Is Doctor Who worth watching? And if so, which series?

Is Doctor Who worth watching? And if so, which series?

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The show is a mix mash between pure shit and absolute kino. The absolute kino episodes heavily outweigh the trash ones however, it's just up to you if you want to wade through them all.
Starting from nuWho season 1 is fine

Stop watching after Tennant leaves

Stop watching after Tom Baker leaves

Jon Pertwee/Tom Baker was Doctor Who's peak

Stop watching after William Hartnell leaves.

stop watching after Baker and then pick up again with Moffat

Watch Eccleston until Tennant leaves
then stop there

it gets significantly better after he leaves. Anyway, all 10 series are worth watching. There are some weaker episodes of course but all of them are at least watchable. Problems begin in 11th season. It's a total disaster. I've tried so far 7 episodes of it and first six were unwatchable and i have dropped them 15 minutes in or something. 7th(Kerblam) was very good tho and it was a fucking surprise.

Came here to post this, 9 and 10's runs were kino. Didn't watch anything before the reboot, that might have been good too.

Its probably one of the best live action kids shows ever made and even as an adult you'll probably get a kick out of it enough times every season to keep you watching if you like scifi adventure stories. Some of the episodes are serious misses but the hits are still hits.

Eccleston, Tennant, Smith & if you want to push it, maybe the 1st season of Capaldi.

In my opinion it all goes to shit after Smith. But Capaldi's 1st season is somewhat watchable. After that it's shit.

The classic series and Eccleston. The rest is up to you

That's what a lot of people seem to forget. It's a show aimed at kids/young teens. It's a great way to introduce a wide range of sci-fi ideas and concepts. Much like what Harry Potter did for fantasy. Sure there's some stuff in there that adults can appreciate, but it really should be a stepping stone for delving further into the genre.

Were it for children it wouldn't have forced faggotry and feminist ideology!

Kill them All!

>it doesn't align with my political views, therefore it must be for adults

Mate, the kid shows are basically always the ones that suffer the most from propaganda efforts. Everyone knows that if you can normalize something to a kid, it can last a life time. Most shows I grew up watching were either classic story telling like hero's journey type stuff or literal propaganda.

Cringe and menopausepilled

The original series was aimed at smart ten year old boys, the new series is aimed at exceptional twenty year old girls

Watch few Tennant episodes and forget about it.

It's actually very dependent on your first impression and how willing are you to put up with shit until you get absolute godlmine of brilliance.

I am not British and first got to know about Doctor Who when it was revived with Christopher Ecclestion, or first series of new series. I am actually rewatching it right now and without any nostalgia goggles, it's still good... I mean its good episodes are still good. It's also the perfect jump in point for new fans because, well, it's a literal revival of the series, besides reusing aliens and villains from older series it throws in new things as well. At first it will be kind of hard to take in, but it would actually increase rewatchability because boy, let me tell you, this show is made by FANS. The way Mark Gatiss started is downright laughable.

Personally, I think if you just start with Tenth Doctor you will miss out a lot of elements of meta writing that showrunners clearly infuse their seasons. But the only objectively bad point to jump into the wagon right now would be, well, current Doctor, the latest series was bad, it was about some dude that looks like ballsac with acne larping as Predator and muslims are there.

You can safely watch from Eccleston through every Smith episode with Amy, though there are a few which are so embarrassing it's not even worth watching them (you can easily find a "top ten worst episodes" list or something).

As soon as Clara shows it starts becoming more miss than hit.