>japanese "''''cinema"""
Japanese "''''cinema"""
Other urls found in this thread:
why do ching chongs want so desperately to be white
>your crazy asian gf will never stare at you like this
Why even live, lads?
Kurosawa would be proud
Live action Nisekoi looks retarded but god damn I cant stop thinking about having an azn qt gf
t.virgin seething
you can't get laid bro, don't get mad, have sex.
why was it made? who is the target demographic?
is it some yakuza money laundering scheme?
for kids
what the fuck
>the state of 3dpd
The Ainu came from the northern Russian taiga
blue eyes look fucking nice on jap girls. no wonder colored contacts are so trendy over there
Fucking insects.
God I wish blonde Asian girls were a real thing.
still love the prison school
They think it's quirky, like why weeaboos exist.
teacher is a cutie
ahhhhh this webm hurts me bros
Is that Ayami Nakajo with blue eyes and blonde hair?
Russians aren't white.
Jesus Christ
me in the back
thats a children film, not kino
Nowhere near as big as the manga, disappointing
japan is the most based country in the world not even close
I can only find the indonesian sub to this.
These are one of those movies where you have to get wasted in order to enjoy.
Marika? She's cute.
whiter than you mutt
For me it's panty shot
he reacts to the thing hitting his head before it hits his head.
why is my dick so hard O_O
Ayami Nakajo is 1/2 white though.
Nippon Ichiban
Gaijin BTFO
sure they are
They all look JAV actress for some reason, literally there is no way to know if they dont do porn
Pretty sure this wasnt from porn
Cute desu
yeah it from thatforgot to link it
so creepy
einstein was right about the soulless asians
Is that Paruru?
Also Nisekoi is sheeeeeeeit in all forms.
she cute
>this is a 10/10 according to Yea Forums
No they didnt
>Japanese """men"""
>why yes, I do plow tons of nip cunny, but how could you tell?
If you don't want her then I'm claiming her.
lmao it has the exact same pacing and shot composition as literal anime
Yeah. Have you looked at average white women lately? Even when grimacing, she blows them out of the water.
It's all yours my friend
Are hapa actors rare in Japan
even if they are cute, still 3DPD
The only hapa actor I know is the one that played the Kitaro live action flick
Just buy one. Theyre barely people. From Chinese restaurants to rub-and-tugs even Smalltown, USA is filled with sex trafficking victims. Just thrown down some cash and make your dreams come true
i just realized the nerd guy from prison school reminds me of styxhexenhammer
Why do they love white people so much? Its embarassing
Way better shot than when Snyder did it in Justice League.
White American or white European?
>live action anime
can't be done, even by Japs
Both. Asians want to be white more than anything, its embarassing. It hurts.
Every non-white wants to be white user. Even before colonization their myths and legends included Gods or Heroes that had blonde hair and blue eyes.
absolutely based
post the fart one already
>I cant stop thinking about having an azn qt gf
Same, bro.
Men with long hair and pins, lmao wtf.
Funny thing is dudes like this can easily get into the JAV scene.
They have like zero standards for the male actors and they get to bang hot asian women.
There are lots of hapa actors in Japan. Talent agencies in Japan have begun hiring more hapas this past few years.
just like my animus xD
>not appreciating japkino
They are. South east part of Russia has plenty of blonde koreans hybrids.
I have no idea what the fuck is going on in this thread but I love it
They're waifu-tier.
>tfw no tomboy gf to live a vanilla life with
It hurts.
Japan realized it can't compete with Hollywood/Bollywood/HK so instead of going for blockbusters it will do off beat crap.
>reaction shot of TV presenter in corner laughing at their ugliness
what a bully
Any Japkino recommendations Yea Forums? I'm familiar with the works of Miike and Kurosawa, but that's about it
why would they record this tho? feels so staged.
Love Exposure
>God I wish blonde Asian girls were a real thing.
what are finns
They literally all look like demons
Now I know why ancient Japs believed in Yokai
>Not leaving her panties hanging round one knee
immersion ruined
are we supposed to believe that asians can have blonde hair and blue eyes?
>no panty shot
Fucking unforgivable
Jav code please
Please stop posting this webm, user. It makes me sad.
People like what they don’t have
Because the things you don’t have make the weak insecure
how do they get their eyes so big??? is it CGI or is she like kinda white anyway???
also...i don't care when a swede plays Charlie Chan so why should I care when a Jap plays blonde?? LIKE WHO GIVES A FUCKING FUCK
sadly looks like better than American Capeshit
Tetsuya Nakashima
is he ejaculating ?? or peeing??
or eJAPulating??
It's his imouto
You know these otaku dramas are not the same as their actual cinema right? Their films are acted the same as all the rest of the world.
That was funny get over it troll.
That's how he wants it to appear but this dude is obviously watching these J-dramas, he loves this shit.
someone post more, please for the love of god post more
Im fucking dying
literally means faggot in spanish
thought that was joto
here's a professional tip from me, the professional man: if it looks retarded in live action, it;s still retarded when it's a cartoon, it being in a cartoon doesn't make it not retarded, it just makes it a retardd cartoon, so if you're an animaniac in this thread looking at these webms and thinking "ha ha that looks so retarded" you need to take a real close look at yourself ok
d-did she do.... IT?
how do i get a cute monkey ears gf
Fuck it. I'm moving to an asian country. I'm sick of the roasties around me. I want a sweet, virginal yellow girl.
>Not even the Japs can do real motion anime
Give up already
What's the website where you can get a Japanese penpal?
>instant boner
she's so fuckin ugly
Retards responsible for casting need to hang.
>will you come and see me every day at the children's daycare
no, do you have any idea what that would look like, a 4channelarian like me going every day to hang out at a children's daycare
Hitomi Tanaka's OnlyFan.
Imagine having a wholesome, slow-building, sweet relationship with this girl. Think about how great it would be to hold her hand for the first time. She'll make you obentos that are delicious, and you start to pick up signs that she likes you. Soon, she confesses, and says that she want to date with marriage in mind. And she kisses you for the first time when you say yes.
saying live action anime is cinema is like saying netflix originals are arthouse
I like her but she aint what you described my nigga, because I like her I won't say what happened. Nothing huge, but for an idol a scandal.
>ahhhhh this webm hurts me bros
That's Shu, he has his own waifu. He's better off without Mariko chasing him.
Y-yeah, who the h-heck would do that! That would be weird, heheheh... heh...
Is this not considered pretty offensive over there? Considering whites are a tiny minority in their country and this is effectively whiteface.
I know that the reverse, a white person making themselves look Asian, would be considered very offensive in majority white countries.
When do I peel apart her pert buttocks and ram my weenus into her cloaca with wild abandon that hurts her at first but then she starts liking it
Sounds like you prefer white girls.
And then you tell her that you have a ntr fetish and you want to introduce her to a very nice fat old ugly man with huge bumps on his dick that he hasn't washed in months. She of course says yes because she loves you.
Ok, now I have to say what happened because of this corny post.
just a fashion trend over there
it just shows that it shouldnt be offensive to do it to asians either, not that the japs have it wrong. sensitivity to this is cancer.
They're not like leftist whites.
the character is half white iirc
Actuallllly, they definitely do get offended for things like this that happen to them. They even got outraged with the rest of Asia for that Asian dude who got roughed up on the airplane.
Both the manga and the anime are a 9/10 for me, nevertheless the live action is entertaining in its own right. Thanks for the good memories user.
The character and the actress are both half white.
>liking live action adaptations of anime
#Ohitshows #mayo #saynotowhitepeople
what the fuck
this is wrong. who got offended? some bloggers? some leftist group thats not even relevant in japan? people who were given an inaccurate account of what happened? some japanese living in america that dont count as japanese anymore since they're in rome and doing what the romans do?
Japanese are really hard to offend. They also arent bad people like the opportunists who call white people racist.
Because this is what they look like in real life
This fetish has some serious potential, its like bondage pissing but with blackmail and not ropes and you just have to let her piss on you.
i literally wouldn't fuck any of them.
maybe the goalie.
what the fuck
But Japan has low birth rates though. This might be a better suggestion for Middle Eastern and African Countries.
>two-faced cunt
Unfortunate. Well, I've still got my daydreams.
No nigga, actual Japanese. Why do you act like every single group on earth isn't prone to being offended? Sure, they are less likely but it still happens.
Not gonna make it.
Just your average asians
cause i was living there at the time when this happened and no, actual japanese for the most part didnt know a thing about this and the ones who did didn't care. Out of 100 adults i taught maybe one cared and that was the odd man out, the one others would accuse of being secretly korean, the leftist.
The only thing japanese get offended by is the word jap which ironically shouldnt be offensive to them at all for multiple reasons namingly they were the bad guys in the war, they even apologized as such, and it's just a shortened version of japanese
___ _ ____ ____ __
So... too many nukes or too few?
things that never occur: The post
They're not asexual, why would you even fall for the "pure" meme in the first place?
>hint of a navel showing up through fabric
Yea ok niggy
whats this?
She's a nationally ranked karate black belt or something, so when she threatens to kill him she means it. I think that just adds another fetish layer.
gonna kirr the ariens queen
How many of them you think he fucked?
>some cute
>some not
just like most women
alex jones having fun there
Don't forget no makeup. All women are uggos without makeup.
How come Love Exposure was the only live action kino that managed to be anime-esque and not be cringe?
Chitoge is half-American.
Ayami is half-British.
Literally a hapa.
I mean, she talked shit about her group members. She said that pic related was ugly, and stuff like that. She even talked about wanting to murder this girl.
I like Jap porn but I'd no more confuse it with reality than cgi porn.
oh ok, yea u rite
>sakura and antinatalism all in the same thread
These akb girls are pretty, desu.
>they didn't do the iconic thong shot
disappointing desu
Nips have it right. Thin girls are best.
>kshit in a jthread
of course not
thatd be porn and theyd have to break out the pixels
No they didn't. They are more closely related to Okinawans, indigenous Taiwanese and Maori.
Funny shit, japs are alright in my book
Too bad any and all idols are fucking mega sluts
Mmm Paruru
only yua mikami who was an akb48 idol and then became a jav slut after she was caught with guys in public
I love this dumb super campy shit in live action but find it cringey in anime.
Ruroni Kenshin was pretty good
the fact that she kept doing it means she's pure-minded. she didn't associate it with sex
sana is japanese
I will always laugh at anyone who believes that idols are as pure and good as they portray. They're just prostitutes for hire to the highest bidder or their producer. Korean or Japanese.
> idols are as pure and good as they portray
they kind of have to otherwise they will scandal and lose followers
the sluts eventually get caught
Are you serious? The're not western whores. In nipland, their fans don't want to support sluts, so it wouldn't surprise me if most of the young girls are still virgins. Probably most of them are.
>the girls are still virgins
These threads are shit now because of /pol/
>surfboard body
You mean those Korean dramas? I've never seen a jap film that wasn't cringy Syfy tier trash
>asian with blue eyes
does this mean shes whiter than me?
>no camel toe
thats a cute bitch right there
thought this was a gloryhole at first
most won't risk their careers for dick. also they are super busy to the point where they have no time to get to know a man
they also share dorms where they are monitored.
the idols who do scandal are the obscure ones(like yua mikami who was obscure at the time). obscure idols often have no incentive to keep the no love rule so they end up scandaling.
idols that are popular are less likely to risk their careers on some guy
It looks good.
Yellow girls aren't the same as slutty white roastie artists, especially when it's so risky for them. I told you this.
let's just say his favorite rapper is rkelly
I want to find aliens just so we can send them this kind of stuff. What would they think?
kurosawa made boring movies for boomers. completely overrated
>What would they think?
That we're a Type III civilization obviously
Imagine actually believing these girls aren't getting fucked in secret
if only you knew how bad things really are
I live in Japan man, they're the same as any girl. Only difference is that instead.of being outwardly whorish, they have a pure looking public face. Get them behind closed doors and they completely change their tone. Women are women no matter where you go. Definitely hotter than any white girl though, that is for damn sure.
isn't that a man?
that chitoge is ugly
this guy gets it
Are you fucking sure about that?
Nisekoi live action is some cursed shit
Girls love sex as much as men do, but they're not as desperate as men because they have easier access to it.
Doesn't make a difference, she kshitted her appearance up.
yikes dude yikes
people like you are the ones who pull the kyoani attack when you find out reality
Asian American girls desperate for white cock should clue you in on how "pure" Asian girls really are.
Bruh other huge akb stars had a birthday party getting drunk and wild with staff and one of the girls was sitting on a dude's dick.
Damn had no idea there was a live action prison school. Legit one of the funniest anime I've watched
>desperate for white cock
>most won't risk their careers for dick
Too many stories that say otherwise.
>be tall white guy and have had multiple asian women into you
>actually have a small dick that disappoints them
this is hell. I'm in hell.
Well, white cock attached to David Beckham, anyway.
Today you've learned that the actress of Trini once cuddled up to the actor for Jason and made him get a boner, which then led her to wiggle her butt at him.
>petite girl
Damn. That's hot. Saved.
There should an asterisk there saying "No uggos and incels pls".
their dramas are literally the same lmao
and no, japan actual has auteurs that are world renowned
>all girls are the same meme
Oh my sweet summer child.
>tfw dated a vietnamese girl that hated wearing seatbelts and you always had to argue to get her to wear one because you were always thinking of the yellow ranger flying out a window off a cliff then being difficult to identify
kdramas don't look as low budget as jdramas do. jdramas look like they were shot with a iphone
whites are master race
This guy has never been outside his mom's house
>Asian girls are better, more submissive, and prettier!
- t. white guy
If only braddu pittu was there to save him
Don't forget that the one who became the biggest akb star got popular *because* of her dating scandal. And she's not even a looker.
She's literally a hapa. You're literally retarded.
for me it's their appearance and food
that submissive stereotype is a huge crock of shit after you've been together long enough
>asian americans
They've been corrupted. Everyone knows they're far worse than pure asians from asialand.
>that submissive stereotype is a huge crock of shit after you've been together long enough
White girls are more submissive on long-term relationships. Asians are the opposite and the wife is the domineering partner who holds all your money and balls.
>t. seething white roasties
>They've been corrupted.
t. /r/asianmasculinity
I see roasties started to show up. SAD.
>wants to date a pan-faced gook
>really thinks the cute ones will be submissive to him when they can't even speak English
>time and time again seiyuu and idol keep getting caught in the dick carousel
Can't wake up the deluded, I see.
>more non-arguments
Unless you're based ROC you're a dog eating gook.
>implying Asian girls aren't roasties
Also, Takamina's mom got arrested in 2012 early into the akb days for regularly having sex with a minor. The mom said that he was a delinquent who found out her son was the brother of Takamina and forcefully would go to his house and forced himself on their mom and she didn't fight it. Takamina was already living on her own at the time so wasn't around for any of it.
>all these seething roasties in the thread
every single fucking thread
>hapas have blue eyes blonde hair
you dumb motherfucker
White women can't argue against this, can they? It's obvious how much worse they are.
>Asian wife
Saw a white guy and an Asian wife once. Sorriest sight I've seen. The white guy probably isn't getting cucked by her but he had that cucked face as he's dragged from one shopping mall to the other like a dumb mutt.
The dragon lady stereotype is real.
it was cringe, but it's still my favorite movie
>he believes Asian girls aren't roasties
>East Asian women are the most attra-
>hong kong
Based and relatively purepilled.
Yeah, east asian look great. They're not obese, like white women.
I would atleast 3/5 of them.
At the very least I'd friend the others
nips were a lot more westernish back then, they're far more timid these days and I'm not saying you're wrong but you need something current and maybe not from a condom company
>what is a wig?
>what are contacts?
Also, she is a hapa, you dumb motherfucker.
jesus fucking christ fuck off kshitters
> It turns out that this boy is a friend of Takahashi's brother, who is also a local delinquent and let members of the group gather at his house during all times of the day. The 15-year-old boy used his seniority in the delinquent group and cornered Takahashi's mother into having a sexual relationship with him. They went to nearby love hotels multiple times for this purpose.
Like it was ripped straight from a doujin. Holy shit.
>nips were a lot more westernish back then
What kind of retardation are you trying to start, claiming shit you can't source?
Same here bro
>wanting to be with a pan-faced gook because muh animes made him think they're submissive sex kittens
ITT: simps idolizing pussy they'll never meet
I hope china defeats america and the west. We're so degenerate. I'd rather root for the pure chinese maiden over the feminist, whites whores.
Based Red Chad Ranger.
it's not like the west doesn't have its fair share of trash movies like Trolls, emoji movie, live action video game movies, power rangers, etc. The target audience is the same: children. The only thing that makes japshit worse is how they try so hard to make their characters white
>disappoints them
How big are you? t. guy with 4.5 incher. It's about the asian average. They should be fine with it, right?
Because it's true, and there are sources that they are having a very low amount of sec these days. Either way your source is shit, and I'm the one posting the scandals of these "pure" idols in this thread so chill out elliot.
Rino Sashihara.
Just like their animes.
She is half British
It's from 15 years ago, it's drastically changed now. Go to Shanghai and you'll see what I mean.
>creepshots of Asian schoolgirls
You guys fetishize these asians hard. What is it, exotic to you? I'll have blue/green eye kids, thanks.
Cute smile.
It's a dirty job but someone has to do it
>Yeah, east asian look great.
lol too ugly for Prada
The Japanese are honorary whites at this point, because they're smart, creative, and they understand white culture. The rest of them don't understand it, so they don't strive to be part of it.
worst post itt, congrats
It's obvious by the creepshots that the Asians you're fetishizing won't even touch you with a 10-foot pole.
Meanwhile, chads actually have sex shots touching these girls with their 7-inch poles.
why u mad
>half jap
>half bong
>somehow manages to have perfect teeth
>I-I'll have blue/green eye kids
>blue/green eyes are known to be the weakest of the eye colors that easily get sun damage
I'd say that hk people are braver, smarter, have more soul and care more about abstractions like freedom than we do. Better in every way to us decadent westerners.
just pure kino
No one gives a shit about any Asian culture besides Japanese. Explain that, faggot.
I can pull that on a good day but I often don't. There was one time she quizzically looked at it and asked "doesn't it get bigger than that?"
There's this thing called "Dentistry". Look it up.
>The only thing that makes japshit worse is how they try so hard to make their characters white
Still better than having niggers
Rough, mate. Was she asian-american? Doubt an actual asian girl would respond like that.
>I-I'll have pure white children, please!
>posts animeme
Kanna Hashimoto was/is the perfect idol.
Tell that to all of the japs and bongs with the worst fucking teeth in the world.
Based and free hk.
I want to watcha japanese live action that I Saw a webm from on /wsg/, I don't remember the scene probable Tho.
It's like this. It's a japanese live action scene. Some guy fires a gun, then another guy hits the bullet with a mace to make the bullet faster and I think there is a girl (shrink) who is jumping on the bullets. I know I'm not very good describing but if Someone understands what I'm talking about I Will appreaciate it if I can get the source
She was Asian-Asian. She didn't mean to be rude, she just blurted out a question without thinking. I took her virginity and it was actually quite difficult to get things to fit initially.
>live action
not even once
How bad is it? t. guy that's thinking about moving there
I always liked Jason over Tommy anyway.
I didn't mean to come off as mad, I just don't understand. seems like people put asians on a pedestal to me
And anri okita is the best jav right you boring ass clueless cliche
they send back an alien slapping a rock with its pincers
Too bad she hit that wall.
Bongland and Nipland view Hollywood teeth the same way we do Boogie's teeth. They don't mind "natural" teeth.
if she actually did stuff during and after her pregnancy she would've been
Kanna Hashimoto in her prime tho.
ok incel
asians aren't prognatic like that, niggers are
Why does Agnes Chow Ting speak only in Japanese on twitter lads?
They're just better, man.
>using female athletes as a sample pool
disingenuous and sadpilled
Take off those rose-tinted glasses and you'll realize the truth.
I know all of these memes are mainstream but I still find it surreal to see Pepe at a foreign political protest.
Reminder that China was recently accused of using male athletes in their track and field events.
have sex please
uh, what was the verdict? I can't tell.
That's a fucking edit, you retard.
>Some guy fires a gun, then another guy hits the bullet with a mace to make the bullet faster and I think there is a girl (shrink) who is jumping on the bullets.
Sounds like the CA Civil War airport fight, but with more soul and better choreography.
>all white girls look like the left and all Japanese girls look like the right
good bait
Seething shitskin with eyes the color of a filthy anus.
She lost, get over it.
So this explains Indians then....
PLOT TWIST: Tong, Liao, and Yang are all female, Fu is actually the one who's male.
god i wish that were me
never bothered me or my friends, and I work outside in the summer
>if you're not an incel like me you're an american shillary supporter
>Part of this phenomenon may be because blue light has a shorter wavelength in comparison to other colors, and as a result, has more energy. The extra energy can be the reason for this chemical change causing retinal-generated toxicity. “Blue light appears to damage retinal cells.
sorry I'm drunk and noticed that girl witb the fucked up eye carrying a pepe sign
It may look like it is, but it isn't.
What's the problem? Getting attached to an entertainer and then getting the gigantic bonus of porn of her afterwards is a major gift.
this kills the gook fetishist
The guy I was replying to was saying nips are pure waifu, forgetting that 3D is PD.
Oh but you are. Like I said, get over it cunt.
>Both the manga and the anime are a 9/10 for me
The manga was good until the cavalry arc and the fucking god awful ending. I hope Hiramoto gets raped to death
>Japanese "comedy"
Directed by Patty Jenkins
>i'm not american nor a hillary supporter
>y-yes you are
>we're like brother and sister
>describes her as having buttermilk skin
>got a boner from her moving her butt close to his crotch
What sort of brother and sister? Like in Alabama?
you know what weird about this whole yellow fever thing? no one whines about fuckers having white fever
white girls are loved and shitposted about on all boards but when one asian thread shows up suddenly its a fever and a "bad thing"
weird cunts
She looks like a real life Helga G Pataki
I just meant in general. There are so many idols I wish would do JAV, even just solo stuff.
More like having an Asian stepsister who knows you find her attractive and teases you for it.
after looking at it closer it's too sharp. I fucked up and that mean user was right.
>M-My fetish is a reflection of reality, gooks are objectively better and pure!
lol no
Did you reply to the wrong person?
roasties can't cope with intrasexual competition
roastbuckets and minority weebs
>only roasties point out that Asians are roasties too
Choking on that yellow pill, aren't ya?
>mocks me for liking an asian woman that doesn't look like a model
>fawns over any woman with a single blonde hair on her head
we know, minority weebs too
that one is an edit but the others are real
yeah that's why I glanced at the edit and assumed it was also real at first
Ok, I see it, I replied to him(you?), now how the fuck did you come up with that response to my post? Are you the elliot?
IMAGINE being so deluded that you think the majority of people view things the same way you do, calling all of them roasties or minority weebs.
I bet you've never even had sex with an Asian girl either.