45% on Rotten Tomatoes by Top Critics lmao DCucks on suicide watch
45% on Rotten Tomatoes by Top Critics lmao DCucks on suicide watch
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>Top Critics
Will I be more or less likely to be shot at the joker premier in a small town? I feel like the fringe crazies might be more prevalent.
Don't bring your gf (male) with you.
You're fine since it's gonna bomb at the box office
>reddits joker is crashing
>a movie directed by old Yea Forums posters exposing the JQ has 100% rottentomatoes.com
We won bros
all those years of being wrong about box offices numbers paid off
>Rotten Tomatoes
>top critics
Depends, is the theater in a minority neighborhood? Then it's likely. Despite making up 13% of the population, blacks make up over 50% of violent crime. Be careful out there.
i'm too scared to go see this
How do you know the Safdie brothers don't post on Yea Forums anymore? I bet they shill their own shit
White boys have shot up more theatres, moron
Tomatometer even amongst top critics means not much. It has a higher average rating amongst top critics than movies like Toy Story 4 has in top critics average ratings, and that movie is something like 98%...
Only whites are mass shooters.
Blacks fight against racism
>tfw when Robert told me it's MY turn to be the designated shooter
who else hyped for the premiere?
Who is the target audience for this?
The blacks will be outside selling cheap tickets to boomers and dealing crack, not watching Joker (2019)
Ban all white males from owning guns!
That doesn't matter, retard. The point is half of the top critics don't like it but virtually ALL of them like Toy Story 4
Then you're letting them win.
61 > 45
Learn to read, dumb fuck kek
Yeah, but do you have a quick hand?
>homogeneous mediocre opinion good
It's all so tiresome brehs
All is kino on my end.
They don’t like it but they (same top critics) still rated it higher. This movie is controversial to normalfags, its of course going to score low on tomatometer compared to mediocre and inoffensive films
As soon as you leave the theater though your chances of getting mugged and shot by minorities skyrocket. Careful out there guys, never forget who the real mass shooters are.
Thanks user. Will torrent day 1 though.
What do you guys think Will happen when inevitably two mass shooters show Up on te dame session?
Will they cooperate to get the highest global kill count or will they compete and be greedy?
>blacks fight against racism
>by shooting themselves in droves
How brave
>most normalfags are hyped for this dogshit
>This movie is controversial to normalfags
Joker is just another fake counter culture film. It's manufactured art house shit
Click more info and then click top critics, moron
>top (((critics)))
Average rating is going up, though. Rating itself is higher than recent movies that are at 97-100%
The Dark Knight was controversial but it still did well, according to "normalfags" so what's this films excuse for failing?
Plenty of offensive films have done well but this one is probably doing bad, simply because it's bad. I mean, it looks like a rip off of Taxi Driver and The King of Comedy
what's next, a Riddler movie ripping off One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest or a Flash movie ripping off Buffalo 66 lol
What does pot of greed do?
>what's this films excuse for failing?
failing at what? it's gonna win some prizes at Venice tomorrow
Exactly my point. This film is fake seriousness and designed to sucker people into watching a "deep" film, when it's actually only a discount version of previous Scorsese films.
Because at what other period in time have people been this sensitive about guns, “incel” boogeymen, disenfranchised white men in general? And most of the people holding those views are... critics, journalists, people working in entertainment
>opinions already this divided
behold, the Yea Forums of capekino
the 2016 election of film
God I wish I was born American
Nope, the top critics are slamming it. Again, this is just a rip off of better made films. Now DC is probably going to run with this formula of fake seriousness, where they rip off classic films most faggots haven't watched and then inject capeshit in it.
Perhaps, you have a point about how times have changed. But my other point still stands. Read here
Do you think this is funny?
You know the drill: Aways disregards what critics says. People getting payed will ALWAYS do what they employers are telling them to say.
Thats common sense.
Cry harder marvelcuck, it’s still 85% fresh and you can’t do anything to change that
95% of MCU films are higher than that number kek
You live in fucking Detroit or something?
glad you confirmed you're a marvelcuck
Keep seething, loser. Reminder this is just a rip off of better classic films that you zoomers have never watched. What's next, a riddler origin movie ripping off One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest? lol
OR how about a Ra's Al Ghul origin story ripping off Barry Lyndon?
You suckers are falling for fake outrage, fake seriousness, and fake counter culture. This shit movie was manufactured by a bunch of executives who shit on people like you all of the time
>Rotten Tomatoes
>Top Critics
really makes you think
>Flash movie ripping off Buffalo 66
I would see that.
Nope, I just like pointing out facts
>he's still going at it
Why does he paint his tongue in the trailer? Thats gross.
The meter is based on the percentage fresh vs rotten I guess, so it must have gotten a bunch of high fresh scores and some 4/10 rottens by "troubled" and "concerned" reviewers
>Shooting up the Joker film
Blacks aren't the ones hyping up the society meme.
He's damaged
>top critics
You mean the same ones who gave Dave Chappelle a 0%?
And you still have no counter argument. Enjoy your fake revolution movie made for edgy kids, kiddo
> Rotten Tomatoes
> Critics
LUL, keep crying MCUcuck
And critics hated Grown Ups but audiences liked it, so does this make Grown Ups a good movie? Nope.
Click more info and then click top critics, brainlet
And? The top critics hated Grown Ups but people gave it a fresh rating, so you think that dumb fucking movie is now good cause a bunch of normie faggots like it? No. It's still trash.
>what's this films excuse for failing
the movie isn't even out yet
Reminder your fake counter culture Joker films is trash. Muh revolution kek See here
seethe more mouse
the movie isn't even out yet you spastic
which movie is it supposedly ripping off?
>Defending the movie Grown Ups because critics hated it
Yikes get better taste, user.
Taxi Driver and The King of Comedy, dumb fuck
Pajeets are working overtime today, huh? Maybe the mouse will give you another quarter of a penny in your raise for shilling so hard.
I didn't defend Grown Ups, you're the only one who brought that movie up
I'm pointing out that Rotten Tomatoes reviewers can't be trusted, especially around films that seen as subversive, """fake subversion""" or not
I still bet 1% maximum of all Yea Forums posters have seen Kings of Comedy. So it doesnt matter.
based "DSAmikeP"?
Nah we just aren't falling for this trash Joker film. Getting young men to watch the film as a faux protest is genius marketing, and that's why so many shills are praising this film.
They've convinced you morons this is an artsy revolutionary film, when it's just another pseudo counter culture film manufactured in an executive office by the same group of people who run Hollywood
If they can't be trusted then I guess Grown Ups, and Paul Blart 2, and Jason part 12 are all great movies. My mistake. You're totally right, user
>protest, revolutionary
What the fuck are you talking about? Who has said in all seriousness they're seeing the Joker as a protest for, what exactly?
>people are either always right or always wrong
>it's literally impossible to judge movies on a case by case basis
Yet that's exactly what you did with Joker. Assumed they must be wrong because of Chapelle. That was the point I was making, retard
It's really simple: outside the theater you're risking robbery/murder by blacks
Inside: white guy
>top (((critics))))
>same exact critics that gave the last jedi a higher rating
The way they calculate their scores is frankly moronic.
>36 posters
How do people get this brainwashed?
Jesus christ you are such a nerd
>top critics
Is this you?
>taking such obvious bait
you all should be ashamed of yourselves
guys, could you wait for the 2nd week for your rampage?
awesome, looking like MOTY already
Does the CIA pay well for you to post such obvious psyops?
> twitter
> critic
Oh NO NO NOO nOO, hhahaaahah.
thx for the laugh!!
what next user, tumblr.
you gotta go back
It's ironic. That's Mike Enoch.
I assume they're wrong because I watched the Joker trailers, read the reviews and decided for myself that I think it's interesting
My example of Chappelle was only meant to illustrate an example where the Rotten Tomatoes reviewers were clearly and completely wrong
If they got Chappelle wrong, their opinions are untrustworthy. Just because they were right about a handful of dudebro movies being shit doesn't mean they're right about Joker, and since their sensibilities are clearly biased against anything subversive, they can't be trusted with this review
God forbid a villain be villainous.
Why would a straight white male like a movie made by a j_w starring a j_w?
Jews are overwhelmingly white, user
Do you trust critics all the time or something? Have you never seen cases where films become cult classics after being panned by critics left and right? Hell, Blade Runner had even suffered a brutal bombing at the box office and lackluster critical reception, and now every critic praises it to high heaven. If you rely on critics to determine your taste for you, then m8 you are absolutely fucked.
Nope, this is me asshole. Screencap it
2016 Ghostbusters is fresh with "top" critics. You think I'm going to listen to anything these people say?
>since it's gonna bomb at the box office
Nobody really believes this anymore do they?
Careful, he'll accuse you of liking Grown Ups and Paul Blart
Enjoy your fake counter culture film. Imagine falling for the "he's just like me" meme and failing to understand this is manufactured outrage designed to be controversial in order to get suckers to believe it's artsy and deep, when it's just another film with unfocused rage
You are like a triggered snowflake lol I'm taking a pic of this
>Enjoy your fake counter culture film. Imagine falling for the "he's just like me" meme and failing to understand this is manufactured outrage designed to be controversial in order to get suckers to believe it's artsy and deep, when it's just another film with unfocused rage
Except I don't think like that at all. Are you taking everyone's shit posting about Gangweed at face value?
Hi, reddit
Fucking this. The Shining was considered one of the worst films of its time, and was even nominated for several razzies. Now it's an iconic horror classic.
>posts a Yea Forums meme that's been making the rounds for over a year
I thought kids went back to school this time of year, Jesus Christ.
>Hi, reddit
When will Yea Forums accept that RT is completely irrelevant? Bumblebee, Spider-Verse and Mary Poppins Returns were all rated much higher than Aquaman yet they all got BTFO so hard that Aquaman made almost as much they did combined.
Lion King and Aladdin are also rotten but are both billion dollar films while Detective Pikachu and Shazam under performed.
Nobody cares
Aquaman was kind of boring tbqh
I mean most of the appeal was the CGI
Professional critics are just overpaid chumps, honestly. If I could get paid for espousing opinions on shit I know nothing about, I'd be rich.
nothing you listed is good
Most of the appeal was CGI and women schlicking to Momoa. That is all
>Top Critics
> Well, OK. Phillips and Silver are entitled to imagine any version of the Joker they like. But their film is way too superficial to take seriously as a study of class conflict and mental illness.
And some of them are in the 90's on RT so you aren't exactly disproving anything I said.
Who goes to school at night anyway, shit for brains lol
It's fun to watch lolcows who don't know they're lolcows get baited into posting more and more stupid shit
And another thing. IT 2 is going to wind up rotten and it's still going to rake in the cash
There are LITERALLY grown ass men in this thread passionately defending the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Bill Maher was right about man children.
>There are LITERALLY grown ass men in this thread passionately defending the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Bill Maher was right about man children.
Imagine making this post whilst getting upset at people saying Joker is shit
imagine pretending that you're not some filmlet manchild lmao
I watched Au Hasard Balthazar last night. What comic did you read faggot?
Yeah the guy who made a thread laughing at DCucks isn't able to take some sort of moral high ground
imagine actually being afraid of the movie theater
news flash: you aren't safe anywhere
>enabling Javascript on RT
I'll pass
>you aren't safe anywhere in America
Throw a dart at the map of the us, could be anywhere
I'm not sure I want to watch this anymore.
Where is the problem?
Also, you are american already, so I don't think any harm can come more
This reviewer is a nightmarish vision of late capitalism
>two stars on rogerebert.com
It's over, bros...
Give us some exaple then. Everyone knows Todd Phillips is a hack and need Deniro and 50% of the plot from Taxi Friver/King of Komedy. Can you give something that isnt a cashgrab counterculture. I mean its the joker. Phonexis a great actor but Todd Phillips is just shit. Joaquis performance is gonna be oscar nomminated but the rest no. Since its mostly a copycat. But hey it could be a good one. Who knows.
can't wait for the seethening when this absolute masterpiece has monumental levels of success
>Glenn Kenny
Hate to admit but his movie ratings are on point fml
Aquaman is the opposite of boring
it suffers from a lack of boredom
An example of what?
The average score matters, brainlet.
How they can make comicbook villains without ripping from ohther movies. I like the fact was inspired by some old scorsese movies but seems like Todd Philips had no original idea. Brought DeNiro and Scorses omboard and remake it. Its so fucking visitble. But then i only watched the trailers. They are gonna tone down Pheonix destranged part before releasing it. So in the end we will hate him and incels will probably shot up anything anyway, TOdays hollywood is pure fucking shit with remakes/sequels and if they dare do anything knew. RIp of other famous directors movies.
Is these the top critics that gave nanette gadsby 100?
One Hour Photo was inspired by Taxi Driver but it's still very different. Joker is way too uncanny. It's looking like a rehash.
One hour photo atleast tried other cinematography. Slower pace. I like it but it wasnt anything special. When William isnt on coke or bipolard mode he can be pretty good actor. well now im just ramberling, i just want something new in this shit. Not many directors get that chance or its just shit.
anyway i will stop rambenling. Have nice one.
Yeah its going to bomb like all the other Batman movies did.
I'm specifically going to an urban theater since I know that way I only have to worry about getting shot walking up to the box office outside the theatre.
the marvel pajeet is going insane in this thread
we get it, it's similar to a great movie so it's trash and nobody should watch it, they should see the next Marvel movie instead which is a copy of all the other previous Marvel movies
I mean its pretty hyped up I think to a ridiculous level. Won't be surprised if it hits near a billion
That's not the sort of bomb we're talking about.
why not? it's gonna be pure kino.
name and shame
I feel like it's gonna be a city that's not a famous "big city" but bigger than shit like Aurora Colorado. Gonna be some shit like Reno or Fort Lauderdale or something
(just in case I'm right and the fbi is reading this a month from now, I'm just fucking guessing don't van me)