Is it weird to go to the movies alone?

Is it weird to go to the movies alone?

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No, but we're socially conditioned to think so.

Why do you care? You are already a weird guy so what is the difference if you make another "weird" thing?

If you are a weird guy you make weird things.

Only if its a comic book movie

It's only weird if you make it weird.


It's only weird if you care.

Came by to post this.
Just don't act uncomfortable about whatever you're doing

depends on which movie. Last movie I went to alone was Quinin's latest.

Going to the cinema alone is one of the best feeling there is, as long as you don't go to action movies or shitty comedies, not to mention capeshit.

Just wear a tie and carry a briefcase and pretend you're an executive escaping the grind for a few hours
works everytime

Going to movies with someone is weird. You arent suppost to talk, and if you do its annoying.

I did it a month or so ago.

Felt a little awkward, but it was very comfy. Go to late showings.

The social element is meant to bookend the actual movie where you discuss it with your friends, actually talking during a movie is rude as fuck unless the movie stinks and/or it's a nearly empty theater

>carry a briefcase
No white collar brings their case into theater. Besides, someone will think you have a gun in there and you'll get into whole heap of trouble.

Last time I went to the movies I saw Hereditary by myself. Mostly had the whole theater to myself aside from a few people. Going in the afternoon on a weekday is where it's at. It wasn't awkward at all.

Im a wierd guy and i just sat through IT and regreted it but didnt regret being that wierd guy seeing movies by himself.
Also i dont really think its weird.
People who think its wierd have issues.

This is the kind of advise only people who dont need it would understand.


I went to see Her alone. That was painfully lonely. In other ways i dont give a shit plus normie friends dont talk during the shit.
>They hated Fury Road.

Not really. About half the times I go to the cinema are on my own, no one cares

>Going to movies with someone is weird
You're supposed to make out and get your dick sucked, not watch the movie retard

t. Actual high schooler

Only if you look like this

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Reality is that no one cares. The cashier doesn't care and they don't know whether or not you're waiting on a friend so fuck em. Everyone else is too busy watching the movie to care about or even notice some shmuck sitting by himself.

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only if you're a white male

pro-tip to underage user narcissists: no one cares who you are or pays any attention to you the rare occasions you’re outside

I watched a few movies by myself and enjoyed it. No one really notices or cares, except you.

holy fucking ebonic batman

Do Americans really sneak guns into theatres?

Me and my buds went to see Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. We saw some guy, kind of disheveled looking, sitting alone. We threw popcorn at the back of his head until he left.

Ok so we mostly agree it's not weird to go to a movie alone.

But what about sporting events or concerts?

I've been to a couple events alone and I did feel a tad awkward. Never been to a concert alone.

No. Do Canadians ride moose to work and Australians jump in a kangaroo's pouch?

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I've never been to a concert alone but lots of people go alone. I was at a Guided by Voices show last year and actually it seemed most people were there alone.

I don't need to sneak because I have a concealed carry license and my state says "no guns" signs have no authority over me

Cunts. Larping is funny but a guess your a cunt anyway.

Good on ya, keep those losers in their place

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I don't think so. I plan on doing it soon. I'm going to go during the week in the morning. Looking forward to it.

>Is it weird to go to the movies alone?

Only if they catch you masturbating.

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If you're attractive and confident you can do whatever you want and it won't be weird. If you're not then almost everything you do will be weird to anyone who doesn't know you.


I go by myself at morning matinee times to save money because I’m broke

That was you?!

Why would you care about the opinion of the general public? If they find it weird, well they are inferiors anyway, their concerns are irrelevant.

what if you're an ugly 5'7" guy like me who has accepted that he's fucked and will never experience love or respect and so he gets some kind of confidence because he knows he has nothing to lose socially