Was it kino?
The Nanny
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no, more like the definition of lowest common denominator entertainment
She was raped during a home invasion. Did you guys know that?
reminder that she described the girth of her rapist's penis as akin to "a coke can"
It literally turned her husband gay.
not just some vanilla rape user, black guys broke in, restrained her husband and made him watch while they raped her at gunpoint
Which episode was that?
To be fair, rape is pretty disgusting.
I’m aware. They raped her friend too. The attackers were from Compton.
The series finale.
Do you think she came
Who was the guy who raped her ?
all women do
ain't that just quacking crazy
Fred. It was Fred.
And it was so good, it turned the husband gay from envy.
I remember an episode where you could see the lining of a thong through her skirt or something, and I fapped myself silly when I was like 12
The nanny the nanny
I want to see Franny's little fanny
>Watch one of those shitty american teen comedies from the 80s where all gets show boobs
>Fran Drescher is in
>She only shows herserlf on bikini
it's definetaly a fake story
the husband probably wanted her to get gangbanged by a bunch of blacks
it was his fantasy, seeing how he was just a faggot after all.
something bad must have happened, and they had to tell a story where she was "raped". and seeing how drescher said that the black guys didn't do nothing and that the rape was caused by "racism in america" and that she married an indian guy later she must have been on this whole thing
It was her moaning that drove him gay.
how? its just sex
>that tanning damage
at least she didn't get it early
I think one of the kardashians had it in her late 20s
she literally got raped so hard it gave her uterine cancer and meant she could never have kids
do you guys think the attackers made Fran suck their dicks at gunpoint?
cash u ousside how bout dah?
oh no
rape triggers ovulation
>she felt bad
>which is why she had to tell people about it
>and not have any of them arrested
normally I don't post to tell people how retarded they are
but you are so fucking retarded oh my fucking god holy shit you are dumb
Honestly, could you blame those guys for raping her? She’s hot as fuck
Then why are so many women into it?
Here's the audio for her autobiography where she talks about her rape. I'm going through trying to find that part, but no luck yet
I'm not lying. She blamed white people on the incident. You can look it up.
You could link it
shutup you dumb nigger
fuck I thought you had audio
She has amazing legs
>Fran Drescher audiobook
jesus christ
she coomed, yes
Did you know that Fran Drescher is the reason the ballgag was invented?
>making a comparison to her own rape by a black man in 1985, and her ability to separate blame from her encounters with other black men. “I have nothing against black men. In fact, I’ve dated several,” Drescher went on to say.
She was hot as the slutty mom in the movie Jack. youtube.com
>blames white people
yes certainly, while the husband watched and masturbated
just stop you retard
he literally hates your own kind
you do realize that, right?
I hate you
Left over from prehistoric humans. Humans survived mostly in part because alpha males often raped young women to create offsprings.
Thanks to early humans being savage rapists, we humans have survived as a species.
i liked it as a kid, but frasier was my fav
Had an amazing body to no one's surprise, but her vocals and laugh... my god. It was such an annoying sound that it could make you blow your brains out.
why did you post that with a picture of a trans activist
she sounds pretty normal in interviews
that user who linked her audiobook though, it's really bad its like she is doing the nanny voice for the whole 3 hours.
Is there anything more insane than the liberal mind?
There was absolutely no way she brought this charade. She knew he was a 'kid', she just wanted to pretend to be fooled into thinking he was a grown adult just so she could have a pedo moment with him. It's pretty fucked up, but everyone knows society always allows women to get away with these things.
>I’ve dated several
probably several after, getting pleasure by a black man probably awaken something in her that her white husband could never satisfy
she probably had the best sex of her life up to that point
she must had horrible ptsd sessions sitting there in front of two tof them
>I'm not lying. She blamed white people on the incident. You can look it up.
>proceeds to post two tweets and an article where she doesn't blame white people for the incident
So you were lying
what a twist
Yeah, blaming an entire race of people for one person raping you is far more insane than the opposite.
He is generally known as goofy promoter of teaching science, and it seemed slightly funny to have his image while stating a science fact associated with prehistoric savage rape. Could you not have made this connection on your own?
How to get a gf like this as a 23 yo?
>I'm not lying
lmao /pol/ is more retarded every day
wow I really want to fuck her
As far as sitcoms go I'd say yes.
Seinfeld, Frasier and The Nanny are my favorite sitcoms
she's so fucking hot and her voice makes me diamonds
>Yeah, blaming an entire race of people for one person raping you is far more insane than the opposite
Day of the rope is coming tranny
Kek omg dude
yikes? I'd be glad if I had a wife that looked like this at 50 desu
I was so shocked to learn that she's Jewish. I always thought she was Italian.
>drescher said that the black guys didn't do nothing and that the rape was caused by "racism in america"
wait really?
cringe, cringe, based
I'd break into her house, tie her husband up and rape her in front of him if you know what I mean
She was “raped.” She orgasmed during it, and never hated the men for it.
Hol up, is your saying that if I check the number of black on white rapes vs the amount of women that cum during rape that dem numbers be the same n sheeit?
LA, NY and Vegas in particular have tons of desperate cougars in the open. You just have to go outside, user.
i fapped so much at her.. ironically, i finded her more sexy in the last seasons.
She was hot as fuck.
I wish I was the one who raped her.
Not the same, but probably pretty close yeah.
Man why u guys keep posting what im watching. Am i some sort of memetic node yall have to follow
>Day of the rope is coming tranny
>he think his delusion of genocide will happen
Your kind will be rotting in a cell before this happens lmao
>Day of the rope is coming
Yeah okay. Like you stromfags haven't said that for years now.
What do you mean? the freckles on her chest?
Rimshot. If only we got Fran & Claudia Black to do some highly Jewish lesbian scenes before they're past it. That would cover a lot of my early TV cooms.
Maybe she should've played the mom in Wonder Woman. Seeing that fine semitic resemblance there.
why was this allowed?
was it rape?
Theyre scared their overlords will get their just deserts on the Day of the Tax.
Probably, but after a Coke can sized raping, there's very little chance she even noticed anything he did. I imagine it angered him when he grabbed her pussy and his small hands couldn't get a solid grip.
there were quite a few cute and funny gracie scenes
somebody should do a supercut
>everyone I disagree with is a tranny
for real? when? dubs mean she had a orgasim.
>3 hours of Fran talking nonstop
thanks friend
White people rape too bb
Hey man I was trying to be nice and not mention his underwhelming penis. Also I don't use Reddit. Reddit just uses us. I've been here. Here since Trump was a democrat.
Isnt it fucked that we used to be able to fap to such simple things but now it would barely cause you to blink?
Almost like theres something behind it.
>watch the nanny as a kid
>develop fetish for shrill kikess'
>watch the nanny as an adult
>Maggie is the hottest followed by CC then Gracie
>I was so shocked to learn that she's Jewish.
He was joking. It's an old joke, dude.
I literally just got done fapping to Fran. That woman has incredible hips and the early 2000's era fran was peak milf.
I think you're right
So your taste got worse? That sucks pal
Imagine nutting deep in prime Drescher again and again, while she just lies there, begging and crying for you to not get her pregnant.
First few minutes of it was Fifty Shades of Fran kino.
These guise get it. The whole show was cheesecake. She wanted to get guys hard. That hot semitic stereotype slut was asking for cum crusted fan mail.
Is the ultimate redpill turning homosexual on the spot when you're forced to watch your wife by being pleasured by two strapping black bulls?
this makes me as hard as a horseshoe
It's funny because chick cancer
>vanilla rape
>chocolate raaaaape
>none stay dry, and husbands will turn gay
Take it to pol
Too late, someone beat you to it.
I didn't bring it up. Talk to the other guy. Or fap to Fran like a real man.