Is this movie the perfect summation of the Baby Boomer?

Is this movie the perfect summation of the Baby Boomer?

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Is the perfect summation of personal freedom clashing with the expectations of society, prejudice, intolerance.

Define "freedom" because what these two assholes did wasn't what I consider freedom. Freedom was the family they ate with early in the film. The man with his kids on a homestead.

>Define "freedom"
Chillin and driving through the country?

>Define "freedom"
Smoking a doob with your buddy by the campfiire

No but it is the perfect summation of the 60s

You are a boomer or a millenial, either way you are a faggot.

Being a self indulgent heathen didn't work out for them. They spent ZERO time on what happened to Nicholson's character. He was literally murdered because of his association with them and they packed up and went and did drugs with two hookers.

Did you miss the part where Fonda said "We blew it, man"? I think Hopper unintentionally made a critique of the hippie counter culture.

It was entirely intentional. The ending is symbolic of how the 60s counterculture ended

Right except Hopper took the lazy way out. Instead of being self aware and placing the blame for their fate on their own selfish hedonistic actions, they blame it on small town Christian, white America. "Farmers...those are the REAL bad guys, man." What a load of bullshit.

>dude, just stop having any standards at all
>you're oppressing me, dad

I didn't really see it that way. I think that there are hints here and there that both Fonda's and Hopper's characters realize that they can't maintain their lifestyles (and by extension, the 60s countermovement) forever. It was going to end one way or another, probably violently. The hicks are entirely tangential to the message

So the killing was Hoppers fault because of his way of life and not the fault of the killers that just didn't like them?

Implying it was unintentional

I think the point is the movie would have been better if it ended on real consequences for the protagonist's actions, not a completely impartial group of rednecks rolling up and killing them because they're bigots and they don't like their long hair or something.

This movie is cooler than baby boomers and represents what their ideals once were.

It was the point of the whole movie, he could have had a comfy life with the commune but he gave it up to do acid with hookers in New Orleans and continue dealing drugs.

>Define "freedom"
smuggling drugs, duh

Exactly. I thought this was blame shifting and not addressing their self indulgent actions in a believable manner. It only bit them in the ass because they crossed into the wrong redneck town where all the men are ruthless murderers. Stupid

Yes. I've heard of people who were kids when this movie came out, whose families were ruined because their dads decided to emulate the characters by buying a chopper and just leaving their families behind. I guess it's a good indication of how retarded baby boomers are and why the world's in the state it's in.

The ability to chose between options or a lack of boundaries

Except the stars of the movie were all Silent Generation (born in 1930s). Not every baby boomer was a drug addled loser dodging the draft. All the boomers in my family finished high school and became moms or put 40 hours in at the steel factory. What juice are you zoomers on with this naked hatred of all boomers?

Those rednecks just represent inevitable death and destruction, as motorcycles represent life and freedom.
It's entirely unpolitical film, everything is symbolic.

Fine but this is also has played into Hollywood’s unrelenting portrayal of all whiter southerners as brutal racists that would just as soon shoot you than help you. This movie is obviously flirting with the impression that “these are the people who dont want the civil rights act.” It’s a gross exaggeration because (((Hollywood))) loves keeping the white Christian man as the straw man for the being the progenitor of all evil in the world.

That's stupid. What if the guys they sold drugs to at the beginning of the film came and shot them?

>freedom, man
>just do what the screen tells you
Boomers are this dumb.

The best characters were the rednecks at the end. Fuck choppers, get a real bike you fags.

Attached: CBR 900rr fireblade.jpg (2048x1536, 847K)

>real bike

>goes around corners
>goes fast
Two things any kind of bike except american shit can do.

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Yet the boomers did absolutely nothing to reverse the course they were set on because they're just self indulgent led poisoned retards who were handed the world

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Can they not sound like shit lmao

I think this movie, made up by largely improvised dialogue made by literal junkies while being high, is being criminally overanalysed


Bro the American Film Institute has listed it as one of the 100 greatest American films of all time. When have they ever been wrong?