Batman? More like $0iman. (((They))) have taken another masculine white male action hero from us and replaced it with this feminine twink boy. Look at the wrists on this guy. Am I expected to believe that this guy can convince me he’s a world class ninja and detective? This frail beta? I’m expected to believe this is the an absolute alpha male apex predator? Lol. Just lol. When this flops they’ll recast a muscular black dude as Batman, just wait.
Here’s your emasculated Batman bro
Why are his hips so wide?
>Posts picture from 2016.
I want you to know you are an absolute faggot OP.
Unironically a fantastic physique
nice hairy nipples
The fuck is a zero dollar iman
Actually peak aesthetic for slaying
>peak aesthetics for slaying
But not for lifting something heavy or throwing a punch hard enough to hurt someone
Stop watching comic book movies and have sex instead.
He's 6' with a nice face. Everybody has to have some downfall - he just got birthing hips
>an actor can't buff up for a role
>a good Batman isn't mostly about the facial and chin aesthetics anyway
he is just refusing to juice like the other retards
So? Just sleep with their gf. That'll hurt more than anything.
>an actor can't buff up for a role
This. Fuck, he JUST got cast. Filming probably won't even start for another 6 months at least.
>I wish I had a buffer sexier man to stare at while I watch my capekino
This is how you sound, faggot
>Christian Bale
Lol. He was skinny is Dark Knight and Rises. Begins he just looked like a average framed dude who got bulky. Ben was the only one who juiced for the role
How is Christian Bale different from that? he's just an average guy
>just sleep with their gf
>he finds you’ve and beats the fuck out of you and humiliated you
>implying he's not gonna hire some fitness trainer and nutritionist to gain 30 pounds
just juice yourself up, there are no drug tests to be a fucking actor
Ask your mother/sister wether they would stay face down/ass up 2 hours for this batman. Unironically do it and post results.
>needs to look mostly unassuming as Bruce Wayne
>will be wearing a bulky rubber suit as Batman
Why does a Batman actor need to be a muscle beast again?
looks like a normal bloke to me lad
I get the feeling that he is going to get absolutely ripped for the role
why do leftshits and pajeets come here pretending to be /pol/? it's so cringe. He hasn't been a twink since Harry Potter, don't you know what a twink actually is?
>Chris gets buff for Thor
>Chris gets buff for Captain America
>Chris loses fat and gets buff for Star-lord
>Ben gets in shape for Batman
>Christian gets in shape for Batman
>Brie Larson gets in shape for Captain Marvel
>Robert Pattinson says fuck it and continues to be a skinny prick
There’s something gained lifting weights and being strong. Physical presence. You don’t have any if you’re a skinny weakling.
i'm female, Ahmed of the OP can suck his own dick, Pattinson is in better shape than Bale and the best looking Batman since Kilmer
Epic bait
Based Patsman, women don't workout for their cape roles why should he? Hope he develops a dad body and beer gut to trigger you harder.
Batman is all in the jaw, and Sir Robert Pattinson is good.
I think the pendulum is swinging away from the roided out freaks, back down to leaner people. Like the switch from the 80s heroes to the 90s heroes. Of course, 80s heroes blow 90s heroes away in fun factor - but that's just how things go sometimes. Either way, super heroes are dumb
only thing i prefer about the new guy is his eyes are blue
I don't lift for strength
I lift because I wanna get laid
>Here’s your emasculated Batman bro
>Ben was the only one who juiced for the role
Yeah, juiced on 10 blended Big Macs a day
>Batman? More like $0iman. (((They))) have taken another masculine white male action hero from us and replaced it with this feminine twink boy. Look at the wrists on this guy. Am I expected to believe that this guy can convince me he’s a world class ninja and detective? This frail beta? I’m expected to believe this is the an absolute alpha male apex predator? Lol. Just lol. When this flops they’ll recast a muscular black dude as Batman, just wait.
He's a lanklet, most people over 6' 0" have this problem
Stop coming to Yea Forums and start having sex.
The best batman and spiderman
At least he’s not a Ben Shapiro-looking jewboy like the Gotham version, although obviously a real-life modern Batman would be Jewish since WASPs were killed off in the 80s.
That’s what Batman was meant to look like. Affleck bulked in all the right ways.
why is his boyfriend grabbing his hips from behind in front of everyone?
Me on the left.
Is he uncircumcised?
This was literally from one movie to another in like 6 months
Tits of gtfo
This pic is like 10 years old.
Take your meds nigga, he’s obviously gonna bulk up before they start shooting.
Based filter politicking a squash match against jabrony OP
british actors are known for their dedication tbqh.
This. I was wondering if no one else noticed.
Man I'll take this over the obese Batfleck we got from the Whedon reshoots.
Most punchable Flash ever. I fucking hate that faggot.
lol that looks like black penises with tiny balls
i’d still suck
Dude, have you EVER seen an mma fighter or a kickboxer? They're not Hulk Hogan.
based viggo.
he can put on 40 lbs of muscle in 3 months so who cares.
he's a good actor so who cares.
If the director does a good job everyone that's shitting on him now are gonna suck his dick and say they never doubt on him after he delivers a good performance. Just as always.
Capeshit fans are brainlets for discussing film making