Jerry has never had Joe Rogan or any of his “stand up” buddies on the show

>Jerry has never had Joe Rogan or any of his “stand up” buddies on the show
What did he mean by this?

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Is the Chappelle episode good or does he act like a weirdo the whole time?

Joe Rogan sucks but Jerry probably irrationally hates him for some passive aggressive reason

Because they’re unfunny hacks. Like its fun to listen to their bantz but they vary between middling and awful.

>Celebrities In Cars Getting Coffee
key word there is celebrities

He's everything Jerry couldn't be growing up

i cant fucking stand the stand up community circle jerk.

Jerry is a kike, and Joe is a CIA glowie.

Seinfeld is jewish, wtf..

He would have nothing to talk about with Rogan. Dude weed and dude aliens won’t work.

id watch seinfeld talk about aliens and government cover ups

this is what he means by that

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Why would Jerry have fake/fraudulent comedians like Joe/Sam Hyde/etc on his show?

Jerry Seinfeld comes off as a total asshole in just about any interview.

Joe Rogan and his crew aren't very good comedians it's really as simple as that.

this. they are all unfunny at best.

I hate niggers and kikes

Sure but I meant more like Joe made some insignificant social faux pas in Jerry's presence that Jerry took personally

here they come

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Rogan is not even an orbiter around the second class comedians that someone like Chapelle knows. Why would you assume any famous comedian even knows who he is?

>why would any famous comedian know about arguably the most popular podcast on earth (depending on how you define "podcast") that has a lot of celebrities and comedians as guests

dumb boomer, I don't even like rogan's faggoty show but it's a pretty big deal. if these comedians can make jokes about some random network tv show (which often have way less views than rogan) then surely they are aware of such a massive culture phenomenon. it's not the 90s anymore, video games are the most popular medium of all time and outearn film by magnitudes, zoomers all watch their shit on the internet, and vegan death squads are coming soon. it's a new day. go suck on a werther's original.

nice try zoomer

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without a doubt Jerry will have him on next season. Joe's grown exponentially with high profile guests like Democratic nominees and such

>I don't even like rogan's faggoty show but it's a pretty big deal. if these comedians can make jokes about some random network tv show (which often have way less views than rogan) then surely they are aware of such a massive culture phenomenon.
What in the actual fuck are you trying to communicate? None of the most famous comedians even hang out with Joe Rogan personally, maybe a few.

I bet you think Sam Hyde and "muh counter comedy meme man" is funny.

Jerry had a weird ass life. I read a biography that claimed he didn’t jack off until he was like 21 and was still a virgin. Then he dated teenagers exclusively for awhile

I don't see Rogan going on the show. He's balls at riffing and bullshitting with comedians apart from his core friend group and even then, it's not particularly funny. He would be weird and awkward on CICGC and he knows it so he'll stay away.

Seems like a based way to go through life desu

gotta wonder how common that was

Jerry was on Carson when he was like 21 he was already doing standup as a teenager. He knew fully well what he wanted to do at that age. Rogan was getting the shit beat out of him and had no idea what he was doing at that age.

How did you get so confused at such a simple post?

Explain how or why Jerry would be jealous of, or want to be anything like a muscle head like Joe Rogan. Because that's what the other user inferred.

seinfeld is a television comedian
rogan is an internet comedian
the two do not mix

he had colleen on the show
your logic is flawed

it's not an exact rule but generally because the networks and streaming services and youtube are in competition they won't mix

I’m not sure why Jerry doesn’t have him on, but Id assume Joe would be a terrible guest for that show. Jerry likes to have lighthearted banter and funny over analysis of everyday things, in a casual setting with some philosophy about comedy sprinkled in. Imagine having Joe on, killing the mood by droning on and on about the art of crafting bits and honing your set. He’s so serious and unfunny talking about comedy and talking to other comedians, particularly about comedy. He’s not particularly funny conversationally, by regular dude standards, let alone for a comic, and that’s based off listening to him bullshit with his friends, who are fucking comedians.

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That's literally not at all true, you dummy. Seinfeld simply has a strict standards for his guests and he doesn't find Rogan to be funny or interesting

ok mr i was born yesterday

Jerry is successful enough that he doesn’t have to pretend Joe is funny or interesting.

thanks doc

Rogan is a mistake

Joe isn't funny but it's hard to say he's not interesting. He's a resonance man.

>He's everything Jerry couldn't be growing up
Dumb and short?

You're a retard if you literally think guests aren't allowed on both shows. I don't know what else to you.

>He's a resonance man.

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