Any movies about greek mythology?

Any movies about greek mythology?

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What do you call this phenotype?

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Why are American so hideous?


why they listening to his p.p? lmaooo

Is something wrong with his spine?


jesus christ
every one of his kids, except for ivanka, is ugly as fuck

tiffany is by far the ugliest

>Mfw Trump wears lifts

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I don't get it, for "new money" they look like Rothschild-tier demons.

Pathetic Libtards jealous that women prefer big consverative cocks over them.

Why does he stand like that?


Probably something lumbar is fucked up. The dude ain't exactly young and spry, there hasn't been a young and spry president since Kennedy and he was quite the outlier. I'm only in my mid 30s and my cervical spine is fucked to hell and back thanks to football and rugby and I stand around like an old man more than I care to admit.
>user why the fuck are you standing around like a faggot
>take your hands off your hips, it's faggy dude
>oh...heh, yeah
>goddamn dude

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>mid 30s
yikes grandpa...

Dios mío...

I think he has his pants pulled up over his waist. He has a bit of a belly and terrible posture so it makes it look like part of his back is missing

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He looked much better with the slicked back hair

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>there hasn't been a young and spry president since Kennedy
Obama was like 48 but pretty good physically

trying to hide his gut

Don Jr got some wide birthing hips

Where's the wall?


>there hasn't been a young and spry president since Kennedy

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the guy on the right looks like that one picture of the naked dude with the ridiculously wide hips from Yea Forums, you know what im talking about


The right one looks like a GTA character

the jew wannabe

his head looks possessed by astral hair

You appear to have fallen for the “Kennedy was young and spry” meme. He was basically in chronic pain for most of his adult life.

>Kennedy also suffered from chronic and severe back pain, for which he had surgery and was written up in the American Medical Association's Archives of Surgery. Kennedy's condition may have had diplomatic repercussions, as he appears to have been taking a combination of drugs to treat severe back pain during the 1961 Vienna Summit with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. The combination included hormones, animal organ cells, steroids, vitamins, enzymes, and amphetamines, and possible potential side effects included hyperactivity, hypertension, impaired judgment, nervousness, and mood swings.[342] Kennedy at one time was regularly seen by no fewer than three doctors, one of whom, Max Jacobson, was unknown to the other two, as his mode of treatment was controversial[343] and used for the most severe bouts of back pain.[344]

>staged photo op proves a 48 year old is "spry"
Now compare to this guy who fucked half the sluts in DC as well as lord knows who else. I know you want to gobble Obama's goo or what the fuck ever because DRUMPF or maybe not who gives a shit but Obama had absolute zero on Kennedy.
Your back would be fucked up also if you were hunched over a skank all the time.

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why are the lines in the ground all distorted?

Because they did a poor job giving gray suit birthing hips.

Don't question it you stupid goy just bodyshame the orange fool

I hate this cunt so much, but imagine if he kept the slick look, or even shaven bald. He would look alot better, and it would be such a power move. In addition, f he got properly tailored suits, he could look, dare I say it, good.

But instead this piece of shit will just keep lying to himself as well as everyone else.

My face when 6'3, 239 pounds

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Is it technically antisemitic to insult Zion Don?

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Make fun of Michael will ya?

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Heard you were talking shit

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your prez is fat as fuck

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What does this image have to do with Greek mythology?

I think I saw this in a chain email from my grandma.

Cause that's how they actually look like

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For you

Formerly Senators Nixon and Kennedy

body armor everytime he's out


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JFK actually had debilitating back problems and was being medicated before he died

I want to make such cummies for mummy, such cummies you wouldn't believe

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shitty shoop