It's time to admit that Dave Chappelle is a white supremacist

It's time to admit that Dave Chappelle is a white supremacist

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It's satire, m8

>right wing "comedy"
Fucking pathetic

Care to extrapolate?

Really unfunny satire at that, every article is about white supremacy

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So you are worried this that so called "shilling campaign" will effect disney+'s success? Yeah you're a disney shill buddy. Take the mouse hat off it looks stupid.

boo hoo

can someone fill me in? I don't really feel like watching it.

>Hate Crimes
>Campus News

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Mainstream media bullshit because chappelle made some funny joke about LGBT on his new special. Also made a few racially charged jokes at the expense of chinese, blacks and whites.SJW's butthurt.

Why are you still promoting this special? Finish your campaign and collect your paycheck and stop it. So tiresome

It's real fucking rofl

What teh fuck? How is Yea Forums so susceptible to massive shilling besides being, you know, idiots?

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hush tranny

Fuck you not your personal reviewer

People unironically think like this now though. That “1619 Project” in THE NEW YORK TIMES is all about how literally every single system and aspect of modern living can (and SHOULD) be traced back to slavery from 400 years ago, including things like capitalism. It is now a mainstream opinion that every fucking thing in America is white supremacist in some way.


This is why replacing "racist" with "white supremacist" in the SJW dictionary was ultimately a foolish idea.

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Good comedy special, trannies and journalists seething. Shame it's on Netflix. 8/10 would pirate again.

Gee I wonder if this is a satire site like the onion that /pol/ retards are just too fucking stupid to get and treat it like it's a real article

theres already been a number of documented cases of negroes being persecuted as white supremacists.

Its time to post everything twice?

Its time to post everything twice?

>reddit spacing

>white supremacist
well he married an asian woman so they're not wrong. white supremacist love that asian pussy

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the white supremacy movement is incredibly diverse and inclusive

Well have you seen /pol/? You're not wrong

It's catchy.

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they take what they can get

get fucked you retarded shitstain

remember when they thought the "antifa manual" was real lmao

The signs were always there.

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whiteface always shows how crazy looking black features are out of their usual context.

Just look at albinos if you wanna compare.

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And these are black albinos.

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>a onions boy wrote this

one race the human race

Wait. Didn't he tell Comedy Central to shove millions of dollars up their ass and went into exile in Africa for a decade?!

Yup, sounds like a black hating white man to me.

He literally called it

Shut up and jam 2 never ever

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>points out the absurdity of trannies
>is called a white supremacist for it
You can't make this shit up.

>You can't make this shit up.
sure you can

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I love when conservacucks get mocked in media and then rage online

its an endless cycle but really fun

>Niggers, Jews, Arabs, Mexicans and all kinds of different Chinks stink and I hate them!

-Dave Chappelle 2003

Honk Honk.

No idea why anyone would find that Special either controversial or funny. It was utterly bland with him telling jokes I've heard people at work make hundreds of times over.

That's a factually correct statement, as is saying a Pekingese and a Great Dane are the same species. We need to move toward thinking of race as a breed. (pro-tip: not all are created equal.)


>another 200+ comments about fake article
Such a low-iq board

People at your work don't tell jokes to millions of people. If this special came out 20 years ago, would it be particularly groundbreaking? No. It is controversial because of our cultural climate. Everything has context.

I saw a video of a Mexican kid arguing with his teacher. He disagreed with her when she was going on about BLM and saying the police are systematically anti-Black. Her response was to call him a White Supremacist.
Real Liberals are as crazy as the parodies.


He was Clayton Bixby all along!

Nothing about it was even remotely controversial, not a single person I have spoken to about it has said that it pushed any boundaries and none said it was in any way offensive or edgy. The ONLY people who find it any of those things are an incredibly vocal extreme minority, and they are literally going out of their way to find it those things.

>Implying none of this is just a marketing ploy to get more viewing numbers


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I-it's s-skin deep


>Dave Chappelle is a white supremacist

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Really lame defense of racism, dummy.
You can’t hide behind it being a joke either

She's cute.

welcome to the Klan nigger

>Nothing about it was even remotely controversial,
To YOU and your social bubble. Things exist outside of your social bubble.

Poor Charles
>Bullied by SHAQ
>Dabbed on by Kenny "who" smith

Chappelle is the biggest fucking house nigger there ever was

He got rich by making fun of niggerisms and shitting on black people

Go watch any episode of Chappelle show, it's all just

That worked in 2000's when both whites and negroes were OK with shitting on niggerisms but that's not the case anymore


oops i didnt mean to post this!

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>different race have differing physical characteristics
wow amazing discovery there professor

according to most western professors race doesn't exist

>He got rich by making fun of niggerisms and shitting on black people
Yeah that's what every ethnic group does. Watch jew comedy and all just
It's almost as if that's what they know and care about

>(((most))) (((western))) (((professors)))

according to most scientists too, what's your point

No, as I said...the only people that find this even remotely controversial are just an incredibly vocal extreme minority that literally go out of their way in order to find things to be offended by. The average person doesn't give a fuck. The same people that find this offensive are the same people that get offended by snow being white, so I don't tend to take those peoples opinions as a decent representation of what the wider population think.

>most scientists
your wrong

>what is Poe's law

That vocal minority has influence, and one would be a fool not to believe that.


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I'm really not though, which is why you have 0 argument

yes, your wrong, own it

so you dont believe in evolution, got it

>be black
>also be white supremacist
Are we going to reach the point where the KKK becomes a liberal thing again?

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>what's your point
you just said "different race have differing physical characteristics. wow amazing discovery there professor;" according to the west, those differences don't exist because races don't exist. are you dense?


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evolution is racist so it has to be condemned and replaced with a more inclusive and diverse theory

I do, what's your point?

it exists as a social construct, which is why I use the term when I speak with americans so they know what I'm talking about. Here we don't use it in public discourse, we use more scientifically-accurate terms like ethnicity. It was even stricken from the constitution 10 years ago or so.

My wrong what?

That's a different point entirely.

according to western "scientists" ethnicity doesn't exist either retard. there are no differences between various human populations

>The fact that we're fucking retarded and fall for blatantly obvious shit just proves how bad the outside world really is

>It was even stricken from the constitution 10 years ago or so.
strike that it was only a year ago actually, I really thought it was already done much sooner

No, it is not. Don't be obtuse. Your "mostly everybody I come into contact with agrees with me" argument is shortsighted.

Yes, it is a completely different point. I said that the show isn't controversial and the only people that think so are an incredibly vocal yet extreme minority that only believe it is because they literally go out of their way to be offended.
Saying that those people can hold some influence isn't the same thing.

>according to western "scientists" ethnicity doesn't exist either retard
you have some retarded ideas about what scientists do and don't believe. And your premice that anthropologists and ethnologists don't believe in their own existence in downright ridiculous.

Just five years ago this would have been an Onion headline. Society is really driving off a cliff full fuckin steam ahead.

the wrong is yours

scientific consensus in the west is that race/ethnicity does not exist. deal with it

And you are wrong. Furthermore, influence cannot be separated from the context. You trying to separate it is dishonest.

it's not the Onion, it's another satire site. Except the Onion is funny

adapting to environmental needs separated the species into distinct groups with different capability and features.

for example your people adapted to specialize in deception , incorporation of other groups knowledge, double standers, semantics and nose size

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right about race and wrong about ethnicity, deal with it

that waist grab

Someone holding a level of influence in society doesn't change the fact that the thing they are attempting to alter is or isn't controversial in any meaningful capacity. Context of their influence is largely irrelevant since the statement I presented wasn't "The people that find this controversial can't do anything about it".
Leftists find almost everything controversial to some capacity. They believe that rhymes like Baa Baa Black Sheep are racist and problematic...but I wouldn't say it is controversial in any capacity that means anything.

You're conflating two issues and presuming that because I don't agree with one that I must therefore disagree with the other.

replacing the word "race" with "ethnicity" doesn't work. western scientists deny both


>Someone holding a level of influence in society doesn't change the fact that the thing they are attempting to alter is or isn't controversial in any meaningful capacity.
One cannot remove influence from a controversy. That's what causes controversies in the first place.
>Context of their influence is largely irrelevant since the statement I presented wasn't "The people that find this controversial can't do anything about it".
Your claim literally depends on the context.
>You're conflating two issues
I am not conflating two issues at all. You just retardedly believe that influence is separate from controversy.

>Black man makes some light jabs at some minorities, trannies and white people.
>sjw millenials totally lose their shit.

Yea, is conservatives who are at fault here.

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Something can be controversial with or without influence involved, or rather the degrees of influence are utterly irrelevant as to if something is controversial. If you have a room of 1000 people and 999 of them think X and 1 of them think Y that doesn't mean the issue itself is controversial. If the person that thinks Y has the influence / power to change X to Y to suit his extreme minority then the controversy isn't the issue, it's the fact that despite being 1/1000 he was allowed / able to change X to Y.

It's the same here. The Comedy Special isn't controversial, the fact that a tiny vocal minority can hold real-world power over its existence is what is controversial.

it's satire dumbass, quit eating onions

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>Something can be controversial with or without influence involved
Then calling something "controversial" would be a meaningless statement.
>If the person that thinks Y has the influence / power to change X to Y to suit his extreme minority then the controversy isn't the issue, it's the fact that despite being 1/1000 he was allowed / able to change X to Y.
The controversy is the issue because they would want to change reality BECAUSE OF THE CONTROVERSY.
>The Comedy Special isn't controversial
To YOU and your social circle. Many statements are controversial in some social circles and not others.

>anthropologists and ethnologists don't exist
yes they do user

yes, and most of them deny race/ethnicity

Molecular biologist here, that's absolutely not the consensus


It wouldn't be meaningless in the slightest. Controversy isn't predicated one one group holding more or less influence than the other. All sides could realistically hold the same level of public influence yet the controversy could still exist.
As I said, you'd be hard pressed to call something controversial if 99% of the population think X and 1% think Y. The issue and controversy would arise if that 1% was allowed to overrule the 99%.

And I'd wager that the ratio of people that would find the Comedy Special controversial is even less than 1/1000.

but don't you call it clownworld

That rich coming from the people who think pepe is a nazi frog and gave the "ok" handsign to nazis on a silver platter.

See the issue here is that black people bought into the racism meme hard. And once you buy into that meme, you get into the hardcore conspiracy theorist mindset where you start to see racism everywhere. Talk to some hardcore SJW type and they sound like those guys who think they're being gangstalked. They see racism all around them all the time, with no real evidence.

Barkley and Chappelle are simply black people who realized how insane that mindset is and are not afraid to point it out. They realize that real racism and the real problems their community face are not gonna get solved by putting on tin foil hats and screeching about how its racist not to have black people in depictions of imperial japan or whatever.

And of course, like former flat earthers suddenly realizing they were wrong, they hare DESPISED by the people who still believe in the conspiracy. They're shills! They're betrayers! They're spies! They have no argument because their beliefs are farcical, so all they can do is get mad.

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theres a reason why many of them are conservative types, you just cant say it out loud and make people take responsibilities for their actions. look at cosby for YEARS
>Modern scholarship regards race as a social construct, an identity which is assigned based on rules made by society. While partially based on physical similarities within groups, race is not an inherent physical or biological quality.[1][2]
>Scientists consider biological essentialism obsolete,[4] and generally discourage racial explanations for collective differentiation in both physical and behavioral traits.[5][6][7][8][9]
>Even though there is a broad scientific agreement that essentialist and typological conceptualizations of race are untenable, scientists around the world continue to conceptualize race in widely differing ways, some of which have essentialist implications.[10] While some researchers use the concept of race to make distinctions among fuzzy sets of traits or observable differences in behaviour, others in the scientific community suggest that the idea of race often is used in a naive[5] or simplistic way,[11] and argue that, among humans, race has no taxonomic significance by pointing out that all living humans belong to the same species, Homo sapiens, and (as far as applicable) subspecies, Homo sapiens sapiens.[12][13]
>Since the second half of the 20th century, the association of race with the ideologies and theories of scientific racism has led to the use of the word race itself becoming problematic.[14]

Yeah this is a legit site and an article someone seriously wrote.

imagine believing this

>Modern scholarship regards race as a social construct
>but scientists around the world continue to conceptualize race in widely differing ways
>While s-some researchers use
>the word race itself becoming problematic
The absolute state of that article.

Can someone explain who that Joker is? Does he have a famous YouTube channel? Asking for my boomer dad.

>hurr nigger look different but bird look same, how come same species?
That's not how species or subspecies are determined.

This is true, I've been through it myself in middle school. Didn't really stop until I moved from the south to PA. It's so weird being told you're not black by some Puerto Rican kid.

I think that culture is changing though, since culture is becoming much more sensitive and inclusive. For better and worse.

replace black people and racism with jews and hebrews

>has jokes about all racial stereotypes
>((white people)) are complaining for other races' sake
jesus christ america, what the fuck happened to you

This happened to me and im latino. Fucking assholes man
>what gold grades and grammar? Stop acting white faggot
Fucking hated nyc. Fucking shithole

yeah human sub-species have MORE of a difference than the birds, you genetic retard


And yours evolved into school shooters. Damn jews won this one hard

same here

The line that separates one species from another is the ability to create viable (fertile) offspring. Lions and Tigers can reproduce, but are different species because their offspring are not fertile and often very unhealthy.

Mules are a mix of Donkey and Horse, but again mules are not fertile.

Is his son a maoist?

oh but those neurodegenerative genes you got there nose user

user, I'm in NYC too. Brooklyn.
Wanna hang out? I'm pretty well adjusted


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They literally have different brain structures.

Ok so you can say or think whatever you want. You can say men and women are different species if you want. You can say blue is red and up is down. English is funny like that.

What I posted is the scientific definition.

That's such a beautiful photo user thank you for this based post.

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it's so funny to see how libtards react when you put a mirror in front of them

Is this satire too, chapofags?

>intelligence is genetic but only for white people

Consensus isn’t science.

>Multiracial patients often have an incredibly hard time finding life-saving marrow matches
Maybe if the stopped being self-loathing racists any marrow would do

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>intelligence is genetic.
fix that for you

>Consensus isn’t science.
I guess vaccines might actually cause autism in that case huh

Nice non sequitur. Can’t wait to btfo you again tomorrow.

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>You can say men and women are different species if you want
lmao what a retard

>Scientific consensus isn't science
>There is a scientific consensus on autism having no link with vaccines
>If scientific consensus isn't science it can't be right
ok kid

holy fuck, his son on the left is just a copy paste of him, and the right one is just a copy paste of his wife

Out of every "protected class", why are trannies the most pathetically thin skinned and scared of even a grain of criticism?

science is the scientific method you dipshit

Hormonal imbalance

It literally is, if the consensus is among scientists and experts analyzing data.

A scientific theory is simply the best explanation for phenomena, and what is best is decided by consensus.

this type of shit is why i'm glad my parents decided to move out to long island. none of that bucket of crabs poor people bullshit, it's so fucking tiresome

And scientific consensus is the collective position of scientists after using the scientific method retard

Because to be a tranny you legitimately have to be insane and mentally unhinged. That is literally a requirement. There is no way for a person to be "trans" and sane.

Not him but consensus is subject to political agendas and how the data is presented. 100 years ago the consensus was very different as you're probably aware of, and no one here today would argue it was indisputable.

I got through like 70% of the special and it just wasn't that funny.

"Science (from the Latin word scientia, meaning "knowledge")[1] is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe."

so no you are fucking wrong and a whole group of lab coat wearing retards can have and OPINION about something can be wrong.

science is not a fucking cult

Actually considering that reaching a consensus is part of most definitions of the scientific method it is faggot.

Because their "Identity" is a hairsbreadth away from being considered mental illness. Or worse: a fad.

They have to brutally suppress any evidence that it is a choice or that it is influenced by society or peer groups. Like that study that shows it pops up in clusters of people, hence that it is being incited by peer groups and acts like a fad. They CANNOT have that come out because if it does, then their "Identity" becomes a "Lifestyle choice" and lifestyle choices can be criticized and disliked.

As long as cutting your genitals off is considered as out of your control as being black, they have an airtight alibi to do whatever they want. But it becomes something they choose to do, then they have to start justifying things. And in the end they really can't justify anything.

and yet here you are pretending it exists

thats fine, thats a normal reaction to a thing you didnt like.

atleast you arent calling Chappelle a white supremacist and flip the fuck out over a joke. is it crazy to compare these people to insane religious parents of the 90s who wouldnt let their kids watch the simpsons because of "crude humor"

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Scientific consensus literally means the generally agreed upon position by most scientists specialized in a given field. All these people use the science to build their knowledge and came with the same conclusion. Have you heard of something called peer review? Something everyone has to do after publishing their findings?

I bet you deny climate change too.

>I bet you deny climate change too.

the climate changes constantly. whats your point?

race exists. the organised efforts to keep western science from talking about it can't last forever. science in eastern europe and china already acknowledges the reality of race, and more and more westerners are waking up to the social engineering scam being played on them and their countries

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It's the same with any """"""marginalized"""""" group.

I'm gay and when I was in my college's LGBT group, I'd routinely get shit for "not acting gay enough". And by that I mean I don't talk with a lisp, I'm not into fashion and I have zero desire to huff poppers and go to drag shows.

People are pushed into being horrible, self-defeating stereotypes. Both by their own kind and by the mass media.

It's also, unironically, something (((they))) push for.


stop pretending that picture exists

I didn’t know New York grades on the Overwatch scale.

I knew it, called it

>be scientist
>get grant money to prove global warming
>somehow all the reports are proving that it exists and should be a concern
>anyone who disagrees isnt published or is marginalized
>this is enough to convince the left that global warming is real

Yeah, it is. And scientists are humans and thus fallible. 100 years ago they were trying to fit dinosaurs and geology into the biblical world flood. There are whole areas of science that are now debunked or out of fashion because consensus and the methods of interpretation changed.

The only sciences that are really immune to such things are the ones so hard that they leave no wiggle room for interpretation. Like physics or chemistry. But things like biology are too fuzzy, too open to interpretation as to why something is the way it is, or why things happen the way they do.

Ok so I guess you're just ignorant of the nature of science. Science is not some inhuman entity that exists beyond our grasp. Science is simply a method of interpreting the universe and as such is as flawed as the interpreter. And humans are very flawed. Lets use an example: Cellular respiration.

Cellular respiration is the process by which glucose is broken down into ATP for use in powering cellular activities. The overall chemical reaction is simple, its just a combustion reaction of a carbohydrate reacting with oxygen to produce water and CO2. But the actual nitty gritty of the system is mind mindbogglingly complex. We only know about 1/3rd of the actual reactions taking place and the rest are unknown or simply guessed at.

So the current theory of how Cellular respiration takes places is literally a bunch of microbiologists and chemists looking at an overall system and the reactions they do know are taking place and making an educated guess about what the rest of it might be. And the guess that the most people consider best explains everything is the one that is the accepted explanation until a better one comes along.

Thats the nature of science and some sciences -like psychology- are far FAR more fuzzy and opinionated than that.

you played your self you fool

>muh grant money
You know you can't live on that shit, right? And
being backed by oil companies has far more wealth than any climate scientist will see in his life.

This is true for a large number of blacks and mexicans in the USA.
its basically crabs in a bucket. see another black kid doing something bettter than you? better bring him down

>The only sciences that are really immune to such things are the ones so hard that they leave no wiggle room for interpretation. Like physics or chemistry.
Given people still throw a fit over man made global warming I don't think that's true

>>You know you can't live on that shit, right?
oh so you're just pretending to be retarded, that's litterally how most scientist make a living you dumbass, Al's to think global warming isnt big business you are out of your mind, go check how much Al Gore made from flying around in a private jet spreading carbon selling that shit


I'm with that except for the whole intelligence thing. Measuring intelligence is highly difficult and IQ tests are hotly debated as to their legitimacy in measuring anything important. Not to mention that there has been evidence of IQ tests designed by Africans having higher scores for Africans and lower scores for whites, meaning that there might be some intrinsic differences in the nature of how different races understand different things.

Go shill for oil companies else where

>But muh Gore
Al Gore is an ex-VP that came really close to winning he's already set for life you retard, he's not even a climate scientist.

>that's litterally how most scientist make a living you dumbass,
Most scientists already have a salary, grant money is needed for research which, surprise costs money to do.

>global warming isnt big business
It is fucking minuscule compare to oil companies.

>npc daily
it's bait retard

>one that is the accepted explanation until a better one comes along.

and how many scientists where shunned and "proven" wrong by consensus alone,
only to be validated later when the works where more popular?

This is nuts. This comedy special would have been par for the course from the 70-90s. Is outrage culture always going to be a thing?

Ehhhh but that's not direct chemistry or physics. That's one or more extrapolations out into chaotic systems with lots of known and unknown variables. Its like how meteorology should be really simple because the way the fundamental forces work is pretty well known. But of course its not simple at all because there are too many factors at work to do anything but give educated guesses.

Western IQ tests are the greatest indicator for success when controlling for socioeconomic class.
I would like to see these african IQ tests though if you have a link.

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>>Al Gore is an ex-VP that came really close to winning he's already set for life you retard, he's not even a climate scientist.
this doesnt chage that he made a fortune peddling green energy
>>Most scientists already have a salary, grant money is needed for research which, surprise costs money to do
where do you think the salary comes from idiot? the grant money pays their salary
>>It is fucking minuscule compare to oil companies
Oil companies like BP are leading the way in green energy. Seriously you are so uninformed I think you're trolling.

G A R idiot

oil companies get fucked im for geo-thermal and nuclear.

but you clearly do nothing but consume shovels full of shit a ask for more.

>IQ tests are hotly debated as to their legitimacy in measuring anything important
only amongst antiwhites and other third worldists who oppose science. iq is the most well supported and vouched psychometric ever



This is how Western Society falls. By allowing the Alpha Tribe a voice to influence the stupid

If you set your feelings aside it's pretty fucking funny

arent black people themselves super racists and love shit like soul plane

>this doesnt chage that he made a fortune peddling green energy
That's cool, imagine how much more he'd make if he'd peddle oil instead.

>where do you think the salary comes from idiot? the grant money pays their salary
That's not how institution works. You already have a salary paid for by the institution and the money comes from the government to the institution that verifies the use of money.

>Oil companies like BP are leading the way in green energy.

>Seriously you are so uninformed I think you're trolling.
Says the oil loving shill

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But everybody hate trannies outside California, the east coast, Canada, western Europe and maybe Australia.

and israel

didn't watch it, quote me a joke from the show so i can determinate if its good?

>Right wing retards think Chappelle is on their side when he hates trannies as though black people generally don't
>Missed the part where he said slaves wrote the constitution

god damn black people are ugly as fuck


Even IN CA, half the state hates trannies.

...solely because half of CA are mexicans, and trannies are no bueno to God's children

why's that so hard to believe?

I'm not gonna say it never happens because obviously it does. Einstein was famously against quantum physics, microscopic life forms were originally called too fantastical to be real, and the germ theory of disease was originally railed against.

However I will point out two important things.
1. For every correct theory that was shouted down only to eventually be vindicated, there are thousands that were actually just wrong.

2. Often times the reason ideas are shouted down is entrenched business or ideological standards. Germs were fought against because it basically placed the blame on infection and illness heavily on unsanitary hospital and surgical practices, which doctors of the time were understandably not very happy to accept.

Data from african IQ tests are also often p-hacked to look worse through the use of different tests, erasure of higher scores, and other data manipulation.

Also no, I don't think IQ tests have proven to be an indicator of success in anything other than test taking and general academic skill. A lot of people with high IQs are good in school and shit in life.

Do you have some hard evidence that High IQ is predictive of general success in life or general higher capacity to function in society? It should be pointed out that Savant, former world record holder for the highest IQ, doesn't think IQ tests are valid measures of anything.

>but you clearly do nothing but consume shovels full of shit a ask for more.
Literally go get fucked by a cactus, no one wants your drivel

literally failing the mirror self-recognition test

>The only sciences that are really immune to such things are the ones so hard that they leave no wiggle room for interpretation. Like physics or chemistry. But things like biology are too fuzzy, too open to interpretation as to why something is the way it is, or why things happen the way they do.
You obviously never heard to physicist talk, they are as undecided as everyone else. Clownworld

>>That's not how institution works
yes it is, they dont hire scientists to do nothing till grant money for studies come in if there is no funding for a study then the scientists are useless, the rest of your post is cope so good luck with that shit for brains

Man-made climatic change hasn't been proven via the scientific method

Based Barkley. There's a big culture against sounding too smart, even among white people. If you make someone look like a fool and use a big word in the process, chances are you'll get slammed for "trying to sound smart". There's a lot of this going around, especially since general internet/twitter culture has rapidly reduced knowledge of proper grammar and vocabulary. People don't like seeing others who are smarter, so there's almost always an effort to drag them down, whether it's for "sounding smart" or "acting white". It's really socially uncool right now to be functional and competent (and white) in this world, so the worst of us will always try to cut down the best of us.

>They see racism all around them all the time, with no real evidence.
Not kidding, I once used the words "black people" and "horrible" too close to each other in the same sentence (even though I was unmistakably not calling black people horrible) and some SJW type got really offended and said I needed to "work on my wording" unless I wanted to be seen as racist. Another instance, I used the world "niggardly" in proper context once and basically got attacked for being worse than Hitler by one SJW who felt that the word was "archaic and offensive and should be banned for sounding like the n-word" and another SJW who just literally didn't even know what it meant and thought I was using some perversion of "nigger".

You should be into fashion, looking good is always key, you just don't have to look like a faggot.

lmao hotep cope. thanks for the journal abstracts that don't go into the actual methods of the study.
>A lot of people with high IQs are good in school and shit in life.
We call those "outliers", and they do not disprove a general trend

My hurt feelings as a proud magakek matter more than actual satire ever will.

>my niggery niggers as a nigger nigger, nigger more than actual nigger ever nigger

Aussie here does that mean that leftist blacks are gonna lynch rightwing niggers and visa versa? Based interbreeding

sources are linked in red

Manufactured outrage to get alt-right program themselves by watching black shows.


The institution pays the scientist his salary, the funding is meant for research you fucking retard. Do you believe everything is a fucking conspiracy to you?


>alt right
And back to polredditleftyland with ya

Attached: norf.jpg (480x360, 23K)

>>the funding is meant for research
yep and part of that funding includes salary payment, a scientist without research funding is a black hold of resources, they produce nothing when there is nothing funding them


You can't live off research money you fucking retard. Otherwise your research isn't going to get any results. How much does your oil barron pay you to suck his cock while posting here? Actually you'd do it for free.

Dumb pseudoscientists mixing up nationality which is independent of race and is purely a societal construct and race, which is entirely determined by genetics.

>>You can't live off research money you fucking retard. Otherwise your research isn't going to get any results.
total delusion, there are stipulations when the money is given about how where the money goes for accountability purposes, that always includes salary, there arent institutions sitting around with an overhead of employed scientists with nothing to do waiting for someone to give them money, that's completely retarded

The grant money give the researchers their employment.
If they don't get grant money then they can't research anything. If they can't research anything, they are useless and lose their jobs.

Based reason poster, dabbing on delusionlets graves.

seething tranny

it's time to admit modern journalists are subhumans that should be exterminated

That just explains what the scientific method is, it doesn't answer anything.

>Often times the reason ideas are shouted down is entrenched business or ideological standards.
Obviously the biggest one here is oil companies fighting against climate change, but the same can be said of environmentalists pushing for climate change for the same reason.
It doesn't make sense why oil companies would do that either. If they knew about this decades ago as people like to say, why not switch and become leaders in green energy for even more profits?

Blessed image