I'm Bottles

>I'm Bottles

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>I used to be a spy

Great movie but the ending is stupid. I mean am I really suppose to believe that one razor is deadly enough to hold someone?

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9/10 movie, 3/10 ending desu

No you're supposed to believe that one corrupt guard doesnt care enough to put his life on the line to save some piece of shit like the beast or whatever his name was

Did I miss whatever happened with that character? They introduce him, and he has a couple scenes, then he's just gone and isn't mentioned the rest of the movie. What happened to him?

He was just a small time leader, money man quickly exceeded him

No I meant how is a razor a deadly weapon?

It's a incredibly sharp tool that could easily slice a jugular vein?

That's what you see in the movie, but it's not. Unless the guard stands there and allow Money to saw the way in, I doubt it would be fatal.

Are you actually retarded?

Try taking a razor to your throat and slice it while pushing down hard
Then at least we'd be spared your dumb fucking posts

It could certainly be fatal, or at least severely fuck the guard up. He never says "do what I want or I'll kill you", he just holds it to his neck and implies that the guard better do what he says or he'll get a razor to the neck.

>No I meant how is a razor a deadly weapon?

>people don't move or react
Stop posting again if you really think he's just going to stand there and let it happen. People move a lot when they're fighting or in danger, no one just stands there in one spot.

only one way to find out user post results to youtube for us I believe you show us your right

>I mean am I really suppose to believe that one razor is deadly enough to hold someone?
Yes. Idiot.

Are American guards like this? So undertrained, especially in a high security area with 23 hour lockdown?

>he thinks when people are in pain they don't move
Stop watching so much movie, brainlet.

>he thinks when people are in pain they don't move
Someone with a raze pressed against your jugular vein could slice it before you managed to pull yourself away. You have autism, you can stop posting now.

>what is grip and force produce
Go back to high school brainlet and stop spouting memes in your arguments.

i'm coon doon harpoon BOOM

>mfw im a square ass white dude whos mom and dad both went to california state prison
Only low IQ faggots go to the pen. Smart cunts stay out.

Bottles was a well written character in this fucking mess of a movie.

He went to the pen because he killed his friend crossing a red light, which that night he drank some wine. It's more like life's unfair.

>im the shot caller now
Dropped movie at this point

He has the razor pressed directly against his neck. I assume you have never used a razor to shave yet since you're so young, but they are really sharp. Sharp enough to slice through your neck with little to no effort. The guard was caught by surprise, and had a razor put to his neck, and even if he might've gotten away if he fought, he wasn't willing to try, because why would he? He submitted since it was the simplest and most sure way to not get hurt or killed. You'll learn when you start shaving with razors in a couple of years.

>"Because he's just like me!"

Do Americans really go to prison for something that was more of an accident than anything else?

I've cut myself with pencil sharpener razors, shaving razors and razor blades.

Sharpener razors are sturdy but not very sharp. Drag it hard and it will make it like 1cm deep.
Razor blade razors are paper thin and very bendy, difficult to apply pressure directly along the edge but if you do then you could slice your arm down to the bone if you drag fast enough. He could open up his neck if he pulled as fast as possible but he's not holding it firmly enough.
Razor blades are firm and very sharp. They'll fuck you up the worst.

>shitty ad hom argument
See Also assuming The Beast managed to stop and kill Money, he'll probably kill or hurt Robert.

Yes, grip is everything in producing strength. Armchair expert like should know if he ever diddly.

Oh yea we do. America has more prisoners than every first world country + China + India combined. Putting our citizens into prison is a privatized billion dollar industry which uses lobbyists to keep stupid laws in place (like lobbying against marijuana legalization) in order to keep the prisoners flowing.

what country are you from so we can hire your highly trained elite prison guards

>this whole thread
late night Yea Forums is awful

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Are you autistic?

It’s almost 9am my friend

Are you? Have you even watch the movie?

It’s 10am dumb mutt

He literally killed the Beast with the same razor 30 seconds after he had the razor to the guards neck. You. Are. A. Fucking. Moron.

I slit europoors throats in their sleep

But you’ve probably never been on a plane so how?

He saw the blade into his veins because The Beast is in one spot, adrenaline-filled strangling him. If you ever had a rush, you know pain is subsided and you're bent focus on achieving your goals.

>the richest country in the world can't properly train their guards housing the country most dangerous criminal
Why house them then? Why not just shoot them and get over it?

Okay, so why wouldn't he be able to do the same thing to the guard? What makes it so unreasonable to you that he could kill the Beast (a much stronger fiercer man) but not kill the guard with the same razor?

In my opinion, if a crime isn't bad enough to deserve the death penalty, then it shouldn't result in prison time at all.


what do you do with all the rapists?

>not giving every criminal the death penalty
Look at this dude.


A fine, but if the rape was violent then death penalty.

It’s not rape if it’s not violent

But what if said criminal had an incident similar to Money?

Positioning, Money will definitely cut Robert's neck but not actually killing him and I argue again that people in a fight or flight response will move a lot, and seeing that Money doesn't have a good grip on the blade, he wouldn't be able to slice his neck fatally. The Beast on the other hand, with the anger previously from Money failing the deal, is hell-bent on killing him.

>passed out drunk rape is the same as beating a woman's skull in then pinning her to the ground and raping her

He was driving drunk, which is against the law.
Death Penalty.
There, it's literally this easy.

Try cutting your throat with one see what happens.

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Like I said that’s not rape

>he missed the point of a moving object

There's an artery there so yeah you can die pretty easily.

That was the ending...

I forgot your superman and can dodge a blade placed against your skin

>he's spends all day in front of his computer that he has become too numb to react when he's in pain or danger

Real question is: how the fuck did they cover up the death of the head AB-guy without the dirty guard getting unmasked?
I watched this and Brawl in Cellblock 99 almost back to back; the latter was way worse in production and execution but managed to entertain me more. It was fucking nuts and stupid

that's solid info but i have to ask, are you better now? sincere question, not trying to be an asshole.

>does america really put you in jail for manslaughter?

someone answer me, how did they explain the body?

Someone answer him please

9/11? Never forget.

Based SCUM user.

>tfw no answer
might make another thread because this shit really bothers me

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everyone puts in work

>thread derailed by fucking austist

how the fuck did he gain control of the aryan nation dudes why would they follow him most barely know him. and where is he getting money to pay off guard.

What happens to anti white man like Antifa in prisons?

Read that most get turned into prison bitches.

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what does the S stand for?

Schutz Staffel

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