where the FUCK is my elastigirl mummy
Where the FUCK is my elastigirl mummy
Other urls found in this thread:
Google "Spending Mother's Day with Mrs. Parr"
There's two versions: A vanilla one and a futanari variation
Let me know what you think (and none of my stories feature niggers)
in b4 dude who shills his shitty fanfiction
rare for a white girl to have a body like that
Look up fred perry incredibles
dumb cumbrains
Aw damn...beat me to it.
Sorry man. You were beaten.
>I want to tie Elastigirl up with her own arms and keep her as a sex slave.
Disgustingly wholesome
Go back to /fit/ with your shit meme
Are you the same faggot that spammed MK11 threads on Yea Forums with your faggot ass fanfic? Is this all you do? Write some shitty, gay ass fanfic about :popular thing: then spam it to death on Yea Forums? Why don’t you ever just LINK THE FUCKING STORY? Why does everyone have to google it? Are you actually retarded?
Jannies or mods ban the links
>and none of my stories feature niggers
Why not?
He's been doing this here for a while, now. When he first started I thought he was just posting some random dude's fics as a meme, but they're actually his.
It's a based and redpilled meme though
Is he the same dude that spams the Recess fanfics or is that a seperate sperg?
>tfw hotpocketshogun has made a bunch of anal vore vides with random characters but not the one that could most easily do it
That site's been a big letdown, so far. I was really hoping it'd be the more explicit cousin to fanfiction.net in regards to fapfics, but 90% of the site is just women writing about how they want to see One Direction mpreg one another. I was at least hoping to come across some 4channers writing decent fapfics about certain movie, TV or video game characters, but I've only found exactly one that I think is truly good and it was about Mercy from Overwatch breastfeeding the reader
What's to like about them?
Check AFF. Might be more to your liking.
Also I hope I can be an author that makes you happy eventually.
Links to that spoiler bro?
hehe le Yea Forums racism ;)
I haven't read your fic yet, maybe I should just because of how much you post it.
Gotcha. Hope you're a major mommyfag or you probably won't like it:
>nooooo you have to pander to my fetish or you're j-just an edgy teen!
Blacks think they should be pandered to everywhere (and if it's not a black, it's even worse: a cuck who can't stop thinking about blacks in his sexual fantasies)
>I haven't read your fic yet, maybe I should just because of how much you post it.
Thanks fren
I want her to elast her big ole ass cheeks around my face and suffocate me with her braps.