Yea Forums recommends a movie

>Yea Forums recommends a movie
>it's pure kino

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Yes, it is kino

If you haven't seen Ridley Scott's Robin Hood, I highly recommend it. Some don't like it, but it is underrated. Went and saw it at the theater and its still one of my favorites

For once

Book is even better

This man lies, its shite. I Speak the absolute truth when I say Ridley Scott Robin Hood is completely shite. I walked out and got my Money back

Honestly if a movie is about a bromance it pretty much is instant kino. There is no purer love than platonic love between two men.

Someone here recommended The Guest to me a while back. thanks user who did that

I'll definitely watch it
What are you talking about?
Yea Forums recon,mends almost nothing but kino
>The Assassination of Jesse James
>The Tree of Life
>Knight of Cups
>Barry Lyndon

>no females
We need more movies like this. Tired of seeing these feminist kikes ruin everything they touch.

THANK GOD we stopped a European ruler from conquering the world, instead we are blessed with our current status.

i watched this a few weeks ago due to all the hype from Yea Forums it was very much worth watching.

>I Speak the absolute truth when I say Ridley Scott Robin Hood is completely shite. I walked out and got my Money back
t. fag who wanted robin hood men in tights rather than a story about the magna carta

>Yea Forums recommends a movie
>its fucking terrible
thanks assholes

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Nah that shit sucks just a bad movie

>Nah that shit sucks just a bad movie
how is it bad?
Theres a couple battle scenes and the Lords have to get together to stop France. Its a Robin hood origin movie so naturally hes not gonna be an outlaw at the beginning

ive gotten bad movies more times than ive gotten good ones.

Attached: Children-Of-Men-poster-1.jpg (520x761, 398K)

>Yea Forums recommends a movie
>it's pure reddit

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>the fifth element
I coulda told you it was gay. Ive only seen two parts: when the fat blue chick is singing and the ending. it was bad
If you want a future movie that's not gay AF watch total recall

There's a nigress in the movie, but only for a few scenes as a background character.

Poor taste

>lesser of two weevils
It's just a movie with some dad jokes; that can't be the only reason you like it so much, so why?

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One of the movies Yea Forums was completely right about.