/Dune/ general

>Year 10191
>Still no Dune trailer

When will our lord and Saviour Denis deliver kino upon us?

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Will there be a baliset scene? Will it even come close to this one?

Villeneuve is a fucking jobber's jobber, the Gom Jobber of jobbers, it's idiocy to expect anything good come from his direction.

I forgot: those thinking otherwise can choke on my Deak-ins.

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I'll smack you in the fuckin chops I swear on me mum

Expectations are now so high that it can only fail

We can only hope, user.

Will the stillsuits look retarded?

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It's not out for over a year. I wouldn't even expect a teaser until at least January.


Isn't that what your parents said about you?

I am cautiously optimistic for this. Please don't spoil it by telling me they cast a bunch of niggers.

So just another blockbuster?

If recent star wars movies are any indication, yes

Posting that as a question leaves all options open. Pretty weak stuff user.

The kino that saved Hollywood

fuck off, Yea Forums

Its gonna get sjw'd

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Will she be a good chani?

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Yes. Who will play Irulan?

Are they shooting the two parts back to back or are they waiting to see how well the first part does?

Irulan doesn't seem to have been cast yet so I'm guessing they might leave out her entries from the start of each chapter

It's THE blockbuster. Star wars will fade away when Dune is released.

You might be right but I don't feel it works that way any more. Though Star Wars will fade away on its own lack of merit thanks to Disney.

My body has been ready for years

I think so.
Casting seems really good. I was unsure about Momoa at first, but I was just ignorant about how he looked without a beard.

This is the one and only thing I look forward to in my life. I have nothing else.

kill yourself, this aidskike shit is dead on arrival.

I'd point out some other stuff, but you're right.

Back to your mcu threads little one, adults are talking.

Disney can burn to the ground youngfag, im still not goig to support tnis aidskike filth or your pathetic attempts to force another reddut nigger general.

Are you ok, you appear to be having a stroke. Try to remain calm sir.

Are there pictures of Momoa from the set?

>Dune will be the next Star Wars
This is what they said about the Lynch movie before it was released. Good luck getting normalfags to buy into a weird drug-infused space jihad epic.

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Everyone will say Dune is a rip-off of Star wars when Star wars stole most of it's shit from Dune.

should i read the book?

Yes, it's slow to start with world building at first but it's incredible when you get into it. I read it months ago and I still think about it to this day.

Be ready for a lot of inner monologues in the middle of conversations.

hopefully they will make more sense than the ones in the movie

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How would you feel about Princess Irulan coming back to play Lady Jessica?

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only if based kyle plays leto


How bad are Brians books?

Who is playing the duke?


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Imagine not being able to talk to people and instead have to use reaction images.

How big was the rock that landed on your head?

my big cock landed on ur mum lol

The former, from what I've heard. I cannot fucking wait.

Meant to say the later, derp.

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>Gom Jobber

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I'm keeping an open mind but I think the Lynch version is still under-rated. Denny might just end up confirming this.

Its weird, bordering on kinky, and I guess confusing for non-readers but I think the production design and cast is second to none.

Its one of those films that if you catch it playing on TV half-way through you just stick with it and watch it again.

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The sandworm crawler scene was genuine kino

This, every artistic decision Lynch made was correct, the look and feel was perfect, and the only criticism was really that Herbert's material was so huge and disorganized.
Consider the perfect Geidi Prime scene, one of the great horror images of cinema, a dawn of cyberpunk, the bare-metal world of the Harkonnen contrasting with all that Atreides carved wood. Critics called it over the top.
In the novel, there's none of that artistry, and all the worst aspects go on for way too long. Instead of body horror and homosexual vampirism the novel's Baron is boring and verbose.

>tfw haven't watched or read Dune
>tfw my first Dune experience will be pure, unadulterated Deniskino

Feels good lads./Our Villain/ never fails to deliver

This should also include a level for "I'll see how the story ends." That's people who read Frank's 6 books, Hunters and Sandworms. Then they reach the actual end of the Dune story, presumably close to how Frank planned it. (Even if they were written in crayon.) And then they can stop. 6 good books out of 8 ain't bad.

You shall be blessed my child

When Alejandro Jodorowsky couldn't get the funding for his Dune movie, he was devestated. He had spent 2.5 years preparing a 14 hour script, and one of the most elaborate story boards that the industry had ever seen, and has been used as the text book for pre-production in every hollywood studio since. On top of this he had been training his son to portray Paul Atreides, which for him was a role with quasi-religious significance. Jodo had spent time gathering a clique of surrealist artists to star in what was to be the coming of age story for the next generation, but when the studios saw how ambitious his project was, he wasn't able to get the funding he needed to complete his vision.

When Lynch managed to get funding for a more studio friendly version, Jodo's son asked him to go to the theatre and see it. Jodo was devestated, he had to go and watch somebody else's version of a film that he felt that he was destined to make. When Jodo got to the theatre, burying his head in his hands, he slowly found himself overjoyed as he remarked to himself:

"It's Shit!"

This exactly how I am going to feel when I go and watch the Capeshitted navel staring grim-dark version of Dune that is utterly inevitable from the likes of Legendary Studios with the clout chasing cast that his been selected to garner mass appeal in the Chinese market.

Everything about the pre-production of this movie is wrong. It will be nothing like LOTR, they spent years in pre-production, and filmed the entire triology in one go. The studio is not invested in making this movie what is supposed to be. They are in it for the cash, that's it. Don't believe me? Legendary was bought out by a fucking Chinese Real-Estate Company in 2016. Yeah. It's that bad.

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