Is she right? is she alright?

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The biggest twist has always been that Joker is the sanest one in the room, only with a zany ironic humour to him



joker is going to own the libs

Who is forcing these people to watch the Joker? seriously there are a shit ton of flicks I have no interest in and I would never bother hating on them because I don't fucking care. i don't fucking care if you watch Transformers or Strangers Things. i would never watch it but good for you. Why are these cunts trying to censor movies that scared the shit out of them?

That's one of the dumbest interpretations to be honest

Girls like her have issues, deep seated ones

What makes you think so?

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I hate the angle of "GRRR, WHITE MEN DESERVE NO SYMPATHY", but if this is the movie that finally puts normies off Batman and the fucking Joker, I'll love it.

I want that

My interpretation of the film is right! Fuck you I won't watch it.

Why isn't there similar hatred for the Harley Quinn movie? it's okay for women to bash men's heads with a baseball bat. Female on male violence doesn't seem a bad thing for these cunts.

>#mental health awareness
>haha white men can't have mental illness
Normies are all fucking hypocrites

*exhales a fat, massive vape cloud*
.. m'lady

>umm.. well... actually... everyone except the people i don't like...
im glad to have incel representation

Memes aside, this is actually kind of interesting that we're at a point where people don't want to watch a film that confirms a bunch of stuff they know to be true but want to ignore.
Before some teenagers come in talking about the left, the right is no better considering the constant vitriol and trolling everytime a black man is cast in anything

I wonder how much worse it can really get?

Whoa, that really makes me live in a society

Because being borderline and violent is empowering you incel

>I dont want to watch x
dont watch it then, i don't understand

>muh incels
If they're such an existential threat, just have government mandated virginity removal squads and everything will be ok.

>black man is cast in anything
>disingenuously avoiding how white characters are singled out to be blackwashed
Bet you’re gonna love the upcoming Black Batman series

Because Harley is a woman and it's okay for a woman to use trauma to justify being a murderer, especialy if she murders men.

>people don't want to watch a film that confirms a bunch of stuff they know to be true but want to ignore
Watch the BBC documentary "Hypernormalization". It pretty much explains how society got to the point of prioritizing comfort over truth.

She doesn't want anyone to watch movies that she doesn't like

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This, I wish dumb cunts like her would get Joker'd

to the yank folder or the woke folder?

>I don't want to think that maybe people who do bad things aren't just evil cartoon villains like in my Harry Potter movies
>I don't want to think that people can be driven to bad things due to bad things that happen in their lives

Some characters don't need or shouldn't have an origin story.
I do miss the old gangster that falls into a vat of weird chemicals that alter his mind and appearance that was fine.
Not mention yeah why is it always the joker? Batman has one of the finest rouges galleries of villians ever created and we're stuck with weirdo in clown makeup.

Then don't watch it

>Before some teenagers come in talking about the left, the right is no better considering the constant vitriol and trolling everytime a black man is cast in anything
fuck you nigger, I wouldn't care if it wasn';t specifically to blackwash characters or put blacks on a pedestal. Give me a call when it's not a straight white male being replaced by a minority, better yet, call me when it's a gay minority being replaced by a straight white male in recent times, and as frequently as the opposite occurs.

Dear Rachael Miller,

Bitch, I don't want your whining in my head, but I made the mistake of reading your mooing. I should have been warned in advance that you are not my cup of retarded cunt so I could have avoided the damage your thoughts caused me.

You are a dog prostitute. I have seen the court and veterinary documents

Oh yeah, cause there totally wasn't constant shitposting over the announcement of a black panther film...

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How do these "people" end up like this?

how about the many white roles taken by blacks
How about the white norse gods being portrayed by blacks
How about most minor and semi major white characters being played by blacks
How about the systemic replacing of straight white characters by blacks ala Spider-man

I could go on, but I'd rather you just blew your brains out you disingenuous cunt.

Somewhat agree.
P.S. no one here cares who you are. user for a reason, nu-fren

>Black Panther boasts about diversity
>almost 100% black cast

What did they mean by this?

I've regained a lot of sanity from just checking what a person looks like before spending effort critiquing their opinions.

Well eating and sitting. Imagine if she was running at that park instead, she wouldn't be so fat and bitter about men.

>I don't want to know about the consequences of alienation

Any more goalposts to shift or...

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fucking checked

>"we only complain about blackwashing!"
>*proof this isn't the case*
>"Yeah but what about blackwashing?!"

Holy shit what a monster.

Id like to ask the minorities and women here a question as a white male

You guys know we are better than you, right? We know it... and being that we are better than you, you should just shut up and trust us to continue building and improving the society you fucking live in.

You'll never convince them btw

White characters need to be recast because blacks are too fucking dumb to write their own characters.

They’re fat, ugly, and lonely. They fell into the exact same crowds your typical /r9k/ robot joined

Nobody tell her.

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>I don't want consider that those I don't like are people.
>I'd rather view everything in a childishly black and white worldview where they're evil.
Also, what the fuck does she mean about not wanting a connection between mental illness and mass murder, murderers are mentally ill.

What is going on with her eyebrows? Why do dumb cunts think that's attractive?

If you want to make a Big Think about the thing, you could argue people want to cast blacks in white character roles because it’s reversible; you can erase an entire arc of Black Spider-Man by simply going back to Peter Parker, but you can’t dump Black Panther without people looking at you.

no one hates fat girls worse than fat girls... maybe horses do.

>he says while supporting a white president who spends all day sucking off his jewish overlords
that's gonna be yikes dog

he doesnt have to

That's why they get so angry. They know they'll never have what we have, so their reaction is to try and tear us down. Its a, if we can't have it no one can, mentality, like a child throwing a tantrum.

Well he wasn't an incel in that, he had a gf. Everything went south regardless.

you have any idea how few jews exist? When they get uppity we have a whole system for calming them down called the holocaust. Never forget.

Genetics and culture. One of my friends is engaged to a fat woman who's also a bit of a loud obnoxious cunt. Her mother and all her maternal aunts are the exact same, they look the same, they act the same. It's ingrained in their every day lifestyle.

It's implied his wife cucked him and the reason she was depressed was she was stuck with him.


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Okay. It's been over a decade since I read it, so I'm hazy on the details.

These people don't care about actions, it's all about posturing and clout.

>making fun of niggers on Yea Forums is the same as complaining about blackwashing
You have to go back

>the right is no better
Cringe centrist. Yes they are. In this case

It's certainly not current white people that are going to calm them down

In awe, look at the size of this lass! How do I achieve her gains?

Blackwashing is simply the easiest route to illustrate the point you intellectual sphincter. Female empowerment at teh expense of men, and other race washing of whites is just as easy to find. Your'e not worth the time arguing further with this though, so I only hope somebody rapes you and your family to death in the near future.

the current white people... the most disenfranchised of which can wipe out a community with walmart weapons. Yeah.

t. if I had a boyfriend who wanted to see it I'd go with him

>ITT seething libtards that still can't comperhend the fact that their god emperor shitllary lost an election a few years ago
Kek, never change faggots.
Oh and try having sex once in a while, it might help you cope living in your mother's basement when you are 30 and have no job lol

>writing a post unintentionally analysing why you're a brainlet in this world sharing it with all acquaintances


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>I don't want to watch le evil incel whyte bois blah blah blah
But why though? Wouldn't you want to learn what makes people like that? Everybody loves those "getting into the mind of a serial killer" type shows, right?

>tfw modern feminism makes you hate yourself for being into fat chicks
I guess I shouldn't care too much, since I married one that isn't actually a feminist, but it still makes me want to hate them instead of fuck them gently while fondling their soft flesh.

Incels aren't men. Please dont bring innocent white men into the delusional incel male group

>white people.
>the most disenfranchised
They literally voted for their god emperor but still feel disenfranchised. I guess they don't have the privilege of hanging niggers to trees anymore

Benny Harvey R.I.P Miss you big man,
Gone but not forgotten.

but that is the logical conclusion


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So is she saying she doesn't want to see it?

Nobody who write paragraphs of bullshit in a forum or twitter is right about anything. Stop paying attention to losers who have nothing better to do than cry on social media. Fucking pathetic.

She's saying that nobody should be allowed to see it and everyone involved with it should get #canceled.

I know that society has never really be good at separating the media they consume from real life things that actually matter, but it has gotten exponentially worse in the past decade. There's an entire generation of capeshitters and soihumans that literally think movies in billion-dollar franchises are important and somehow analogous to real life.

OK then...

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She doesn’t want to see bad behavior of women because it reminds her of how she acts and she doesn’t want to accept that you can condemn a person’s actions while realizing that some stuff happened to them in their past, some of it out of their control, that helped shape who that person is now.

wh*te m*n btfo

someone needs to post this up.

>I don’t want to watch
Then don’t watch it you dumb fucking cunt

The only thing that hambeast should be watching is her weight

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>this film has some uncomfortable truths that I refuse to acknowledge

>I don’t want to see
I bet that will do the trick.

Yes, it’s one of the reasons I hate Killing Joke.

The Joker is likable because the audacity of his actions and honest to god Charisma contrast heavily with the evilness of his crimes and the damage he does. Writers too often confuse the need for a villain to be likable with the need for a villain to be sympathetic. I don’t WANT to sympathize with the Joker. The story needs me to like him DESPITE his terrible actions and not give me a reason to excuse his evil.

Has anyone copy pasted edited version of Brie Larson
>" I don’t need a white dude to tell me what didn’t work for him in ‘A Wrinkle In Time.’ It wasn’t made for him."
quote into this post

>it’s not the first thing I think of
>but the first example that came to me was killing an elephant and using its blood as paint
>I am very normal

This, basically. If you get into the history of a lot of mass murders/serial killers, you realize that a lot of them had some very serious warning signs and the system clearly failed them because trying to help was too hard, and it was worth the gamble that whoever it was wouldn't one day stab 23 people to death in an Arby's.

But that would require these vapid tools to actually do some research and learn something beyond just whatever can get them the most likes and retweets.

I just want a world war, something to shake the dust off all governments and wake them up for the real world and for real issues.
Unfortunately that's the nature of men. Without actual struggle we create our own Boogeymen, and when you let the ignorant speak freely and pretend their opinion is as valid as the truth, the stuff that is proved to work, society becomes to crumble.

what grossest part is they all have their fat ass disgusting feet right next to the food and drink. Imagine the fucking smell i would fucking puke

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Unironically the West is suffering because it's been at peace way too long. A war would have purged those kikes and all the filth they keep pouring into the well of society.

>lonely white boys
Bullying and loneliness and parental neglect is literally the excuse every black and Muslim rapist has been using for the past 4 decades.

Who dies in wars, young men
Wars would only exacerbate the problem.
You could trace the current decline in Western values to the carnage of WW1

>Implying the name “Black Panther” isn’t inherently political because of the name

Thats why we should wage against fat women.

these type of people always want to cry about the stigmatization of mental illness, but don’t care when the mentally ill are white males. because they have a one-dimensional view of the world where everyone of any particular race must be exactly the same as the stereotype they have in their heads.

She thinks that a villain being mentally ill will make people hate the current mentally ill people and associate them with a fictional murderer.

Then just don't watch it you landwhale

>Having a brief moment of sympathy for white-bois

She's alt-right.

Look at the food: bacon and crisps

No, she just wants to bash white people.

well done lad



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>le fucboi
Guess who's getting shot up

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Sure, she probably knows what she wants better than other people do. Other people do want to see the things she is describing and they would probably enjoy seeing Joker. She probably would not enjoy it so she shouldn't watch it.


Dr. Frankenstein syndrome.

At what point in this get-together does the smallest among them look around and realize what they are doing to themselves? At what point do they realize that boxed wine has as many or more calories than soda?
>wait a minute... everyone here is fat
>I'm getting fatter by being with these people

But user black screen writer, actors and directors exist and their movies can turn a profit and find an audience that enjoys them. Why are you so upset user?

Frankenstein took full responsibility for his creation and never tried to make public opinion toward the creature negative.

Exactly. Why?

>eating raw bacon

she kinda has a point

i think plato said that in a good society the media would reflect the populace, and that media that depicted unsavoury things would lead to unsavoury behaviour. i mean it's hard to argue against.

i have a feeling her sole problem is with the fact she is scared of white men though, and not that she has a philosophy on the importance of art to the morals of a citizen.

So it's the same type of people who would have been upset over Silence of the Lambs, great.

Pretty much this.That shit she wrote is the sort of thing someone writes when they know they are the exact type of person who is guilty of what is about to be portrayed negatively somewhere. Girls do this shit all the time. It's like a preemptive defense. I call it "hitting the campaign trail." It's a symptom of women's inherent lack of integrity or personal responsibility. A girl fucks something up with a guy because she's a crazy dumb bitch. It's a textbook fuck up on her part where the guy in the equation will look like a hero just for not knocking her out. So rather than own up to it, she goes around and starts trying to subtlety smear the guy to other people just in case, and in some ways, to prevent anyone ever finding out how unacceptably she behaved. Something that jumps out is
>I don't want to watch a well-intentioned BUT UNSTABLE MAN get bullied until he turns into a mass murderer.
Her placement of "unstable" is a glimpse into how a woman thinks. What she is really saying is
>I want to be able to bully a well-intentioned man, but if he reacts to the bullying he is unstable. My bullying and the collective bullying of others cannot create an unstable man. We can only accidentally trigger this already inherently evil and broken person and thus we are blameless in any of the consequences that might take place for our bullying.

Only after the Creature forced him to. The first thing he did was flee from him in horror. More than once. Then when he asked for a mate so he could go off and live out his life in peace without being utterly alone, Frankenstein refused him that, too.

That really says alot about our society

>when the fluoride kicks in

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Great post

>another brainlet without technical knowledge of filmmaking or the abilities of introspection, critical thinking, contextualization, and creativity felt the need to publish her opinion on a movie
I blame Roger Ebert for this.

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That user kinda got it wrong. He's quite clearly never the "sanest" but he does serve to point a finger at Batman and to ask why does the entire city rely on a guy dressed like a bat. I.e. what is is about Gotham that forces the guy who saves it on a daily basis to hide his face. And also he makes fun of Batman for never killing the villains and basically waiting for them to escape from Arkham and kill more Innocents - so because Batman is a pussy, more people die

The funny part is you cling to your race because thats all you have. What have you contributed to society on your own?


bitch look like a giant midget.

I always lose it whenever someone says kikebook

Not him, but I'm an EMT.

I taught special needs and helped develop tools for working with non-verbal children. Now, what the fuck have you done?

It's called being body positive

Fat people shouldnt be allowed do ANYTHING

>The biggest twist has always been that Joker is the sanest one in the room, only with a zany ironic humour to him
>That's one of the dumbest interpretations to be honest
Yet this interpretation is shared with other comics which are considered masterpieces.

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if you want fat people to not be allowed to do ANYTHING, just put EVERYTHING at the top of some stairs.

The Comedian is not intended to be the same character as the Joker. Heath Ledger's Joker is the Comedian in grease paint.

The Joker used to be used so frequently in the original Batman comics within the first couple decades, that there was a limit placed on how often the character was used.

Scary accuracy. They've spent a generation dehumanizing an entire subsection of the populace (the men they consider "untouchable" and "undateable") and because of the power of the pussy orbit their white knights and other weaker men have joined them in doing so.

This movie threatens to humanize someone that embodies everyone they've tried so hard to dehumanize and destroy.

They literally refuse to see undesirable men as actual human beings with feelings and desires and motivations. This movie is one giant episode of cognitive dissonance to them.

wtf are most of the americans look like that? im actually scared

it is a chance to sit on a powderpuff and bitch about anything that is not self involvement. Women are garbage bags overflowing with stupid. We need axoatil tanks like in dune.

>I'm sick of the joker
>because I am da joker babeee

The society we live in?