Asian male superhero

>Asian male superhero
Will it flop outside of China?

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youre ignoring new realities

it only needs to do well in China

Ahh bradu nooo

It's Disney, so no

which one? chink, jap, viet? they dont like throwing all of these nationalities into one bag

Prepare for lil azn dicklet meme deluge.

Native American superhero when?


700m world wide gross easily.


it will flop in china too because it will be full of blacks

Pakistani rape gang member

China won’t watch this shit.

Can't wait for the scene where he beats up Hong Kong protesters

It will flop especially in china. It will be full of sjw shit chinese hate

Chinese hate ugly people

Maybe in the southern states where the mentality is trash.

shang chi

They'll push the Iron Man connection hard.

China apparently already hates it

>they dont like throwing all of these nationalities into one bag

Do you mean Asians specifically or Hollywood? Because Hollywood does that shit all the damn time.

White people love asian movies and have no real issue with asian leads.