Almost as good as the original.
Best Halloween sequel
Other urls found in this thread:
Halloween 3 is better
The hospital setting is ultra comfy.
>not 4
4 > H2O > 5 > 2 >>>>>> 3 > everything else
4 could've been great
Can't argue with that, even though the Rob Zombie remakes are the GOAT
the 2018 one was fucking retarded
>be Laurie
>crying like a bitch over Michael Myers
>all of a sudden she's a tough strong woman
2018 is fucking awful.
It was ok.
Mask looked good, characters didn't look like white trash, there was no white unicorn or thorn colt. was fine
>It was ok.
no it wasn't
Please dont post cancer on Yea Forums
Everything was copy and pasted from previous Halloween films. The forced humor from that Canadian faggot Danny McBride killed the movie. It was the Halloween Greatest Hits Vol. 1 NOW with 44% more humor. Seriously fuck that movie, it pissed me off.
>no it wasn't
what did you dislike about it?
am i the only one who hated the fact they got rid of Michael and Laurie being brother and sister? i've been used to that all my life and they just say "nah they aren't related senpai"
What was his motivation for hunting Laurie then?
If they kept them being brother and sister people would've realized it was exactly the same as H20.
the whole plot was just fucking horrible
>a geriatric michael meyers coming back to finish the job
that alone was laughable
the part that really made this flick shit was the doctor going crazy all of a sudden and killing the cop and putting on mike's mask
absolutely fucking horrible
it was like they had no idea how to get michael back to the house to "fight" laurie, so they just created this ridiculous scene to get him there
it was fucking trash
Halloween 3 is not a perfect movie. In fact it's not even close to being a perfect movie. That said it was kinda cool how they had that 19 year old chick hook up with that old guy in is late 50s . You don't really see that in movies anymore sadly. Halloween 4 is way more comfy, and gives you October vibes.
Out of all the Halloween films this one had the very least Halloween atmosphere. Felt like they filmed that shit in January.
It was also nice having some tits in the movie. Even if the were past their prime 30 year old tits. Tits are always appreciated in horror films.
I hate you H3 contrarian faggots
I refuse to even watch it since Michael isn't in it.
Geriatric Michael is funny yeah, but its an ok premise. Hes been in a nut house for how long? Alls hes gonna have to do is work out and train for his escape
Doctor being obsessed with getting Michael to talk (and losing it cause of it) was goofy, but still wasn't that bad. Theres worse in movies in the franchise and I would not call it trash
Amen user, amen.
How fucking 'woke' aka feminist fueled was it? Did it get annoying or was it a nice mix of modern day feminist cancer and classic 80s horror?
I don't view it really as part of the Halloween series. Its its own movie so I tend to view it as such (and its bretty good)
It wouldn’t been better if they made it a sequel to H2. Myers in a coma burned to shit. Wakes up and escapes from the hospital
It was about what youd expect in a slasher movie.
Girl(s) win obviously but, its not like Michael gets the shite beat out of him the whole movie or something
have sex
Slightly more so than H20 but back then it wasn't a forced agenda and she was an alcoholic in that movie so she had flaws. The feminist shit wasn't the worst part especially since it was actually Jamie Lee Curtis. Had it been some random ho it would've been worse. There were much bigger problems with the movie. Curtis was really the only good thing about it.
>too chickenshit to show michael killing the baby in it's crib
yea, the absolute psycho murderer finds his morals and lets the screaming baby live
why is hollywood so full of neutered faggots?
>and she was an alcoholic in that movie so she had flaws.
2018 Laurie is also an alcoholic and her becoming a gun nut survivalist who allowed one traumatic night to define her entire life completely ruined her relationship with her entire family
>How fucking 'woke' aka feminist fueled was it?
Nothing that would be out of place in something made in 1990.
It would've been fucking hilarious if he just chucked the baby through the window.
>Curtis was really the only good thing about it.
It had the best soundtrack out of any Halloween film.
The only reason he killed that 12 year old is because he was very gay. Other than that, Micael doesn't hurt kids.
What the fuck was up with the new therapist? He was killing normal people to save michael
Yeah you're right. I did like Jamie Lee Curtis being in the movie but not much else.
I think it was an alright film but it was weird how it didn't really have much of a connection to the other Halloween films besides the concept of the masks. I also remember it didn't really have a conclusive ending (it has am implied outcome but still leaves you hanging) but that the synth soundtrack was good.
His first murder was his 14 year old sister and he definitely would have killed Tommy and Lindsay if he got the chance.
That and all her preparing and training did shit against Myers. The best she could do wasting her life away training to face him is trick him into a basement which he escapes
Well he didn't kill them, did he? No, so he only kills stupid gay kids.
Almost perfect.
>Halloween II
Nearly as good. Could cut down some of the middle where the hospital staff are being picked off.
>Halloween 4
Also nearly as good but more problems. Could have shown less of Myers. More Shape and less Myers. One of the best ending scenes in horror ever.
Halloween 5
>shits the bed almost completely, aside from a couple visually cool scenes.
>The best she could do wasting her life away training to face him is trick him into a basement which he escapes
i hope she kills herself because she ends up realizing she wasted her life and ruined what could have been a loving relationship with her family
i've seen each of them once except the first one which i've seen 3-4 times
i liked halloweeen II more but I'm a plebeian and like the tighter story, quicker action. the first has a better atmosphere, but the 2nd works because it takes place in a contained space.
that word isn't pronounced how you think it is
>The only reason he killed that 12 year old is because he was very gay. Other than that, Micael doesn't hurt kids.
In 2018 he is just a psycho that kills for no reason, randomly.
I prefer the occult angle, where a darkness took him as a child on the night where the barrier between realms is open and he killed. Afterwards Michael is a catatonic wreck. Only on Halloween can the darkness return to animate the vessel into The Shape, giving it the desire to ritualistically reenact the sacrificial killing. The closer to Halloween night, the stronger the will is.
I think this gives The Shape a more lizard-brain, predatory feel which makes it more sinister. Killing randomly takes away from that. A predator is focused on the prey, it doesn't get distracted by flies.
Imagine being Arnold in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jamie Curtis, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Arnold and not only sit in that chair while Jamie Lee Curtis flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JAMIE LEE CURTIS LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Arnold. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
>as good as the original
Lol no.
Best sequel though, you're right about that. Shouldn't have had any sequels but well here we are
bro you're so freakin smart, what the heck!
my mum asked what that actress in halloween was earlier and in my head i went through "Imagine being Arnold in that scene and having to be all like "damn," to remember before saying her name
Claiming my favorite Halloween girl. She was perfect.
Josh is so desperate and cringey getting her to sign that. She must've known he jerked off to her thousands of times while she was signing it. Really awkward and creepy.
I concur!
As much as I liked Rob Zombie's Halloween 2 and the young Michael stuff in RZ Halloween, he would have been much better suited to direct the Texas Chainsaw remake than Halloween. The weird experimentation, grimy grindhouse look, bizarre humor, and all that is way more in line with the TCM series than the Halloween series.
I hate Zombie. His Halloween is an example of why modern movies suck and Zoomers need to have everything explained to them.
Giving Myers a backstory ruins the character. Especially a stupid trailer trash one
Myers was a normal kid, normal parents, that liked killing people
I like Rob's music but holy shit is he a fucking terrible director.
I wish she showed her tits in that one.
>As much as I liked Rob Zombie's Halloween 2
>Giving Myers a backstory ruins the character. Especially a stupid trailer trash one
He was allowed to do a remake. I think he handled it the right way. We've seen MM with no back story, no reason to do that again.
So, he went in a new direction, making Michael the main character essentially. And, the first one isn't bad. Second one is trash though
>think he handled it the right way
myers isn't interesting with a "THIS IS WHY HE KILLS" on the nose kind of story. he's interesting because he was was a kid who killed his sister when he was 9 years old and got locked up, and when gets out, just kills more girls.
a reason is an explanation which is typical, unimaginative. boring.
He's better than most musician turned directors, which isn't saying much. I like how trashy his movies are though, they have such an unclean feel to them which is so unique compared to the super sterile mainstream horror trash. Compare his Halloween 2 to Halloween 2018, which is very clean and by the book. Not saying he's a genius or anything, but I appreciate that he goes out of his way in Halloween 2 to fuck with the audience.
>he's interesting because he was was a kid who killed his sister when he was 9 years old and got locked up, and when gets out, just kills more girls.
So hes interesting because he is basically a mannequin with a knife? Don't think that qualifies as more imaginative then
>comes from bad home
>is bullied
>loses his crap
>theres faint moments where its still him
>finally snaps and mom wont go see him at hospital anymore
Agreed. However I think The Devil's Rejects is absolutely his best film and that dirty style he likes to use so much 100% worked for that film.
robber zombee doesn't have a creative bone in his body. it's all shit he's read and decided was interesting. "I'm edgy and know about serial killers...what if this serial killer Michael was what like I read??"
that's terrible and no, never interesting unless it's real. michael isn't real.
H4>H2>H18>The rest
Anyone who disagrees is reddit
>Halloween 78 not even on the list.
Nice try you 4-cyclinder turbo zoomer faggot!
It's not entertaining as the others, Boomer
>t. seething myersfag
>Don't think that qualifies as more imaginative then
>>comes from bad home
>>is bullied
>>loses his crap
>>theres faint moments where its still him
>>finally snaps and mom wont go see him at hospital anymore
That is cliche as fuck! Every fucking psycho is given this generic backstory.
Tell me all the villains that didn’t have a shitty childhood, had good parents, average upbringing, but still enjoyed killing people
I gotta admit though, Jason has more entertaining sequels.
People give Jason Goes to Hell a lot of shit, but goddamn is it one of the most entertaining train-wrecks.
really? jason goes to hell was my favorite
For me, it's the Final Chapter. His death scene still holds up very well
Only good thing about Halloween 2 is that the 30th anniversary Bluray comes with TERROR IN THE AISLES!!!FACT!!!
>Halloween 3 is not a perfect movie. In fact it's not even close to being a perfect movie. That said it was kinda cool how they had that 19 year old chick hook up with that old guy in is late 50s . You don't really see that in movies anymore sadly. Halloween 4 is way more comfy, and gives you October vibes.
100% objectively correct!!!FACT!!!
>4 > H2O > 5 > 2 >>>>>> 3 > everything else
3>4>1>2>everything else!!!FACT!!!
Jason Goes To Hell had a lot of potential but it was a fucking mess even for F13 standards
Pulling the whole invasion of the body snatchers plot out of their ass which contradicts every F13 movie that came before it
Only a living relative can kill Jason? How did Tommy kill him!
Jason having a sister when Pamela clearly states Jason was her only child
Jason hardly in the fucking movie
The concept of a demon traveling from body to body to kill/hunt specific people is such a cool idea but really doesn't fit in F13.
I really like Jason Takes Manhattan even though its a piece of shit. I think Part IV is objectively the best Friday film though.
>Only a living relative can kill Jason? How did Tommy kill him!
tbf, tommy didn't kill him, he just put him back in the lake
He killed him at the end of 4. And even though in 5 they said Jason was cremates, Tommy resurrects his ass by accident in 6
>Halloween thread
>dies with 4 replies
>any Halloween thread that doesn't gets hijacked by Freddy/Jason faggotry
Get the fuck out of here, this thread is for Halloweenkino
>Get the fuck out of here, this thread is for Halloweenkino
Friday the 13th from 09 tops all of the Halloween reboots (H20, Zombie Halloween, 2018)
Friday part VI tops all the other Halloween movies.
Will say though, Halloween 1-4 are fantastic
Just let us have this thread, every friday thread gets 100+ replies easy
But H18 IS reddit.
Next Friday is the 13th
>slow burn
>bone chilling
>no jump scares
Slashers are acceptable redditry
Alright user, whats your favorite Halloween movie?
I have a tough time choosing between I, II, and IV.
I love III but its separate from the rest. If I were forced I might go with II just because of how much I enjoy the upped carnage. Fits with Michael getting desperate after his victim eluding him and him getting shot multiple times
Halloween has the best movie out of the horror trinity, but it is probably the least consistent.
Reminder, this is a Halloween thread, go talk about your zombie incel some other thread
Resurrection was the first one I saw on Sci-Fi, so I'm soft towards it, but I enjoy 2,4, and H20.
4 tops the list since I enjoy the niece angle
>all of a sudden
>like 40 years later
>That said it was kinda cool how they had that 19 year old chick hook up with that old guy in is late 50s .
I'm kind of confused about what's cool about this. It's more gross and weird than anything.
Did Michael rape Danielle Harris's character?
are the fan films on youtube any good?
Theres one where Jason fights Michael. It's alright
>Resurrection was the first one I saw on Sci-Fi
I saw it on sci-fi as well. First one I ever saw all the way through. The original Halloween freaked me out too much when I was a kid to watch all of it.
What's even more retarded was to make them not related then bring her back anyway!
>Friday the 13th from 09 tops all of the Halloween reboots (H20, Zombie Halloween, 2018)
This is completely false. Friday reboot is generic and bland as fuck, it's like one of those movies that tried to copy Friday The 13th and failed [reminds me of TCM reboot and even that was done better], not a real Friday. Movie also took itself way to seriously for its own good. H20 and H18 sucked, but they were still better than the Friday reboot. And please don't talk about Zombie's Halloween films because you're obviously one of those people who didn't like the backstory and muh unlikable characters blah blah blah no real argument.
>Friday part VI tops all the other Halloween movies.
Sure lol not even the best Friday movie
Damn I saw Ressurection in theaters when I was about 13 with my best friend and we both shit all over it. I can understand having a soft spot for shitty movies but goddamn it had Busta Rhymes doing kung fu.
>Friday reboot is generic and bland as fuck
Disagree. Jason is a woodsman rather than just a serial killer out in the woods. He's a survivalist and a trapper and this is used to great affect in the movie
>H20 and H18 sucked, but they were still better than the Friday reboot
>don't talk about Zombie's Halloween films because you're obviously one of those people who didn't like the backstory and muh unlikable characters
No. I liked the first rob zombie movie. I liked that he gave Michael a back story, which made it at least different. But his second one sucked (aside from the hospital scene) and both are not as good as the last F13. But, I really did like Michael in it. Thought he was handled well even though he wasn't a mystery anymore
>not the best Friday
you right, Jason x ftw
Seriously though, which of Rob Zombie's movies did you like better?
>I can understand having a soft spot for shitty movies but goddamn it had Busta Rhymes doing kung fu.
I thought it was a little goofy when I first saw him kick Michael but I also liked it. You gotta keep in mind I was like 8 or something. Michael still scared me, and it was nice to see someone put him down.
Early 2000's remake order
DOTD > TCM > Halloween > Friday the 13th > My Bloody Valentine > The Hitcher > Black Christmas
6'4 220lbs monster hunter vs Jason was fun and got the creepy woods vibe just right
also i never noticed Jasons mom was major kira till somebody mentioned it in a trek thread
fuck forgot pic related
Okay he was based in the remake but everybody else was annoying as fuck. I like that Jensen Ackles got the main role in My Bloody Valentine remake. Bros for life.
I believe that was the idea in 6, yes.
It's better than the original you tastelet.
Busta Rhymes was the only part of the movie my friend and I enjoyed when we rented it. I do have a soft spot for shitty horror movies, but that movie just plain sucked.
It's not*
Yeah to be honest Busta Rhymes and Tyra Banks were the only good parts, still retarded they didn't give her a proper death scene.
too bad about that whole cult subplot.
i wish mike meyers would fuck me dead
They were perfect together. It just worked.
>Really awkward and creepy.
Shes into dorky lovable guys tho.
>Really awkward and creepy.
Shes into dorky lovable guys tho.
>Seriously though, which of Rob Zombie's movies did you like better?
The second one. He went full Rob Zombie. I loved the way Laurie was written. Not your cliched "I was praying every day for him to escape so I could kill him" bullshit. No, it was a realistic look at the aftermath of being chased by a serial killer who killed your friends and terrorized the town. There's no coming back from this. You're fucked up forever. The movie was depressing. Not your typical slasher flick. It was also very well-made when it came to the slasher part. Some of the best Michael scenes, big Mike is something else. The hospital scene, the beheading "shockingly realistic", the one at Frankenstein place. Great movie. It gets a lot of underserved hate
Yeah that's about right. But, I have a soft spot for The Hitcher remake, don't know why.
Weirdly you can probably use some sort of turbo autism to connect it to 5 and 6. I have no idea why the fuck you'd want to do that though.
only thing weird about it is A) the doctor was clearly fucking every woman in the hospital he worked at and B) they didn't make it clear if he and his wife was divorced.
>Some of the best Michael scenes, big Mike is something else. The hospital scene
That's the only thing I enjoyed in the movie (aside from the ambulance), which is a shame cause I thought the first one was very good. If he had redone the second one, like he had the first, this could've been better. The idea of Laurie losin her crap after all that happened works, but havin loomis as a douche I thought was bad. And hobo Michael is retarded.
Agreed. Jaimie is the single best thing about the entire Halloween series
>the scene where she is holding the knife mimicking Michael
Fuck that was good. In fact the whole town of rednecks getting in their truck to get shit done to protect her rather than following the trope of the victim being unrealistically isolated was so satisfying. I wish more horror would go that route. It takes more skill to pull off but it is so much better.
Nah it was actually really good and a great alternate universe spin. In fact she was an entirely genuine and believable "badass" female character. I would go as far as to put her up there with Ripley.
Just a shame they screwed the pooch and didnt actually allow MM to die for real.
She genuinely played the part of a badass. Wasnt forced at all and they gave a female character realistic motivations (protect family) and flaws (again surrounding her connection with her family).
So they casted Michael C Hall to play Tommy for Halloween Kills. Kyle Richards Is returning as Lindsay
>Halloween Kills
is this the name for the sequel?
I loved it, personally. Wasn't anymore woke than something like T2 or Aliens.
It's not even personal with Michael, he just moves and kills like a shark. There's never any indication that he recognizes Laurie, events just conspire to bring them together for the climax.
Fun fact, in the 2018 Halloween, JLC refused to use any weapon she believed should be illegal. This is why the only weapons used are pump shotguns, bolt/lever action rifles, and revolvers.
>I prefer the occult angle.
Kill yourself, please, for the love of God.
In 6, yes. I think it's made explicit in the director's cut, which is basically a different movie.
I'm not even going to bother watching any of these movies except for the first one, because of it's retarded convoluted timeline. Plus after watching almost all of the Friday the 13th movies, I'm a little wary of watching another slasher series with several thousand different sequels that all manage to somehow follow the same formula without fail.
No it is the worst one
Yes. Then Halloween ends the year after to complete the nu-trilogy, then give it 10-12 years and they'll reboot again.
Personally I really enjoyed 2018 so I'm down for more.
>Personally I really enjoyed 2018 so I'm down for more.
Yeah I'm fine with them doin another one. 2018 was ok.
I want more based black kid.
The kid's funny, but the comedy felt out of place.
Yeah, there was too much comedy. It killed the suspense
I just want a new saw movie
OP I would put 2 & 4 as equals.
>4 could've been great
It was great. Has no flaws besides the worst mask of the series.
It has all this going for it...
> Great moody opening credits surveying farm equipment adorned with Halloween decorations.
> Solid score.
> The film certainty has a different feel from the original 2 films but is still very suspenseful & atmospheric in it's own way.
> Like 2 the film does a decent job of fleshing out Haddonfield as a real town with culture & history.
> Donald as always is great.
> Harris as Jamie remains among the best performances from a child actor I have encountered in a horror film.
> Rachel is a solid final girl.
> Sheriff Meeker (beau starr) I have always thought to be cool, his professional & trusting interaction with Loomis is more enjoyable then the more strained back & forth between Brackett & Loomis in 1/2. We get a faint hint of laziness/denial on his part with him initially trying to blow Loomis off but once he takes things seriously he goes into war mode like a boss.
> I liked that they wrote both Loomis & Myers as having learned from the events of 78, what with Loomis not hesitating to demand a town wide curfew which he resisted doing in 78 and Myers taking out both the Police & Power stations early on & letting officer Logan take him directly to his targets.
> Build up to & reveal of the police station massacre is chilling as well as the triple Michael sequence.
> This is easily the most powerful we have ever seen Myers on film.
> Entire ending from the battle atop the truck to the shootdown, to the twist is epic as hell.
>> H2O > 5 > 2
Bro I love 4 and I like 5 more then most people but there is no fucking way 5 is better then 2.
Haven't seen 2018...
> Strongly Great
H2 = H4
> Great
H6 (producer's cut)
> Very Good
> Good
> Decent
> Decent
H2 (09)
> Ok/Meh
> Ok/Meh
H6 (theatrical)
> Poor
> Bad (but slightly underrated)
>Could cut down some of the middle where the hospital staff are being picked off.
Disagree, loved all of that and the mood it set.
>One of the best ending scenes in horror ever.
The entire ending not just the twist. From the battle on the truck to the credits.
no space after a memearrow
quit redditspacing
>h2 = h4
they're all decent.
>Claiming my favorite Halloween girl.
Pic related from 6 is mine. Very motherly and likable.
>People give Jason Goes to Hell a lot of shit, but goddamn is it one of the most entertaining train-wrecks.
>really? jason goes to hell was my favorite
>Jason Goes To Hell had a lot of potential but it was a fucking mess even for F13 standards
It's severely underrated.
> Most mature well acted cast of the franchise.
> Solid final girl.
> Duke is cool & mysterious.
> Great Jason make up & stature, he is imposing as fuck.
> Best gore of the series.
> 2nd best sex scene of the series.
> Great opening.
> Great finale.
> Great diner shootout.
> Solid score.
> Duke is underused.
> Jason's outfit is generic.
> The claws that drag Jason to hell look kinda cheap.
> Not enough Jason.
> Jason looking exactly like he did when he was killed after being resurrected through Diana's body is weird.
> Weird shaving scene.
What I would have done different within reason...
> Never have Diana's body be moved to the Voorhees house. Have the morgue be built into the police station and so when CampbellJason attacks the police station he resurrects himself there and so the whole diner massacre sequence has him in his traditional Jason body.
>Resurrection was the first one I saw on Sci-Fi, so I'm soft towards it
>can understand having a soft spot for shitty movies but goddamn it had Busta Rhymes doing kung fu.
> Yeah to be honest Busta Rhymes and Tyra Banks were the only good parts
Eh it has some other positives. See the following (note, It's still absolutely the worst of the series)
> Katee Sackhoff is fun in the film.
> Sara Moyer is a good final girl.
> Myers mask isn't perfect (shows eyes too much) but much better then any from H20.
> Fuckawful Busta is almost worth it for his pic related face when Myers effortlessly turns the tables against him.
> Some cool, creepy shots (myers looking down after getting hanged)
> Opening with Laurie is a lackluster end for the character but it's still a decent sequence.
> Score is better then H20.
They're working one. Chris Rock is involved (he came up with the story, apparently). It's going to be called The Organ Donor. Supposed to come out in May.
>> Some cool, creepy shots (myers looking down after getting hanged)
>are the fan films on youtube any good?
Here are a bunch...
Halloween: The Face of Michael Myers "Prelude"
Really like this one and the idea of Myers supernaturally haunting citizens of the town. Sadly the full film's creation is up in the air because their fundraiser didn't meet it's goal.
The Shape of Evil
The Spirit of Haddonfield
Halloween: The Shape
The Shape: Bloodlust
The Nightmare Ends on Halloween
The Nightmare Ends on Halloween 2
The Last Halloween (the death of michael myers)
Halloween: Season
Myers: Rise of the Boogeyman
Myers: The Butcher of Haddondield
Myers: The Evil of Haddonfield
Myers: The Monster of Haddonfield
The Shape (by illview visuals)
The Shape (by jay curtis miller)
The Shape (by amateur hour films)
Halloween Reflections Episode 1
Halloween: The Wake
>Movie also took itself way to seriously for its own good
Fuck off and H20 was absolutely not fucking better then 09F13.
>DOTD > TCM > Halloween > Friday the 13th > My Bloody Valentine > The Hitcher > Black Christmas
> TCM >> F13 = My Bloody Valentine > DOTD > The Hitcher >> Halloween >>>> Black Christmas
>too bad about that whole cult subplot.
It was genuinely well done in the Ultimate Cut of 6.
was going to say this
honestly I consider 6 to be a lot better than people give it credit for. Its definitely not the best but I thought Michael seemed a lot more scarier and brutal than he does in most of the movies, and his mask was top tier.
The whole thorn plot was weird but it didnt ruin it for me anyway just because I just considered this movie its own contained universe, and since its pretty established that this series has so many different timelines, it just makes it better for me.
Best thing the original Halloween 2 had was the best tits in the series and better than any of the F13 and NOES movies
The Shape will never die. Halloween Ends is merely the end of JLC appearing as a lead. I don't buy that she's leaving the series for good. She'll probably make a cameo in the 50th anniversary film.
>Best thing the original Halloween 2 had was the best tits in the series and better than any of the F13
Eh, these from Part 5 were better then h2's hot tub chick -
>Best thing the original Halloween 2 had was the best tits in the series and better than any of the F13 and NOES movies
H2 also had really good comfy sense of mood and eeriness. The shots of Myers on the security cams and the long dim hospital hallways was wonderful.
I am amused by the idea of Myers gradually turning off most of the lights in the hospital as he slayed the staff.
The Haddonfield memorial hospital being set out in the boonies was unrealistic. Hospitals are typically in the center of a town/city, as they're one of the first buildings when a town is established. I get there's not much continuity in the scaling and population of Haddonfield throughout the series. But it would at least be logical if they had gone with the hospital being newer, and thus it having the isolated location to accommodate for future urban sprawl.