ITT: Films you refuse to watch

ITT: Films you refuse to watch.

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I watched it, it's nice, the romance is cringe, they tease too much and it doesnt sound natural, but overall it's decent, ppl juts overreacted just because it's Armie and Chamelet.

the sneed episode of the simpsons

Great movie to watch with your daddy

any and all of the marvel movies

How the fuck did an old man preying on an underaged boy get shilled so much
Oh wait....

that and basically anything revolving around fags. nothing against them I just think it's gross and dont want to see it.

Afraid it will stir something inside you, huh?

unless it's something that's made purely for marketing or pushing an agenda i don't refuse to watch anything
if i don't like something i just turn it off and forget about it

anything from disney, including marvel

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How can they even fuck like that? It's not practical.

anything with niggers and women over the age of 16

you can't handle timmy's beauty anyway

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The only rational explanation for people refusing to try something is fear.

You're a pussy with a fragile ego, OP. That's why nobody takes your opinions seriously.

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i refused to watch it since it came out and i decided to watch it this past weekend. so glad i didn’t pay money for it

I dropped this 10 minutes in because the younger man is so ugly

>I refused to see a movie based on the trailer and when I watched it it turns out I didn’t like it

Who could have seen that one coming

Any Superhero movie

But what about jokester? Will you make an exception?

Most films with Adam Sandler in.

for me it's Forrest Gump
(you have no idea how many ppl have insisted i watch)

youre missing out, faggot. Its Cameron kino

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omg that scene with a shirtless Max Pirkis on the operating table.......his body was glistening

the original enemy ship was american
i refuse to watch this francophobic american post 9/11 film

Found the closet gays
It's okay boys don't fight the feeling

Go fuck yerself

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He ain’t even cute he’s just some boney Lanklet with a monobrow.

>He ain’t even cute he’s just some boney Lanklet with a monobrow.

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That and Brokefag Gaymountain.

Anything I don't want to watch.

He is being raped by barbarians.

The Notebook. I don't care how hot you are. I'm not watching it with you unless I'm getting a blowjob literally the entire time.

I avoided this watch so hard. In my art college all the women kept creaming themselves over how 'delicate and beautiful' the characters' relationship was. When I finally got made to watch it by a stupid thot I couldn't believe how creepy the gay nonce was. When I made the case that the guy is worse than Kevin Spaceys character in American beauty (which they all surprisingly found VERY creepy), I said they were fetishizing a pedophilic relationship, that they were blind to because it's a gay one - the height of what I'm sure was virtue signalling. Thankfully their lack for seeing the bigger picture of media will get them nowhere in this profession.

>Strictly socially regulated boy-loving, no AIDS
>Sweaty men having groupsex with strangers, AIDS
But they're the same bro totally bro



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