What are some good movies about the American independence war?
What are some good movies about the American independence war?
Is tjis body type really attractive to people?
Imagine being this low test
Of course not, not everyone is straight
Only if you are straight.
Niggers and mutts aren't people.
Are you black?
Imagine being that deeply in the closet.
Guys let's try to focus on the subject of the thread, i'm interested in some good films about the American independence war
Answer the question.
Yes but she needs a bigger chest.
All women are whores yes even the quiet pastry chef at the back of your class
Yes, deeply so. Always has been outside of jew pushed androgynous women.
No, but I am hung like one.
>we live in a time where men have been tricked into thinking being fat overweight and unhealthy is attractive
why must the lord torture us so?
She's neither. You live in an age where you let jews fondle your brain.
What are you talking about? This is what our ancestors have been masturbating to 40000 years ago, literally statues of thicc women. And it's only natural because our brains are wired towards finding thicc women attractive, because it's a sign of fertility. We are merely reverting to our natural preferences
Shit taste. Big tits small ass is worst body type. Also she looks dumb and niggerfied
I got a thing for them jewish girls. keep em coming
That's what I mean. The ass is not proportional to everything else.
What are some examples of Jews trying their hardest to push one of their own as a sex icon but she's actually disgusting to look at?
Big tits + big ass > Small tits + big ass > Big tits + small ass >>>>> Small everything
Sure, but definitely not my favorite. Probably more populare fenotype in the u.s., south america, africa, the middle east and india.
>Not wanting to be squished in your face by huge tits while grabbing deep into a fat ass or belly
Low test as fuck
You're right, it's a top tier sized ass.
I'm pretty sure OP's girl is latina tho
Quite the leap there friend. They made statues of her because they force fed her in a time when food was scarce.
It's a fertility idol, not porn
That's an old woman who has pumped out 20 kids
What is that stupid shit she's doing
>thiccness imply fertility
Exactly, that's why men love curvyness on women
Just look at the fashion icons in the early 20s in America. Being attracted to sticks is a recent phenomenon
That statue is the worst argument. All you need is to see portrayals of sexuality prior to jewish control of media in the 60s onwards, then portrayals 2000 onwards when the internet allowed free media again. Also look at porn tastes throughout time, people have always desired large breasted, large assed women. You also have studies correlating high testosterone with a preference for curvy women.
Jews push androgynous, infertile women as a beauty standard.
You're right. Let's stick to traps and twinks
>jews push thin women
>jews push busty women
Really makes me think
What are you, an alien?
>surprised impressionable young NEETs are brainwashed to be radicals by stormfront
Bunch of faggots and mad stick roasties itt
insecure guys who are low on the socioeconomic scale tend to like fat women, yea.
There's also those old advertisements for food supplements for women, which promise to put some more curves on them so their husbands would find them more attractive.
Yes, that's a top tier body
>big tits and ass fatness
is this what jewish indoctrination looks like? you want to fuck boys?
attractive women come with their own set of challenges, and having a big ass only attracts uppity blacks who can't control themselves.
Tight black clothes on fat chicks is always deceptive. Looks good until she's naked and everything gets to spill out.
You have terrible comprehension. Both those posts are me saying jews push androgynous women.
> year is 100000 AD
> aluminium suited space archeologist shifts through the rubble excavated from planet earth using his laser gloves
> his boss, the curator of the earth museum teleports in beside the him
> 'any finds this sol?'
> 'just this xir'
> the space archeologist zips around the office on xis jet boots to retrieve a small plastic toy from a supersonically stabilized storage shelf and hands it to the boss
> ' I'm not sure what to make of it'
> 'Oh how interesting, yes we find these during the last dig but never one this well preserved, you see it was believed that this mark imbues magical powers and signifies the characteristic personality or talent of the figure. They were worshipped as idols in the early 2000s and commonly used for sexual self stimulation as tributes.'
> ' incredible! Do you have a name for them?'
>' our records show they were called "my little pony"'
tl,dr: You don't have any idea what that fat fuck doll was for, what anyone thought about it, or how many people did anything with, to, for, or about it.
Maybe the only reason we find fat ones is they were all stored in a box nobody wanted them, the thin sexy ones were all used up and broken.
america has been niggerfied
what once was only considered attractive only by blacks it's now considered attractive by white men too
it's obvious this girl is a coalburner. but white men can no longer be picky anymore. and with most women, white women too, being overweight, they cannot complain. this is the reality.
Goddamn brehs
>Looks good until she's naked and everything gets to spill out.
that's the truth of it right there. i fell for the "high test" meme when I was an insecure 19 year old, met up with a girl who looked like OP girl on her dating profile, then when her clothes came off she was the ugliest blubbery creature I'd ever seen in my life and I immediately hit the panic button app I have on my phone that sends me a fake emergency phone call so I could gtfo. i've been disgusted by that body type ever since. "high test" is literally just cope from guys with low standards who will fuck anything with a vagina.
Oh sorry, then you're twice as stupid as I had thought
imagine liking cock so much
Yer father, God rest his soul, had balls the size of an Irish broad's ass
Hahahaha what a bitter roastie postie.
>i fell for the "high test" meme
this is almost as funny as that one user that fell for the eating ass meme and then started dry heaving
She was probably fatter than OP. She's chubby but wouldn't be a complete monster.
Jesus christ
> "uh no im not stupid please you are"
You dumb fucking idiot lmao.
based and Appalachiapilled
is this /cumbrain general/ ?
not enough tits
>jews push androgynous women
>implying girl in OP's webm is androgynous in any way
Bro go to the doctor and check your T levels before it's too late. Not even joking
Are you fucking retarded?
You literally may be the most curiously brained person I've seen post and I've been here since 2010. Phenomenal.
is there such a thing as true androgyny in humans? in men it means they look feminine. in women it means they have a boy haircut and are wearing boy clothes but are obviously still females.
Yup. It's time to coom again. Based OP
Shhh, you're triggering the fattyfuckers.
Latino here, she looks Jewish as fuck to me
Well its a quality so unless there's a world of forms then there's no exact androgyny. However for either sex to display less dimorphism means they're more androgynous.
No, but apparently you are. Big hips and thighs are considerd feminine attributes. You may not like the girl's look, and it appears to be you're in the minority based on the comments so far, but there's nothing masculine about she looks
Look at the state of this virginal post.
I'm not him but you are really stupid, you've failed to follow the argument at any stage
Here's more of her
Sorry she's not fat
Good god.
Nigga I just shot 19 ropes to this
Roasties just say anyone with breasts or ass are fat.
>t. asslet, chestlet, thighlet, excuse of a woman roastie
how many diapers does she have on?
Fucking based coomer but from one coomer to another, you really need to up that rope count, fammy
>cellulite shopped out
The overweight type? Not to all people
You really are one bitter af roast. She could have craters and i would rampage on that fat ass.
Roastie Wars Episode 4: A New Cope
I have no problem with it, just wish she'd keep it real.
I wish she'd manoeuvre her phenomenal ass into my crotch.
Here's a video:
That's not what he said, he said that she's NOT androgynous you duffus
Not that I agree with his conclusion though because I see overweight women being pushed a lot
what are some movies about slavery?
Her name is Radoslovich which sounds slavic, but it's probably usually spelled differently since I can't get much info on it through name sites.
With that exact spelling they're mostly in the USA, ca 80 of them, then "2 is italy at 10. Most of them near the Slovene border.
On one site she's listed as Latina, probably easier to market her as that in the united states, and she could be more mixed anyway, but to be fair she's a med either way.
Looks like it comes from Radoslović, a croatian name, like 60 families in croatia, but the number has been halved in the last century.
So probably croatian.
picrel is what jews mostly look like
no way she's croatian they look mostly slavic
also with an ass like that she has to be latina, she also lives in LA
Actual obese women are pushed for the same reasons: demonisation of normal inclinations and pushing of infertile women. So long as wide hipped, large busted and big assed women are not.
>also with an ass like that she has to be latina
You can find big asses within almost any ethnicity, she doesn't need to be "latin" for that.
In awe of the toilet on this lass
Well Kim kardashian is being touted as fashion icon, and i'd say she has a similar body type
imagine the turds that thing can launch
I find white women have the best asses though perhaps rarer. Blacks often have really thin hips despite a lot of ass, asians have nothing, hispanics i don't ever see and white girls often have wide hips so when they also have ass it's amazing.
kim has no thighs though
Yes, post mid-2000 the internet allowed what people actually liked to come to the forefront. If it was the age of mass media still it'd just be gal gadot and cara delevigne
>gal gadot and cara delevigne
They are supermodels tho, supermodels have always been like that, remember kate moss and the heroin chic?
Heck fucking fiona apple youtube.com
>They are supermodels tho, supermodels have always been like that,
It doesn't negate anything he's saying.
Yes indeed supermodels have. Just out of interest who controls much of the fashion industry?
If he's saying that post mid-2000 the internet allowed what people actually liked to come to the forefront, apparently they also liked thin supermodels
>the internet is in control of supermodels
>implying that's what i meant
No need to strawman me
There will always be some variance of taste, as shown in this thread. But since the internet celebrity women have quickly returned to the pre-60s taste, people like sofia vergara, christina hendricks, the kardashians to an extent. Gal gadot and cara are both known as totally inorganic celebrity constructions from contacts and other (((features))), so the jews won't just stop pushing infertile women.
I give no fucks for jews, no one is gonna make me fuck a fatty.
Found the fatty. Did you know that fat people have low test?
How bloody stupid are you? ESL?
Don't talk to me brainlet.
Note that I don't agree with you that gal and cara are shit, but women like that have existed for a long, long time. Also I don't think cara is even that big of a star (is she even in movies?) nor she's a (((she))) if that's what you're implying
See She's not fat.
Slightly bigger ass and thighs doesn't make a woman fat.
Wrong war ass burger
No cara isn't, she's entirely there due to family connections and huge funding. Gal gadot is obvious. The point being neither are at their respective fame from public demand. Whereas I'd say the more attractive women who get posted here like daddario are underused despite demand.
Are you gay?
All you virgins are arguing about Jew titties and I'm just over here posting the best 1776 movie
I wish Tarantino made a 1776 movie where the british win and George Washington cries as a bunch of redcoats stab him with bayonettes
Porn stars that look similar? This is what I need and I know some of you know of someone.
>Maybe the only reason we find fat ones is they were all stored in a box nobody wanted them, the thin sexy ones were all used up and broken.
Why are americans so dumb?
Maybe if your American or a nigger cause shes definitely fat on the recent stuff and will definitely become much fatter in 2-5 years. Probably fine for a pump and dump today but nothing more.
Nope, neither american or nigger.
>cause shes definitely fat on the recent stuff
Nope, still not fat in her recent stuff either from a few weeks ago.
>and will definitely become much fatter in 2-5 years.
Maybe, if it helps you coping
Well then you must either be blind or a retard and since you posted this shit here I'll go with retard.
No maybes, facts. She will be in a much worse state in 2-5 years.
>No maybes, facts.
This is part of your brain damage, you don't
actually have prescience of how she will look in the future but you think you do. It is likely tied to your vision so you think a wide hipped woman is fat, or it's just jealousy, either you're jealous you can't hit it, or because you're a fridge roastie.
Stop posting here camiraddd, the stress here will cause you to have a early triple bypass
Post surfboard ass roastie.
Where do you come from?
Ireland is the meme answer, but I don't think one irish deranged poster is really representative for the rest of ireland.
Is it thailand?
if you dont think she is attractive youre gay. no memes, youre a fag
Why do you care so much?
Im irish and think the two girls posted itt are top tier.
It’s the prominence of black culture. I’ve been with girls with this body type and they are no contest for a fit girl. They are just fat girls who are blessed that the fat lands in the right places rather than their back, arms and sides.
jesus this fatty sure has a lot of patreon supporters here
Based potato nig. I never understood the "IRELAND" meme anyway are Irish people supposed to hate phat asses or something?
I don't give a shit. Just wondering why you care.
>our ancestors
Ma nigga
>Grasping at straws because you're getting BTFO
Good lord, anything will do, huh, user?
irish women dont have asses
lurk moar
It's just one post with an irish flag on a flagboard like /int/, I think maybe it was Yea Forums.
One singular post that became a meme.
He said "too much ass", at some young female athlete that had a bit of an ass, but really nothing crazy.
No contest in terms of what?
I think its that irish girls have flat asses, which i don't think is true. Some do, some don't. I guess celtic people tend to be a bit wirey.
And you have nothing to back that up
That's a low-level goblin
I hate fat people thats why
camiraddd you really wanna push that heart huh? don't say i didn't warn you!
>I hate fat people thats why
She's not fat though, which we've determined.
Why are you a cunt ?
Where are you from?
>These fucking kids weren't around years ago for the one random Yea Forums poster with an Ireland flag saying "too much ass" that sparked the meme
Fuck I'm getting old. Also, a lot of Irish women are thicc as fucc. It has everything to do with the one singular Yea Forums poster's comment in the rocha thread that day.
t. Ireland
Fair enough.
I've seen the post and been here for a sad decade now, i just wasn't in that thread.
South Africa. I see her body type daily cause the nigs and maids get it from the shit they eat. It always ends badly.
whatever man, don't come posting on /fit/ one day that your wife has lost control and you can't see the person you fell in love with anymore cause she's hidden under 100kg of extra fat
you're not very educated on the American War of Independence are you? that film is bias inaccurate Hollywood bullshit propaganda made for brain dead mutts like you, kys
>Also, a lot of Irish women are thicc as fucc
It's anecdotal but I can corroborate this. I know 2 Irish girls IRL and they're both top tier braphogs
Is she having an allergic reaction?
Niggerland iq, that explains it
>A fellow saffa who doesn't appreciate curves
you're telling me this thing has a pee pee?
>thinks everyone in SA is black
Who is the one with low iq here user? do you still believe lions runs the streets and milk must be imported? stop being stupid.
preferring a fat slob bitch != high-test
It has a portal to hell
Physical attractiveness, sexual prowess and conversation. Thicc are better at mothering you if you’re into that.
I didn't say you're black user, I said you're from niggerland.
You're just infected by your environment, you may have nature on your side, but nurture works against you and poisoned your mind.
You even chimped out and misread that, it's really gotten that bad.
>You're just infected by your environment
If I was I'd be interested in this maid tier women you seem so adamant to defend since this body type can be found in any taxi at any time.
I honestly don't understand the mind that sees a big fat female ass and would rather it be flatter. Just start transitioning already. This isn't even a taste thing, it's a test thing.
that girl is 15 you fucking pedo
Sorry brother but I'd rather go for curves earned in the gym even if gym thots are fucked. It will last much longer and looks much better.
based based based!!
I have her patreon and onlyfans stuff. Good price. Hit me up.
> curves earned in the gym
Lmao ok.
to niggers
I'm not American and I wouldn't be surprised if the film is full of historical mistakes, but The Patriot.
Do you know that scene where Mel Gibson and his family see the lights and hear the cannons and gunshots at distance but he says everything is fine, then there is a time skip and the battle is in their front-yard? Anyone from a place with conflict lived that.
Who is this beached whale?
if you have a small penis, a girl like that might look intimidating, yes.