The Rise of Jordan Peterson

Trailer is out

Will they demonize him?

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No I think they'll do him 'justice'


I don't get why people get so up in arms over him, most of what he says is fairly common sense, and non-controversial. Political radicals are fucking insane on both sides.

Some of his lectures are pretty interesting too, especially his Maps of Meanings ones.

Is it produced by the Koch brothers?

>Will they demonize him?
Oh it’s antiJP? Why would anyone even pay attention? What a waste of time

No he's not, he deliberately stirs up controversy. It's how he became well known in the first place. Remember that bill he said would lead to people being fired and or arrested for misgendering? It's literally nothing and nothing he talked about happened, he completely misrepresented it on purpose

I used to think this guy was pretty cool 2 years ago, but reddit had to turn him into a cult leader. Fucking cringe.

Seriously, he is a milquetoast canadian conservative. He is the human version of tweed. How does he make so many people of all political stripes get so butthurt?

why would they have to demonize him? the man sinks himself with his lobster philosophy and all meat diet mental illness (oh my god you guys i had some vinegar and i literally didnt sleep for a month. (not even a joke))

dude's unhinged and needs to clean his mental room

He also had to go and try to make money off his followers at ever point he could, selling rugs, selling some university course from a for-profit university with his name attached, selling his ''self-authoring'' course (basically just writing down your goals) , selling t-shirts, it's ridiculous

Oh, I forgot, selling ''tickets'' to watch his livestream debates on his website

Dripping water hollows out stone, not through force but through persistence.”

it's not about the issue itself, it's about the boundless charge into the epistemological abyss. men aren't women and the more you push it, the more dysfunction you'll have and the more destruction you'll have when the bottom falls out. it's about preventing the west from adopting more death memes

>now why would the capitalist be mean to the worker?
Wow what a deep analysis of marx thanks jordan

I like him. Grew up without a dad and he gives good common sense advice. Wants the west to be christian and male dominated again. Why do people here hate him? I thought only lgbtqiplus people hated him?

>Dripping water hollows out stone, not through force but through persistence.”
>it's about preventing the west from adopting more death memes
That is not at all how he presented it.

JBP is so fucking benign, how is he considered a danger to anyone? The nigger is just a dad simulator with no actual edgy opinions.

Everything he says is just repacked gnosticism.

Watching him struggle to talk about actual communism, and admitting that all he read was the communist manifesto in his debate with Zizek was amazing.

I paid 20 bucks for that self-authoring program, biggest scam ever. Just has you journal and self-reflect, I was already fucking doing that for free!

no because you can't present something like that and hope to convince people. you have to appeal to something they can understand and that's silly stuff about compelled speech and whatnot

in the political arena you aren't arguing the finer details, you're trying to recruit people

The man is a fucking fraud (and scammer)

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>I like him. Grew up without a dad
Can't fucking make this shit up

The fire rises

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He said he couldn't read all Zizeks works on such a short notice so he attacked the foundational work instead.

never even heard of this fucking pedagogue

self help guru for the lost manchildren of the internet

>aims to present a father figure for fatherless men
>this is shocking somehow
You're a meme.

>marry that slut cuz u a man lmao
>be a bitch to society lmao

Yep. Real fucking common sense.

His self help shit is fairly good.
His messaging is pretty vague at times though.
It's why people don't seem to understand why he gets so much hate when what he says seems reasonable to them.
He also complains too much about people misrepresenting him when he should focus on speaking with more clarity.

basically, yes and making a lot of money from it

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The meme is that JBP is just a father simulator for underdeveloped retards and you're a living breathing example of it

>hates communists
>hates modern leftists
>does not believe trannies are real women
>believes christian values undergird the west
>thinks men should start families
>thinks women are happier as mothers
Tell me one reason he is not based

Is he the one man that can stop the gamers from rising up after the Joker premiere?

>omg anti-socialist theocracy is the new counter-culture so based and redpilled

Not the same person, dipshit. My life is thoroughly in order and always has been. You on the other hand clearly had your development stunted somewhere around 12 years old.

Sure, champ

He's not a white nationalist or a neo-nazi

What advice would you give to people without male figures in their life? It is an epidemic in the west. Why are you dismissive of this?

common sense is mostly bullshit though

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Well nobody is perfect.

There is a big post somewhere online about someone who almost got scammed (think it's from reddit) into signing up for Peterson's university. It was some other uni that had Peterson's name attached to a course it seems in some branding deal, they were looking for $60k a year and wouldn't answer any questions about the course. Bizarre.

Feminine response


>helps manchildren get their shit together with basic advice they obviously were lacking
Why is that considered a bad thing?

I hope you don't do this

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You got utterly blown the fuck out and simply tried to get the last word to salvage the situation. I'll say again: COPE, incel.

If I'm the one who was blown the fuck out, why are you the one angrily posting?

clean your rum

Why do women hate men trying to improve themselves? Peterson is no genius, he gives basic bitch advice, but it is clear some people need it. Do people resent manchildren trying to improve?

>Why is that considered a bad thing?
In itself? Nothing. Peterson's book is typical self help shit, nothing bad, but nothing you can't find in a million other self help books.

I am suspicious of Peterson himself though, something seems off, and the cult like behavior of some of his fans, and his constant seeking to make profit from his fan base at any chance is alarming.

>The Rise of Jordan Peterson
more like
>rise of virgin white men who grew up without fathers so they need a new daddy to tell them what to do

>I don’t think it’s a good idea that the government can compel me to use certain words by law
>this is considered harassing trannies
The absolute state of Canada

>"oh how sweet, a man reading on the train"
thought no woman ever.

antiwhite and zionist controlled opposition

i don't care or mind this guy but I enjoy the fact that he became a boogie man for the left, especially when he's actually whitebread.

All the bill does is make it illegal to specifically harass someone based on gender identity, similar to race or religion which were protected before.

It says absolutely nothing about forcing you to use words.

This has gone beyond cringe

Remember a lot of his fans were addicts and hopeless manchildren. That fervor is the typical AA types that finally got some stability in life and want to proselytize. The dude is just a regular therapist in over his head. But turns out the west is having a manchildren epidemic, so he strangely enough is needed. It is bizarre.

I'm beginning to think most people resent cult leaders because they're too stupid to make one

cope cucknadian

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>you have to call this man a woman or you’re breaking the law
Sounds like compelled speech to me, cucknadian

Wrong. How about you read what the bill is and not get your information from Peterson.

Yes and?

Don't you think it's concerning that so many men are undeveloped retards? Why do you think that is?


You all worship this man along with all the other e-celebs it's really unhealthy.

Didn't he say that the White race isn't a real thing? I don't like this jewish puppet.

Simple. The far left hates him because he hates commies and does not buy gender theory.
The far right hate him because he does not support a white only ethnostate and he hangs out with jews a lot.
There, now you know why both /pol/ and faggots both hate him.

>The chad communist

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It's a combination of this and younger people feeling something is wrong in the west, bit everywhere they turn they're confronted with Marxist professors and articles telling them marriage is bad, cheating is good, trannies are natural, etc. When someone with accreditation and basic speaking skills starts backing them up, they're going toatch onto him.

>the virgin ''classical liberal''

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*To latch

His problem which is common especially with professors is his communication style, the subject matter and mannerisms that will always put people off because it doesn't come off as common sense to everyone or to most people. Basically teachers are good for teaching and you like them if you already agree with them but when they overreach into real world they will get attacked.

What does he actually believe? It seems he hates all other kinds of commie, but still identifies as one.

Anti white cunt
98% of what he says is true, common sense advice. And he insidiously mixes it with 2% of anti white garbage.

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he's got a pretty deep take on peter pan

his first book is about the rise of consciousness and the evolution of religions yet somehow his work is boiled down to "wash your penis". explain.

You realize he helps your cause more than hurts it? You realize your ideological purity tests are just like what commies and trannies do?

he's just a complainer that is good at dissecting things

He had to appeal to his new and wider audience after he got popular. He went from interesting, though pretty out there, theories about religion, stories, and public unconscious, to self help books. Sad. What I am saying is he sold out basically.

not nearly as deep as his psychological analysis of Pinocchio.

the "right" hates him because he's an antiwhite globalist shill who literally worked for the u.n. and george soros' protege, and speaks to the trilateral commission and zionist organisations

Lefties and righties hate him because he rejects the notion of collective identity (muh white guilt, muh white race) and thinks everyone should work to improve themselves


But he's already fallen? Right wingers have seen through him and left wingers have stopped chimping out over him. He's not relevant anymore

>antiwhite globalist helps the prowhite antiglobalist cause

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Name one mainstream political or social figure that agrees with your political beliefs openly.

For me, it's Lauren Southern

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Righties love him

the selling rugs thing was where i stopped listening to peter. how does someone reach a point where they think selling autographed rugs is an ok thing to do. quite bizarre.

Moderate conservatives, yes

But actually far rightists (/pol/) hate him

Regardless of what the bill actually says, it's already been used the way he feared it would be.

>Female grad student uses a clip of Peterson ina presentation she's doing to show one side of a debate.
>Marxist professor and university staff pull her into an office an interrogate her.
>After verifying she is not one of his followers, the professor tells her she should have prefaced the video by saying Petersons stance is horrible and immoral.
>Tells her she is guilty of violating the law, as her playing the video is an attack on trannies.
>Says that what she did is basically no different from playing a Hitler speech.

Marxists don't care about the letter of the law. Peterson knows this, so he has every right to care about compelled speech.

I like him but his advice is outdated because western society is too far gone. Hopefully we will get back to traditional values but not before the harsh violent happening.


>You realize your ideological purity tests
I understand what you are saying and its fitting for certain people

But jordan is very clear and repeats multiple times that whites should not work together, whites should not try to be a majority in their countries, and he says its evil to think that way

Marxism is a system of analysis, not a prescription.

He helps men, wants them to start families, hates feminism and commies. Believes there is a global conspiracy by marxists and social constructivists to target children. I guarantee he has redpilled more people to your side than not. If you want to gain ground, you cannot be like lefties that infight over the smallest thing.

why? what does that have to do with juden peterstein and his antiwhite message?

The only thing worth listening from him is about individualism. Otherwise he's not credible

Cringe. It's not 2016 anymore.

I want to know who your purity test allows you to admire. Name a popular mainstream social figure that supports your beliefs.

People who have high charisma ( magnetic personality ) take no responsibility for their actions similar to manson

Is Judas Priest's Between The Hammer & The Anvil worth pausing to actually watch this?

> it's already been used the way he feared it would be.

> hired by the university reported that the meeting should not have taken place, that "no formal complaint, nor informal concern relative to a Laurier policy" had been registered, and that Shepherd had done nothing wrong by showing the clips.[8]

Nothing happened, what the professor did was shitty but she didn't break the law, the bill was not used in anyway.

What is UK

there is none. you cannot become a popular, mainstream social figure if you have my beliefs

Is that the judas priest doc? I heard good things

>Resurrection Europa
>narrator sounds like he's American

I wonder just how much money she made from her orbiters.

wow he isn't chanting for a race war wow so anti white

you faggots are such fucking babies

look man, it's not the issue itself. it's that universities are producing dysfunctional and brain infected people. preventing the proliferation of death memes is just a moral thing to do

>it's not going to happen
>it's not happening
>it didn't happen exactly like that
>it happened and it's a good thing

Yet even he was still shook to his very core over the massive power of gender pronouns

What you say is literally against Marx's Theses on Feuerbach.

No the song, is there a JP doc out? Thanks user, now Im definitely not watching this trailer and searching for that instead.

Jesus christ dude you sound like me, how are you this based?

The enemy of good is perfect

he believes that white people organising and working together as a group is evil and must be destroyed. that makes him an antiwhite shill and racetraitor. i don't care about his stupid self-help advice or his other political views

All I see is a melting alcoholic what is this guy's thing?

I was talking specifically about the bill, and what Peterson claimed about the bill. It doesn't give any powers that Peterson claimed it does, you can't get arrested for calling somebody the wrong name, you aren't forced to use certain words. It adds gender identity into the same category as race and religion, e.g. you can't evict someone just because of race or religion.

You can criticize it but be honest about it, which Peterson wasn't.

Says the person who cries over water fountains. Oh my gosh. Such oppression.

Or are you the type who thinks the most important political issue today is ensuring the rights of people to stick their penises inside other men's anuses?

My bad, I was thinking of this
Still better than that trailer tho

I can tell you are a lefty because you strawmanned me so hard

Not he says whites shouldn't come together for their collective interests.
He says people shouldnt see themselves in terms of race, but only white people would ever actually do this, making white people weaker. Blacks, arabs, jews etc will always see themselves as a group. and the group always wins

In one of those videos jordan is asked a question like "are white people needed to uphold western values (because some scientist said it was in whites natural behaviour)" and instead of addressing the question jordan just calls the question asker evil

Common sense has been lost in today's clown world

>he's a zionist, globalist, antiwhite shill, but if you criticise him you're just a purist!
fuck off. peterstein is grifter scumbag happily fleecing his brainless cultist followers


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>Jordan Peterson: I'd love to kick him in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch him with the full force of my steel capped toe under his chin, send that little faggot flying through the air.

You just admitted no mainstream figure supports your beliefs. Maybe you get off on purity, but you will enact no real world change without some degree of compromise. Would you rather be "right" and perish alone? Or actually create a coalition of beliefs and get something done?

>Koch brothers?
Leftists that scapegoat the koch brothers are fucking tools.

While googling I actually stumbled onto this
Never heard of it but Ill give it a shot.

Marx is garbage for pseuds.

So is Jordan but good damn marx is worse

>You just admitted no mainstream figure supports your beliefs
because they're not acceptable in the mainstream, which is a controlled environment in which only approved thought is permitted. do you not know this?
>you will enact no real world change without some degree of compromise
exposing a literal enemy and traitor is not a refusal to compromise
>Would you rather be "right" and perish alone?
peterstein and his worshipers are not on my side. how are you not getting this?

honest? do you want me to be honest on wether men can be women or not? men and women are different for all intents and purposes; they have different evolutionary strategies, they have different capabilities and they'll perform differently on the marketplace. incentivizing *BAD IDEAS* like *MEN CAN ACTUALLY BE WOMEN* or *WOMEN CAN ACTUALLY BE MEN* is just a bad idea. there is nothing you can prove, not even the existence of anything. you can always become more epistemologically unhinged. with a high enough verbal IQ it's possible to argue for the uselessness of taxonomy all together because all biological life is ultimately on a spectrum

the problem is not an intellectual one but a societal one; these death memes are harmful and they will reduce productive behaviors. they will make people sad and useless and they'll start cutting into their genitals instead of raising children and planting gardens.

you'll have women acting like men but not really acting like men because they'll be useless compared to men in a violent conflict and you'll have men acting like women but not really like women because they can't have children and they're actually more violent than real women

the bill itself doesn't matter, what matters is the idea. it's death of a thousand cuts

>death memes
what the fuck are you talking about

I just hope you manage to enact real political change rather than stay online and make purity tests. You need allies. Unless you don't actually want to make a change and just complain.

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Dilate :)

>It's literally nothing

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political change is not possible when the political system is a controlled farce. the major demographic shifts currently underway also render political solution impossible

Again this has nothing to do with the bill

Essentially this, You can like his Dr. Phil shit for millennials all you want but the fact is he rose to fame on a springboard of lies, fear and hate towards transgender people

Complete bullshit. First of all, his campus wrote him letters threatening to fire him specifically because they thought that what he was saying (i wont say the pronouns you force me to say) may have been illegal under that precise article.

Also, all you need to do is listen to the debate he had on his own campus with that insane radfem who looked like drew carrey and the passive aggressive feminist law teacher. JBP would say something about marxism, the law teacher scoffs and calls it conspiracy theories and then the radfem immediately confirms that she indeed wants exactly what JBP says she wants... JBP says the law could see you arrested for misgendering. Law teacher says no, just a fine. JBP says "what if you dont pay the fine?" Then she ignores that point for the rest of the debate. Its a complete shitshow and even though the man spergs out here and there about marxism, the others confirm every fucking word no matter how outrageous.. i was honestly surprised at how candid they were.

>man reading about taking responsibility for himself, his family and society; being honest and generally the best version of himself is fuck no
I'm not even mad, she'll get her just deserts.

fair enough I mean the book was based on a quora response he wrote and he saw the upboats and thought "wow people appreciate basic advice!" so he rolled with it and it's made him a ton of money. good for him. it doesn't invalidate all of his previous lectures on the development of personality, consciousness, and religion.

People who think they don't need guidance are the ones that need it the most.

>threatening to fire him specifically because they thought that what he was saying (i wont say the pronouns you force me to say) may have been illegal under that precise article.
It wasn't illegal under the article and he wasn't fired.

Some guy was already taken to clown court over that bill

>the book was based on a quora response he wrote and he saw the upboats
For anyone that thinks this is a joke, it's not
Give me a news link

He talked shit about MGTOW but later took it back

viral ideas that aren't useful to the general population. a tranny is objectively more useful when xir is out in the field picking potatoes instead of suiciding because of weird stuff xir read online

sorrows of young werther is a perfect example of a death meme. spread enough death memes and it will eventually become a real drain on society

>"oh how sweet, a chad reading on the train, let me take a pic"
thats really what they think and do, theres entire tumblrs or whatever the fuck for it

His self-authoring course had already made me suspicious, because it sounded like you were bring charged for a list of questions. Later I learned that it was literally exactly that. Then after that his patreon made me raise my eyebrows. The guy was making 50k+ a month just to film his lectures. The last straw for me was when I saw him selling lobster shirts.

Thinking Marx is for pseuds is for pseuds
Most "Marxists" today are also pseuds
I am not saying the ideology he produced was good but there is more to him than most people think

>Give me a news link
>give me a jew from MSM saying it not a white person

Even if i did that you would still brush it aside
Google "Bill Whatcott"

Dont let them kid you. The only people screeching about JBP selling memorabilia are discord trannies who hate his guts bc they want men with guns to rape you when you call them men. Who gives a shit?

>It's literally nothing

you are insane for defending this

>on such a short notice
Horsehit. Their debate was scheduled months in advance.

>I only listen to approved™ mainstream media sources.

Because women are sociopaths and only thing they hate more than betas are fake alphas

>Didn't he say that the White race isn't a real thing?
objectively correct though

>something seems off

yeah. Its you

Cope harder

There is only one thing to be said in this thread: Juden Peterstein

>Trans people bad

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Le strawman

He ultimately wasnt fired because of the attention/support and because so far no one has actually leveled a complaint that he ACTUALLY misgendered them. The threat was because they thought the mere act of him saying he MIGHT misgender could potentially be against c16. Whether he ended up fired is irrelevant. He was threatened by the university specifically because of c16. Youre full of shit. They cite it in their letters.

>Le strawman

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Keep seething

why do people listen to this schizo?

>He was threatened by the university specifically because of c16. Youre full of shit. They cite it in their letters.
Just because they cite it doesn't make it correct, he could neither have been fired or prosecuted and he wasn't.

I'm sure the uni was desperately trying anything they could to get rid of Peterson, due to the media attention but they had no legal cause to do so.

He's goofy

do americans really not clean their rooms?

deshi deshi basara basara deshi deshi basara basara deshi deshi basara basara deshi deshi basara basara

frankly this just makes him sound based

Le sniffing pure ideology funny accent slav and so on and so on

stay mad

and so forth

Imagine not being a TERF

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>the actual redditor manchildren ITT defending him unironically even 3 years later
Don't make your manifestos too cringe when you shoot up the school.


That's the thing: Peterson SHOULDN'T BE CONTROVERSIAL! The fact he is shows whats wrong with the world.

people side with zizek because they want to be against peterson ever though they usually have no idea what Zizek's ideas are. both have interesting ideas and both are somewhat flawed

I don't care about trans people. The likeliest future is one of real transgenderism where you can play with genes and replace the skin and stuff. However, it's obvious that this "play with identity" is an obsession for people who've lost the belief in changing structures and actually improving society; they want to have their identity validated by capital. It's a bad kind of game

>being a literal transfaggot

>epic electronic music
>shitty movie maker effects
stopped right there

Your father will never love you and neither will Jordan Peterson.

both of them are lame nerds that people listen to because they’re somehow dumber than the two of them.

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Only required for peterson

Also lol dude got verbal slapped around zizek

Any excuse not to see the truth huh?

People side with the one who shows most competence. Peterson made a fool of himself in their debate. Zizek didn't exactly win, it was Peterson who lost.

The bill makes trannies a protected class. If you think lawyers wont be solidifying cases of misgendering into law, youre fucking insane. Thats exactly what trannies call "hatespeech". Its their nword. There have already been cases.

And regardless of the cases, just look how insane this whole thing already is where people are scared to death to fucking discuss this shit for fear of possible legal ramifications in the future.

Regardless, you can prove that wrong by deliberately misgendering some radfem trannies on video. That sure would shut peterson up when nothing happens to you as a result like you claim.

politics is cringe

Imagine still being a right wing reactionary in 2019. Absolute cringe. Thankfully it's slowly changing, 2016/17 was the height of this shit and this site was unbearable.

the goyim are going back to sleep (and that's a good thing)

No, that is just the mods getting more active and the 4channel switch. I am more radicalized than ever.

What would an amerishart know about marx besides muh gorillion dead

Don't go shooting up your highschool please

>replies: 196
>posters: 73

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>fake alphas
Except women are unable to see the difference between the real man and loser puffing his cheeks. That's why pick up artists owned them en masse.

seriously if thats your attack on him it just makes you and the society you want to create look bad. Yeah Petersons Philosophy might resonate with young guys because they had troubled relationships with their father... and? Cant exactly blame toxic masculinity and traditional values for that.

That's like 2 and a half posts from each poster retard, thats normal

There is no "sleep". Tens of millions of people got woken up and angry. Theyre just more scared to voice their opinions because of ruling class power. And this thread is teeming with good little zealots who miraculously consider themselves counter culture and heroes of the people.

Material conditions have not dropped yet enough but they will, don’t worry.

No it's really not you mentally ill tranny

Yes it is.

What else is there to know, tankie?

Trans people themselves think trans people are so bad that they try and off themselves

the fact that the status quo uses it's power to clamp down so hard on dissent shows they view it as a real threat now. it's somewhat encouraging. they're losing control

>threads on Yea Forums consist of multiple simultaneous conversations between two parties
1. Uhm sweetie, that's not how it works, your Discord is showing
2. Your fake vagina ain't fooling nobody

Trans suicide rates go way down after transitioning, if you are suggesting they kill themselves at higher rates then you are also suggesting transitioning is the most effective treatment

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>It's literally nothing

You are a lying sociopath.

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Damn literally just parroting People’s Veto, I like althype but JP argues for the de-collectivization of all race groups to be fair, not that I think white people are the ones in need of de collectivization, but it’s NOT targeted at whitey

are you fucking kidding me ? they make a movie after that guy?

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>Trans suicide rates go way down after transitioning
i'm pretty sure that's not true but i don't care enough to check

Again, nothing to do with the bill Peterson sperged out about. Also, post links to news stories not screencaps if you are going to post anything





"White identity" is an anti-natural american thing and shouldnt exist but that goes for all race-groups


He literally said nothing wrong about that bill.

Currently in another province of BC a tranny "Jessica" Yaniv is suing a bunch of small salons for refusing to wax his dick and balls. All because they wrote it into the law you cant discriminate against them

Wow take your meds tranny thats cringe as fuck.

No no no, the most effective treatment is them not transitioning and then they’ll just no longer be a problem after a while :)

Also trans issues are an artificial issue inflicted on us by those above to keep us squabbling about .5% of the population. The most bourgeoisie of social issues when wages haven’t risen in 40 years, homes are more expensive than ever and social mobility has stalled but without community bonds to compensate.

that's the basis of all organized religion and the most potent force for political mobilization the world has ever seen. stay mad

t. too dumb to understand the lobster analogy

The left hates that he doesn’t accept their framing on news/facts. Such as when he is asked how his work helps women, so he says it helps men (since that is what he focuses on). It’s a bit irritating because it’s not really answering to act like the focus of the question is irrelevant or off topic for the question, a thing he does frequently in a matter of fact way (“no what I’m saying is...”).

There are people on the right who also get irritated by this as he essentially dodges the meat of questions like that of Israel firsters and whatever else. He focuses on talking about what he wants to no matter what the subject of the conversation is.

Wash your peen while i openly on webcam have a pretty dirty peen

>comparing JP to a prophet or a political leader
massive cringe

Its either that or just that theyre so powerful now, they know they cant be touched... i fear its the latter but stay hopeful youre right



bluepilled shills on suicide watch

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I would say college educated Americans could tell you that Marx was a communist thinker, the meanings of proletariat, bourgeoisie, and repeat the phrase “seizing the means of production” that’s about it.

hilarious how peterson became popular by bitching about muh ebul marxists but when he tried to debate an actual marxist philosopher he got owned like a fucking student because he never actually read anything besides a fucking pamphlet. He's a fucking joke and so is his cult

althype doesn't talk about peterson
>JP argues for the de-collectivization of all race groups to be fair
yeah i'm sure billions of nonwhites will listen to him and happily turn into antiracist liberal individualists
>but it’s NOT targeted at whitey
yes it is

It has everything to do with Bill C-16 you lying, psychopathic cunt. Decisions like this by the Supreme Court would not be possible without that bill cementing gender expression as part of human rights.

How many more families and young people do you need to destroy before you pieces of shit are satisfied?



>It has everything to do with Bill C-16 you lying, psychopathic cunt. Decisions like this by the Supreme Court would not be possible without that bill cementing gender expression as part of human rights.
Nope, cite it or shut your stupid mouth.

that's the thing; he's a poor kermit-voiced substitute for a political leader but simply asserting stuff authoritatively will embolden people. it's simply how it works

Forgot the wojak

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>but JP argues for the de-collectivization of all race groups to be fair

No he does not.

SO The Rise Of Jordan Peterson- AND THAT'S THE BLOODY THING ABOUT The Rise Of Jordan Peterson

>Trans suicide rates go way down after transitioning
Provide a source lmao, I already know it’s not true but I want to watch you stumble in your mental gymnastics.

Why do you enjoy seeing the lives of teenagers destroyed? Is it a fetish? Why have you not killed yourself yet?

You won't stop being a failure by worshiping a new e-celeb.

>A Canadian court has ruled in favour of a transgender teenager who this week argued he would be left “stranded” between genders if the judges backed his father’s legal efforts to halt his hormone treatment.

>The case centres on a 14-year-old from Vancouver, who started publicly identifying as a male at 11.

>After a suicide attempt and meetings with medical professionals, the teen requested hormone therapy to transition from female to male, but his father took legal action to stop the process.

>“I will be stranded between looking and sounding feminine and looking and sounding masculine. I would feel like a freak,” the teenager wrote in an affidavit which was read out in court on Tuesday.

>In February a lower court ruled that the Infants Act, which gives wide latitude to a minor’s ability to consent to medical procedures, permits the teen to receive hormone therapy at a Vancouver hospital.

I remember my first day here too

Does the dude realise that radical individualism itself is an ideology? But as its been in power as the ruling ideology for decades now people forget that it sprung from enlightenment writings from overwhelmingly the anglo world.

Does he think that people without ideology indoctrination come to the conclusion radical individualism by themselves without the centuries of prior ideological development? Tribalism is arguably more primitive and closer to being ideological free

Its right in the bill. It makes trannies like you a "protected class". Thats what makes it illegal to say nigger. The fact that there isnt a direct case against peterson doesnt mean it cant happen or that it even matters.. its already effective at shutting down conversation which is part of his whole schtick you disingenuous puss filled gash that will never give birth

They're like a year late with this, everyone's forgotten about that broken record.

Love how he cant talk about the holodomor or jews lol what an honest academic who refuses to talk about topics in his wheelhouse while seemingly having the answers

i have an announcement to make

Why do you enjoy seeing the lives of teenagers destroyed? Is it a fetish? Why have you not killed yourself yet?

Based honestly. Why do chapocels take issue with this passage?

>Why do you enjoy seeing the lives of teenagers destroyed?
How destroyed? The teens father stopping treatment against the teenagers will would have left his life destroyed.

You are a disgusting liar, if you know althype then you have seen “Jordan Peterson’s fancy backswing”
Look man I think it shouldn’t be evil to have white people run a country with exclusionary borders like literally ever non white country does. JP dose not help that become a reality, but he really isn’t doing as much harm as you think, and you’ve gotta except the Jews as having one of the highest IQs, there is no way around it if you except race realism.

watched a sneak of the movie. pretty fun, but half of it is demoted to the "unspeakable evils of apple cider" for some reason. didn't really know what the old man ment when he spoke about a feeling of impeding doom. not beeing able to sleep for a month because of a glass of appel cider also sounds... impropable

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Wow if you were trying to imply you turned out fine without male authority in your life i think you kinda blew it.

And yet pretends to not know about (((them))).
He advocates group identity for everyone else except for caucasians. Meaning that all those "individuals" of him will sooner or later be ran down by the masses.

>incel pope
yikes and cringepilled.

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That’s not scapegoating. They bankroll JP. Pay YouTube to push his videos to people like me who have NEVER watched anything remotely like his shit. Now, post Žižek debate, they still push him on us. Nobody but fools buy this turd. He’s nothing

>radical individualism

what are you even talking about?

r/chapotraphouse working overtime ITT

Thats jp’s ideology that he claims isnt one. The rest of my writing is pretty clear

Whatever happened to Peterson's ''twitter alternative'' website? I remember he announced Sargon of Akkad would be joining when it launched lmao.

It was also a paid monthly subscription to use it, no surprise.

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ok so he made one video on him. he still doesn't talk about peterstein often
>he really isn’t doing as much harm as you think
he tells people that nationalism is evil and should be destroyed. he works with zionists and globalists. he's harmful. the extent isn't the issue
>you’ve gotta except the Jews as having one of the highest IQs, there is no way around it if you except race realism
amazing non sequitur

He doesnt answer that question because its only purpose is narrative framing. Its meant for nothing but hurting his public image. That question implies theres something wrong with him for not setting out to specifically help women over men.

>oh yea peterson? Well how does your lecture series stop overpopulation?

It doesnt try to do that while he doesnt hurt women either (honestly helps them a good bit by helping their husbands/bfs/sons/fathers get their shit together and better provide)

It serves a different noble purpose. The fact that question is even able to be raised without public anger is a testament to how fucked we are. Imagine the question reversed to ask some radfem why her blogs dont try to help men more often.

Peterson threads always attract trannies

This one:

>He said: “It’ll be a subscription service. And so that’s partly what makes it a replacement for Patreon to some degree, because we want to be able to monetise creators.”

This was back in June, guess he hasn't launched it yet. Imagine paying Peterson a monthly subscription for a shitty twitter alternative

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chapo got banned from reddit

It’s a useful technique for Peterson to use, but it’s not hard to just answer the question since there was the Channel 4 interview where he ended up doing so several questions after initially asked.

He himself demonstrated he could both answer the question yet also dodge it then act like his non-answer was an answer.

Zizek didnt hold any positions or remotely defend his marxist view. He just bitched about problems of capitalism or human nature which peterson agreed with.

You nutters who think anyone at all "won" that debate are strange and angry. Its as if neither was even there.

The fact that the Communist Manifesto (basically a pamphlet for uneducated workers) is the only Marxist thing he’s read, tied to the fact that he’s constantly attacking “Marxism” shows that he’s full of shit.

He literally says nothing, fucking wasting my time with that bullshit


Yeah, pretty bad for an academic desu

Lmao he really is trying to milk his fans of all they got.


Zizek is a better critic of the modern world that jp, who arguably is a cheerleader of the status quo, and as people are increasingly apathetic to the current state of things naturally they’ll cheer zizek

wow what a great argument
There was a reason for me to strawman you since it actually connected the dots on why you hate peterson

It's hilariously obvious by now that Peterson is in it for the money

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You brought up how he’s so pro Jew, not me. I’m trying to hear you out because I believe it’s possible you know something I don’t, but I’d give up 2% white unity to dismantle trannies, I say it’s a win, your arguments have not swayed me.


He’s mainly a follower of Hegel, who paid the foundation down for Marx, he’s definitely not a standard commie

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Peterson is the reason I radicalized and became racist so I owe him a lot. He proved to me there is a tranny and social constructivist cult in the media. Everybody needs a first step.

>He says people shouldnt see themselves in terms of race, but only white people would ever actually do this, making white people weaker. Blacks, arabs, jews etc will always see themselves as a group. and the group always wins

Ok how is that anti white?

Where did Peterson say he wanted blacks and jews to tribalize?

You can bitch and whine that Peterson is an idiot or naive but acting like he's just going full "White Genocide" is embarrasing

And please

>I can tell you are a lefty because you strawmanned me so hard

Drop the tough guy victim bullshit

>They bankroll JP. Pay YouTube to push his videos to people like me who have NEVER watched anything remotely like his shit.
Prove it you dyke cunt.

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I know it's

but a lot of this shit is actually hilarious and the sources are right there, it surprised me how goofy this turned out. he is absolutely a memecore sophist grifter on the level of stefan molyneux but like if stefan read enough to obfuscate his points better.

I came here because the chapo subreddit got banned desu

Trannies are pushed by jews, its not a natural issue, don’t target the symptoms, target the cause

maybe you're confusing me with another poster. what does jewish iq have to do with peterson's support for zionism and refusal to discuss the jewish role in bolshevism/ussr? i also haven't said anything about trannies

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I think he's based.

It started me on the path of wanting white unity, and a state run by whites for whites with borders that are exclusionary like every other non white country on earth.

You are in a fever dream. Youtube knowingly bleeds viewers specifically so they can shut down non-progressive thought.

I knew Yea Forums had become noticabley cringier

>Where did Peterson say he wanted blacks and jews to tribalize?
he doesn't have to since they do it by default and aren't capable of anything else. peterscum wants whites to play by a set of rules that everyone else on earth just ignores. that makes him antiwhite

>be me
>24 year old free thinker
>nobody understands me
>least of all mom and my stepdad
>don't like even thinking of him as dad, call him by his name, craig
>mom and craig always getting on my case about getting a job
>they don't understand that chaos will always persist
>whenever craig yells at me I just slam my door in his face and watch JBP lectures

No they don't. If you watch a peterson video on a fresh youtube account you still get ''SJW cringe rekt'' videos popping up everywhere

>you’ve gotta except the Jews as having one of the highest IQs,
No, you don't, not if you look at the flaws in the studies that claim it.
Did you mean accept?

Found out from a lit thread. I knew someone was pushing him but didn’t know who till this.

>noooo i got offended delete this post now
the right are such snowflakes

You could be right about that, what about IQ though? Is it possible Jews are in positions of power because they as a group have a high IQ?

Being self aware enough to know that you're a faggot for reading rationalwiki does not in fact absolve you of being a faggot who reads rationalwiki.

>Is it possible Jews are in positions of power because they as a group have a high IQ?
yes? what does that have to do with anything?

Those flaws being ?

There is nothing wrong with being trans

There is nothing wrong with being Jewish

There is nothing wrong with being gay, or hispanic, or black

Peterson is a fraud, grifter, and a sad excuse for an an ''academic''

YouTube is a for profit neoliberal monopoly that slaps down far left and some far right content.

At least you admit you've done zero research. Look into it, learn something for a change.

Maybe I misunderstand your position, you simply don’t like radical Zionism? I don’t either, do you have any evidence on hand that JP supports such things?

It bad to support trannies mutilating their bodies.

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>that spacing

You made the assertion with no evidence, I may look into it at that, but you have made a poor case for yourself.

Trans people are like 0.3% of the population and of that small amount an even smaller amount ever have re-assignment surgery. In order to have that surgery you have to go through years of psychiatric assessment.

>It's not common sense to make the best of what you have in your time and place
user, I

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Your claim is conjecture and projection, your proof is nonexistent and your brain is tiny. Get a job.

Some other user said it earlier but its so true... scumbags, trannies and scumbag trannies absolutely fucking hate petersons guts. I wonder how many of them just didnt have a decent father figure, imploded and now its just a crabs-in-a-bucket mentality

My interest in Peterson was rapidly rising until the point of wanting to get his recent book, when I found out he's christian and the book heavily features bible passages, instantly dropped. Can't take a supposed intellectual seriously if they're religious, how a grown adult can believe those things is beyond me

He's a modern-day philosopher.
That's basically it.
He dares to think for himself. He dares to form independent opinions (not independent concepts, he just comes to his own conclusions independently and that's bad in today's society because you're supposed to let others think for you). He dares to say, plainly and clearly, what he sees, the patterns he notices, the censorship of truth and of mind that makes everyone else so afraid of having unique opinions and even more afraid of voicing them.
So they hate him, because he "breaks the rules", then goes on to explain that these "rules of modern society" only exist in your mind because you nurture them and keep them alive there. They hate him because he exposes their one-note way of life as the illusion that it is, and it scares them because the foundations of their shallow philosophies that they choose to live by wholesale start to erode, revealing that they were never sturdy enough to base your entire life on to begin with. This makes them angry and hateful because he's essentially proving that you can't just find a nice no-thought-required single-paragraph philosophy to base your life/identity around and still be a "good person". They get angry at him because he almost makes them realize that they can't just live life on easy, and set "thinking" to autopilot.

All this, just because he's a modern day phlosopher. He thinks for himself and says what he actually thinks which confuses and scares normies into either realizing that you can actually think for yourself, or thinking that he somehow acquired a list of all the universe's ultimate truths and he's telling us all how we should live (instead of just telling his own independent conclusions [you know, because modern normies don't believe in independent thought]), so they yell back and argue because they don't realize that everyone is entitled to their own thoughts, opinions, and conclusions, and they confuse him with some kind of authority.

>In order to have that surgery you have to go through years of psychiatric assessment.

We know you're lying to pathetic faggot

trans people don't exist. it's a consumer product pushed by big pharma

jewish people don't exist, it's gop pysop to destabilize the middle east

there's nothing wrong with being gay but it's inherently immoral to commodify your sexual identity

I’ve done lots of research on IQ, and before I look into what you’ve claimed I must say the way you’ve presented it makes it sound kinda like KANGS who say the FBI are lying about their IQ.

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Prove me wrong

>down far left and some far right content.
>far leftism is tolerated less than the far right
You are operating on another level of delusion

He is controlled opposition. You can't trust him on that merit alone.

>SOME far right content

You are way out of the loop. Chapos subreddit drops and you pasty white puss-gashes cry bloody murder while the entirety of non-sjw thought gets canned

All that is weak should perish be actively encouraged to do so. read neetchee :^)

What do they do with that iq tho? Subvert, always subvert. And a lot of success is due to nepotism, never forget that.

And the subsequent point from that idea is if jews have higher iq, do blacks have lower iq? And does their position of lower in society seem only fair due to their smarts?

Either different races have different iqs or they dont, and that would mean whites and jews are forever separate even in the mainstream if you’re going to say theyre smart but baseline whites are dumber

Better a dumber elite with compassion and nobliesse oblige than subverters

Nevertheless he is bankrolled.

I wish you would forget this thread, you suck

See the responses to your comment. He dislikes and disowns identity politics. And suprise suprise, identitarians on both sides hate him for it. If both /pol-acks and tumblerinas hate him, the dude is obviously doing something right.

*Single handedly destroys the entire right wing online*

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Uhuh, breaks rules, works with the UN. Real independent thinker him


>jordan redditson

>Muh victim hood
>muh oppression
They also throttle memberships to some really popular pages. Wake up, bumpkins. The corporate state is the enemy


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Also it is not as stringent as it used to be. The doc is going to sign off on it or risk being labeled a transphobe for denying their experience

The only relevant thing destiny has done in years is have his 5 seconds of fun when he threw his manlet temper tantrum and spoiled GOT for people

That’s hardly evidence of anything other then JPs love of money

*ad hominems cringey youtube personalities*
*gets btfo whenever anyone with a degree debates him*
so this... is the power... of a manlet cuckold gamer

Have sneed

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as we all know, medical establishments are completely devoid of bias and that's why phrenology and later lobotomies (so you can't use the "muh modern science" excuse) were 100% correct and progressive

CoMMon sEnSE HaS beeN LOSt in ToDaY'S cLOWn WorlD

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holy lmao

>The corporate state is the enemy
which is why we must support its efforts to import millions of nonwhites to use as cheap labour, right comrade!? open borders now! smash racism!

Based dark web

So you don’t believe the raves have different IQs?

You made assertions without evidence first, I fail to see these studies that prove Jews have higher IQs. Tiny sample sizes of pupils from selective school don't prove anything I'm afraid.

>jewish people don't exist, it's gop pysop to destabilize the middle east

Damn.. that GOP psyop got thrown out of like 150 countries over a few thousand years.

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Materialists like you are such cringe

>Literally a kikebook meme


They probably do but such conversations are often murky, dishonest and are never acceptable in the mainstream except to gush how oh so smart jews are. But never to point out some people are really quite dumb.

Jews being smart does not give them the right to be the ruling class in countries they fundamentally do not think of as their home.

Nevertheless you are talking out of your flabby arse

The surgery is never right and even giving hormones causes massive damage.

Peterson is basically Sargon of Akkad with a phd and the ability to articulate his points clearly. They have exactly the same viewpoints

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They seek partners the way they seek television shows:
>I just want something where I can turn my brain off and feel good
A big, strong man (very visible/noticeable, distracts from any complex thoughts), who is just as dumb/naive/shallow as her so that he never challenges her with complicated thoughts (sometimes even less thoughtful than her so that she can also manipulate him when she wants to), who makes all of the big decisions and takes all of the risks in the relationship, is ideal, because he essentially acts as an emotional sponge AND an intellectual sponge, taking on the mental responsibility of two people and doing all the serious thinking for her.

I don't give a fuck about far right content but you have to be a massive retard not to notice the discrepancy of censorship between far left and the far right in major online platforms.

Saargon’s more mentally healthy than jp


Destiny is unironically a great debater. Does a bit of what Peterson does with ignoring the focus of questions in favor of his own narratives and also treats most of his opponents’ points as inherently funny. It’s a fantastic combination that lets him dunk on anyone while never having to prove them wrong.

>still mad that Zizek couldn't even compete
Communist scum for you. Keep worshiping your idols.


lmao wut, isn't that fat goober an atheist. peterson believes in DNA shamanism and biblical sorcery, I'm no e-celeb expert but I thought sargon wasn't that

>The corporate state is the enemy
Yup. So stop chopping childrens dicks off because Coca Cola supports it. Stop importing endless waves or 3rd world, zero skill immigrants for votes and cheap labor. Stop listening in any way to corporate media... and no TYT isnt fucking independent

Also theres the conversation of types of intelligence as jews are pretty good at verbal smarts, why debates with them revolve defining things and minutiae, but are far more limited in other areas. Plus they often self report and are rather inbred. I dont much stock in it all really, how many smart kids went to mensa with super high iqs but achieved nothing?

Reminder that people hate JBP because they hate Jesus and Christianity

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peterson is something that's way overshilled because peopel that like him say hes being last bastion of racionality and the ones that hate him say he's a white nationalist and then you look him up on youtube and it's just an old man talking shit about disney movies. every fucking video with him i saw he just goes on about he hates frozen, or tangled and mulan and hercules.
it's the fucking dumbest thing in the world, if you care about him whatsover i wish to piss on your face


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>hating peterson literally unites /pol/tards and chapocels to where you cannot tell them apart

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They hate judeo-christianity! Remember to support israel!


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Its why christmas cracker jokes have to be bad, it brings people together

For me, it's trannys

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people always reduce him onto the "wash your dick, bucko" meme. but he did so much more and his work he did in maps of meaning is for every none-brainlett absolutely based

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What a shit analogy

>maps of meaning is for every none-brainlett absolutely based
maps of meaning is rambling pseudo-intellectual nonsense

sure it is, braineltt

t. brainlet

Trannies and /pol/tards agreeing? On MY Yea Forums? It is more likely than you think!

? Jp is a bad joke it brings people of all sorts together to piss on him. Cracker jokes have the same effect, universal groaning and booing

Jordan Peterson's wife has terminal cancer right now, this combined with his weird meat only diet and general stress levels and history of depression is going to lead to a very public breakdown, just watch, it's coming. He has looked more and more gaunt for the past year or so.

Sorry friend but people are cringing and booing at the chapocels and poltards

>loses to red elephants 2 times
>loses to naked ape
>loses to nick 3 times
So this is the power of left-wing intellectuals...

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And not at jp? But diversity is our strength

What's funny is Destiny is not left-wing. You /pol/tards are just so far gone you see him that way. He is explicitly pro-free market and anti-communism. He just doesn't hate people based on race lol

Maybe he’ll an hero

>he views politics as a 2d pointer
No wonder you're a leftist, you just have low IQ

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How has no one posted this yet?

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Destiny is a neoliberal

Horseshoe theory at work

>Jordan Peterson's wife has terminal cancer right now
Sauce? Maybe once she's gone he'll stop shilling for kikes.