Leftists Confirm Dave Chappelle is too Controversial


>TYT literally getting assblasted over Dave's comedy

This shows called damage report but it seems more like damage control to me.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why are they so cringe?

are you a bot?

>ContraPoints: I'm Embarrassed For Dave Chappelle



also Hasan confirms he's a retard by saying he learned about blacks from fictional TV comedy shows

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>Young Turks need to make this thread every few hours for clicks

Is the channel dying?

>one comedian
>destroyed the establishment
pure comedy kino

I bet his dad is even more embarrassed of his faggot son.

No, and anyone who thinks I am is as gay as Contrapoints

>these lisping voices
fucking fags

Oh this is good

>What Happened To Dave Chappelle?


Dave Chappelle has destroyed libtards so thoroughly, it's gotten to the man himself, Chunk Yoghurt

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Seriously, how many times have you shilled their youtube video? Fuck off.


i'm so sick of burgoids talking about politics because their retarded fascism bungles up their entire understanding of the subject

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They’re always saying retard shit. You’re only helping them try to climb out of irrelevancy by posting their shit.

trannies btfo

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>The New York Times
>The established elites' mouthpiece
>Is somehow communist
I mean the jokes write themselves

>rabid dnc supporters
>not leftists
you dont even know what your complaining about, just screeching about the US

Liberals, dems or leftists, they'd still vote for Bernie Sanders at the end of the day

Making fun of them != endorsement

What country, with no freedom of speech, do you come from?

they think scandinavian countries are communist

democrats are not leftists, you utter mong

The DNC is not leftist. They railroaded Bernie.

>the left isnt the left
you people dont have any idea what you're saying

By pretending to be the left, the DNC actually unwittingly gave the real left a platform. Completely backfired in their collective face.

No, it gets annual multimillion injection from corporate Democrats every now and then. It was 16 million dollars right after the elections and YT shoves them into their official videos, so they really don't need views to live.
Makes sense that they are a bunch of socialists.

I'm guessing you didn't watch the DNC debates, because it was just a bidding war on welfare gibs - not a single one sounded sane, not even based Yang.


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okay? despite being a shitty socdem bernie is probably the best chance you simpering retards have at getting actual human rights like the rest of the civilised world. also liberals and dems are the same thing: capitalist cucks. those are not leftists. once again when americans try to talk politics it just becomes retarded because they are just that.

democrats are not left maybe they're not disgustingly far right like american republicans but they're pretty damn close.

they are open-border socialists. How much more left do you want?

They sound insane to you because you are insane. Let that sink in.

Haven't even seen it yet and yet this gif never gets old

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They literally have a shitskin commie on the platform and most of them except Yogurt identify as socialist, you middle class white retard .

Funny how you somehow managed to not mention this though

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>OH NO! We can't give a free $1000 to people because they will spend it all on YACHTS

>they were crypto commies and now the commies have taken over
this is what they wanted from the start, the old fucks just thought they could ride the wave they created but they are finding out the hard way they cant control their own gollum
>dnc is almost far right
Ok I see you're just trolling good job you got me to respond.

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I didn’t say you endorsed them, I said you’re helping them. Just let the roaches scream into the ether like they’ve always done instead of posting them like they’re relevant.

tyt are establishment cog capitalist cuckolds are you fucking serious

also define communist before we go any further. i need to know what your burgoid brainletry thinks is communism.

>i am teenager who reacts to dirty words only
it must be nice to never grow up

>democrats aren't leftists
who let the yurosharts in?
shouldn't you queers be sleeping?

bot thread
hide and filter

Blacks never liked Gays. But this is like that parable by that priest in budding nazi germany.
>First they came for the queers, but I said nothing, because I also hate the queers, because I am black. Then they came for me.

He’s not trolling he’s just a chapo fag or something similar. Anyone not as retarded as them isn’t allowed in the retard club.

holy shit dilate

Do you really think Goldman Sachs-backed Hillary Clinton was a commie? You need to drink that cool-aid already and do the world a favor.

>there are actual chapofags here

as soon as the lid is blown off this disinfo racket, the bots leave

Lol fuck off, yuroqueer

Yea communism for the lower classes while the super rich live above it all. You have no clue what you are talking about.

>I didn’t say you endorsed them, I said you’re helping them.

You're missing the point. There's this right wing talking point about how leftists are woke scolds who hate fun and comedy, and I kinda thought it was a boomer facebook meme until these videos. You can use these videos to argue that leftists hate fun

you are seriously a retard

not an argument

Trump with his anti-free market policies is more communist than Hillary could have ever hoped to be. And YOU voted for him, you commie!

you have literally no understanding of what communism is and now you're going to spout molyneux bullshit. my argument is that you're a retard. the proof is everything you've posted. it's a sound argument.

>dude free market means you have to let other countries rob you blind
ok fag

>comedians arent listening to the audience they're just butthurt!!!
>ignore the fact that the audience was laughing
holy fucking kek

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>I'm a faggot that thinks everyone on here is an immature teenager and I react to animated gifs calling out my faggotry and how my butthole will never be tight again.

You're the type of basic bitch he calls out in his special.

you must be new here because this isnt making your point any stronger

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That's literally what it means. We spread "freedom" around the world. Going to such lengths as to bomb entire countries to bring it to them. And then you will say that free trade =/= free markets. Friedman is rolling in his grave seeing your utter hypocrisy.

>actual human rights
>like being disarmed and paying for african migrants' healthcare

>>Friedman is rolling in his grave seeing your utter hypocrisy.
who cares? other countries be damned not a one of them would lift a finger to help the US in a dire situation so they can go fuck themselves

Except you can’t because that entire network has been mostly blacklisted because they seem too radical even for the other media orgs that has a lefty spokesperson with checks written by one of trump’s biggest supporters.

>Trump with his anti-free market policies
such as?


>I vote on my emotions and claim to be a "rational" voter
Yeah, that is completely out the window now. At least /pol/ back in the day used to have some principles to stand on

What is rational about letting your country go to ruin so you arent called a hypocrite? You seem to be focusing on what other think about you, and you sound like a teenager. I really dont give a shit about appeasing people who will never be satisfied aka the left.

To protect our economy, I don't see a problem with it. Not like the tariffs will last forever.


Can't we just open up state mental asylums and if you can't figure out which gender you are or who you're supposed to fuck we throw you in and throw away the key.

I mean really what have these deranged sexual deviants don for society really,not one thing good.

What they have done is spread aids and all kinds of stds normalized mental illness and worst of all ruined our Yea Forums shows,you can't watch ANYTHING without having this filth shoved right in your face. Who the fuck is that good for?

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He also streams on Twitch aka Retard Central

>also define communist
White, pudgy, carbs addicted middle class lowT cocksucker with iPhone, CheGuevarra lgbt shirt, useless pay-to-win college degree, hatred for working class people and hardon for big daddy government's dick because he brings negative value to the society, and thus needs the fruits of labor of productive people to strive.

Yea, I'm with you, bud. It's fucking ridiculous now. Everywhere you look, there's some more bullshit about queers and their never ending complaints. So goddamn tiresome. Unfortunately, I think it only gets worse from here on out. We've opened Pandora's Box. There's no going back.

Reminder that Lenin and Trotski went to Wall Street tonget the funding for their revolution of ''''proletariat''''.

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You are just repeating talking points from a REALITY TV STAR. You have no views of your own. Stop pretending that you do, you retarded child!

Fuck your free market jew.

When disinfo reaches critical mass, that is when the masses will be most controllable. This is why the internet was created.

why did you wait so long to go full dumbass?

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>Young Turks
Now you are fucking trolling. They are on official Youtube boost list from last May.

Except it doesn’t protect our economy. Tariffs always hurt American businesses. Their only legitimate use is as punishment to other countries. Trump claiming it’s to help our economy is either ignorant or dishonest.

>dumbasses are so far up each others' asses that they actually think they are the ones who are smart

Imagine this level of cope. Next thing you'll tell me that Marx had poor working class roots.

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If any American businesses are hurt by it they are traitors and deserve it. Hire American or die.

Trump is a Russian puppet, so it makes complete sense that he would do this.

there are

Calm down comrade, time to send another 2000$ to Chapo, because the 120 000 dollars per month on Patreon™ is still not enough to start the revolution of suburban and rural reta..err, I mean proletariat.

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we need 20 movies every year forever about the holodomor all with a list actors and directors


>That part where Chappelle was going DUH DUH DUH referring to people in the audience
>TYT took that personally

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Reminder she'll be back, it's not like she got banned

Oh you mean the group run by a genocide denier?
Oh you mean the group that said, and I quote "America deserved 9/11"?

God forbid a comedian makes jokes besides something other than white cis straight males or airplane food.



They expected a smackdown on Trump or something and this is what they got instead

Champagne socialists
Limousine liberals

Fact of the matter is that all this identity politics is just a means of distraction from actual issues.
This shit really kicked into high gear during Occupy WallStreet.
What killed the Occupy movement?
The progressive stack.
The idea that "Marginalized" peoples opinions were worth more than the core groups ideology.
The movement no longer was about "HOLY SHIT THE FUCKING BANKS LITERALLY GOT AWAY WITH FRAUD AND FUCKED ALL OF US IN THE ASS", it became about, well, literally anything else.
And from there the oppression Olympics began.
Pandora's box was opened, but people are surprised that the first Republican that had the majority populations best interests won the election?

I laughed when I heard Hillary call Trump a race baiter.
We didn't open the box.
You can't put the demon back.

There's a 40% chance "she" won't.

Aren't people sick of Trump jokes already?
Seriously, I just fucking turn the TV off whenever a "Late Night" comedy show comes on. There is at least 20 "UH CHETTO MAN IS DUM" jokes every fucking episode for every fucking show for the last two years.
Shits fucking stale.

That's probably why the audience was fucking dying of laughter during the special, they forgot what actual fucking humor is like.

>OP creates clickbait shitpost threads because he knows nobody will actually watch the video and know what they actually said

You people are all suckers.

Do you remember the Bush W era? The only show that I remember that refrained from PRESIDENT DUMB jokes was Simpsons.


What's it like living in a fictional world?

Everyone left of Right Wing think tank talking points is communism in America

irony much

>Aren't people sick of Trump jokes already?

The man is a walking joke, yet people love to defend every stupid thing he does. So clearly the answer is no.

The guy just got caught faking a weather chart (which hilariously is apparently also illegal) with a goddamn sharpie because he was too embarrassed to admit he said something wrong about the hurricane. You can't make this shit up. It's amazing how much of a laughing stock the United States has become in three years.

seething tranny

>Majority of human history we got to cave in this faggots skulls on sight
>born during our darkest chapter
It hurts bros

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>Is a European
>Still worships muhammed

>stop talking about chapelle

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Right wingers aren't funny and Dave Chappelle is probably the least funny of them all. We're not offended by them, we're just very bored.

Who is a funny comedian to you? List three.

Darkest before dawn. There never was that many degenerate, so the hunt shall be bountiful.


i'ma take the bait, dave isn't conservative, he's just not a faggot.

He absolutely is right-wing by modern standards. Hell with the way people are reacting he might even be bordering on far-right.

Again, relative to modern standards. 20 years ago this same show would be considered liberal as fuck.

Which is why his audience score on rotten tomatoes is 99%.
Oh wait.

>audience applauds wildly as the man is dragged away
>distant gunshot!
>hulu.com advertising bubble comes up
Truly a paragon of modern comedy.

It's amazing really.