What is Yea Forums's favourite pre-1940's film? For me, it's La passion de Jeanne d'Arc

What is Yea Forums's favourite pre-1940's film? For me, it's La passion de Jeanne d'Arc.

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The Big Parade

M (1931)

squeezing this in before some crazy Griffith fanatic ruins the thread

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this one

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Incredibly ahead of its time.

>Brownlow's 1980 reconstruction was re-edited and released in the United States by American Zoetrope (through Universal Pictures) with a score by Carmine Coppola performed live at the screenings. The restoration premiered in the United States at Radio City Music Hall in New York City on 23–25 January 1981; each performance showed to a standing room only house. Gance could not attend because of poor health. At the end of 24 January screening, a telephone was brought onstage and the audience was told that Gance was listening on the other end and wished to know what they had thought of his film. The audience erupted in an ovation of applause and cheers that lasted several minutes. The acclaim surrounding the film's revival brought Gance much-belated recognition as a master director before his death 11 months later, in November 1981.

I want to see this movie. Is it on Blu-ray yet?

This and Metropolis are definite contenders. Fritz Lang was nothing short of a visionary.

I was shocked at how entertaining it was when I first saw it. It's too bad a lot of the movie is in shitty quality, but it's a miracle we have it in as good shape as we do.

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It is but the whole thing is available on dailymotion like most old stuff

Faust (1926)
Excellent taste.

Grapes of Wrath

The Birth of a Nation (1915)

The million ryo pot (1935) was kino
Pic related

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The true answer is the Dr. Mabuse trilogy.

The Rules of the Game is so good. Every time I try and explain my love for it to someone my words can't do it justice.

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The Crusades (1935 A. D.)

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Was just thinking of this one. My favorite Ozu film.

Underrated as fuck

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>Faust (1926)
Based. It's amazing how famous Nosferatu is when it's far from the best Murnau film

There is no movie that makes me happier than Top Hat.

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Which everyone knows is The Last Laugh

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Almost as great as Sunrise.

phantom of the opera

The City Without Jews (1924)

Anyone else hate Mark Cousins?


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isn't this a lovely day to be caaauuuught in the raaaain

this for me too.

good taste itt, damn

The 1934 adaptation of Les Miserables.

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Rules of the Game.

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There's so much gangsterkino it's impossible to pick one.

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My nigga

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Kubrick thought that movie was shit so it must be shit

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The Birth of a Nation

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