They kill and torture people

>they kill and torture people
>but they cant stand racism and sexism in a 1920's England

wew. such progressive gangsters

Attached: peaky.jpg (500x500, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>married a prostitute

really makes you think

all protagonists, no matter the time period, no matter what they do like torture, MUST uphold modern progressive values.

>"Well, the thing is, Mr. Mosley *chainsmokes his way through two packs*, turns out the Elders of Zion weren't just an antisemitic canard after all - and I've made a deal with them"


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Why are you watching this show after you saw 5 minutes of Season 2 episode 1. You knew what happened to this show after the first season. You have only yourself to blame

> "Arthur, I've made a deal with the Illuminati. Just do as I say and Shelby Company Ltd is going transnational. "

i miss him so much bros

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>>they kill and torture people
>>but they cant stand racism and sexism
That's how leftshits are.


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Remind me, what happened in the opening scene? S2 feels like a decade ago

It still hurts bros

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This is a real trope but in this particular show aren't they gypsies? If England goes fascist they are fucked

Yeah, those incel shootings pale in comparison to the literal atrocity those Antifa terrorists committed against Tucker Carlson’s windows.

*smokes 6 cigarettes*
*drinks vial of opimum*
*chugs 2L whiskey in 12 seconds with dolly zoom*

> All you need to understand is more money Arthur. Then we'll make sure Mosley gets his.

*speaks in gypsy*


Here's a protip: Criminals don't actually view themselves as criminals.

Leftshits are incels though.

Reminder that ANTIFA has killed exactly 0 people while white nationalists kill dozens every year.

Who's the dangerous one, really?

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My grandma grew up in Birmingham during the time of the Peaky Blinders and said they were all brainless thugs

Incel shooting pale in comparison to the hundreds of niggers shooting each other every day.

That's crazy, and maybe you were thinking of crazy people don't know they are crazy line. He calls himself a criminal.

>no u
So these are the famed right-wing memes...

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Bro, stop posting cringe. Get help. Or at least have sex.

this, but unironically

>Orfa, family is everything, they try to destroy us, family is the only thing i can trust.
*gets betrayed or backstabbed by every family member one by another*


No one said Antifa. And besides leftshits commit more political violence in general.

Hoodrats shoot each other in the ghetto when dope deals go bad. Incels strike anybody anywhere.

I swear objectively I know this show is dogshit, but it's just so much fucking fun I can't help myself lads

>tfw mrs. carlson is still literally shaking from leftshit terrorists banging on her windows
When will it end, bros?

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The Walking Dead is the worst offender of this regressive stroytelling.

lol the Dayton fag was antifa

Why are you pretending psychological projection isn't a thing, incel?

He killed people in the name of “roastiesree” not national healthcare. Sounds like /yourguy/ to be desu.

my sister watches this shite
must pleb as fuck haha

lol why do leftshits pretend to be pro-female when every week a male feminist is accused of sexual harassment or assault?

He literally marched with antifa. Cope harder you lying bugman

Sounds like those guys aren’t feminists.

antifa doesn’t have anything to do with healthcare either. Fucking community college leftshits

>noo noooo he killed people in the name of a higher capital gains tax I tell you!

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But they are leftshits.

You wouldn’t need to be so mad if your boys could literally stop murdering innocent people.

Havent most criminals been portrayed in media

I'm actually waiting for the next episode, boardwalk is superior but S5 of peaky has been kino so far

'ate papists
'ate gyppos
simple as

jumped the shark, just typical BBC progressive shit forced in again.

I watched 2 episodes of this show and was just completely embarrassed by the terrible writing and stick up it's arse. The show was trying way too much to be 'Well ard'. shitty music choices, overuse of slow mo, zero levity... it is a damn shame because the setting it good but it has too many problems for me to take it seriously.

leftards are the incels, the shooters were a mix of Jew, Hispanic, and mostly leftard, stop being retarded anytime fatty

nigger, that's not gonna affect you. If you go to the hood, you COULD get caught in some crossfire, but imagine you survive that, go to school and you get shot. Imagine you survive that, go to the store, and you get shot again. Incels are more of a nuisance than anything else. Incels are on the same level as terrorists

>white nationalists
where? To say we supposedly live in white supremacist nations crawling with them, there sure are a lot of brown people and subhuman leftshits around

>ugly poorfags pretend they aren’t complete failures because they’re protecting the world from “muh white nationalists”
literally the entire reason antifa exists

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they still are, and no way would those gangsters be all multi culti and "progressive"

planet earth is the only good thing from BBC

>overwhelming majority of terrorist attacks are carried out by young r*Ghtoid wh*Toids
>society is starting to realize this and (rightfully) view all young, reactionary, white males with a combination of contempt and suspicion
>n-no u

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realistically he would have glassed any nigger for looking twice at him.

Christ I could beat everyone in that image up, even while they're all together.

>>ugly poorfags

Upper middle class junkies and sexual deviants pretend they are workers exploited by the upper class.

> A slow motion modern music walk through industrial Brum later..

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And by “beat” you mean “shoot”

Remember how PISSED people were when they found out Don and most of the other Mad Men were Republicans? Like people didn't understand a bunch of suits who make a lot of money would favor the party that benefits them. Netflix is pushing an agenda, and they would rather do that than be realistic.

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No, I don’t recall.


What you need to understand Arfah..

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Well, I do

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they were on the Nixon campaign against Kennedy

>young socially rejected white men kill a bunch of people
>people see them with contempt and suspicion
>"Of course! Evil white men!
>Muslim terrorists kill a bunch of people
>people see them with contempt and suspicion
>"Literally yikes! What a bunch of Islamophobes!"

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yea all those progressive leftist socialist hoods LOL

It sounds like you agree then that the Dayton killings were not Antifa related or politically motivated


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I bet that makes you SEETHE, doesn’t it, Dylann?

I remember that, it’s this purported outrage that’s not ringing any bells.

He shot up a country western bar after REEing on twitter, because he thought it was full of DRUMPF supporters

Did Alex Jones tell you that?

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My drop off point was 5 minutes into Season 3 episode one.

people expect violence out of people who come out of war torn areas, and even then its not like the majority of refugees comitt crimes.

the incel rage worries people more because theres no justifiable reason to wanna shoot up a public place.

Actually blacks kill more whites in a year than any mass shooting done by whites

You are more likely to be killed by a black person as a innocent bystander than a white mass shooter

Shit you are more likely to die in a car accident everyday but until people stop driving like they avoid the ghetto I know mass shootings are low on the list of their fears

No one worries about it m8 because the risk isint actually that high compared to say driving

Mass shootings aren't likely to happen usually, but they're so awful precisely because they involve more people.

And it can happen anywhere unexpectedly

We’re all “NPCs” to them.

I hope it gets even more ludicrous with Tommeh becoming (even more of) an anime protagonist
>"It's a little thing I picked up in the east, they call it a "geass", Adolf..."

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a white person is more likely to be shot by another white person, i guess my point is that random white kids shooting up schools and walmarts is way scarier because that can happen anywhere. most people arent targets of violence unless they had some type of hand in the violence themselves when it comes to guns. black people just dont randomly shoot white people in the street unless its an extreme circumstance. the people were talking about go in planning to kill as many people as possible than off themselves before they can even get caught. way more threatening and obviously a more fearful concept than "yooo niggas b killin n shiiiiet"

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Yet the same applies to vehicle deaths yet they happen more often then any gun crime and no large group of people is scared enough to stop driving.

Except again statistically more whites will be killed by blacks as victims than any mass shooting

The fear people have of going to the ghetto versus going to Walmart is why it’s not a issue no large group of people have stopped going to Walmart

>black people just dont randomly shoot white people
t. never lived in a poor neighborhood with stick ups and car jackings

Most women don’t get raped unless they have a hand in enticing a rapist.

This is fun logic

>Anyone that talks bad about my African American nephew Arthur, kill em, the Shelbys are open minded

There is literally nothing more cringe that this trope.

I remember a guy i knew once pitching a character, he was a edgy serial killer like the joker. But the twist was that he only killed racists and sexists. Wow.

>white person is more likely to be shot by another white person
no. they. are. not.
despite only making up 13% of the population, a white person is STILL more likely to be violently attacked by a black.

>never lived in a poor neighborhood
Whose fault is that?

read crime statistics. Most homicide victims are killed by people of the same race IIRC

antifa are so gay and weird, they at once wanna be seen as serious revolutionaries but then say they're just trannies and queers whenever someone challenges them. yeah we agree, antifa suck at what they do and literally nobody is afraid of them. we all ageee.

How is Mosley? He's the only reason I'd even watch the new season. The show is pure stylized garbage and belongs on a network like Starz not bbc.


He ripped off Dexter

That sounds based.


They are but interracial violence is more black on white than the other way around so if you are to be suspicious of any other race than your own it’s blacks who again kill more whites than any mass shooting in a year

>so if you are to be suspicious of any other race than your own
Which in itself isn't statistically supported, as I said.

.... Are you fucking retarded?

>being poor also means you deserve to be shot
Liberals only pretend to care when it fits their agenda.

And Santa Clarita Diet. A character that has to kill or is forced to kill so they choose bad people isn't an original concept.

It’s more supported then worrying about being in a mass shooting if u want to use statistics m8 this is my point so which isn’t it

Liberals: Black Lives Matter!
Also Liberals: Please ignore mass shootings in black neighborhoods

I’m not a libshit, faggot. If you’re in a poor neighborhood, you either made poor choices or you’ve got shit genes (if not both).

I'm not sure if anyone is arguing that mass shootings in the vein of Columbine or Mandalay Bay are a risk to the average person. Mass shootings get a lot of coverage because they are, simply put, much more concentrated losses of life.

Ha no one cares faggot

And so you deserve to be shot? You do realize there are plenty of ppl who were born into poverty who are more successful than you.

Anons are literally suggesting it’s a issue for most people and they are genuinely more worried about it
Again if you are scared and look at others with suspicion due to mass shooting I hate to think how you look at blacks if you have a consisten logical brain


Why do people think the most important political issue today is promoting zero criticism of men sticking their penises inside other mens' shitholes?

Mass shooting that get coverage that involve less than the daily ones in nigger infested areas get coverage because people know and pretend they don’t that niggers are the most dangerous violent race in the US I live in Baltimore and see it myself so to now try and ignore this while demonizing whites is having your cake and eating it too

It would certainly improve the gene pool, you sniveling little socialist cuck.

It's a distraction from serious issues like labor rights and a tragic rise in deaths from what doctors call "diseases of despair." Youth alcoholism, suicide, and drug abuse are increasing in prevalence.

Blacks aren't a dangerous race. About two hours away from Baltimore, on the Eastern Shore of MD, black areas of most towns are safe enough to walk through at night.

Lol good bait my friend

Black areas of the eastern shore he says lmao

But again that doesn't make sense. Just because someone has lived in poverty doesn't mean that they can't go on to be more successful and wealthy than you ever will.

Statistically, murderers make up 0.0075% of the Black population. Sure, that’s higher than the White homicide rate, but when 99.9925% of them aren’t murdering anyone, the racialist pseudoscience starts to fall apart. Muh 13 le 50 is just a stormfag meme to make it sound larger.

The Eastern Shore is majority white obviously, but there are black neighborhoods in most communities. They're probably the descendants of ex-slaves, since slavery was pretty common in that part of Maryland.

>minor black up front

This is a statistic they don't want people to think about. But le 13/50 lol niggers amirite guys XDDD?

Google is literally a radical leftist corporation.
>but muh cherrypicking
I suppose your beloved niggers in suits are supposed to make me believe that they’re my equals too?

There is no black areas of the eastern shore bud they have blacks in white neighborhoods

So what you're saying is, statistically blacks are more violent.

this was the problem i had with red dead redemption. put me off it forever especially after playing gun, which had time appropriate characters

I haven't seen any majority black areas, but like I said there are black sections of towns.

0.0075% of them

Except again that is violent crime we are not talking about just murders with the over 50% stat

Again for a minority to commite over 50% of violent crime means if you ever want to talk about suspicion or danger you start with them unless you have your mentality which must be to never suspect anyone of anything because such a small number of people ever commite violent crimes.

they are whiter than fucking /pol/

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What makes a black section of town if not it being majority black you fucking idiot

Just admit your argument fell apart at the seams when you claimed ppl who were born into poverty are indefinitely "inferior". Once they ascend to the upper echelon of their own accord they have more money than you, give more to charity than you, fuck more bitches than you, and are more respected than you. It's you who have become inferior by your own set parameters.

>the most important thing is an almost spiritual value that inherently binds peoppe together based on their genetic proximity. The modern multicultural, multiethnic experiment is a trivial speck in human history and will prove to be a failure that causes more suffering than it prevents, especially to those closest to me. When certain groups of people have been historically and consistently unprofitable and destruction to a nation without evidence of change, the question of race must be examined with an open mind.
Right wing
>the most important thing is the economy as fiscal success means progress towards higher general satisfaction. Also, we must secure the existence of Africans and a future for christian negro children.
>the most important thing is ensuring that nobody is ever criticized for sticking their penis inside another man's shithole.

It being only part of a larger settlement?

I'm not surprised this didn't get a rebuttal, imagine unironically getting BTFO with logic and facts

Right, so they are.

That has more white people in it than black?

There is no neighborhood in the eastern shore majority black not one so idk what your talking about


The meme is about murders. If we expand that to violent crime, you might break 1%. If we include all crime (including shit like petty theft and smoking weed) you might break 5% but not 10%. Hating le dindus is your prerogative, but again, the racialist pseudoscience with which you justify your hatred is just that.

The meme is about violent crime.....

Are you fucking retarded

Again your logic must dictate you never aren’t suspicious of anyone or group for anything because so few people of the total population commite violent crimes

I’m sure you see no problem walking in the ghetto at night let’s be consistent now

I’ve only ever seen le 13% le 50% murders. Got an example of the violent crime version?

Are suspicious *

Literally all of them ever used the stat they are referring to is literally violent crimes show me one that says murders m8

No, because the hood is where the crime is concentrated. I wouldn’t cross the street if a random Black guy was coming my way, though.

>straight-out admitting that ANTIFA are limp-wristed estronauts who couldn’t hurt a kitten except in a 20-1 melee

What if he came from the hood?

It's actually closer to 1.6% of the population.

4 million people born in the US per year, so roughly 500k black people born. That means roughly 500k black people at every age group (18, 19, 20, etc.). Since 8500 murders are committed by blacks per year, that means 8500/520000 are murderers. 1.6% Forums/comments/bbo882/despite/

Even Reddit understands when it’s in code Form you fucking new fag

>"It's a little thing I picked up in the east, they call it a "geass", Adolf..."

Good lord, I actually want it.

I was mistaken, I guess it is all crimes. Even then, that’s less than 1/10 of Black people, and it includes memetic shit like doing drugs. The actual % of them involved in violent crime is even lower, let alone murders.

Why is it concentrated in black neighborhoods and would you be more suspicious in a black neighborhood or a white one

>war-torn areas

lol you think every Muslim terrorist is some battle-worn refugee? The people who flew into the WTC were college-educated and came from wealthy families. Many of them grow up in the west and are convinced through their religious zealotry to join the cause, like plenty of dumb young ass wipes who ran off to join ISIS. You've drank too much lefty koolaid, dumbass.

It makes sense for Dutch's gang to not care about race.

Sorry I’m less of a learned meme scholar than you dood.

Again so your logic is you shouldent be suspicious of anyone since a even smaller set of the whole population commits violent crimes got it

Well, since the overwhelming majority of Black people aren’t guilty of crimes, the answer must be something besides a biological predisposition.

Shit in the urban dictionary is pretty normie tier
It helps if you don’t try and defend what you don’t know

No, my logic is that I’m not going to hate the >90% of Black people who don’t commit crimes because of the

>War torn areas
Mate even the UN admitted that most of them weren't refugees

I already conceded that I was mistaken, but it’s pretty cool how you know the memes.

it wasnt that, it was the main character literally hating sexism and racism and making a big speech on it and setting it right in RDR#1

GUN was fucking based.

Well when you look at the fact blacks in every socioeconomic level commite more crime then their counterparts it definitely seems to be

Regardless how you explain it away they should be suspected more than others if not you must not worry about anytone

>Criminals don't actually view themselves as criminals

Of course they do you fucking retard

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So how do you account for the fact that the overwhelming majority of Black people are not involved in crime?

Again that just mean you don’t suspect or worry about anyone based on your own logic

You keep saying that, but that doesn’t make it true.

That it’s the case for all races but it’s obviously more prevelant in some races than others

The same way most blacks don’t have sickle cell but it’s considered a genetic black issue

not caring is not the same thing as what was in that game. not caring is fine. actively championing progressive sjw values like "you cant say that word! ill kill you for it because its racist in 2010" are what the character does.

That’s a disease though, not human behavior.

It has to be if your being consistent sorry your backed in a corner bud

Again genetics effect human behavior and they also make you susceptible to certain illness

Don’t be disingenuous now and play dumb

Not really. I’m genuinely not afraid of Black people.

Holy shit this kid is dumb

I’m sorry, but when >90% of Black folks aren’t criminals (let alone violent criminals) you need to find a better justification for “grug hate niggos”

Again then you must not be afraid of anyone since statistics show any other group or single individual is less likely to commite violent crime agains you

So when a black person who appears ghetto is behind you and a white person in a suit your equally suspicious or not at all

that never happens though

If you hate violent crime you tend to hate the groups that do it the most

Literally no point in watching now that he's gone.

Why would I be afraid of them when the overwhelming majority are regular people?

>Tony Soprano blocks your path

what does this even mean? are you a moron? Do you mean you're not afraid of any black people at all? just because they're black they escape the normal rules of common sense for you? or are you saying you arent afraid ALL black people, and are only afraid of some of them? the ones who give you a reason to be afraid? in which case you probably agree with the person you are replying to and your post is worthless.

That applies to anyone so again logically you aren’t afraid of anyone and shouldent be suspicious of any group over another I got it cool way of looking at things lol

>yea all those progressive leftist socialist hoods LOL
Don't 99% of black voters vote Democrat

>played game
>it happens
>quit game because of it specifically

>years later some leftist idealogist on Yea Forums tells me it never happens

oh pack your things boys, i guess i just stopped playing for absolutely no reason then.


It means that the majority of Black people are normal folks and I’ll judge them as such. If you hate them because of their accent or hair, or noses or lips or whatever, that’s your prerogative, but you can’t really hide behind the violence excuse when it doesn’t apply to the overwhelming majority.

im not even a leftist lol
where in rdr1 does john kill someone because they say a bad word?

Try not being so afraid all of the time, it’s a nice way to live. Perspective is key.

Ok, but if you had to pick between living among people that have a 1.6% chance of murdering you, or people that have a 0.2% chance, who would you pick?

Cool bud

I wasnt racist until I became a waiter.

I’ll take the 1.6% chance if it means not shitting on a bunch of innocent people.

You can because In the course of eliminating violent crime they are the largest offenders.

>eliminating violent crime
What do you mean by this?

No you wouldn’t and if you did you are still risking more objectively based on YOUR prerogative

Go back

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that would be hard to point out for somebody who hasn't played since the release like he told you right? You really are a moron, just go play the game. I'm not him but I also played and remember this shit, in some town about midway through the game the main character gets all progressive sjw speechy in a totally out of character way. this is a man who belonged to a murderous gang and now takes a moral stance against naughty words, in the wild fucking west lol.

Sure I would. Am I supposed to support Jim Crow autism based on this 1.6%?

IF we are to identify and curb violent crime in or society we have to hold the communities that commite the most accountable

he means seeking to resolve violent crime as a problem. if we seek to do that and most of us would seek to do that, we have to take into account the largest part of the problem.

No your soposed to make the objectively safer choice regardless of people’s feelings.

That’s a nice soundbite Governor Romney, but what does that actually mean?

I literally played it for the first time 2 years ago. I don't temember anything of the kind. Since you've failed to post any examples, I'll just assume you're a shitposter retard.

So like banning firearms? I don’t feel that the state should have a monopoly on violence, but if we aggressively confiscated them, we’d be safer, objectively.

how could what they said be possibly simplified any further

jesus mate. if you can't understand basic english maybe you should stay stay out of politics

That means the same way speaking to young men about rape and the nature of sexual harassment and assault because they are the most common perps is supposed to help the issue the same can be said about blacks when it comes to violent crime

Kinda like how athletes are now required to take classes on money management because they aren’t so stupid with it that happens to effect overwhelmingly black men but you don’t see a issue with that and it objectively helps the issue you are just Squamish about admitting race as a common indicator becuse you are brainwashed

Crime isn't common either, so that means you should leave your car and front door unlocked because a 90% of people are not criminals
You shit the bed on this one, your supposed to lead people on longer with the bait

well you can assume what you like it makes no difference if you're wrong does it. tard. lol

Why are you so shy to elaborate on how you’d neutralize the negro threat?
The gun control proposal clearly upsets you, but it’s the same idea.

Looks like a snowflake is seething lol.

1.6% is a fucking massive chance to die

whats that like 1 person in 75 will try to kill you
that cant be right....

Alexander the great killed lots of people, and his name has great in it. So what?

Except banning guns is against the constitution banning cars would of been a better bait and yes we would

As for being suspicious of certain races then others nothing is in the constitution about that seePrograms that single out sex for example are already accepted

It's the chance of a black person committing murder over their lifetime.

>That means the same way speaking to young men about rape and the nature of sexual harassment and assault because they are the most common perps is supposed to help the issue
So you feel that this is an effective strategy? I’m not going to bother with the other strawman garage you posted.

SeeIt’s not
No one suggested banning niggers and no one is against using harsher punishment and scrutiny to weed out gun CRIME

Still not as disturbing as the subtle dystopian police state undertones of British cop shows.

Why should we care about the Constitution if it’s an impediment to safety? That’s like complaining that racial segregation violates human rights

Haven't bothered watching season 2 yet but they never did anything bad in 1? The worst was scamming people at the horse races. Everyone called them bad men but they literally never did anything bad. Tommy nearly shit himself from blasting a horse ffs

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you're talking to three different people in this post, moron.

And once again learn to read before getting involved in politics.

they do kill them selves alot so its not good for their mental health. they are effectively self hatred

Worthless ad hominem garbage.

Why wouldn’t it be.

Whats this sjw shit people keep talking about?

literally BTFOd

thats fucking ludicrously high

You tell me, you’re advocating that we base other policies upon the concept

When did I suggest state enforced segregation or banning anything again the constitution allows for free speech which causes even more violence m8 nice bait tho

I am defending the logic and the need to addresss the violent crime issue in blacks and how it makes for rightfull suspicion over other groups

Been watching this show for 3 seasons because some friends recommended it to to me. I don't think I understand the objective or motivations behind any of the characters. Tommy doesn't want to pursue any political career, the money he wins over the course of the series is only used to escalate even more in the world but nothing else. At least in season 3 he has his son and the death of one of the most boring characters to push him in some direction but it feels like nothing he does or accomplishes have any impact in him as a character

>but they cant stand racism and sexism in a 1920's England
Weren't the british progressive? When WWII started they made films to teach americans how to behave if they saw a black male in UK.

I do agree m8 hence the people with phds and degrees in education that control the school boards implement it

what about white globalists

Americans don't even know what "leftism" actually is. They think democrats are leftists. Americans really, really need to stay out of any bit of political discourse. They're retarded, but that goes without saying.

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That place is basically Oceania at this point, isn't it?
We should invade. Introduce good ole' American democracy and freedom to the mother-country.

I guess what I’m saying (and forgive me, as I’m collecting a lot of (Yous) itt) is that I’m not afraid of Black people, I’m not afraid of guns, fuck incels and furthermore Sneed.

This point would be accurate 10 years ago, before 'leftism' as a whole was converted to globalism and IDpol instead of genuine socialism. But it is, what it is. Things do change.

Maybe because the democrats are the closest thing we have to leftists, fucking moron

Stop posting, burger. Please. Not everything is dependent on your shithole's mong definitions.

Which is terrifying and sad.

There is something revolting about the romanticization of criminals. Like how Westerners love the pirates of the Caribbean franchise, and Black Sails. I hate criminals. Criminals should be killed and have their faces pounded in with a cinderblock. There is something disgusting about celebrating criminality by arranging it as an underdog story against the establishment. I can only stomach a criminal story when it's clearly tragic in nature, like Scarface. But shit like Shelby being wanted by the IRA, by the English Government, by the White Russians, by the Communists, is a lurid and absurd power fantasy. And the worst thing is that white men grow up idolizing these criminals.

We literally rule the world. And we don't think about you at all. Your obsession with 'burgers' and 'Amerimutts' is just pathetic in that context.

>burger delusion

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lol most antifas are middle class daddies kids. It's why they're so frail and easily offended

Dude even shot his tranny brother somehow, figure that one out

Actually that would be the El Paso shooter who told cops in his interview that he decide it was go time when the dem candidates raised their hands in favor on free health care for illegals in the debate

shut the fuck up you chicken nugget scoon

Yeah, okay bor.
Oof, this is fair.

you are a retard and the other user is wrong (i think? rdr the first one didnt get too into propaganda) but the 2nd game did hit you in the face with it with lennys speech while youre riding to the mansion in the woods. it even has arthur say "WOW I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT" during his lecture on his #whiteprivilege. i like to believe rockstar did that ironically because of the gun metaphorically held to their head to include something like it

Remember, black males, not blacks in total. It’s more like 6% does 50% of violent crime

Thanks for warning me OP, was thinking about picking this show up but guess not

this just shows how shit antifa is you dumb fuck use your brain dumb fucking faggot

Leftists murder people everyday except the media doesn't use the terms far left, or even leftist ever. That's what happens when they control the narrative.

Should have ended at season 1.
Fucking dumb. But then there would be no Alfie, which is a bad thing.

"State violence is called justice but that of the individual is called crime." - Max Stirner

Woah, so deep. Fuck having laws and judiciary and the police, it's like violence, dude!

Unironically this. I'll be damned if that fat bald turd and his mick buddy think they can tell me what to do.

your country/culture is so meaningless i cant even derive where youre from based on what youre posting. as youre in the presence of superior americans you have memes specifically made to hide your seething envy. begone back to your hole, peasant

wtf your dismissive passive aggressive comment making it seem crazy to think a leftest would also commit a crime has change my mind. thank you kind pedophile, for showing me the error of believing everything on the internet. Truly empowering.

>I already conceded that I was mistaken, but it’s pretty cool how you know the memes.

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Unironically based post, hes a peaky fookin bloinder

lmfao ur such a homo, settle down

>I’m sorry, but when >90% of Black folks aren’t criminals (let alone violent criminals)
They do commit more violent crimes. 6% committing 50%. More petty crimes as well. Stealing they make up a large majority too. They also have a poor family dynamic that means they don't really give a shit about much so they rationalize their crimes as a way to escape "the man".
If you've ever been around niggers, they tend to also be obnoxious and don't give a shit about their neighborhood. Its why black majority cities are dumps. Whites didn't go oh you wanna live here, lemme just destroy it and here you go. Blacks turned it into that out of simply being themselves. There is a lot of reasons to hate them.

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>"It's a little thing I picked up in the east, they call it a "geass", Adolf..."
PURE KINOGRAPHY. if i dont see this next episode im dropping it

That’s a HWNDU meetup. Lurk moar newfag

>Why should we care about the Constitution if it’s an impediment to safety?
This. We need to get rid of the 14th amendment to where blacks aren't allowed to be citizens. Get rid of the 13th amendment so we can enslave them again. Then just blast them into space. Also get rid of the freedom of press in the first amendment. Very dangerous to our country. I just fixed America.

>Thomas rush out of the mansion
>*lights a cigarette*
>Tommeh they killed him
>Who they killed, Little Finger?
>Me son Tommeh, the Bane Boyz
>*lights another cigarette with the previous one*
>Call Pooolie right away
>Go on Tommeh, stop bugging me while i'm whoring myself in Monte Carlo
>Pooolie tell me what your gypsy eyes can see
>Can't see Tommeh far ahead, too much smoke
>*smoking 2 cigarettes at the same time*
>FUCK now i have to make a deal with God to destroy these Bane Boyz once for all
>ARTA grab Linda's pussy already

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>ARTA grab Linda's pussy already

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ate gyppos

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they're birmingham gangsters

Except it literally is a genetic predisposition. It's caused by a gene dubbed the Warrior Gene (used to be called the thug gene or something like that, but it was changed for PC reasons). The gene causes violent aggression and is vastly more prevalent in black males than in non-black males.

Yeah 90% of them are great people. But the other 10%, in a population of millions, that's gonna cause some serious social disruption.

If you walk through a ghetto, 95% of blacks are regular folks, and they're sitting on their couches watching TV. The 5% are out on the streets, cruising around looking for trouble. If there's a thousand people in the neighborhood, you got 50 violent criminals wandering around, that's not good. Yeah they're the minority but there's still a fuckton of them.

>Scottish Presbyterian railroad murder gang
Redpill me on these guys, did they actually exist and go around crucifying Catholics and gypsies?

so is america's murder rates...

Killing and torturing innocents is not evil in leftist morality. See: Cheka, Republican Spain, Khmer Rouge, Communist China, etc. As long as a person doesn't believe the same things you do, in leftist morality that makes it fine to do anything to them.

Conversely racism and sexism are cardinal sins in leftism.

oh no, please dont tell me that RDR2 is woke

>They also have a poor family dynamic that means they don't really give a shit about much so they rationalize their crimes as a way to escape "the man".

One thing about poor black families is very often the dad isn't around, the mom is young with tons of kids and is a stress case, and she beats the living fuck outta their kids. Black comedians always joke about how mama would whoop their ass, but in reality that's one of the main causes of antisocial behavior.

Says the nobody from the population 20 million nowhere. Bump your population up to 250+ million and cram them into a situation where half the nation actively despises the other half and see what it does to your crime rate.

that doesn't change the fact that 6% make up 50% of violent crime

nah bud, 1 in 3 nogs get convicted of something.

America has 92.6 residents per square mile. Europe has 87 per square mile. This isn't a function of population density.


It is not a history lesson.
It's just entertainment flavored with education for plebeians.

I don't hate blacks, and like leftists I feel bad for their situation and want to see them prosper. I think everyone wants that as opposed to them being a financial and social burden on society. Unlike leftists though I'm a realist. You gotta look at the hard truths. Their problems aren't whiteys fault and it's wrong to say otherwise. The black community needs to take responsibility for its own problems, and we as a society need to start holding them accountable instead of making excuses for them. That's the only way they can actually fix their problems.

why does he have a 2019 haircut

Are you kidding?

progressive by the standards of 1920s britain corresponds to being a white supremacist neo-nazi today

Speak for yourself burger. Literally all shootings in western Europe are done by muslim terrorists and/or shitskin niggers. My country recently had to ad 400 million dollars to the Police because of the spike in crime during the last 4 years since the migrants came. Literally all Burger memes about incel shootings pale in comparisson to what shitskins has done to the cities in the west

Is there anything more cucked and pathetic than british media?

A huge nummer of isis soldiers were straight out of western suburbs you fucking retard. People born and raised in western countries with nothing but contempt for the country that took in their parents.

British "men"

It is weird. When I first started watching the show I thought it could be a cool premise. It IS a cool premise. Then after watching it a while I started realizing it was shit. But before I left it completely, like so many other shows like Vikings and Supernatural and lord fucking knows what, it jumped categorization into cheesekino and now I just genuinely enjoy watching it, even as ridiculous as it is. I think the casting might be a big part of it, I just genuinely like basically all the characters/actors. I mean you had Big Guy and CIA, for fuck's sake.

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is that a Lord of the Rings quote?

There’s not a normal person in that photograph. Each and every single one just has the craziest fucking eyes.

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Why do leftists pathologically insert their beliefs into everything, even when its blatantly wrong? They're like ultra religious fanatics who see the face of jesus in every peice of toast


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One thing i will never understand is why in the USA the antifa movement is full of trannies and incels meanwhile in Spain is full of strong men who will destroy your face in a moment if you do something that looks fascist

Because Spaniards were indoctrinated into hating Carlism and Falangists.

Don't lie Alejandro. They're always faggots. No exceptions

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Will they destroy your face by taking a knife to the chest and dying in a subway car?

>it jumped categorization into cheesekino and now I just genuinely enjoy watching it, even as ridiculous as it is
*spends entire season doing a Vito Corleone impression*

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You have it the wrong way round, blacks are antisocial so they leave there children and/or beat their kids.

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>non of u vill zurviv...

First time I saw a Peaky thread hit 300 posts and that's only because of the offtopic bickering ITT

Nah, there were one or two other PB threads hit bump limit about two weeks back or so. Lots more in the past. Not that anyone discusses the show, it's just memes. Well, it's not like there is anything /to/ discuss, but, you get the point.

what did Tommy mean by this?

Herbert Moon, whose beliefs were actually quite popular at the time, is portrayed as a an idiot and John Marston is a r*ddit-approved intellectual for calming disapproving of everything he says. Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.

natural selection

Honestly, this shit pisses me off. Peaky Blinders, RDR, whatever. You've got a bunch of murderous criminals, and because they're you're protagonists, you're making them all PC. In the meantime, you're literally gloryfying and romanticizing literal criminals. They kill, steal and break the law for their own gain, and yet we're supposed to see them as "moral" people who are just doing bad things because they're backed into a corner or whatever. I've never played RDR2 because from all the trailers and the rest, I got that it's about a bunch of squatting criminals living a proto-hippy lifestyle, with PC "rules", thieving and killing their way through the land, and I'm supposed to sympathize with them?

Compare that with something like Boardwalk Empire, which made it a clear point that every single person there was a sort of piece of trash; no excuses.

redpill me on rdr 2
1 didn't have pc moments if I remember right.

>tommys sister gets blacked

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Murder is Power+Violence
The alt right is not in power, therefore they cannot commit murder
You don't even deserve a (you)


Lmao at the nig

imagine thinking it's good that you're drastically less dangerous than your enemies

>bro these islamic terrorists keep killing us and we haven't done shit yet, aren't we great