through even if there were some odd storylines.

Voyager and Deep Space 9 do that in reverse

Dexter peaks in seasons 2 and 4
1 was weak soap opera bullshit
3 was eh
5+ was hrgggflllbabbbbb

The Simpsons

Deep Space 9 season 1 was much better than season 7 though

>that don't follow this

true detective

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breaking bad

Completely correct

Dexter was taken over by women after season 4.
That's why they put so much focus on relationship drama and MUH EMOTIONS. If Cuesta had stayed showrunner instead of leaving for Homeland, Dexter could have been one of the great dramas of the 2000's.

Did anyone else have trouble watching once the Blacks got added to the show? I'm normally a fan of racism, but holy fuck what a horrid depiction of black people. They may as well have just gotten blackface actors because they legit had a mammy, angry black woman, a lazy nigger, and then some rowdy kids.

Like I cannot believe that people let them get away with that. What happened to showing black people as normal people who are just black a la the Fresh Prince?

Pleb alert. It's the best season on rewatch.

That's why it was based

It's comedy... he's making literal black stereotypes and interacting with them. Showing how ridiculous the stereotypes are.

Sopranos and The Leftovers get better as they go along.

Mad Men and The Americans peak in the middle, with the last season of each also being very strong.

The Walking Dead
Game of Thrones

>that don't follow this

0/10 bait post. Actually put effort in next time

Yeah because it didn't have a season 9. Season 3 was pretty good, but it got retarded in the last season

You're the Worst would be somewhat like this, except the horse utterly shits the bed in season 4 and improves in season 5.

Sorry, I misread. A bit drunk desu

Not everything is bait faggot. Kill yourself.

Do you think Larry really acts that way with other people? He's a jew caricature only Mel Brooks could think off

Breaking Bad objectively.

At least I can read you fucking retard

I'd switch 4 and 3 but only because of how genuinely surprised I was with how good Glenn Close was. The rest I totally agree with.

I watched the entire thing a few months ago for the first time and season two was easily the best. You're a pleb. Plain and simple.

I think Dexter fell apart much earlier. the writers made some crucial mistakes. dexter never even should have gotten into a relationship with the blonde, let them bang, okay, but the relationship was a classic dead-end and the only way to get out was to conveniently kill the woman off, bond-style. except she had kids and now dexter is a cuck raising some dead woman's kids, except he's not really raising them because he's a fucking COP IN THE DAY AND A SERIAL KILLER AT NIGHT. dexter's habits would so obviously condemn a real man to loneliness, or nowadays maybe e-relationships. there's just zero believability to the whole constellation of characters.

I guess you can blame the people who took over later for the incest craving sister plotline but even she was kinda annoying all along, the seeds for something horrible needed to keep her in the plot loop were there from the start. you need drama to keep the character "interesting" so what do you do with a character who is the protagonist's sister? she has to get involved in some of the serial killing stuff, otherwise all she can ever talk about is police stuff and all drama is just "I hope my sister doesn't find out I murder people". dexter was badly set up from the start.

Interesting ratings on the Shield. I'm through season 4, and I would agree with 3 and 4 being better than 2 and 1, with 3 being the real standout. I'm glad to see the 2 best seasons remain.

His relationship with Rita in season 1 was that she was just his beard, he didn't care for her nor does he want sex, she doesn't want sex either because she was raped, so she was perfect cover to hide behind the trappings of normality.

Lt. Kavanaugh's character arc is god tier, you're in for a real treat.

You were surprised by good Glenn Close was? Hmm, I totally agree she was excellent, but also think she's one of the best actresses ever, so I wasn't surprised. 3 and 4 both had high highs but I felt the setup for season 4 took forever. The show really felt out of its usual element for a couple episodes.

Every show should look like barely a horse until season 3 or 4,which should loom like an actual horse. Then goes back into garbage horse.

Season 1-2 is typically shit
3-5 is God tier
6-8 goes downhill really fast
9+ the characters become caricatures of themselves
11+ you assume the show runner has dirt on the studio execs because there's no way the show should still be on air.

bs, he totally had feelings for her.

Westworld will be the 'season 9 horse' by season 3. It already started falling apart during the first season.

No, he doesn't have feelings for anyone and says so in the pilot episode

name something wrong with the first season besides the black actress's acting abilities...

>11+ you assume the show runner has dirt on the studio execs because there's no way the show should still be on air.
That's the opposite with Seth MacFarlane and Fox. Fox has dirt on him. Likely pedo dirt.

The first 2 seasons of Mad Men are slow after that it’s perfect until it ends

Also Dexter is conveniently socially good for a psychopath

you know dexter is not a reliable narrator of his own life, right?

Fair point, it took a bit to catch its stride in season 4. I'd only seen Glenn Close in comedies before, hence the surprise, Rowling actually ended up being one of my favorite (non-main) characters in the whole show along with Kavanugh. Their interactions with Vic and the strike team are so good, especially since they're back to back and contrast each other so much.

Prove it

>every rewatch
Imagine being such a bugman that you watch a TV show multiple times

Louie 1>2>3>4

thats the thing.... Antwon and the one niners are miles better than the Armenians. Rawlings is 10/10.
but Tavon was fucking great and watching the strike team break up was better than putting it back together.
Kav is near perfect and watching Forest Whittaker act the shit out of the role and his entire physical/mental hardening as it goes on is amazing.
But season 2 had Armadillo.
6 has Hyiatt whos good and Tina goes from being annoying to good. And Ronnie stepping up hard.
1 is spotty just because first season footing but Gilroy being scary near the end ramps it up.

its a good show

oh wow you're so cool, teach me how to be a pseud too plx?

STFU incel nigger

he retrospectively changes his mind about a lot of things throughout the series and that doesn't just start after season 3.

King Of The Hill
30 Rock

>Weak subplot with the park execs, which only gets worse when the main female in it is killed mid way through the season
>Repetitive scenes of Anthony Hopkins delivering cryptic, vaguely sinister monologues
>Lack of compelling characters aside from maybe Dolores and the Man in Black
>Overall quite a clinical show: very explicit in its focus on 'profound' topics like consciousness and personhood but no sense of how to elegantly portray those themes through interesting dialogue or characters. More in love with the 'intelligence' of its idea and world than the story it's telling.

I will say it had one of the best pilots I've ever seen. But it grew off me the longer I watched the season.


Homeland and Sons of Anarchy quickly comes to mind.

An unreliable narrator is one whose presentation of the story isn't what happened in 'reality', not someone who changes their mind, that's part of being a reasonable human bean

That only lasted 3 seasons retard

Battlestar Galactica.
Breaking Bad.

you're the reason we don't build shit in this country any more

the larry sanders show was pretty good for its entire run

but that is showing them as normal people.
normal people can be shitty and lazy and niggerish, even white people.
showing blacks as rich people in Bel Air is not depicting them as normal, it’s depicting them as rich

Daredevil on netflix

>Weak subplot with the park execs, which only gets worse when the main female in it is killed mid way through the season
dammit you're right. fuck that Elsie character or whatever her name is.

>Repetitive scenes of Anthony Hopkins delivering cryptic, vaguely sinister monologues
I watch these so often....

>Lack of compelling characters aside from maybe Dolores and the Man in Black
Hopkins, Bernard, MIB / Will, Delores, Maive (upon rewatch) are all pretty compelling imo.

>Overall quite a clinical show:...
Considering the shows concept, it would make sense to present the ideas of consciousness etc clinically... I mean its literally about the creation of consciousness.

Interesting points. But I think that besides that cunt Elsie, all opinions could be seen as entertainment preference.

okay. my point was that dexter lies to himself (and thereby the viewer) about not having feelings.

A bit more accurate

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kek good post

Babylon 5 is this in reverse.


>It would make sense to present the ideas of consciousness etc clinically

Yeah I think that's fair. And you're entirely right to say that it's just an entertainment preference: Hannibal for instance is another show that annoys me due to its clinical nature, justified as it may be (though I do like Hannibal) yet I have all the time in the world for the 'let the mystery be' shit in The Leftovers. Happy you enjoy Westworld at least.

Get filtered, pleb.

Black Adder, easily
3 > 4 > 2 (would have been the best season if half of the episodes weren't mostly mediocre) >> 1

Hellsing Abridged
It unironically peaked into pure kino during the Schrodinger scene in the last ep.

n*gga pleb got filtered

need to finish this

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what is it?

Sitcoms are shit start to finish.

>dem keeeeeds

We're all very impressed with your unique opinion user


Oh, so you’ve heard this before.

Based. Sitcoms are for stupid children to drool at

Every show because Season 2 and 3 is where the show usually hits its stride, all the major characters have been introduced, their character traits have been solidified but not degenerated.

Pleb filtered, 5 is the only bad one.

Season 5 isn’t bad. Pleb.

Season 3 was the best, and Season 4 will either be the best season yet or be total trash that kills the show. I'm leaning towards the former, I don't think Amazon would buy an in-progress show like that just to ruin it. I hope.

Really doubt it. I think Seth has dirt on them, there's no way in hell they would have funded The Orville otherwise.

>being this shitty of taste

well shit user, I am watching through for the first time and just finished Season 1. I guess I'll just go fuck myself

user is a retard, season 2 is great. It's completely different tonally though. Season 3 is more like 1.

I haven’t watched it yet but everyone says this about Farscape, too

I just finished season 4 and it was almost entirely shit. Only the final episode was actually good. Season 5 is great so far tho (episode 1)

Season 1 was like a philisophical Goodfellas. Season 6 was like a goomba Bergman movie

American Power Rangers. It just gets more kino up until SPD, if I recall correctly. Everything through Timeforce was just more kino than the last.

They're slow on first watch, but much more interesting upon second viewing once you know the tone of the show and can see character motivations better since you know what's going to happen

Honestly, season 1 is the best but it has this hypnotizing effect where when you watch it at a straight run you feel like it’s getting better and better.

Black Sails.

Even nips prefer SPD over the original.


Babylon 5 and Last Air Bender are two rare exceptions.


5 is a huge step up from the middle seasons of Six Feet Under. Enjoy, user.

But it got really shit right at the end

The Blacks were hilarious man. Also Leon was one of the best additions to the show.

>Battlestar Galactica
As much as it pains me to say since BSG is mny favourite show, it did completely go to shit in S4, due to both the writer's strike and their inability to actually stick to one idea for the Cylon plan. The ending was particularly bad.

Breaking Bad sucks

season 3 is trash


the internet exists so zappa's point is pretty worthless now

Breaking Bad


You mean as in consistently a stick drawing?

Sitcoms are for retards

a horse

>waaaah i cant make a middle-class salary with a high education anymore
get fucked poorfag. get a fucking education already.

Star Trek:Deep Space Nine

LOST is a guy jacking off a horse

Friendship is Magic, despite what wingfags will tell you